HGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OSECCX WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1918. PAGE Slip a few Prince Albert smokes into your system ! You've heard many an earful about the Prince Albert patented process that curs our bite and parch and lets you smoke your fill without a comeback! Stake your bank roll that tt proves out every hour of the day. Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality I There's sport smoking a pipe or rolling your own, but you know that you've got to have the right tobacco! We tell you Prince Albert will bang the doors wide open for you to come in on a good time firing up every little so often, without a re&ret! YouTl the national joy smoke feel like your smoke past has been wasted and will be sorry you cannot back up for a fresh start. You swing on this say-so like it was a tip to a thousand-dollar bill ! It s worth that in happi ness and contentment to you, to every man who knows what can be gotten out of a chummy jimmy pipe or a makin's cigarette with Prince Albert for "packing"! THB Prises 1 A . J. IETX0LDS TOBACCO CO, TfclitfflMrtvtnw Irt at Lb. v Albert tidy rd tin. nd la fact, vry Prtnc Albert package, hat real meiieB-to-wm on Ite reverse tide. You'll reed: Frocene Patented July 30th. 1907." That mean. that the United State Govern ment hae a ranted a oatent on the proecas br which Prince Albert la made. And by which tongue bitm and throst psrch rm cut out! livery - where tobaccolaeoidyou iinno Prince Albert awaiting you in toppy red bait. 5c: tidy red una, 10c; handaome pound and hall-pound tin humidors and In that clever cryata glase humidor, wub pong mo.atantr top, that keep the tobacco in auca fine conditio always 1 f2 Santa Clans H&s! Headquarters 5?? The best and largest assortment of Toys, Dolls and China Ware, both European and Domestic makes at the lowest prices. &0 Corner Main and Court Street. Remember, young man, thut a little encouragement during leap year 1 a dangerous thing. A man's headache seems a lot worse when he had no fun acquiring It, TURN HAIR DARK WITH SAGE TEA VP -M1XKI) WITH SUiPIHJIt DAKKKNS SO XATl'KALLY NOHODY CAN TKVL. IT Gives you the pleasure of actually playing the piano Not merely to make music but to give you the pleasure of playing the piano is the purpose of the The old-time mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded tialr is grand mother's recipe, and folks are again using It to keep their hair a good, even color, which Is quite sensible, as we are living In an age when a youth, ful appearance Is of the 'greatest ad vantage. Nowadays, though, we don't have the troublesome task of gathering the age and the mussy fixing at home. All drug stores sell the ready to use product, improved by the addition ot other Ingredients, called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound" for about 60 cents a bottle. It is very popular because nobody can discover it has been applied. Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morn ing the gray hair disappears, but what delights the ladies with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, Is that, be sides beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications, it also pro duces thnt soft lustre and appearance of abundance which is so attractive. This ready-to-use preparation Is a de lightful toilet requisite' for those who desire a more youthful appearance. It is not Intended for the cure, mitiga tion or prevention of disease. TUanualo The Instrument You were Born to flay You play the Manualo through the pedals in the same sense that an artist plays it through the keys. Just as he secures musical effects by giving his feeling full sway in the fingering, so does one at the Manualo secure equally intimate effects through the instinctive expression of his musical impulses in the pedal ing. The Manualo is controlled from the pedals as from the keys. It is a piano to you who cannot play by hand as to those whose fingers have years of training. Come in and try it. We arc proud to sell it because it is a product of the House of Baldwin. Several styles and prices. ' We AIso Cany SiigIi Famoas Hakes cf Pianos as ni'sn A LANE KTUITZ TORE FARRAND MAMITVrOJf KOniiEIt WEnnEn IIAMjET ft DAVIS NETZOW CONWAY KIMRAIJi GRAND CAMPBELL Also the Following Famous Player Piano: WERNER MOPELLA FARItAND CONWAY 8TROHBER, AND OTHERS. EDISON DISC, VIOTROLA AND COLUMBIA TALKING MACHINES. f aubr in use GLASS OF SALTS CLEANS KIDNEYS IF BACK IlVlVrS Oil BLADDER BOTHERS YOU, DIUNK LOTS OF WATER. 