PAGE FlVn TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1916. Motion Picture News ALTA THEATRE Ml d Tc::ir0i7 THE WORLD FAMED THE GREAT TRAVELUTTE SOHV FEATURING THE KING OF HYPNOTISTS" The Man Who Set the World a "Ufin," and Company. I 15 PEOPLE ON THE STAGE IS What the Picture Theaters Have to Tell yon. "JaffcrV With (A Aubrey Smith anj Eleanor Woodruff, Pastime Today. For the last time today the Pastime Today Is presenting the international fea ture, Jaffery." a pretentious six act offering featuring C. Aubrey Smith and Eleanor Woodruff. The ploture INTERNATIONAL FILM SERVICE PRESENTS is taken from Harold Locke's great 66 AETOY" novel and Is very Interesting and pleasing. In addition Sellg Athletic Pictures showing world champions In sction is also on the program. i i v x v w am 4. "it 3 I S Ml V. 6 ACTS 6 111 C. AM SMITH and DfNOM WOODRUFF AdulU 15c IN ADDITION, SELIG ATHLETIC PICTURES. COME EARLY Children 5c LOCALS (Kb Advertising in Briel BATGB rr lint flrat luaertlon lOe lr Hue, stldltlonal uuerttoa. . . Ac Per line, er month tl.WI No locals taken for leu tuaa 2bc t'ouut 8 ordinary word to line. I.oralt Kill not be takn over tb tflleiihtine eirept from Kaat Oregon Uui paid up subscribers. Furnished apis. Hamilton Court. The Kilarney Girls are coming. For rent Sleeping and light house, keeping rooms. 60S Willow street Man and wife want work on ranch or will consider anything. Tel. 442. Wanted Team for Its feed for light work. Apply 117 Grange street. Furnished house for rent on north side. Inquire Baker Furniture Store. For rent Furnished housekeeping rooms, 401 Aura. Tel. S08W. The Knights of Columbus will pre sent the Klllarney Girls soon. Wm. Ooedecke auto for hire. Phone 289M. Slangier Cigar Store. Tel. 464. I haul your garbage and trash. Phone 553M. 1403 W. Railroad St. For rent Furnished rooms for gentlemen. S T. this oftee. If your chimney or furnace needs cleaning call I. C Snyder. Phone 3 SIM, Kllarney Girls will soon be here at the Oregon theater. For rent Large, well furnished front room, heated with sleeping porch. Phone 36W. All kinds of pretty Christmas gifts at the Episcopal sale and dinner Fri day, Dec, t, In the Falling building. Call Pcnland Iiros. van to move your housnhold goods. Telephone 339. Also baggage transferring and heavy haul ing. Watch for the Kilarney Girls. They we coming soon. Prompt automobile taxi service, day and night Funerals to cemetery only I3.D0. Phone 680. Hotel St. George. Carney Taxi Co. Pendleton Hair Dressing Parlors, Pendleton Hotel building. Phone 45. D. B. Waffle auto for hire. Phona 284M. Stand. Charles Co., Phone 7. Barley too high for feed. See Bly densteln, 117 E. Court phone 35 for oats by car lots. For sale or rent l-room modern house on Locust Hill. Easy terms, Ralph Folsom. For sale Toung cow and calf. Ad dress Mrs. Peter West, Pendleton Oregon. For sale Bight-room house, hot water heat. Inquire Uuford Butler at Otto Hohbach's Bakery. Lost Ono Presto tank between Pendleton and Echo. Finder please return to Fraslcr & Gertson, Pendle ton, Ore. Lort Three keys on ring. Finder please return to East Oregoniun of' flee. , Lost Iarge, white Parisian cat Reward If returned to 810 Vincent street Furnished apurtment. Mrs. Fried ley, 109 Water, Main street block. Phone 614 J. Don't forget tho Baptist Ladies' Bazaar and cooked food sale at Brown's furniture store all day to morrow. The Episcopal ladles will serve a chicken dinner, cafeteria style, at 11 o'clock, Dec. 8, in the Falling build ing. Christmas sale In connection. Don't buy until you see the cottage at 115 E, High street. Everything new. Furniture If desired. If you are looking for a home at a bargain see Mrs. Reber. House for rent, SIC month, range, beds, chairs and dresser for sale cheap. Call at SOS Franklin street. Classes now lorrmng in clarinet saxophone, cornet and trombone In struction. Pupils wanted. See Cal Malone, (II Thompson street. Mattress making, furniture repair ing, upholstering, called for and deliv ered, city or country. La Dow Bros., 219 Beauregard. Phone 227J. Rooming house for sale. Main street, in