DAILY EAST QHSGQNIAN, rrTIPLSTe?!. Crrsoa. TLT1DAY, DHCET'nEIt 6, 1918. 1 1 i I .&I6.U .mm tnd others who labor indoors jhou'.J always take the strength zompe'ling tonic-food in SCOTT'S EMULSION to keep up their strength, uounsft their nerves ana increase their energy. SCOTTS is helping ihous&nds-whynotyoul ecott a, Sowat, BkomScld. Jf . J. lo-H MlMIIS OI I IAW FTHM TO HAVE HIM AGAIX KHW YORK. Dec, 5. Charles E. Hoghec announced at Lakewood, N. X, bat night that on January l he flrfS rwsame the practice of law as a Hanker of the firm of Rounds. Srharman A Dwlght, No. 96 Broad way, this olty. His son Charles also 'Will enter the firm, it was said. In 119, when Mr. Hughes was ominated for governor of New Tork tie was a member of the same law Cm, but lis title at that time was Roches. Rounds & Schurman. With lila return the form's new name will e Hughes, Rounds, Schurman Dwlght. In U are Arthur C. Rounds, Ceorge, W. Schurman, Richard E. DwiRht, Walter P. Carter. Raymond M. Ittncex, Martin J. Keogh, Jr.. Au sromn 1 Richards and Harvey L. aowell. OLD TIME COLD CURE DRINK TEA! Get a small paokage of Hamburg Breast Tea, or as the German folks csJl It, "Hamburger Brust Thee," at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful t the tea, rut a cup of boiling water upon It, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time. It Is the mot effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the pores, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking a cold at ouce It is inexpensive and entirely vege table, therefore harmless. 'BEFORE You let any work in our line, don't forget to get oar prices. Estimates gladly furnished on any kind ef stone, brick and cement work. S. RUGO & CO. Telephone 481 a cxrs mmm reran Amusements What the press agents say about Pendleton s pres ent and coming attractions. EVERYWOMAN Henry W. Savage's Greatest ropular Success Comes to the Oregon Theatre, Henry W. Savage's Everywoman Company, one of the largest dramat ic and musical organisations on tour, will come to the Oregon Theatre next Tuesday for a matinee and night per- formance. "Everywoman" is a unique form of entertainment, combining in one tre mendous spectacle, opera, drama and musical comedy. Mr. Savage is bring ing his own great organisation, the one and only "Everywoman" com pany, which is now making a seventh triumphal tour of both the large and small cities. The company is now on its way east and will play a week's engagement at Salt Uke, Denver, St. Louis and Kansas City. The title role is taken this year by the young and beautiful Paula Shay, acclaimed to eb the greatest "Every woman" Mr. Savage has ever had. In fact, Mr. Savage considers this year'a Everywoman" company the greatest of all. end for that reason Is send ing it to all the most important cities. There are J7 speaking parts, large choruses and ensembled and a spe cial orchestra is carried on tour. Over four million people have wit nessed "Everywoman." It defies some of the most cherished traditions of the theatre and that.i perhaps, is cne of the reasons for its remarkable hold upon the affections of the pub lic, because it relies upon originality and not upon custom. It has an en grossing story, telling of the adven tures that befall a young and beauti ful woman of our day who sets out from her home in search of love. Her quest leads her into strange places. At one time she is behind the scenes of a metropolitan theatre, herself the leading actress, a petted favorite: at another, she is holding high carnival in her sumptuous apartment at mid night, 'the toast of the hour, sur rounded by her worshipers and satel lites: at still a later period she has paid the toll for her dissipation and alone and friendless, she wanders the city streets at midnight on New Tear s eve as roisterers are celebrat ing the passing of the old year and are welcoming the advent of the new. The production is on a huge scale and the management of the Oregon thea tre can assure the public that they will find every perfection which char acterizes a Savage production. TAKE DOWN SHOVEL FOR FIRE PATROLMEN District Forester of Portland lias Number Made to Be Tested Oat In Different Parts of Country. PORTLAND. Dec, 4. District For ester George H. Cecil. Portland, Ore gon, is having a number of take-down shovels made locally, to be tested fay fire patrolmen in different parts of the district and if found suitable to be made art of the forest service standard fire fighting equipment. The model was made and furnished by Deputy Forest Supervisor Harris of Tacoma, Wash., who tried it out with satisfactory results on the Rainier Na tional Forest, Washington, during the last fire season. The model is made from a regular round point, long handle, irrigating shovel. The handle is removed from $35.00 WITH 12 RECORDS A little down and a little each month or week. Yes. yvu may keep this new Edison Thomas A. Edison's great phono 'prar with the diamond stylus and or choice of records, too. for only 'SIM, including 12 records.. Ton may pay a little down and a little each 'month or