TEN TAGE3 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. QSECON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1916. 'HMt(l('Mt'?f5l,t1M!)f'IMMI!l(ll!HM!!M (iiiliiHI;iiH4nht.iiltii(HihHiuiuMiiii MtMii!inmnn"ti'M,iHMMi!'HU'!Hinn(f::t' .illiiiillilMii.iliflliifhiittifliiiiiiKliHh.liiit! M'M! lI'MIMMIMHIi' ItiliifUhiiuUtiljilih GUM SHOOTS FROM RAILROAD TRUCK CAR jTi rwrirn'fri -ittiiiiiiiiiiwii mm i a inini.eL.imimiymijjj.inii mitmuwinM. juiui p.litii.filjl.hiUiiit 2 Safety Convenience Comfort in shopping are only to be ex perienced by shopping early. You can't shop best in the rush of the last few days. 3 f 3, tt : i I i.M, iTT. , it' 83 3 i i f V ft 1 I . If r ' I f l ' MM 1 v. c ' f THE IDEAL GIFT For the Coming Season TEA POTS WARMING PADS MILK WARMERS WATER HEATERS VACUUM CLEANERS WASHING MACHINES LIGHTING FIXTURES FARM LIGHTING PLANTS EVEREADY FLASHLIGHTS ELECTRIC IRONS PERCOLATORS CURLING IRONS SHAVING MUG ' GLOW STOVES GRILL STOVES XMAS TREE STRINGS Charlie Milne 635 Main St. "MAKE IT AN ELECTRICAL XMAS." A Worth While Investment A Savings Account with this bank, which afford unquestioned protection for your principal and a steady income return of 4 componded twice a year, is a more sat isfactory investment than any speculative venture no matter what returns it may promise. , An investment which entails worry and uncertainty is never wdrth while. We invite small as well as large deposits. WOH VOTERS A CAUCUS . I). Ill MIS IS RENOMINATED I'OK MAYOR AT MEETING MONDAY XI(;IIT. ('. 1. Samuel Named fur (Hy Record er, T. V. Erarier for Treasurer. ('. J. McKctizic and T. C. Hewitt fir t'oiiiH-Umcn Oihrr Notes. i 4 tflkrIl' i t - y "" " r- - i - m a THE HOST -0 ? PRACTICAL OF j ALL Gins 3 j Si (Kant Oregoniun Special.) MILTON. Doc. 7. The Milton vol- era assembled In the Alliance hall Monday night for the nomination of the city mayor, recorder, treasurer. two councilman, and also to vote on what to head the ballot. ('. 1). Hubhx was renominated foi mayor; ('. R. SamuelM for city record er; r. r. Fruitier wan nominated for treasurer; C. J. McKenzie and T. t Hewitt were nominated for council men. The election will foe December 12. There will also be two nmend. ments to the citv conctitullon to he voted on. One is. that the city let the county sheriff collect the taxes so there will not be any controversy and they will correspond with the county tuxes. T1u ballot will be headed tin "t'iiiicns Ticket." ! The Voinen lodae of Milton held a 1 business meeting Monday night for ithe flection of lodxe officers. Thev Were as follows: Mr. Arthur i i. Hall elected foreman. Carl Hicks, maste o:' ceremonies; Mrs. L. B. Kicker, cor resjiondent, and L. H. Kicker was el ef ted chaplln. The rest of the officer of the lodge will be" appointed. The Milton-Freewater schools had an Interiiasslc debate which was woi by the Sophs and Seniors. The Fresh men were acalnst the Sonlis and th, Juniors against the .Seniors. Both teams put up a good fb;ht. The san teams won this that won last year. Few men would trouble themselves to look for work if they didn't nwd I the money. BODY IS A Electrical Christmas gifts nre both useful and orna mental and their novelty adds to their appropriate - nfiss. ' Here are a few suggestions from our varied assortment. Electric Iron, Percolator, Curling Iron, Washing Machine, Toasters, Grill, Heaters and Numerous Others. FREE A 40 Watt Lamp with each ap pliance purchased during this week. Everyone is giving "Something Electri cal" this year and your dealers displays are unusually complete and attractive. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT CO. "ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE" tiff PHI II f tIMil .KVKItVONK TO IHUXk fii.vss i' mrr watkk bi- l'XKK BItKARFAST. Just as coal, when It bums, leive.; behind n certain amount of Incomhus. sihlo material in the form of allies. so the food and drink taken day aft er day leaves ln the alimentary ca nal a certain amount of indigestible material, which if not completely eliminated from the system each day, becomes food for the millions o bacteria which infest the bowels. From this mass of left-over waste, toxins and ptomain-llke poisons are formed and sucked Into the blood. Men and women who can't get feel-ing- right must begin to take insido baiha. Pcfore eating- breakfast each morning drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of lima stone phosphate in it to wash out of