center of business district. Doing good business. Inquire of Pen land Bros. For sale Five room House, east Court street Desirable location, close to school. A genuine bargain. For particulars address R. C. Jory, Man pin. Ore. Chicken pie, pumpkin and apple pie with whipped cream at the Epis copal dinner Friday, Dec. 8, in the Falling building. O. W. Hooker, florist and Oregon Journal agent, now located at 623 Main street, next to Conroy's Gro cery. The Journal delivered any where in Pendleton, 6.1 cents a month dully and Sunday. Autc Stage. For Adams, Athena and Weston eaves Hennlng's Cigar Store at 10 a a. and 8:30 p. m. each day.. Adv. . Female Help Wanted. You can make 830 weekly selling Numud Facial treatment, 60c pkg. 1-J profit. Box 403, Oakland, Cal. Adv. Attention Royal Arvh Masons. Several candidates from Milton and elsewhere will receive mark and pas. master degrees Friday, Dec. 8th, 7 p. m. C. E, ROOSEVELT. (Adv.) H. P. Notice. There will be a meeting of the .'mallla County Good Roads' Asso litlnn at the Pendleton Commercial Club rooms Saturday, Dec. 9th, at 2 p. m. D. H. NELSOX. President. (Adv.) J. O. HALES, Secretary. Conroy s Teieplione is 64 And He Deliver Groceries Right to' Your Door for Let Money Than the Other Stores ! SPECIAL FOR A FEW DAYS Dozen 25c BANANAS Oranges, dozen 40 and 50 Lemons, dozen :. 30? STANDARD CORN STANDARD PEAS STANDARD BEANS STANDARD TOMATOES CAN 1Q& New Prunes, 3 pounds 25 New Raisins, package 11? New Walnuts and Brazil Nuts, 2 lbs 45 Snyders Catsup, 2 for 45 Log Cabin Syrup for less than wholesale price, quarts 42$; ft gal. 70t; gal $1.35 Blue Karo Syrup Vt 8al 30J; gal. 60 Red Karo Syrup Vi 35 ; gal. 65 Macaroni and Spaghetti, 5 lb. box 40 Wheat Land for Sale, One of the best quarter sections for wheat in Franklin Co., Wash. AH level, deep, rich soil. All fenced Small house, six miles from R. R. warehouse. Perfect title, 20 per acre. Terms to suit. Will consider a good auto in part payment. Re ductlon for cash, or Its equivalent. A snap for quick sale. H. S. Shangle, Milton, Oregon. Adv. Homo Cooking, ut the Golden Rule Cafe. All white help. Regular meals 25 cents. Adv Free. At the Boston Clothing Store, a beautiful 3200.00 Talking Machine See it In their window and learn par ticulars. Adv. IWm at German Hall. Saturday night, December 9. Best of music and good time is assured all who attend. Adv. Wheat (1.00 Per Sack and Up. Have only a few hundred sacks of this damaged wheat left Call at H W. Collins warehouse near O.-W. R. A N. freight house. Adv. Notice. Want to know the whereabouts of Mrs. B. F. Barritt that goes by the name of "Luttie Rose," daughter ot Mrs Sarah C. Snyder, and my little girl, Rosalyn June Moore, 6 1-2 years old, who goes by the name of "Roay." Last heard from in Helix, Oregon, May 29, stating that they would leave for New Tork. Don't know at present what name Mrs. Barritt goes by. W. B. Moore, Box 84, Chlcka" sha, Oklahoma. (xokcd Food Sale ami Bazaar. All day tomorrow by the Baptist ladies at Brown's furniture store. Adv. Japan Uilxir shortage. TOKIO, Dec. 8. War time pros- pi rity has brought Japan an actual labor shortage and given a strong im petus In. the union labor movement. Coolie labor was very cheap recently. Now almost all Industries are sending agents throughout the provinces seek ing men. Conditions have stopped the talk about foreign expansion. Wages are rising rapidly. The government prohibits ihe or ganization of labor unions but the home office permits collective bar gaining. HKtTSCIIIiAM DIE TO WAV. XEW Yt'RK, Dec. 8. The IH'utsoll. land i due in Bremen today. Word of her safe arrival Is anxiously awaited. Madison Square Garden Sold. NEW YORK. Dec. 8. Madison Square Garden was auctioned to the New York Life Insurance company for two million dollars. Only one bid was made. Designs New CIoaR A v j, ' I W-x nil i -iWMritil Fannie Ward, Laaky Star, In Para mount Pictures. The latest fashion design to comi from Fannie Ward is herewith pictured It is beautiful even when worn by I leaser star than herself and bids fall to be one ot the cloaks talked abou