nSIIT VACT3 DAILY EAST OrGONIAM, riDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMEE3 6, 1316. THE MOST IMPORTANT TELEPHONE IN PENDLETON 11 iJUiL I your guarantee- for pure, healthy meat. Why pay more and take chance. Downey With Dean Tatom Co. long Kong Gafo aT NOODLE PARLOR! Noodles AND Chop Suey Outside Tray Order a Specialty. Boze for ladle od gentlemen, OPKN DAT AND ALL NIGHT Meal Ticket, St Meal for $1.00 Sptelal Chicken Dinner Sunday 543 Main Street Naxt to . 0. BUI. Paona ! ttOtf Big Ranch Renters ii Who wilt buy GOOD WHEAT LAND on term low than rent? I HAVE 1495 acre, all fenced, 97 per cent under cultivation, only one mile from Town, fair building, good well, $1000.00 Cash and $4680.00 per year. 1120 acre, all fenced and 98 per .cent under cultivation, 8 roomed house, large new barn, good well, 1-mllea to town, and high achool. $6000.00 cash, and $3600.00 per year; both r blar money makers, and can b farmed together, a they Join. AUo a (mail ranch, easy terms. D. NEWLON, Lexington, Oregon. uIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIII I Si Room I Rift Goods I E RECEIVE OCR SPECIAL 5 ATTENTION. Wt are at all time equlpp- S d tn auDDly your need at S 5 shortest notice with practical s first quality rubber gooaa 5 We cell the famous adver- S tled "Kantleek Robber g E Good and guarantee utmost s s J In. S TaUnhAnt order from TOO. 2 E your nurse or phyilolan r- S celve our Instant attention, s E Deliveries ar prompt and g ZZ comet E Glv u a trial 1 Tallman & Co. 1 Leading DrutfMti fAMTtn 1 Market HIS! DRAW A HOIST ClOTri THROUGH i IE ITS BEAUTY THY TIHS! HAIR GETS THICK, GLOSSY, WAVY AM) BKU'. TIF17; AT ONCE. Immediate? Yes! Certain? that's the Joy of It. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and ap. pears as soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young girl's after a Danderlne hair cleanse. Just try this moisten a cloth with a little Danderlne and carefully draw It through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or excessive oil, and in just a fe?: moments you have doubled the beau ty of your hair. A delightful surprise awnlts those whose hair hat been neglected or l scraggy, faded, dry, brittle or thin. Besides beautifying the hair, Danderlne dissolves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, purl. fles and Invigorates the scalp, forever stopping Itching and falling hair, but what will please you mont will be aft er a few weeks' use, when you will see new hair fine and downy at flrst-ye but really new hair grow ing all over the scalp. If you care for preMy, soft hair, and lota of it surely get a 25-cent bottle of Know: ton's Danderlne from any drug storo or toilet counter and Just try It. Favorite sons for 1920 consumption are coming out of their shells unusu ally early. At least a doien already have been nominated for the presi dency by their philanthropic friends. D REDPIMPLfS All Over Face. Itched Very Badly Until Could Not Sleep. In About Two Months HEALED BYCUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "My trouble began by blackheads and little red pimples which came under the skin and then Uiey came on the tap and were In spots all over my face. They Itched Tory badly until I could not loop and when I scratched them they would bleed. "I heard of Cutlcura Soap and Ointment and I tried them. I would drain my face with hot water and Cutlcura Spap and apply the Ointment, then wash It off with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. ' tn about two month my face wa healed." (Signed) Miss Elisabeth Hyler, 358 W. North Temple, Salt Lako City, Utah, July 21, 1915. Sample Each Free by Mall With 33-p. Sldn Book on request Ad dresi pout-card "Cuileun, Dept. T, Boa