East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 23, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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    TACZ TCf
American Express Money Orders for Sale Here
UR store will be
closed all day
Marriage License Issued,
A marriage license has been Issued
ti Luther R. Taylor and Clara Ade
lla Zerba.
Buys New Machine,
Oscar Newquiat of this city hug pur
chased a new Studebaker Six, series
IS. automobile from J, B. Knight,
Umatilla county distributor.
Beware Fire Danger.
Owing to the fact the Christmas
business leaves much combustible ma
terial In local stores, Fire Chief Rlu
gold today issued a warning that bus
iness people take prpoer precautions
against fire during the time business
will be suspended Sunday and Monday.
Have you forgotten anyone? Store open late tonight so that Old
Santa can supply his friends in Pendleton at the last minute, in case his
supply runs short.
He too knows that The Golden Rule prices are the lowest and their
qualities are the best.
Turkeys for Employe.
The Smythe-Lonergan company has
presented each of Its employes with
a turkey and a box of apples as a
Christmas gift.
Two Phones, 28
l-Yuicy Ropers Here.
Stanley Whitney, who claims the
championship of Canada, and his
wife who goes under the name ol
Hose Raymond, are here putting on a
fancy roping act at the Alta. Whit
ney is well known in the cowboy
Postofdce Service.
It is announced today by Postmast
er Tweedy that the general delivery
and the money order windows will be
open all day Sunday for the accom-1
tnodatton of the public. There will .
be no carrier service tomorrow ex- j
cepting that all parcels post pack, j
ages will be delivered. Other mall
may be had at rthe windows. On I
Christmas day the general delivery I
window will be open from 9; 30 until
Men's Sots 49c, 69c, 98c, $1.25, $1.49
Men's Silk Ties 49c
Men's Kid Gloves 98c $1.49
Men's Hou.se Shoes 6o, 98c, $1.49
.Men's Bath Robes $2.98, $3.98
Men's Dim Shoe $2.98, $3.49, $.1.98, $4..10
I'earl Handled Knives $1.00, $1.23, $1.49
Scarf Pins 35c, 49c, 69c, 98c
Cuff Milks 2c, 49c. 69o
Men's Hats $149, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98
vnrt r JV
J C ' Penney Co. he. J
Box Handkerchiefs ..Hie, 25c, 9c 49c. 79c, 98o
Strap Purscfl 8o, $1.49, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98
Hand Hags 98c, $1.49, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98
ladlm' Black Silk Hose 49c, 98c
Idicfl' Bath Robes $2.98
Children's Bath Kobes ..98c, $1.25. $1.69, $1.98
lames' House Slippers 69c, 98c, $1.4$
Bed Spreads $1.49, $1.69, $1.98
Huck Towels JiHc
ladles' Corsets 69c, 98c, $1.49, $198, $2.98
823 Main St jj
Seek Life Certificates.
J. S. Danforth of Freewater, J, D.
Harrah of Adams and Mrs. Lillian
Downs Dobson came in to take the
examinations for life teachers' certlf.
leaves. The teachers' examinations
close today with the life subjects.
(Continued from Page l.l
I You
a Its p last claw
rem a scran
of gills for He
nai folks.
fix S)
Pendleton's Quality Store
Z4 S i? &6 2 M "2 $& 2 S fC
To the busy man or to the ladies who have
not finished their Xmas shopping we offer the
service of our store after six o'clock thi3 even
ing and you can make your selections at your
leisure until a later hour than usual.
The season's Gift De Lux
Diamond ring $15 to $500.00
Diamond pendant $15 to $150.00
Royal M. Savvtelle
Hypnotist Arrested.
Dr. H I. Travulete, a hypnotist who
recently appeared In a local theater,
was arrested yesterday in Baker on a
charge of Issuing no fund checks. The
complaint was sworn out at Walla
Walla and he will probably be return
ed to that city for itrial.
Delegates to Convention Named.
President W. E. Brock of the Com
mercial association has named J. N
Burgess, Ft. N. Stanfieid, 0. D. Teel of
Echo and Col H. G. Newport of Her
mtston as delegates to the state irri
gation convention which will meet in
Portland on January 4.
guard, proved a tower of strength, he
being responsible for the majority of
the Athena baskets. The Pendleton
lineups were:
Girls Center, Lalng; side center,
Ferguson; guards. Nelson and Agee;
forwards, Rugg and Mentzer
Substitutions Center, Rogers; side
center, Folsom; guards, Thompson
and Hall; forward.", Flnnel and Cook.
Boys Center, Fit Gerald; for
wards, Casey and Huey; guards, VI
rich and Hargejtt.
Referee, Brooks.
Two More for stanfieid.
Two more representatives are re
ported to have pledged their votes to
R. N. Stanfieid of this city for the
speakership of the house. Represen
tative Ben C. Sheldon of Jackson
county and Representative Frank A.
