PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, rP.NDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 26, 1916. EIGHT PAGES Mi Alu Kiitier. head of the dot mestV science department of the lo-. fl ( hool. and It. K. Chloupek. head of the manual training, left yeser-, day fi.r J'ortland to attend the stale teachers' convention. i Mr. and Mr )we)l TioKers and Miss Ixla Rogers left yesterday for J'ortland on the fir-t lap of their trip to Honolulu for the winter. Mrs. Charles Kronnlow of 30 .tohn-on street and her sis er, Mrs, Burke of I,os Anvreles were called to 1'onhmd yesterday hy the serious ill nc" of their mother. f'HO, IVc tSpecial.) The following program was pre'en'ej at the municipal Christum tree he! here Saturday evening: Music hy orchestra. Invocation. l.y the aud.ime. "J.y to tho World." Recitations Chester W.irnock, Ze n- I'orn, Esther Cook. Son? by the room. I'.eiitaions Roy liawo', Marian Genrce Keta Thomas, Nan Crary, Jewel Elder. Song Ixirene Woodward, Recitation Elsie Orimnvns. Ale Van TWenter, Pill and Esther. Sons Young Indies' Sunday School Class Recitations Orpha Homeland. Ha lel Pl.ian. Altiert Warnoek. SotiK Chorus by the school. Muic hy orchestra. Recitations FlnydyMafey. William f Wailula wax a p is- the church .-H-rvices by the si hunl all I incoming X. P. tra n at the pi.Mic tree. The basket social given ut the Mol. leiikauf school house on the 2 - lid was a success in every way. The room wa.s nicely decorated, a good program was rendered. The receipts of the evening were JS7. The faithful and efficient service J. P. Owens enprr on the this morning. K. A. l'oe has returned to hi.s home near Milton, accomtanied In his sif ter. Mrs. A. Mechlins. Willard Rond and Harry llcnson of Roiul Hro.., arrived home Ihis morn, ing from a short business visit in Cortland. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Pavis of Thane Alaska, are holiday guests of lr. and j Mrs. C. W. Lassen. Iter of Dr. Lassen. McCormirk. Kone Mildred Cook. Piano Duet Alice Mudse and Ve da Wattenburger. Play Girls' punior Sunday School Class. Christmas With the Darkies. Al fred and Ivy. Quartettes Mrs. J. W. Copplnger, Mrs Wm. W. Essel.ryn, C. S. Mudge. Bryan Rranstetter. Recitation Joe Ramos. Distribution of Presen's. Min E. Simmons of Portland Is vis. ltlng during the holldavs at the hom of her father, J. F. Temple, who is re. covering from a recent Illness. j Reuben Fieokwlth. prominent youns Pendleton musician who has been studying In Seattle for the past sev eral years. Is to appear In recital Fri. day evening at the Methodist church, assisted by Forest Labarre, violinist The affair Is arousing much interest In musical circle. Mr. Beckwlth. who will arrive home tomorrow, will pre sent the following program: Sonata (Allegro) Brahms Mr. Beckwlth. Concerto Mendelssohn Allegro molto appassionato Andante Allegro molto vivace i Mr. Labarre Nocturne. Tip. 9 No. J; Etude, op. 10. No. 5; Scherzo, B flat minor Chopin Mr. Beckwlth Sona'a for Piano and Violin ...... .". Cear Franeit Al'eeTo ben moderate Allegro Al'eirro poco mosso Mr Beckwlh and Mr. Labarre. By a Meadow Brook; Told a. Sunset- Will o' the W'sp McDowell From the "Woodland Sketches" Polonaise MacDowell Mr. Beckwith Legende Wleniawsk Ave Maria Schubert-Wilhelm) Rondino Beethoven-Kreisler Polonaise Vieuxtemp Mr. Labarre Valse in E Mo"kowskl Mr. Beckwlth Love is negotiat ng win the Elks for tne staging of a play to be given un der the auspices tf thai lodge. Lit I'-iande observer. Mr. and Mrs, w, J. ciark and c. M. Rihop of IVmileton were in Portland Sunday. , A delightful four course dinne va s,-ned by Mrs. H. C Craig at her h-iiie. SOI West. Court street on Ohristma-s dav. .Vrs Cralg a -sisted by Mrs. M. R. Yates and Mrs, Mae Marple. The dinner was given in honor of Mr. rsaac Light of Enid Oklahoma father of the hostess, who is spend .ng the win er in the west. The party consisted of four genera tions: Mr. 1. LiEht. Mr. mil vi u Craig. .Mr. and Mrs. J. r Marple. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Yates of Moun tain Home, Idaho, and their son Ralph. Master Ralph being the great Kiand son of Mr. LUht. Floyd Hull, who Is connected wit'.i the l'acifie Power and Light Com pany of Walla Walla, spent the holi days wi'.h friends in Pendleton. Miss Helen Raymond, who is at tending school at Tarrytown-on-tho-Hudson. is spending part of the Christmas vacation with Miss Hester Proctor in Brooklyn. Frank Bertho let of Pasco, who is a cadet at West Point, will visit Miss Raymond at Tarrytown tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gray of Spokane and their small son who spent Christ, mas with Mr. Gray's relatives in this city, are returning tonight to theif home. An event that is causing much pleasurable anticipation among the younger set is the Lambda Sigma dancing party In Eagle Woodman Hall tomorrow evening. The affair is an annual event and is always much enjoyed. Eldred Ireland, a former Pendle i ton man. but now a traveling sales man of Seattle, is spending the holi days with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ellis Ireland. rendered the patrons of our telephone system by Mrs. Jennie Leslie, prompt - i ed them by popular subscription to ! lUt a t'O? SWitchhonrri on thn fhriu.. Mrs. Davt is 'mag (ree w rppi,, the 0,j baru board through which she has work. A. F. Gunther, who is with the ed, Newport Land & Construction Co., re-j Tne Vl)lmg folks attemli? 8cnool turned to Hermiston todav after away from home home, are back for spending several days in the city. ; the holidays; Raymond Wllkea from I O. A. C, Corvallls; Rov Davidson, "DEAD" BABY CRIES . I Eugene, Nell Flock, McMlnnville IN BOX AT MORGUE iLetha Albe' Monmouth; Daisy Mor- i risen, Salem. One of Twins I... u,. ij J. Lewis of St. Anthony's Ida- SHOW PLOWS BUSY AROUND filEACiil Stn'KHAl, liXTlt.V fiAXtiS PIT ( IX OIUrKU TO KKW UAIU JIOAD OPEX. Jlany Pvotl VNt PenUetii and La (irande tt IH) clirinnuas shopiiinK; Other News and Social Not of In tertvtt to the Community. a kUR Fire Sale is over. The salvage has been sold to out-to-town con cerns and will be shipped away at once. IXmnd AUve luu Dies Sou Afterward. NEW YORK., Dec. 23. Mrs Rose Hanuiueo of No. 3U6 East Twetitj -foun;h street, walked into the morgue yesterday morning and gave Acting Superintendent John Moran a small box, wrapped in paper, which she sai.i j contained the of twin daughters born lo Mrs, Mary Worli of No. 31j East Twenty-fourth street. "Both babies died yesterday morn ing and the parents are too poor to bury them,'' she explained. Morgan placed the box on the floor. He had begun to record the ...-.c ...K.,n I M.,p.f 11-11...... X.. . t Burn .11 1 O. .tltl., llMU VII ' ' - .1 . Il.d 730 Second avenue entered with the ! ed a few friends wun a ua.ue . bodv of her threo months old babv. Ccmimercal note. .Monua. Moran was oiiesirioniiiff her when he ! T. H heard a faint cry from the bou week in Portland brought in by Mrs. Brtnunzeo. Ho j ho, was here during the week. Mr. i and Mrs, L. D. Owens v of Wallula. spent Christmas with their parents ait. ana airs, jonn yuesi. Mrs. J. Z. Gains of Milton, is visit, ing her daughters, Mrs. AU'ord Sonde and Mrs. H. H. Hicks, here this week. Mrs. J. N. Sones was out from Pen dleton Friday. Misses Edith Mason and Alio Downer, Cold Spring teachers, left Saturday for a two weeks vacation in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. James Kern niv sending the holidays with their daughters, Mrs. Tom Huuheson. at