ton." Bold throughout tin world. Mrs. Alyse RoG-Cilrist PHYSICAL CULTURE AND ELOCUTION. Hotel Pendleton. THI OLD RCLIABIE' it mm remedyformeu AT Y0UH DRUnGIST. BLACKHEADS TWO PEuDLETOII L1EI1 PIED FOR ALL STAR EASTERN OREOGH TEAM Captain-elect Earl Snyder and En och Frledley, veteran linemen of the Pendleton high school football team were selected on the all-star eastern Oregon football team picked by Ted Ludlam of La Grande, former Mult nomah club star, who officiated in nearly all of the eastern Oregon scholastic battles this season. Ludlam picked, the team for the La Grande Observer. On It he placed eight Baker men, two Pendleton and one La Grande. He awards the captaincy, to Cap tain Fosbury of Baker, whom he qualifies as the best halfback in East ern Oregon. He gives Mlllering ot La Grande center position, but places Dewey Rand, the Baker center, on the all-star team at end, for his great defensive play and aggressiveness. He states that the Baker-Walla Walla game was the best of the sea CHRISTMAS TREES FOR PILOT ROCK SMALL JlitS WILL DECORATE STREETS DIKING THE HOLIDAYS. I1ans are Being Made to Present Home Talent Wy "A r Mamea Man," Some Time in January Par. eiit.Teachorrf Meeting irklay. (East Oregonian Special.) pn-rvr rock. Dec. 6. Saturday a couple of hundred small fir trees were brought Into Pilot Rock by lorn Gibson. The business men of the town furnished these and plan to use some of them in decorating the main streets during the Christmas holt, days. There are enough trees so that every family In the Rock may have one for the calling. The men plan to have a unique street decora tion. Kvm thuuah Pilot Rock has no pastor at present, the Sunday schol la prospering wonderfully. Sunday. besides the regular class worn, a pro gram was given. Miss Hooper gave several instrumental solos; th Helping Hand class under the direc tion nf Mrs. oilleland. gave a drill; the Jolly Boys' class sang a song en ttlled, "What Jolly Boys Are We;'' Mildred Manning played an instru mental piece and Superintendent Oil leland closed with a few remarks. The sick committee Is to be com mended for. their good work during the past week. Besides visiting the sick they brought flowers to man? 'of them. The members of the com mittee were reappointed tor the next week. Monday night the cast of charac ter, for "A Poor Married Man" met at the home of Mrs. M. Gilbert's for a rehearsal. This play is to be gtv ., ..,,, thno In January. The cast of characters as selected now are as i r ,..h n wi,; a noiir married , man. Chaa. Miller; Mr. Matthew I Graham, a country doctor, Myrvin I Gilber,:; Jupiter Jackson, a black trump, Earl Rankin; Billy Blake, a clever young college chap, rreci Moes; June Graham, Mrs. M. Gilbert; Mrs. Iona Ford, some mother-In law, Grace Frost; Zole, her daughter, Clara Scharpf; and Rosalind Wilson, a college reporter, Mrs. G. X. John ston. A niimoer oi young iuir-o ucm . - ...11.- L. , n dance at Carnes hall Saturday even- Ing. The music was furnished by i Mlss Haiel BelteL Those present . were Irene Dinsmore, Ruth StuDDie-jeMurni. field, Morris Roy, Harry Connor, Harrv Newman. Grace Hinkle, Fay Hinkle, Fay Sfurdivant, Benny Smith, Alvln Connor, Pete Sturdlvant, Alfred Westgatf. The Odd Fellows will hold ineir monthly social evening on Thursday. A splendid program Is being arrang ed for. nn ci-Mnt. avenlnir the Parent Teachers' meeting will be held at the school house. Here also, a special program Is being arranged for. A v, r ,k. .,-hnnl board announc es that by that timethe schoolhoao . ... i -i-i.is.. .m k. wir.i with fllectrlcity 111 VD - - - Miss Gaynell Baldwin from Pendle. . ..... i th. Rnrw Friday and Sat urday to take up work with her class of violin pupils. Violin