this season. B. H- SOTHERN MAKES MOTION PICTURE WBH Et. H. Sothern, the world's most famous actor makes his debut in mo tion pictures In the Vltagraph Blue Ribbon Feature, "The Chattel," which is the attraction at the Pas timbe on Sunday and Monday. Mr. Sothern was born at New Or leans and Is the son of the late E. A. Sothern of "Lord Dundreary" fame. He was educated In England and following his father'g footsteps he appeared first in Boston in a play let called "Brother Sam," which the elder Sothern was producing. He then played with the late John F McCuIlough for a season, later going to London and appearing in produc tions there. Returning to the United States, he toured the country in a repertoire of plays, following which he was seen repeatedly In New York theaters in various plays as leading man, mostly In romantic dramas. In 1899 he became co-s'.ar with Julio Marlow, under the direction of Charles Frohman, which was practi cally the beginning of his career as a Shakespearean star. Beginning about 1906 he was under the direction of ihe Schuberts. His industrious career Included several European tourg and also many revivals of his earlier successes. The three motion pictures In which Mr. Sothern appears for Vitagraph. of which "The Chattel" Is the first, will form his last public appearance. When he is through with his work at the Vitagraph Mr. Sothern will retire I to private life, taking up his abode in England with his wife, Julia Mar- i Jowe. Startling Feat to Be Staged Tonight and Saturday. "Migh'ty Bush'e," one of America's foremost escape artists, a member of the great Travelutte Company, will attempt, and to attempt with him means to succeed In escaping, from a regulation insane stralghtjacket whi'o suspended by his feet head downward from a height of about 90 feet in front of the Alta theater. This Jack, et Is the same as used In the large asylums throughout the United Stae? for the rearlction of the dangerous in sane and will be on exhibition In front of the Alta theser all day. Saturday afternoon Dr. Herbert I Travelut'e will present his much talk ed of blindfold automobile street drive. Starting In front of the Al ta theater at 4 o'clock he will be blindfolded by a local committee. Then he will enr his car and drive over the same course previously driv. en by a committee of local men and produce an article hidden by them any place in your city. At tho Alta. As a harum-scarum child of na ture, light-hearted and carefree, Blanche Sweet will be seen at the Al ta on Friday and Saturday in the thrilling Lasky production of "The Storm," a Paramount Picture. The scenes of this unusual drama were laid in the Main woods and Miss Sweet is seen as a daughter of an absent-minded, retired old professor. How sho walls in love a cloud Is cast over her life, only to be dispell ed by the man her heart desires 15 unfolded and explained in an intense and Interesting manner. Miss Sweet is surrouned by a cast of famous players, headed by Thom as Meighan who recently scored such a success as leading man for Marie Doro In "Common Ground." and who is one of the most popular of the Lasky players; America's leadins character an'or, Theodore Roberts, and other members of the all-star Lasky organisation including Rich ard Sterling and Chandler House are also included In the case. Itiar Bluebird at the Cosy. When Jerry Marston found a real poppy on lvs desk one evening, he knew that he had been marked fot death by Hop Li's tong Years be. fore Jerry had played a crooked bus iness trick oi Hop LI, and in tempo rary reprisal one of the Mara'on twins, then an Infant, had been kid napped. When the red poppy came to Jerry he knew his end was at hand and fright stilled his weak heart He. was stone dead when Alvin Mars'on. with hs bride, Just back from ithelr honeymoon, entered the room and found the old man In tho chair where he had Just expired. Reared with hatred of the Marstons In hll heart,, "Chang," the kidnapped twin, who had been raised as a Chinaman by Hop LI, now began further repri sals, and In a series of exciting epi sodes, fraught with mystery