the thirty feet of bowels the previous day's accumulation of poisons anJ toxins and to keep the entire alimen. tary canal clean, pure and fresh.' Those who are subject to sick head ache, colds, biliousness, constipation, others who wake up with bad taste, foul breath, backache, rheumatic stiffness or have a sour, gassy stom ach after meals, are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phos phate from the drug store, and begin practicing internal sanitation. This will cost very little, but is sufficient to make anyone an enthusiast on tho subject. Remember insido bathing Is more Important than outside bathing, be cause the skin pores do not absorb Impurities Into the blood, causing poor health, while the bowel pores do. Just as snap and hot water cleanses, sweetens and freshens tho k'n so hot wafer nnd limestone phos phate act on the stomach, liver, kid neys and bowels. t i ? lt '"'Z "ii :'". i - ' 'r" ftJi -' ' . V; - TJ'v 1 ?x -. r ' z AU A ft" if 33 This miBhty gun of 270 MM., set running into the town, and these up in potion near Verdun, is thVcould not hauj in supplies and am fina,l proof that the French have so j munition fast enough. Tho Germans prepared their defense there that they had secretly built sixteen roads. But never will be driven back on thir j since the French have progressed front of the war. When the Ger- far they can shoot from their rail mans began their attack on Verdun roads ii has become evident they have there were only two French railroads every means of transportation. J s 'I Buy that Electrical gift or household necessity during America's Electrical Week, Dec. 2 to 1), when the stock is large and complete, and when you may get your full share of the salespeople's time. A fine, large stock with attractive prices makes this universal week of boost and prosperity the logical time to purchase things electrical for yourself, and for Christmas-giving. CALL AND SEE THE NEW STORE Electrical gifts for Christmas displayed for your easy selection. in Pendleton. The largest line ever shown J. L. VAUGHAN Electrical Store. 206 East Court Street ELEC1BXCA1 YBEK Dec - Dec 9; IMMIGRATION FROM WESTERH ASIA IS PR0BL1 SAYS COFtlMISSIONER WASHINGTOX, Dec. 7. The strong probability of a vast move ment of Immigration from western Asia to the United States within the nest few years should demand atten tion in advance, according to the an nual report of Commissioner General of Immigration Caminettl to congress today. This movement was just commenc ing and was temporarily stayed with the beraking out of war, says the re port, but it is only a question of time when it will begin anew, when doubt less the history of previous large im migrations will be repeated. Immigration from eastern Asia, says the report, which has been one of our most serious problems for years, has not yet been solved. Mod ifications and additions to the pres. ent immigration laws to cope with this oriental invasion, are urged. A provision to the Burnett bill, which has already passed the house and been reported favorably by a senate committee, is suggested as an Ideal solution. The fact that no person of the Mon golian race, no matter how long his residence here or devotion to our country and InsUtutions, can ever be come a citizen, while a Mongolian "by accident' of birth here" may become such ln spite of adherence to the cus toms and ideals of the land of his people, is an inconsistency which de tracts from the dignity of American citizenship, in the opinion of the opinion of the commissioner. Regarding the necessity for exclud ing aliens on "economic grounds." which question has been before the judicial and legislative branches of the government, the report says: "It is Just as desirable from the point of view of the committees af fected, that an alien shall become a public charge because, he cannot find a job in which h,e can make a livin?, so it is that he shall become a public charge because he is of poor physique or in ill-health or a cripple." During the fiscal year 1914 aliens to the number of 1,218,480 migrafed to the United States. In 1915 the to tal dropped to 326,7000 and in the past year only 29S.S26 entered the ALL LIVESTOCK IS REPORTED STRONG PORTLAND, Dec. 7. There was a rather liberal run of swine in the North Portland yards overnight and the trend of the trade is showing strength around former quotations of J9.65i?i 9."r for extreme top quality. General hotf market: f Prime heavy- weights $9.70 ff 9.75 Prime liKht weights 9.55W9.65 r.ood liKht weights 1t.40ST9.5rt Medium weights 9.25 JT 9.35 Hough heavy, 8.00 f 8.50 Cattle Trend Is Strons- Stivnmh in the cattle market at North Portland is pronounced with only a nominal run in the yards over- iii;ht. The sale of fancy stuff at the start of the week around J7.2a ami en littler, indicates that the de mand for re:il good quality is Keen. General cattle market ranee ime heavy steers me liKht steers . . (iood steers dliim steers rdinary steers Common steers Pri Prii . $7.00fff 7.25 . 