814 Mailt Street Telephone 534 When your kidneys hurt and your back feels sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and irritate the entire urinary tract Keep your kidneys clean like you keep your bowels clean, by flushing them with a mild, harmless salts which re moves the boy's urinous waste and stimulates them to their normal ac tivity. The function of the kidneys la to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from it 600 grains of acid and waste, so we can readily understand the vital importance ot keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots of water you can't drink too much; also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a (ablespoonrul In a glass of water before breakfast each morn ing for a few days and your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice combined with llthla, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; also to neutrallce th acids in urine so It no longer Is a source of Irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts Is inexpensive; cannot ln lure; makes a dellghtrul effervescent lilhla-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean and active. Try this, also keep up the water drinking, and no doubt you will wonder what became ot your kidney trouble and backache. 13 Daily Chats With the Housewife By Ida Weils, Oyster Cocktail Turkey Gravy Dressing Mashed Potatoes Sweet Potatoes , Creamed Cauliflower Cranberry Jell Celery Fruit Salad Plum Pudding, Hard Sauce , Coffee By Madfrtine Burge). Grape Fruit Bouilllon Roast Turkey, Dressing and Gravy Sweet Potatoes (Southern Style) . Irish Potatoes (Mashed) Cranberry Sauce ..Asparagus With Drawn BuMer.. Combination Salad Mince Pie Nuts and Raisins By Esther Narkaua Celery Peach pickles Roast Turkey, Giblet Gravy and Bread Dressing Mashed Potatoes Sweet Potatoes Scalloped Oysters Cranberry Molds Nut Bread Butter Hot Mince Pies Coffe Mint Candies' NEEDLEWORK NOTES. Many of the new workbags that can be made of silk or cretonne show cords, instead of ribbons, with fring ed tassels ae a finish. When the lower portion of a flounce wears out, do not throw away the underskirt; buy wash ribbon or silk braid and after cutting the worn part, bind the edge and let down the skirt by adding a yoke at the top. Boudoir caps are good gifu for young, girls. A new embroidered sort la made In the style of a Dutch cap, with the embroidery ln Delft blue or In black, on a sheer white muslin ground. ' SMART GLOVES. Velvety mochas are fashionable. New washable glace gloves of straw color have black cuffs and black stitching. Brown and tan shades are the vogue In glace, suede, kidakin ani mocha. Gloves with Vandyke pointed bands at the top are another of the season's smart novelties. Heavy embroidery in contrasting color, or solid black distinguish many new gloves. When Oatmeal St To clean saucepans thoroughly after cooking oatmeal will them with boiling water, empty and then fill with cold water and the oatmeal will almost fall away from the sides of the Baucepans. THREE INCHES OF SHOW AT ECUS ITXERAL OF H. II. ROBERTS HELD YESTERDAY AT 1:30 O'CLOCK. Eugene Smith Vlxting From Seattle Other Ncvtn and Social Notes of the Community. (East Oregonlan Special.) ECHO. Dec. . About three inches of snow fell here yesterday afternoon and then In the evening changed al most into rain making it quite dis agreeable underfoot. IT. H. Roberts, who died in Pen dleton on Sunday evening was buried here at 1:30 p. m. yesterday from the M. E. Church. Rev. John Cook preached the funeral sermon. Mr. Roberts was a well known farmer who resided about seven miles east of Echo. He leaves a wife and six children. The body was lain to rest in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. K. R. Ware formerly postmaster here was down from Pendleton yes terday visiting his Echo friends. Eugene "Klondyke" Smith is here from Seattle on a short visit. He is looking after his farm and live stock interests. Mrs. W. A. Jones spent Monday In Pendleton. Mrs. Palmer left Sunday for Se attle on an extended visit. She was accompanied by her two younger children. . Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rich ards on Monday a baby girl. J. F. Young of Pendleton is visiting in Echo this week. James Aaron left Monday for his former home at Rainier, Ore., where he expects to spend the winter. Le Savely was a week end visitor in Pendleton and returned home Monday. Frederick Ptciwer was a business visitor here the first of the week. Director de Luxe 1 if "--. I i ' "''V ' i i ?N ' ii I x A : f ;'' . i : t 1w v jJ 1 I' ' ' ,1 is 4 : I v' " J I , y j I . 3 J. E. Hale of Heppner arrived here the first of the week and is at pres ent with R. R. Lewis & Co. W. J. Furnifch was in Echo Sunday while on his way from Portland to Pendleton. Mrs. Alice Hays was here on Mon day from Pendleton on business and pleasure combined. MR. CASEY BROKE HIS t XOSE. 4 t 1 tiftA?j;rcfot -HAavWK' A broken nose for Eddie Casey the Harvard football star, was the lajst souvenir of the eastern college foot ball season of 1916. He received this injury in the annual same with Yale. a game in which Yale showed its Don't Worry Secil B. DeMille, Managing Director v Production For the Paramount Pre gram. The name DeMille hag been famed A theatricals for many years. Th entire family has given worth while things to the stage. But It has been for Cecil B. DeMille, director of pro luetlous for the Paramount Program, to add most materially to the fame of the name DeMille. Bis every produc tion during the past two years at the Lasky studios has been proclaimed a luper-productlon, and hll "Cheat." Carmen- and "Marie Rosa" are cred ited with having no equal. about your sdig'estive troubles, sick headache, tired feeling or constipation. The depression that induces worry is probably due to a disordered liver, anyway. Correct stomach ailments at once by promptly taking BEECHAF3'S PILLS They aid digestion, regulate the bile, gently stimulate the liver, purify the blood and clear the bowels of ail waste matter. Safe, sure, speedy. Acting both as a gentle laxative and a tonic, Beecham's Pills help to Right The Change in Schedule The following is the change in the schedule of arrivals and departures of the mails on the PILOT ROCK-UKIAH ROUTE. October 16 to April 15 Leaves Pilot Rock daily, excecpt Sunday....at 8 :00 A. M. Arrives at Ukiah by 6:00 P. M. Leaves Ukiah daily except Sunday 4 ...at 8 :00 A. M. Arrives at Pilot Rock by 6:00 P. M. April 16 to October 15 Leaves Pilot Rock daily, except Sunday, on re ceipt of mail from Pendleton, but not later than - 12-:00 ML Arrives at Ukiah in 10 hours. Leaves Ukiah daily, except Sunday at 4 :30 A. M. Arrives at Pilot Rock by 1:00 P. M. To take effecft November 27, 1916 Eldridge Livery and Auto Line Pilot Rock, Oregon. Isuperiority over Harvard first time in several years. for the STBMARIXE TAKES A -MOVIE" OF SHIP IS IS SKXDIVG DOW Frenchmen Put on smile for Berlin- ers to See, Says MembT of crew.' PARIS. Dec. 5. How six members of the steamer San Bernardo, bound from Philadelphia, had moving pic tures taken of them on board a Ger man submarine Jus before their ship was sunk by the under-water boat, Is related by one of tho crr-w hi th Temps -today. When the steamer blew op a mov ing picture operator on the brldg t the submarine took 'ft picture of th proceeding. As for the egg dealer who said'. "This is the broker's year," he may be quite right. It takes a good deal to jar the populace out of its ac customed attitude of patient receptivity. Doctor Says Nuxated Iron Will Increase Strength of Delicate People 200 in Ten Days la many Instance Persons have raftered untold agony for years doc toring for nervous weakness, stomach. liver, or kidney disease or some otoer ailment when their real trouble was lack of Iron iu the trfood. How to tell. NEW YORK, N. T In a recent discourse Dr. E. Sauer, a well known specialist who has studied widely both in this country and Europe said: H you were to make an actual blood test on all people who are ill you would probably be greatly astonished at the exceedingly large number who lack iron and who are ill for no other reason than the lack of iron. The moment Iron is supplied all their mul titude of dangerous symptoms disap pear. Without iron the blood at once loses .the power to change food into living tissue and tnerefore nothing you eat does you any good; you don't get the strength out of it. Tour food merely passes through