PUPUS. . . . . t. V. ..... A , V. a Geo Scntegei orouum small Hoffner boy from Pendleton Saturday He naa Dtm u-i a 01,11,1, ,,ni wwww v. pltal there for some time. est "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store. Dickey Devaul and Grace Gilliam pour a little In your hand and rub Were visitor In Pilot Rock Saturday, it right on your aching back, and by Mrs Morg Edwards, who has been the time you count fifty, the sore ill with typhoid fever for about a ness and lameness I gone, week, I reported to be getting alona Don't stay crippled! This soothing very well. Mis Burmelster from penetrating oil needs to be used only Pendleton. Is nursing her. ! once. W takes the pain right out and J. M. Schannop was in Pendleton fnAs the misery. It is magical, yet Saturday on business. 'absolutely harmless and doesn't burn Hyacinth and Merle Done, wha the skin, have been quarantined with the Nothing else stops lumbago, scl h. Ibm week, are able to be atca. hnckache or rheumatism so out doors again. Mr. French, the recruiting officer with his station at Pendleton, paid Pilot Rock a visit all day Saturday. Han rviivln. an influential ranch er from Rltter, passed through here on his way to Penmeion. Mrs. Louis Johnston from t'klah. was In Pilot Rock Monday to do some Christmas shopping. ir t ester lii another person wno Is feeling a lWtle under the weather the Inst few days. K. F. Fahrenwald of Nye, was In town Monday for the first time since he has been laid up with rheumatism, j On this trip he was compelled to use crutchea I The Saturday Club met at Mrs. Owen Ornes for their last meeting Besides the regular members present son and the harden fouyht, and adds that with the possible exception of Everett, Baker and Walla Walla are the two best teams in the Northwest He base this stutement on personal knowledge, having seen all the Port land high school teams in action. Ludlam is an authority on the grid iron game and having seen practically all the games, his selection should not be questioned. Ludlam' selection of an all-star team is a follows: Fullback Whipple, Baker. Halves Fosbury (captain), Eag er; Snyder, Fendleto. Quarter Fleetwood, Baker. Center Millering, La Grande. Guard Peyton and Stewart Ba ker. Tackles Brown, Baker; Frledly, Pendleton. Ends Rand, Baker; Howard, Baker. were Mrs. William Matthew Miss Nannie Linsner. The business men of Pilot Rock a well nil thA neonln themselves are staunch advocates of "Do your cnrUs. mas shopping early.' The various merchant have an un usual line of holiday good on dls play and the people are taking ad vantage of this fact and are already beginning their shopping. Mrs. J. M. Schannop and three children returned to their home here Sunday evening from a lengthy vist to Portland. Newt Burgess was in Pilot Rock Monday. The show, "The Island of Love," that played here Monday night brought out a large crowd of Pilot Rock people. SliOAN'S IitNIJIENT EASES PAIN Sloan'e Liniment is first thought of mother for bumps, bruises and sprains that are continually happen ing to children. It quickly penetrate and soothe without rubbing. Clean er and more effective than muasy plasters or ointment. For rheuma. tic aches, neuralgia pain and that grlppy soreness after colds, Sloan's Liniment gives prompt relief. Have a bottle handy for bruises, strains, sprains and all external pain. For the thousands whose work call tnem outdoors, the nalns and aches follow ing' exposure are relieved by Sloan's Liniment. At all druggists, 26c Adv. REALTY TRACTS Warranty DeedS. L. L. McBroom to J. G. Sturgis, $1, E. 1-2 XE. 1-4 and NE. 1-4 SE. 1-4 Sec. 9 and NW. 1-4 Sec. 10, Twp. 2 North, Range SI. O. M. Richmond, et ux, et al, to H. B. Richmond, $1, 177 acres in Twp. 4 North, Range 33. J. P. McManus. et ux. to First Na- f n .. 