6.50 i 7. OH . 6.25JI6.40 , 5.75 41 6.25 . 5. 00 (fi 5.50 . 4. 25 fi 4.75 Cattle Jack Appleton, Deer Island. 1 load. Sheep J. Wamson, Lyle, Wash., 3 loads. Mixed stuff H. H. Taylor, Vader. Wash., 1 load cattle and hogs; Cutford Bros., Orvais, l load cattle and hogs: McMahon & Frum, Halsey, 1 load hogs and sheep: Phillippl & Decker, Hubbard. 1 load cattle and hogs; F. B. Decker. Silverton. 1 load cattle and hogs and sheep; Burdick & Kavanaugh Turner. 1 load cattle, hogs and sheep. country. Increase of the medical force for the examination of Immi grants Is recomended, a more "Inten sive physical examination progress shown by experiment rejects a great er percentage of those unfit for ad mission. The service has been particularly active in the past year, according to the report, In combatting theevils ot "white slavery." PTosectfions were Instituted in 86 cases and 70 convic tions secured. The corresponding figures for 1915 were 66 and 53. Cough Medicine for Oiildren. Mrs. Hugh Cook, ScoUville, N. T., says: "About five yearg ago when we were living In Garbutt, N. T.t I doctored two of my children suffer ing from colds with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and found it just as represented in every way. tt promptly checked their coughing and cured their colds quicker than anything I ever used." Obtalnab!e everywhere. Adv. Science would confer a great boon en humanity if it should isolate the germ of greed and find its antidote. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured ith LOCAL APPLICATIONS, u tliej rannot reach the seat of the diseue. C tarrli is local disease, greatly influeacec by constitutional conditions, and in order t cure it yon must take an Internal remedy Halls Catarrb Cnre la taken Internal!; and arts thrn the blood on the moconi snr faces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Cor was prescribed by one of the best phyalcl ans in this country for years. It Is com posed Of Borne of the best tonics known comhincd with some of the b8t blood purifiers. The perfect combination of th ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Care It what produces such wonderful results in catarrhal conditions. Send for testimonials, free. P. 1. CHENEY k CO.. Props., Toledo, O All Drinrgists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. "ASM.tsfn Cvery Drop' Cet a can today from r'our hardware or K ro tary dealer. Notice of Rids for Concrete Sidewalk, Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder at the City Hall In Pendleton, Oregon, up to December 13th, at i o'clock p. m., for the con struction of a concrete sidewalk on the south side of lots 7 and 8. block 47, Reservation addition to City of Pendleton, on the north side of Webb street ln said city. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this tnd da7 of December, 11. ( THOS. FITZ GETRALDi City Recorder. Call for Bids. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned up to t o'clock p. m. December 6th, 1911, for the purchase of improvement bonds aggregating $724.05, dated December 1st, 1916, being improvement bonds series 4 of the City of Pendleton, Oregon. Each bid must b accom panied by a certified check for J104, payable to the order of the Mayor o said City, the same to be forfeited t the City If the bid be accepted and the bidder fails to take and pay for , the bonds, but to be returned to tha , bidder If he be unsuccessful. No M3 , will be considered for less than par and accrued interest, and The City of -Pendleton reserves the right to reject., any and all bids at Its pleasure. Dated this 23rd day of November,, A. D. 1916. THOS. FITZ GERALD; City Recorded IX POIXD. The following described an'n.al has , been taken up by the Marshal ot th.. City of Pendleton, to-wit: One bay mare with suckling colt, weight about 1000 pounds, branded on left shoulder, not visible; age about 11 years. If said animal is nut clained by the owners or these entitled to its possession, costs and expenses paid and taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock P m. of the 18th day of December, 1916, the said animal will be sold to the highest bidder, at uublic miction fn cash, at the City Pound, 212' West "ebb Street, in said Citj of Pendle ton, the proceeds of snch s:i!r to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making sale. Dater this 6th dav ...f December, 1916. T. B. GURDANE. City Marshal. Prime rows 5.. 