Lacrosse. Mr. and Mrs. J.1 J. Lewis entertnin- Ghormley left Tuesday -for a quickly opened it and discovered one of the infants was alive The body was rushed into Bellevue hospital. When Mrs. Hanunaeo told Mrs Worli and her five children of the discovery there was great rejoicing. It was short, however, for a reporter for The World called a? the house a: 4 o'clock and told them the second twin had died half an hour before. Mr. and Mrs. f. E. Welch are mov ing into their new bungalow on River Drive. E. F. Averill, district Inspector or the biological survey, will leave to morrow for North Yakima to confer wl'.h H. T. Graves, commissioner of agriculture In Washington state, and Dr. Donahue on the rabies situation Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Macey of Mo Minnville are holiday guests of Mr. Macey's father. Dr. W. c. Campbell. They will remain until afer New Years. Mrs. R. Alexander leaves this even ing on an extended visit to Chicago and New York. At Baker she will be Joined by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Epp'n ger and Charles Eppinger, the four mRking the trip together. HELIX ENJOYS A Fl CHRISTMAS SPLENDID PROGRAMS ;IVKX AT CIlt'lM H SERVICES; TREES LOADED WITH GUTS. m,- u'iilara Caretl! is home from an extended visit In Pendleton with her father. Roy Rice of I-a Grande was in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett King left Saturday to spend the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. King in Pendleton. M. Bryan is home from Caldwell. Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. J, W. King are in Freewater for the holidays. Miss Neva Rlcheson is a visitor here from Cambridge, Idaho. Mrs. A. J. Titsworth and daughter. Helen are spending a month visitinst in Idaho. A. R. Grey was Helix Santa Clans Councilman L. D. Smith is on the sick list, Regina, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Grover, north of town, is quite sick with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Huddleson of Whs hnve a daughter, horn the nn .... ll ,a U nnln ZZ. Mrs. MUtltllWMMI tfii.-.- .-i""-v .MoMonkauf School Hou-e Social I Ghormley. a former Helix girl. Big gum Net Returns Be'.iiir $87 : j Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Smith enter Other News and Social Notes of Hi. ! tained at Christmas dinner Mr. and torest to l!eidints. (East Oregonian Special.) HELIX, Dec. 26. Christmas wis much enjoyed by the usual visits, en tertaining and being entertained. The Mrs. B. H. Schaefer of Walla Walla Mi.- Erna Ru'her, T. H. Ghormley and Earl Ghormley. (East Oregonian Special.) MEACHAM, Dec, 26. The weather all during the past week has been very disagreeable, snowing every du,v. On Thursday nearly two feet had fall en and there was also a blluard which drifted the snow very high at places. On Friday the bllxard discon tinued Its havoc. The rotary and snow plow both worked on Thursday keeping railroad traffic clear. On Friday an extra ang came up from Cayuse and helped dispose of the ac cumulating snow and later an extra gang outfit was set out here to be of assistance. j Mr. and Mr.s. Ren Marlin and Miss j Meda Shrekise went to Pendleton on I Monday to do their Christmas shop ping. I W. B Ross went to Pendleton on : Tuesday to attend to business. On Wednesday those going to La Grande were Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ca i sey on business. Jack Dockweller to ' file on a claim a few miles out of 1 Meacham and Mrs. Alex Thompson, j to visit Mr. Thompson, who is In 1 charge of an extra gang at La Grande. I Mrs. Roy Hawes and Miss Jenny Casey left on Thursday morning to I spend the holidays at their Portland home. Mrs. Ed Welch went to Nolin ot Friday to spend the holidays. Mrs Alex