1 1 r, L- p.nJfa,nn 1 mat, onri bound description in Block 5, Pilot "ock. James Adrian, et ux. to U A Keineman, $1; NW. 1-4 NE. 1-4 NE 1-4 Sec. 33. Twp. 6 North, Range 35. Nicholas Brown, et ux. to L. W. Brown, et ux, $1400, SE. 1-4 Sec. 2 and SW. 1-4 Sec. 1 and N 1-2 N. 1-2 Sec. 10, Twp. 1 N. 32. Eva M. Planting, et al. to August Kupers, $3S.5O0, E. 1-! Sec. 21, Twp. 4 North. Range 33. . .. . Part of the egg shortage is ascrioea io aw,- to Europe, me nens oi m CUm...-. ... j and refusing to lay. OUCH! BACKACHE RUB LUMBAGO OS STIFFNESS AWAY iM-b PAIN FROM BACK WITH I . . . . rw-i a w iwvrrrn; w-i rvti rl r SMALL TRIAL BOTTLE OF OLD PENETRATING " ST. JACOB'S OIL. .i u ,-m,p hA.l. la wir. anit IsmA t, iirn - ,..-.!....., anlntln. ThalimBtiltm or iuiiiuhau, w. . has you stiffened up, don't suffer; ' promptly. It never disappoints. -Tri,f vit I 'W:v-. Alow Wf COLLARS I arc nrvf cut to fit G:c Ar-ics perfectly, i) cditscuA, CtllETT Pt AROW MX) : INC .V ;Ur ii:n:;".rii i.i '!. T'Sf-ttaq V v V---: V- ' -" '''""" "' -- " - - - " " H - ONLY 16 MORE SHOP- v flj 'V. i vt PING DAYS UNTIL If av ' ; if Ft! CHRISTMAS. 1 I " .1 ift - '3f$ U Ah .'A n and 1 1. . a iGirt Of useful and novelty article from the rariou departmenU of a well stocked store. Alto more new goods arriving daily, to add to the convenience of your selecting. From Our Dry Goods Department Oriental Novelties, Novelty Purses, Manicure Sets, Embroidery Sets, Skating Scarf Sets, Blue Bird Tea Sets, Fancy Towel Sets, White Ivory in single pieces and sets, Table Linen Sets, Fancy Ribbons, Fancy Collars, Christmas Cards, Christmas Boxes, Fancy Silks, Velvets, Woolen Dress Patterns, Lunch Cloths, all Kinds of Pure Linen Handkerchiefs in Plain, Fancy and Initialed; also children's Handkerchiefs in Boxes ; Art Goods of all descriptions. THE THOUGHTFUL GIFJ 3 Hand Embroidered Cashmere Sacques for infants' $1.00 to $ 2.95 Imported Hand Embroidered Japa nese Quilts for infants', in pink and blue priced at $1.75 to $3.95 Hand Embroidered Philippine Lin gerie in gowns and combinations $2.95 to $7.50. Pink and Blue Hand Painted Carriage Strap $1.00 to $1.50 Scarf Set of Brushed Wool in terra cotta, blue, cerise, turquoise, mustard, Hunter's green, in plain or striped border $1.50 to $3.50 Muffa in Fox, Hudson Seal, Fitch, MAIL ORDER DEPT. Special attention given to all mail orders. Expert shop pers to select for you, just what you want. Orders filled and mailed same day as received. WRAPPING AND MAILING We care for your packages in our WTapipng and mailing department. Let us take this bother from you, as we are equipped with the necessary materials to make your package have that Christmas appearance. Our service is FREE. , 1 S. if ugge.stipns j DON'T gamble between health and sickness with a dreary wash day at home each week. Start the week right and make old "Blue Monday" a happy day. It's easy to accomplish. Telephone 179 and send your family washing to the Troy Laundry Co. Only 7c lb. Rough-Dry Northern Mink, Jap. Mink, Water Mink, Oppossum, Wolf, prices.... $5.00 to $60 Waist, especially designed for stout figures in Georgette, Crepe de Chine and Radium Silk, all suit colors and white, maize and flesh $2.95 to $7.50 Exquisite Suit Waists of Georgette, beautifully embroidered in silk and bead work, all suit colors and white, maize and flesh $4.50 to $15.00 Lace Trimmed Crepe de Chine Cami soles in flesh, sky and white; 34 to 44. Price $1.25 to $7.50 Bath Robes in pure fleece wool, the famous Pendleton make $18.50 .3 S 3 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3- SlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIinilllllHIIIulllut i