THJ IMC 7,1 DAILY EAST Or.rr.omAN. FCTDLCTON. CrrjCIT. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 5, 1916. FAC3 rnvriii !Ki!!l!5n"'f?i!!!?!!H!!??"?t; Q&4 1 J r3a Mwel! His Harness Store to the opera house block corner Court and Cottonwood Sts. HE IS INSTALLING A COMPLETE MODERN AUTO MOBILE TRIMMING AND UPHOLSTERING PLANT. THE OLD QUARTERS WHERE HE ESTABLISHED HIS ENVIABLE REPUTATION FOR SATISFACTION ARE NOW TOO SMALL FOR HIS FAST GROWING BUSINESS Better service than ever from now on If it's Harness, Saddles or Auto tops he'll fix it If yon are an old patron we thank you for your past business. If we have pleased you it has pleased us. If you have not tried us we cordially solicit a part of your fu ture business. We aim to make our service satisfactory always. Corner Court and Cottonwood Donf forget the new location U. . 6M7A rniiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittiHHUiitiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiitiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiniiniir fjSj Santa Clans ts$ Headquarters The best and largest assortment of Toys, Dolls and China Ware, both European and Domestic makes at the lowest prices. Corner Main and Court Street. .sytmU0r- if ii 1 ;J-. iUr Gives you the pleasure of actually playing the piano -IJ, I Not merely to make music but to ' give you the pleasure of playing the "ta piano is the purpose of the TSlcmualo The Instrument You were Born to Play V You play the Manualo through the pedals in the same sense that an artist plays it through the keys. Just as he secures musical effects by giving his feeling full sway in the fingering, so does one at the Manualo secure equally intimate effects through the instinctive expression of his musical impulses in the pedal ing. The Manualo is controlled from the pedals as from the keys. It is a piano to you who cannot play by hand as to those whose fingers have years of training. Come in and try it. We are proud to sell it because it is a product of the House of Baldwin. Several styles and prices. Ws'Aiso Cany Siicli fes KaKss cf fe ss nrrsH lane srnnra VOfiE FAIUIAND HAMIUTON KOHIiER WKBFlETt ITATjIjET ft DAVIS NETZOW CON WAT KIMRAIJi GRAND ft CAMPBEIiti Aim the Following Famous Marer Pianos: WERNER MODKIjLA FARRAND OONWAT OTROIIBKR, AND OTHERS. EDISON DISC, VICTOOLA AND COLUMBIA TALKING MACHINES. WARREfrS in HOUSE 814 Main Street Telephone 5S4 SEE YOU i T YOU I CHILD IS IjOOK AT TOXGIE! MOVE POIS. OXS FKOM 1JTEK -AND BOWELS AT ONtTi Mother! Your child isn't natural ly cross and peevish. See if tongue is routed: this is a sure slim its little stomarh. liver and bowels need a cleansing at once. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad. throat sore, doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally, has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, remem ber, a gentle liver and bowel cleans ing should always be the first treat ment given. Nothing equals "California Syrup of Figs" for children's Ills; give a teaspoonful, and In a few hours all the foul waste, sour bile and ferment ing food which Is clogged in the bow. els passes out of the system, and you have a well and playful child again. All children love this harmless deli cious "fruit laxative," and It never falls to effect a good "Inside" cleans. Ing. Directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups are plain ly on the bottle. Keep it handy In your home. A lit tle given today saves a sick child to morrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a 50 cent bottle o! "California Syrup of Figs," then loots and see that it is made by the Call fornlt Fig Syrup Co." BRITISH TREASUIY NOTES WITHDRAWN BECAUSE OF I12EHAL RESERVE'S WARNING LONDON, Dee. 4. Chancellor of the Exchequer McKenna announced that the proposed issue of British treasury notes had been withdrawn from American sale. He said the withdrawal was the result of the federal reserve boards warning against over Investing In such securi ties. HENRY VAN DYKE RESIGNS. WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. It was of ficially learned this afternoon that Henry- Van Dyke, American minister to Holland had