Thompson and son, Ar. thur, went to Echo on Flday to spend the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and daughter. Miss Myrtle Jones, went to Portland on Saturday. Mrs. Jones Is very II), suffering from cancer. Miss Rhoda Mangers and Miss Ruby Hilward went to Iji Grande on Sat urday night to do Xmas shopping, Robert Fagan and Dan Ganger went to Pendleton on Saturday to do Xmas shopping and attend to some business. Misg Rhoda Mangers went to Port, land on Sunday to visit her mother and sister over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Omsby Hager left on Saturday night for Raker to spend the holidays. Mrs A. Collins of l.a Grande came home to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barker to spend Christmas. 4 To Our Patrons i t Bond Brothers 4. Pendleton's Leading Clothiers We will soon be located in our fine, big, new store in the Belts building. Work on it is progressing fast. In the meantime we have made special arrangements to care for all our regular pat rons at our Workingmen's Clothing Store, corner Main and Webb streets. BRF,D FAMrXE THREATENS. ISIENOS AIRES. I'. 2 The trees were loaded wl'.h presen's for fonr of a bread fam'iie incrcnseo in all, befitting the prosperous year. I day with addlons to the ranks of Splendid programs were rendered at I striking nnkorx. A BRAVE SOLDIER UNTIL RAT CAME Herself Away and Wom Onirt-Mnr. tilled. HERE'S LATEST IN BOUDOIR COSTUMES; ANN MURDOCK IN "SEVEN DEADLY SINS" BEING RELEASED THROUGH TRIANGLE EXCHANGE Mr. and Mrs Rufus K. Love arriv. d last night from Klamath Falls. M'. Paul C. Fife of Waitsburg is at th Golden Rule. Eric Johnson came in this morning from Vansycle. F. H. Ryder of Baker, is regisere 1 at the Pendleton. Car Engdahl and his father re turned to Helix yesterday. Harold Benjamin of Salem Height. is a guest of the St. George. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Smith of Helix, are spending the day in the city. J. 3. Salser of Boise and C B. Hay of Hermiston went to Hermiston this morning. T. C. Taylor, former prominent Pendletonian, is up from his home in Portland. tmitiimiMiiiiitiituMtaitiiiitHiiiiiitiitfiiiiiM I UL Freddie Crabb Of Salt Lake City VS. Frank McCarrol Of Pendleton, Oregon. For the middleweight wrestling championship of the world. f?2 65 5 i r -5 IT WILL BE THE GREATEST WRESTLING M MATCH EVER WITNESSED IN PENDLETON. i aiiiAtoilWlMrWHl"""''"-'" i If : li ; trjqv '7 ' s e11" -jl. 1 THE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OF Ik American National Bank EXTEND TO THE PEOFLE OF PEN DLETON AND VICINITY SINCERE WISHES FOR A NEW YEAR OF UN PRECEDENTED PROSPERITY: f1l l W HFEl ii h jBilfif h"T" -ilifr -ii iiri Ik A 7fc iTfQlPTJ? '1'lr n, . I'ARIS, Dec. 26. If a girl bobs her hair and disguise her voice and doni" a poilu's uniform, she may succeed In getting into the trenches undetected, but If a rat, scampers acro.-s her feet when she is talking to a sergeant, sho just cun t help screaming right loud and in a very feminine voice. At least that's what Cecile Hour, dier says. Cecile is a slender, Iires-den-china-like lass of twenty-three and her fiance Is in the trenches somewhere. Cecile doesn't know just where, and she's been court-martialed in her last attempt to find him. She says she won't tell whether she'll try it again, but she admits she Is do ing her level best to find out Just where that regiment is now. Cecile got to Amiens on a plea of visiting a mythical aunt, and toon along a uniform belonging to a mem ber of her family. She cut It down to fit her own slim form, and hid her cropped braids beneath a steel helmet Then she hid away In a motor truck, having smiled at the driver and made him her accomplice. Five miles from the firing line she I quit