Rowe of Tillamook county have sent
him signed pledges.
Carload of Aliens.
B. E. Gowan of Eastport, Ida., In
spector for the U. S. Immigration
service, is here today with an alien
who Is ordered deported. He will be
placed aboard the special car attached
to No. 18 this evening which is tak
ing many aliens of the Pacific coa-t
to New York for deportation.
Notice Artisans.
Grand feast and dance at Eagle
Woodman hall, Tuesday, Dec. 26. En
tertainment by the brothers. Mem
bers and families and their friends
invited. Adv.
Wheat Farm for Sale.
710 acres good wheat land In Uma
tilla county. J26 per acre If sold soon
Address P. O. Box 132, Stanfieid, Ore.
Bays Belgian Horses.
E. M. Ackerman, who is running
the A D. Sloan place four miles eat I
of Pilot Rock, has returned from the
Willamette valley with a carload of
purebred Belgian horses purchased In
thajt section. The band contains one
stallion and the other animals are
brood mares. The horses range from
twd to seven years In age and are now
at the Sloan ranch.
Catholic Church.
Masses tomorrow will be at 6. 8 and
10 o'clock. Evening service at 7:3".
On Xmas day the midnight mass will
begin promptly at 12 o'clock (Sunday
night). The bells will ring at 11:30.
All friends are welcome. A second
mass will follow the midnight mass.
Xmas morning masses will be at 6:30
7, 7:30 and 10 o'clock.
The Xmas evening services will be
at 7:30. consisting of Benediction of
the Blessed Sacrament and the sing
ing of the "Adeste Fidelas."
Former Oregon Coach Here.
Louis H. Pinkham. Jr., former star
football player of the Universijy of
Oregon and later coach at the same
institution, was in Pendleton a short
time this morning enroute to Spokane
to spend Christmas with his parents, i
He has been in charge of government
survey work in Arkansas, Louisiana
and Florida.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Nye, who live
near RJtzvllle, Wash., are here today
en route to Stanfieid to Spend Christ,
mas at he home of Mrs. Nye's sister,
Mrs. W. R. Reeves, Mrs. Nye was
.formerly Mis Carrie Pennlck of AJ
am and is a cousin of M. A. Ferguson
of this city.
Many See Ind'an' Christmas
The chapel ut the Indian agency
was packed to the doors last evening
by the audience that witnessed the
Christmas exercise prepared by '.he
pupils of the agency. The prograi.-i
was exceptionally fine and was thor
oughly enjoyed After the program,
Santa Claus, who was Rev. J. M. Co: -nelson
in di gui"e, appeared and dis
tributed candy among the children.
Mrs. Gertrude Rogers and two son
Dean and Llrie, expect to leave in
the morning for Echo and Heppnef
to spend the holidays. Dean will gn
on to Mitchell and Mrs. Rogers ex
pects to visit a few days In Portlanl
before returning.
Killed pt IX-cr, Alleged.
Luke Lane of Mil'on. who ij
charged with shooting a deer out of
sea-son, pleaded not guilty this morn,
ing before Justice of the peace Parke
and his trial has been set for next
Thursday morning nt 10 o'clock. He
Is represented by S. D Peterson. It U
alleged 1'hat Lane killed a deer which
was being raised as a pet by Fred
Delinquent Voters Notified.
County Clerk Haling is today send
ing out notices to all registered voters
i in the county who have not voted for
two years to the effect that unless they
I report their residence unchanged
within the next ten days that their
! names will be stricken from the regi
' ter. There are between UOo and
I 1200 of those registered voters who
, have not voted for two years.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Purington of
Burns arrived today to spend Christ
mas with relatives. Mrs. Puringon
is a sister of w, C. McKinney and Mr.
Purington Is a brother of Mrs. S. A
A good many of the local teachers
will be out of town during the hnll
days. Supt. and Mrs. A. T. Park and
son, Adelbert, will leave tomorrow fot
Portland where Supt. Tark will at
tend the convention of the state edu
cational association later in the week.
He is to give a paper before the asso
ciation. He expects to return next
Miss A rile Rouanr.oln of. the Lin
coln school will spend Christmas at
her home in Freewater but the other
Lincoln teachers will remain In the
city. Miss Ethel Rodgers and Miss
Ethel Freeman will visit In Spokane
and Davenport. Miss Vesta Cutsforth
will spend the holidays with relatives
in Oregon City and Miss Shaw of the
Washington school will visit her sis
ter at Coquille, Ore.
Miss Marjorie Williams left todaj
for Portland to spend Christmas with
her mother.
Mark Mays, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.
F. Mays, returned this morning from
Corvallls, where he is attending the
Oregon Agricultural College and will
pass the Christmas holidays here.
Methodist church Friday night, De
cember 29. Mr, Beckwlth has been
studying under Reslgarl and Krinke,
two Seattle masters, the past two
years and Is fald to be one of the fore,
most young artists In the northwest
Prof. La Barre is a Seattle favorite
violinist. This will be the first pub.
lie concert of Mr. Beckwlth before a
Pendleton audience.