5ft 6.00 Prime heifers 5.75 iff 6.15 Good cows 5. 00 fi 5.50 Ordinnrv cows 4.00 si 4 3.005T4.25 4.50(ji 5.00 4.00(ir4.25 3.00 W 3.50 7.00 6.00 Si 6.50 5.00 df 5.75 t'onitiion cows Prime hivy bulls . Good bulls Ordinary bulls Pesi lifflit calves Ordinary calves , Poor calves Mutton Market Very Stronsr. Sales of small lots of lambs of fancy quality were shown in the North Port land yards at $9.50 during the morn ing, making a new high record for the season to date. The trend of the mut ton and lamb trade is very strong. Carload lots of fancy lambs would ensily bring $9.25 at the moment, al though small lots may bring the ex treme price secured during tho morn ing. Genera! mutton and lamb market .Select spring lambs $9.00 f 9.50 Ordlnarv lambs 8.75f 8.96 Pest yearlings 8.00 f 8.50 Good to common wethers. . 7.25 iff 7.50 Best ewes 6.50 Si) 7.00 Heavy to common ewes .. 4.00 ST 4.50 WcdnoMlay livestock Shlm'ers- Hogs F. B. Ferguson. Amity, 1 load; K. T. Clark, Dayton. 1 load; C, P. rTenibree, Monmouth, 1 load; J. M. McFadden, Shedd, 1 load; A. B. Cook, Ballston, 1 load. CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y lyg I ATTORNEYS. I FI XER XL DllIFCTORS. BEXTLEY & MONTGOMERY, REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. 815 Main street. Phone 404. JOHN V. HUFF. ATTORNKY-AT-Law. Room 5, American Nation al Bank building. AVCTIOXEERS. COL. W. F. YOHXKA, AUCTION eer, makes a spcialty of farmers stack and machinery snles. "The man that gets you the money." Leave orders at East Oregonlan office. RAI.EY & RALEY, ATTOREXYS AT law. Office in American National Bank Building. SECOND HAND DEALERS. j J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STOR51 j Funeral director and licensed em I balmer. Most modern funeral par- lor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 63. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Collections made. Room 17. Schmidt block. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NEW and second hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest place in Pendleton to buy household goods. Come and get our prices. 219 E. Court street. Phone 271W. AIICHITECT. RAYMOND W. HATCH, ARCHI tect. Despaln Building. Phone 768. Pendleton. Oregon. . DOCTORS. DR. P. A. ROB PRACTICE L1M ited to the eye. ear, nose and throit. Hours 9 to 12 and 2 to 6, and by ap pointment. Suite 21. Judd Bldg. MISCKLLAN EOIS. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY DK criptlon for county court, clrcul' court. Justice court, real estate, etc tor sale at East Oregonlan office. FEB & FEE. ATTORENYS AT LAW. Office in Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Offioe ln rear of American National Fank building. JOHN S. BAKER, FVNF.RAL Di rector and licensed emb.iliner. Op posite postoffice. Funeral purlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Phone 75. MONTANA FARM LANDS. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORN EW AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware company. FETERSOX & BISHOP, ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooma 7, s an.! 9, Despaln building. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAIT WAY Lands In eastern Montuna at 13.50 to $18 per acre. Suitable for farmlna or graaing. Easy terms. For Infor mation write or see W. E. Holt, Milne City, Montana, FREDERICK STEIWEIl, ATTOR ney at law. Office In Stnlth-Cruw-ford building. & A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law. Office In De spaln building. MlSCKLLANEtH'S. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS No tice Is hereby given that there wilt be an annual tneutinir nf th atni'k. I holders of the East Oregonlan Pub lishing company on Wednesday, De cember 6, 1916, at 4 o'clock p. m at the office of said company in Pen'lle- I ton, Oregon, for the purpose of elect jlng officer for the ensuing- year. C S. Jackson, president; U D. Drake, secretary.