your system like corn through a mill with the rollers so wide apart that the mill can't grind. As si result of this con tinuous blood and nerve starvation, people become generally weakened, nervous and all run down and fre quently develop all sorts of condi tions. One is too thm; another is burdened with unhealthy fat; some are so weak they can hardly walk; some think they have dyspepsia, kid ney or liver trouble; some can't sleep at night, others are sleepy and tired all day; some fussy and irrita ble; some skinny and bloodless, but all lack physical power and endur ance. In such cases, it is worse than foolishness to take stimulating medi cines or narcotic drugs, which onlj whip up your fagging vital powers for the moment, maybe at the expense ot your life later on. No matter what anyone tells you. if you are not strong and well you owe it to yourself to make the following test. See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of or dinary nuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Tbeo test your strength again and ses for yourself how much yon have gainedi. I have seen dozens of nervous rut down people who were ailing all the time double, and even triple their strength and endurance and eaUrere get rid of their symptoms of dyspep sia, liver and other troubles Is team ten to fourteen days' time simply by taking iron in the proper form, an . this after they had In seme- cases beeiv doctoring for .months without obtain., ing any benefit. You can talk as ysta. please about all the wonders wrought by new remedies, but when yon com . down to hard facts there is nothing . like good old Iron to put color In youp cheeks and good, sound, healthy fleb?, on your bones. It is also a great . nerve and stomach strengthener and . the best blood builder in the world.. The only trouble was that the forms of inorganic iron like tincturw . of iron, iron acetate, etc., often ruin ed people's teeth, upset their stom achs and were not assimilated audi , for these reasons they frequently i more harm than good. But with the..' discovery of the newer forms of or. ganlc iron all this has been overcome-. Nuxated Iron for example, is pleasant. ' to take, does not Injure the teeth and. Is almost immediately beneCk&A. NOTE The manufacturers of Kux. ated Iron have such unbounded con fidence in its potency that they n thorize the announcement that they will forfeit (1000 to any charitable In stitution if they cannot take any ma or woman under sixty who lacks iron and increase their strength 20 per cent or over in four weeks' time, pro vided they have no serious ergania trouble. Also they will refund your money in any case ln which Nuxated Iron does not at least double your strength in ten days time. It is dis pensed in this city by A. C. Koeppen & Bros., and all other druggists. 1 ft Fine Stock and Dairy Ranch LartMt Slim of Anr Medkin in the Woild. Sold xwrwhar. In bote. lOc.. 2.V. 10S0 acres near Ritter. Ore.; rich loam; 400 acres practically level balance sently rolling- fine pasture, including 200 acres fine timber: 150 acres cultivated: abundance Eod water; lots of fruit; well Im proved, pood fencing, irood I-rwra house with cellar, 1 barns and numerous out buildings; R. F. D. and phone; 3-4 mile goijii school; will include 2 wagons, mower, rake, drill, 4-see. steel harrow, binder and other machinery. Ranch adjoining government reserve. ThW is one of the very best prepositions in the state, tee it. Price, if taken soon $15,000. Terms JiOfO cash, balance 5 years 6 per cent interest. CARL H. EWRY PIIiOT ItOCK, OKEGOX. 2 2 . s-v- s. iiw a, ViVLViU. SOE30I a IOE30I X0E30I xoc: IOCS GENERAL SIM FOR SUE 4k m0m 7 vV V Owner wants to retire and will sell good paying business cheap. Lo cated in good stock raisins section, close to Pendleton. Whole thing goes; store building, t room dwelling. 5 lots, stock runs about $00. Price for all $6000.00. Cash or banlable notes. Must be sold at once MATLOCX-LAATZ INVESTMENT CO. i o o IXSITJAXCE 'IC30I S3Q 1 12 East Court St. ItEAL KSTATE IOC301 I-O.IM8 ioao ,3 liriiiiHi!iitiiiiiiiii!iittiiiitiiiiitii!iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii'iitiiii'. NOODLES, CHOP SUEY, CHINA DISHES I 1 GOEY'S KWONG HONG LOW V Vl-r A W 116 Wett Alt St., UpiUin.' Phooe 4AJ skUiuininimiittiuuuuminnniunuiiiiiiiiiuuuiiiiiiiuiiuiiiuiinniiitNuiuiffii t