the track and stumbled through the dark on foot. Finally she found herself In a communication trench leading to the front line works. Shs met a fergeant and told him she was on leave and hunting for her brolher. The regiment had been moved. "Then," she says, "he asked me a lot of questions which I managed to answer without giving myself away, but suddenly a big rat ran across my feet and I couldn't help but scream, and of couse after that it was all off. "First they took me for a spy. But the general was very kind and sym pathized with me. He said for the fake of principle he would have to court martial me. They gave me eight days' imprisonment but you can guesi whether I served my full term." ANN MURDOCK, McCLure Star, in the. neurest thing in boudoir Nifty Knickers Are Newest Thing Worn by the Studfo Set and (Don't Let This Go Any Farther) They're Mighty Handy to Wear Around House, While Doing Dishes and Making Beds Nifty Nickers are all the go Among the set at the studio. They're popular our cook, she wishes, ' She could wear a pair when she does the dishes. She weights 300, she's inky black, If the iceman saw her he'd never come back. Shirley Mason takes the blame for the verse. George Ije Gucre furnish ed the hunch. Ann Murdock wore the nifty knickers. All three, to say nothing of the knickers, are in "Envy" the first of the Seven Deadly Hlns, the McClure series of five reel features. The nifty knickers are the latest things In boudoir costumes. They're specially popular among the studio set actresses, writers, arlisls. (Gee! Joesn't It sound terribly Bohemian?) In "Envy" Miss Murdock plays her self that Is, a popular actress. She had the knickers made by one of the niftiest knicker makers in New York and she wore 'em In the picture. They are purple satin over a lingerie slip. Around her shoulders she wears a robe of printed silk In futur ist colors. The knickers are not necessarily confined to the studios. They're handy for less Bohemian folk whose fkirl Interfere In doing the housework. Your clothes never will get In the wa) of the vacuum cleaner If you wear knickers. And another thing, the defy the most obnoxious mouse. top Your Bath Room Warm and Comfy With One of Our Heater: trom $3.00 up Once used you wonder how you ever got along without it. i Power & Liqht PHONE 40 Pac Company 1 fw wisv'a,tvlr,p -St WOULD JOIN ALI IANCE WITH EUROPEAN POWERS fHORKRT J. PENDER, ... WASHINGTON. Dec. 23. Sccrej tary T,an'lng has made a statement indicating the United S ates may en iter a European all'ance if it enters an International agreement to enforce peace. He said the discussion wns somewhat premnture. He held thit the ITnlled States would naturalk Join the Rou'h American nations and also certain European powers In event an alliance was necessary. A Safeguard Against POOR AI'I'KTITFj IIKAKTHl'HV INIWJKKTION I!I!MOIjSMXS OH M AI.AItIA HOSTETTERS Stomach Bitters 5iMj fclitmili.n iiiiiiilii V'fi Wi H-"Ysfi'irfr SERIALS 0R GROUP STORIES 2 IN I9IT P r Storin npes Storiei tai jilrnly of lm. Action, Lift, Adtailiire, Foa, Pat hoi, latpirtlios. TlteYoutli's Companion will make 1917 a Great Story Year. Besides the Great Serials and 250 Short Stories, there are rare Special Pages for each one. Family Page, exceptional Editorial Page, Boys' Page, Girls' Page, Children's Page, Doctor's Corner, Current Events, Nature and Science, Travel, Information, etc. Everything from everywhere for every one in the family. THE TOOTH'S COMPANION, St ! St., BOSTON, MASS. CUT THIS OUT s" nd send It (or the name of this paper) with f 2.00 for The Com pMiioa for 1917, and we will tend you free A,'s.rN",f!,',s,,," THB free I'nr.siv? -- THEN IJrSKRSffiWS te? SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED AT THIS OFFICE