Optometrist and Optician
Glasses ground
and fitted. Lenses
American National Bank Building,
Mike Estes, Frank De Mint, Chas,
Hooper, Glenn Bean and Roland An
drew, well known young men of Wal
la Walla, are here to attend the danc
ing party this evening.
Harvey Honovan, Frank Fuglt and
Joe Woods arrived home this morn
ing from Portland where they have
been attending the North Pacific
Dental College. They will return to
school after the holidays. j
Roy Temple, Raymond Wilkes,
Harold Maloney, Emll Slebert, Clair
Myers and "Cap" Mentzer, all last
year's graduates of the Pendleton
righ school, arrived home this morn
ing from Corvallls where they have
been attending O. A. C.
Miss Nora Harvey, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Harvey, a student it
Oregon Agricultural College arrived
in Pendleton on the early morning's
train to spend the Christmas vacatloa
Alva Bott, son of J. A. Bott, Is In
Pendleton to spend the winte with
relatives. Young 'Bott has been in
Idaho for the past year.
To the
Wholesale Trade
Get our prices before you buy 5
Wa have a full line of Apples in cold storage room.
Can furnish Salt in carload or L C. L lots.
Agents for "Bran New" and other products of
Wm. Roesch Bottling Works, also for Hood River
and Kansas City Cider.
Phone 17:
An elaborate musical program has
been prepared for the midnight mass
at the new Catholic church Sunday
Miss Daphne Graybeal of Twin
Falls, Idaho, will arrive this evening
to be a guest during the holidays of
the Misses Edna and Thelma Sallng.
Mrs. Lee Gard and daughter of
Dayton, Wash., are house guests over
the holidays of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Brown. Mrs, Gard and Mrs. Brown
are sisters.
Pendleton music lovers are looklm?
forward with much pleasure to the
concert of Reuben Beckwlth, pianist
of this city, and Forest La Barre, vi
olinist of SeaMIe, to be given at the
The house Is considered one of the most desirable from the stand
point ( f comfort, appearance, arrangement and location In the city
The following are some of Its featuies.
Situated on elevated corner, 100x100 feet, facing south-east Ex
terior concrete blocks, shingle gables and roof, stone foundation. Two
full stories and attic. (Attic makes upstairs cool in summer). Full
basement with fruit room or cellar. Large front porch commanding
fine view. Screened-ln back porch. Seven large, airy rooms (4 up
stairs, 3 besides reception hall down-stairs). Plastered and calcimlned
throughout. Bath room, modern fixtures and good plumbing. Large
linen closet. Four clothes closets, cedar-lined. House cool in sum
mer, warm In winter. Exceptionally well lighted and ventilated. Hot
air furnace, registers In every room. Solid oak and tile fireplace In
living room. Out-door sleeping porch or balcony. Kitchen, white en
nmel woodwork, built-in cupboards and tables. Wood and food eleva
tors. Wood-shed under front porch, coal bin In basement. Both lots
under cultivation, splendid soil. Trees, shrubbery, vines, roses, etc.
Cement sidewalks and paved street. 6 blocks from Main St. Bridge
(Cor. Jackson & Lincoln Sts.) 3 blocks from Matlock St. Bridge and
Round-L'p Park. 2 blocks from Lincoln School. Good Neighborhood.
Price $5,500. See E. T. WADE.
II. A. M. ElM-ts Officers.
I Pendleton Lodge No. 2.3. Rovcl
Arch Masons, last evening elected the
following, officers for the ensuing
year: s. A. Newberry, high pries,';
Thomas Rolierson, king; Kara H. For.
shaw, scribe; George Tonkin, captain
of hosts: Edmund Mable, secretary;
R. Alexnnder. treasurer These of il
cers and the newly elected officers of
the blue lodge will b Installed Jointly
at a meeting to be held December 2,'.
American KtiweHS Gives Bonus.
Not to be outdone by the P. T. A
T. Co., or 'he Western Union, the
American Express Co. has als an
nounced that It will give a generous
bonus to Its employes as a Christmas
m-nsent. MflnnKer R Parlett of ths
local office this morning received a I
message from the superintendent stat-'
Ing "that all employes who had been j
with the company a year or more will I
receive a full month's wig as a
Christmas bonus.
NOTICE! a Chance to Save $75.00 If You Huny
Owing to the advance in all material the Buick Motor Co., are com
pelled to advance the price on Model D-Six 45, $75,
to take effect January 1 , 1917
NOTICE! We have on hand two D-Six 45. If deposit is made before
Jan. 2 these two cars can be had at the old price $1 1 75.00, after Jan.
2 that will cost you $1250. There will be no change in model.
Oregon Motor Garage, Inc.
117, 119. III. 123 West Court St.
Telephone 46S