week. Try the New Edison 'In your home before you decide' to 'Wkt. Entertain your friends with your hvwortse records. sVrite Today for our New Edison nook. Send your name and address aor our new book and picture of the Kew Edison phonographs. No obll otfkms. WARREN'S MUSIC HOUSE VtBxon Phonograph Distributors Pendleton. Oregon. (UK THAT SAVED M UFE - r rnEl-f fr--l . ... - - JftiHfcj J" 3G0 ARTICLES TArU IIOttTM Ucn'all news stands 1 z 15 Cents POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE wnrrrtN so you cJt understand rr AU the Cm Events in Mechwiin. F-arrwtenng and invention throughout Um V of td. are described in an interest. Imt tnannrr, u they occur, l.VJJM) mdrnt each month, m Bkat Hates 50 r"" w lm teltixnr 9 r.4tuerwrtvotMngi Ste v4 sow to rfn at fei'M. - " Iwtnor rail Mutoor M Blur litrtm ronatrwieei tell ulMtl bout Mtor? rlt.irlek M. WWin IMM VWI KAUM 4 mo II M It Mr iwi nfiiia, r fttM la rtti 'I WN I UM pm Ikm. rcrjut taecHAMics moazin( About nine years ago I had rheu matism so bad that I was in bed for six weeks. I was not able to raise my head to take a drink of water. I was unable to move my hands or feet, and my back would hurt me so that words could not tell what I suffered. I saw Dr. Kilmer & Company's ad vertisement of Swamp-Koot ana I ae. sion to George L. Ingraham, attor prove with the first bottle. I con tinued on with the use of Swamp Root until I was restored to good health. I am now 67 years of age and I flo my own washing. I have not been troubled with tne rneuma tinm for the last eight years. I r-heerfiillv recommend Dr. Kilmer's ; Swamp-Root to others as I believe It saved my life Very truly yours, MPJ4 EMMA A. BOGGti. ,1000 N. 9th St., Independence, Kan sas. State of Kansas. JCounry of Montgomery, ss; I Before me, C. U Jukes, a Notary , Public in and for said County and : State perjonally appeared Emma A. Boggs. to me known to be the Iden tical person who executed the within land foregoing Instrument of wriflng, and acknowledged to me that she ex lerutfd the same as her free and vol untary act and dee for the uses and purposes therein set forth. In teatlmonr whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed my No tarial Seal the day and year aTor mentioned. C. L. JUKES. Notary Public 1 1 r Ijctter to Dr. KHmer Co. lMnirhamton. N. T. 4 ml fim n "dvtbing mtUrt." mutt I w Mlicrtor c swart ratMriafiM Prove What Swamp-Root WW Do For TOO. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer t Co., Blnghamton. N. T., for a sample six bottle. It will convince anyone. Toa will also receive a booklet of valu able information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing be sure and mention the Pendleton Daily; East Oregonian. Regular fifty- cent and one-dollar bottles for sale at all drug storea the iifket and cut Into 20-lnchl lengths, which are Joined by a 5-Inch steel ferrule when the tool is put to gether. The shovel blade forms a third section. Spring fasteners, like those used on automobile shovels, lock the three sections together. The tool is SI inches long when assembl ed. A forest fire patrolman has use for a shovel and an axe and usually car ries both when on' duty. This take down shovel can be readily carried in a pack sack, to be put together quick ly when needed, leaving only the axe to be carried by hand. The Shovel la used for trenrhlnv around a forest fir or throwing earth upon it to put it out when water is not available, it ifralan adntet tn ent eral use by stockmen, campers, auto- ana otners. -WIU. WIX." SAYS NAVY COACH. 4 in COACH .TOKAS IKGRAM Coach Jonas Ingram is confident thut his navy team will capture the service honors from West Point when the two rival teams meet at the Polo Grounds. Xew York. Ingram says he has a stronger team than he has ever had before, asserts that its line is Just as strong as the Army's and has more high calibre backs. REALTY TRANSFERS Warranty Deeds. James Harris, et ux, to J. B. Har ris, 1620, mete and bound descrip tion in section 21, township 5 north, range S. A. S. Pearson, et ux, to First Na. tional Bank, Milton, $1, block D, Mil ton. A. S. Pearson, et ux, to First Na tional Bank of Milton, $1, lot 17, block 63 freewater. 3. J. Hudemann, et ux, to O. B. Mason, $1500, 1(0 acres in section. 29, in township 1 north, range 31. C. A. Michael, et ux, to U. G. Horn. il6,6D9, acreage In Township 1 south, range SS. Jennie Krohn, to Henry Dorn, tl, E 1-2 NW 1-4 section 36, township 3 north, range it. Satisfy! that's a new thing for a cigarette to do It's nothing for a cigarette to just taste good lots of cigarettes may do that. But Chesterfields do more they satisfy ! Just like a thick, juicy steak satisfies when you're hungry. ' Yet, with all that, Chesterfields are MILD I 1, ' No other cigarette can give you this new enjoyment (satisfy, yet mild), for the good reason that no cigarette maker can copy the Chesterfield blend an entirely new combination of tobaccos and the most important develop tnent in cigarette blending in 20 years. Giye me a package of those cigarettes that SATISFY"! 