and ad venture. "The Sign of the Foppy," te be exhibited at the Cosy tonight only In Bluebird photoplays will con clude the story. "The Pillory at tho Temple Tmlajr and Tomorrow. In olden times the woman who vlo. lated fe moral code was rlaced In a public p'llory as a warning, unmind ful of the sayings of tho gentle Na arene who they professed to follow, who once said. "Let he that Is with out sin cast the first tstone." The ancient pillory of the market place has passed, but in Its place a new one has been erected more cm. el and unrelenting than Its predeces sor the Pillory of Social Op'nlon. This ts the story of the modern pll- A Laugh Every Minute, with a little touch of mystery. An attrac tion with out equal. ," ... '; . : '. . .. ' :..... ,' ,. -. ' . .... .- - " ' . ... ... ; ......... , I. ; ........ ,-, ... . . . .. ' ' " 1 - ' '' V" " .' ";V .." , - ; H .,' t ' . 1 'I : i . r ".;.. v. ' : '. ' i .- - - See the local boys hypno tissd and im agine they are great speakers, cir cus speilers, skirt dancers, buck and wing dancers, bron cho busters, etc. THE BIGGEST SHOW EN TOUR OF ITS KIND; EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTIONS. The Mighty Bosh'e, America's foremost escape artist, who will escape from an in sane straight jacket, while suspended by his feet from off the top of a high building in front of the Theatre, 6:30 Friday night , COLLINS AND LEE, CLASSY SINGERS AND DANCERS. Big time act. Watch the Finish. MILANO AND DELL, REFINED NOVELTY MUSICAL ACT. 3-hour program; 2 shows per night to accommodate the large crowds who will want to see this large attraction. Doors open 6:30. Performance starts 6:40. Sec ond show starts 9:00 o'clock promptly. ADMISSION 25c AND 50c. JESSE L. LASKY PRESENTS THE EVER FRESH AND PLEASING inclie Sweet in "The Storm" By BEATRICE A. De MILLE. Mbs Eweet in a role singularly suited to her talent and experience. The play borrows no little strength from the participation of the accomplished screen favorites, Theo dore Robert and Thomas Meighan. 1 lid fi TONIGHT "The Sign of the Poppy" A Powerful Modern Dratria in 5 Acts In Addition to This Feature "UNCLE SAM AT WORK" IF ITS GOOD YOU WILL SEE IT AT THE COSY lory of a young girl living In th country, kept in ignorance by her aunt and her mother because she had loved not wifely but too well. With her aunt's death she goes out intt the world plus a meagre pittance soon exhausted and m inis a knowl edge of the grim existence she ! de stined to battle with. Through her In. nocence fhe becomes the tool of some crooks and Is arrested. There she meets the Angel of the Prison, who proves to be her mother, now hippily married to a judge. She is adopted without the mother revealing her se cret to her daughter or her husband. Then the companion of the dead aunt who believes that the guilty should be punished no matter how much they have atoned for their sin---, journeys to the city, and in the mid t of a ball denounces the mother and reveals her secret to the husband and the guests. The judge will not for. ir-va nn,l mother and daughter g3 away together and strive t forget bv working among the slums to c-enen. Humanliy. Later the Judee, relent ing, seeks her to forgive but arrives too late. The Pillory has released U victim for the gentler care of th-J Higher Judge. "The I.lght That FUJled,"' O'ming to the Temple. Robert Edeson who stars in tlm rathe Gold Rooster play, "The Mght That Failed," to be shown at the Temple theater Thursday and Fri day. December 24 and H. wa- born In New Orleans and educated Is Brooklyn. When eighteen years old he became box office clerk at the old Park theater, Brooklyn. On a wa ger, he took the rant of an actor who became suddenly ill and made his stage debut In "Fascination.". He first starred In the drnmatliaMon of Richard Harding Davis' "Aildlem of Fortune,'' at the Savoy thea'er. New Tork. THEATRE Jas. B. Welch, Mgr. E Last Time Friday Pathc Presents Florence LaBodie -IN- "le A Gold Rooster Play in 5 Parts. Produced by Thanhouser. A COMEDY THAT IS A COMEDY "LUKE'S PREPAREDNESS PREPMIN" Adults 15c Children 5c l!