1C AES $ T S 8 :IBt','WJ""!tfj 20forlO r mm 'i ': 5 m t'Sji : til' Pilf i ' ""''"'Il" VlMnhUBiewfl- Vi..i..,..iT..-i.;.;-i.nfw Blanche Moorhouse, guardian, et ill. in rinvi TfAIna tl UP t A nl section 7, township 1 south, range 34. wo, tr. i-erry, el ai, to H. H. wea sel, J9600, SW l:-4 section 25, town ship 3 north, range 30 and 8E 1-4 section 26, township 3 north, range 39. P. H. Wilson, to R. R. Chapman. 17700, 200 acres in township 5 north, range 36. CABLE DELAYS Httt.000 RCSSLAN POWDKIt SlIT Prtrograd Purchaers of 1,500,000 Ponndn Refused to Order Payment Here. Is Complaint. NEW YORK. Dec. 5. A cable gram received in the county clerk's office yesterday from Petrograd America's Most Beautiful Bookworm .' fit T yj7 1A ft i-A 'IT i : b Si i 1 ! 1 iil 1 p- w . ' , - t LA. r" ' "7r - ' ! j ..' ,.'W.':;j! -L r , ; 'iV: ,ifh ': - . - r J ' h X.TV 2Z80 BWWA JV--;;' ?4immi ' W a '-W - - ---A PAULINE FREDERICK, FAMOUS PLAYERS STAR, IN PARAMOUN. PICTURES. Here's bookworm that eat through volume after volume and, moreover Mtbled to digest It No; the books are not harmed In the least, and Ml Frederick is tha only bookworm that has erer been known to exist who does, by reason of ber rarenoui appetite for books, give millions of people pleasure Much of ber knowledge Is gained by experience and much also through be books, which she dearly lore. ' sought an extension In the suit of Ja cob Bradford Erb, a British finan cier, to obtain from P. V. Barnowsky & Co., inc., 3485,000 commissions claimed on a contract to furnish the defendant with 1,600,000 pounds of pyroxilin smokeless powder. The cablegram was hustled to Dlt- tenhoefer, Fishel & Knox, lawyer', at No. 32 Broadway, counsel for the complaintant. They explained that they already had granted an exten di! ed to' try it and commenced to lm ney for the defendant corporation. To guarantee this contract, made in London last February, Mr. Erb says the defendants deposited 11,740,. 000 with the Empire Trust Company It is as asserted that when the pow. der was ready for delivery the de fendants refused to cable the truit company permission to make Pay ment. The Sheriff at ached funds of the Barnowsky corporation amounting to 1500,000. Justice Shearn yesterday granted the defendant a bill of particular?, exempting from this bill the plain tiff's contract with the Aetna Explo sives Company, Inc. Looking Into cold storage myster ies will help explain the consistently high cost of all living. PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tells How To Open Clogged Nos trils and End Head-Colds. You feel fine In a few moments. Your cold In head or catarrh will be gone. Your clogged nostrils will op en. The air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dullness, headache; no hawking, snuffling, mucous dls. charges or dryness; no struggling for breath alt night. Tell your druggist you want a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a little of this fragrant, anti eeptlc cream In your nostrils, let II penetrate through every air passage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen. Inflamed mucous membrane, and relief comes Instantly. It la Just what every cold and ca. tarrh sufferer needs. Don't stay stuffed-up ad miserable. sivs E PI, NEURALGIA Don't suffer! Get a dime pack of Dr. James' Headache Powders. You can clear your head and relieve a dull, splitting or violent throbbing headache in a moment with a Dr. James' Headache Powder. This old time headacba relief acta almost magi cally. Send some one to the drug store now for a dime package and a few mo menta after you take a powder you will wonder what became of fee head ache, neuralgia and piin.OIStop suffer ingit's needless. Be sure you get wbal you ask for. Bto Ranth Renters MITED Who will buy GOOD WHEAT LAND en terms leas than rent? I HAVE 1495 acres, all fenced, 17 per cent under cultivation, only one mile from Town, fair buildings, good well, SS000.Q0 Cash and $4500.00 per year. 1120 acres, all fenced and tS per .cent under cultivation, 6 roomed house, large new born, good well, l-miles to town, and high school. 18000.00 Cash, and .13500.00 per year; both are big money makers, and can be farmed together, as they Join. Also a small ranch, easy terms. W. D. KKWLON, Lexington, Oregon. aiiiiiiiimmmiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimu I SloK Room I Ruler Goods RECEIVE OUR SPECIAL S3 ATTENTION. 3 S We are at all time equlpp. cd to supply your needs at S short eat notice with practical jS first quality rubber goods. We sell .the famous adver tised "KanOeck' lubber Goods and guarantee utmost satisfaction and value. Telephone order from yoa, your nurse or physician re ' celve our Instant attention. Deliveries are prompt and correct. Give us a trial S 5 a a mm a a a a Tollman & Co. E Leading Dru(nti 5 i 9 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiili; EXCURSION FARES for the HOLIDAYS 0 . Dec. 21-25 In Washington, Idaho, Oregon Northern Pacific Railway Ask the Agent for Details W. Adams, Agent Pendleton, Onion J. M. McCoy T. P. A. Spokane, Wash. A. D. Charlton, A. G. P. A. Portland, Ore.