resigned. Why talk of war between labor and capital when eternal justice I1 patiently waiting to be called upon to settle their differences? Doctors Agree On Eczema Remedy Confirm the Ststmeats Abort D. D. D. Prescription Oeo. T. Rlchardaon, M. D. ! "In my opinion, P. I). I. should be applied in ill rami of skin dlwase an Immediate rellrf to the Hrb, a calm to excited nerves, toft, soothing, yet a powerful agent, a strength to the general system." lr. I'nna Holmes: "D. D. D. is ss near a specific for enema and the dreaded punrlaala as is quinine for malaria. I con stantly prescribe I. 1). D. also for salt rheum, tetter, barber's Itch, pimples, all forms if itching eruption, scales, sore.' Dr. Ira T. Oahbert: "I freely admit that D. D. I), reaches moat esses of ectema and permanently core them." Dr. Oshhert of Caldwell, Kansas, Is on a of the best skin specialists In the state. Write and ask him about I). I). D. Dnienlat art, clad to recommend this soothing, cooling liquid. 2Sc, 60c and $1.00. Come to us and we will tell you more about this remarkable remedy. Your money back unless the Brut bottle relieve jroii. 1. D. D, BoUt keeps your skin healthy. Aik about lb TALLMAN DRUG CO, WEAKER MAY MANAGE 4 U2VEIiA.VD INDIANS i i ; '('' - ) ' ' Jr - ii Y'l: -t ;. V. i a t! K- '.I l A - I I . i XRIS.SFEAKCK, 9m,fHflSft.: CLEVELAND, O., Dec. 4. Reports are still being circulated to the effect thai Trls Speaker, the great Infield er and champion batter of the Amer. ican league, is to succeed Lee Fohl as manager of the local team. Speak er and President Hames O. Dunn, of the Cleveland American league club arrived In town at the same time. which was enough to start the gossip. Dunn's statement that he shortly would have several Important an nouncements to make didn't tend to overcome itht rumor any, Public resorts which cultivate com. mercialized vice intensively ought to go on the garbage heap. RESIDENTS OF 30 STATES VISIT CAMP GROUNDS Eagle Creek is Mecca for 15, 000 Visitor During Sum raer Season. PORTLAND. Dec. 2.--The EagleJ Creek Camp Grounds on the Oregon national forest attracted 16,00 visit ors from thirty states and a dozen foreign countries during the outing season of 1916, according to T. H. Sherrard, Mtpervisor of the Oregon National forest. This is the first sea son those camp grounds have been easily accessible to the public. The grounds have been developed under a carefully devised plan of the forest service to make them both at tractive and convenient to campers and visitors. Nearly one hundred campsites with safe fireplaces and other conveniences have been pre pared. Excellent water has been piped to the grounds and a sewer system installed. A public comfort station is centrally located where It is accessible from all parts of the grounds. A short loop road from the Columbia highway makes it pos. sible for automobile parties to drive directly to a campsite, thus making the packing of equipment and sup plies unnecessary. A forest officer was stationed at the camp grounds during the season who assisted visitors in finding a a satisfactory campsite and park place for their machine. He saw that a fire was kept burning In a large concrete stove for the conven ience of transient parties in making coffee or cooking food without hav ing to start a fire. A supply of fire wood was kept ready for visitors' use, and gurbage cans were conven iently placed about the grounds. Among the fifteen thousand visit ors at these camp grounds were par ties from Alaska, Canada, China England, France, Germany, Hawaii, Japan, New Zealand, Scotland and Switzerland, besides thirty of the states of the union. In preparing for the winter, the pipe lines have been disconnected and the comfort station locked. The tent occupied by the ranger as a tempo rary headquarters has been taken down. It is planned to build a per manent ranger station on the grounds the coming season. A topographic survey of the grounds has Just been made, and a large number of new camp sites on the west side of Eagle creek are plan ned. An automobile bridge across the creek Is part of the plan to make the new campsites more accessible, The trail up Eagle creek has been completed for four and a half miles to a bridge site a mile and a half above the Flinch Bowl. Here a bridge will be built CO feet long and 125 feet above the creek. It Is expected to complete this trail to Wahtum Lake next season. The excellent cooperation of visit ors in keeping the camp grounds in a neat and attractive condition Is ap preciated by the forest officers who have charge of the grounds. Because public ramping grounds of this sort meet a real need, says Mr. Sherrard, the forest service Is plan ning to develop several suitable sites on the national forests of Oregon and Washington In 1917. According to present plans, a camp ground near Rockdale on the Snoqunlmle forest will undergo the most extensive de velopment next year. Nick Longworth goes back to con gress, but hli eminent father-in-law is headed for the land of the hear"-hunters. PILOT ROCK HAS GAYTIIATlKSGlVlflG BIG RALL- IS GIVEN ON NIGHT BEFORE AND DAY IS CELE. BRATED WITH FAMILY PARTIES. MinHtrri Show Much Enloycd Eli xabrth Hoffner 111 With Typhoid Fever Town Now Well Supplied With Fuel Other News Notes. (East Oregonian Special.) PILOT ROCK, Dec. 4. The Thanksgiving eve. ball given at the Odd Fellow's hall on November 29 a success in every line. The fact that the music was furnished by Al brecht's orchestra brought an extra large crowd. People came from out In the country and about four car loads of young people from Pendle ton were out too. The largest crowd that has ever filled the opera house turned out at the minstrel show Thanksgiving night. Every seat was sold and ex tra chairs had to be brought up to accommodate the crowd. The show itself did justice to Its audience by giving a line of the best comedy is songs, dancing, recitals. A dance was given afterwards. Thanksgiving day was much en- Joyed In Pilot Rock. Families came together to eat "the" dinner, and many baskets of goodies were taken to the sick and old. Elizabeth, the small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hoffner, is ill with typhoid fever. M. Gilbert Is at present working at Cast eel & Stanley's. Oliver Knotts has purchased a new Dodge car. Tom Belts was down from Jfya Friday. He hauled In several cords of wood. Pilot Rock is now well supplied with coal, several carloads came in on Thanksgiving. Mrs. E. R. Lester is reported to be slightly worse. She has been sick with the grippe. Winnie Smith spent part of Thanks giving day at Pendleton. Miss Mary Schlegel visited Pen dleton Friday. L. W. Owens is the possessor of a new Ford car. Chas. Lightfoot and family were In town Saturday. Esther Wisdom has resumed her position as telephone operator. She has been visiting her parents the past seek. Vivian Gibbs. who Is attending high school in Pendleton, spent Thanksgiv ing with her aunt, Mrs. Walter Smith. Miss Ida Eldridge spent Thanks giving season with her parents. She attends school in Pendleton. Miss Fay Hlnkle was another home comer for Thanksgiving. T. P. Gilllland from east of towa was in Pilot Rock Saturday. Mr. Hooper and family' have mov ed into the house that the Shock family Just vacated. The Parent-Teacher's meeting will be held December 8 and all members are urged to be present A program will be given before the business meeting, and visitors are welcome. TWO POLICEMEN'S GRIT SAVES A DYING MAN NEW YORK, Dec. 2 Exhausting first aid work kept up by two bis policemen for a full hour and a half last night, under the direction of Dr. Irving D. Siris of Bellevue hos pital, brought a young attempted sui cide from apparent death to life in a hall room at No. 437 East Sixteenth street, Walter Ladislaw Switalski, twen ty-three years old, had placed a gas tube In his mouth and when Patrol man Michael O'Donnell, summoned by another lodger, broke Into the room, Switalski had every appear ance of having undergone complete asphyxiation. His face was purplo and he had "swallowed his tongue" the usual sign of death in such cases. O'Donnell sent the other lodger to tfliy "Anuric" Is an INSURANCE Against Sudden Death. Before an Insurance Company will take a risk on your life the examining physician will test the urine and report whether you are a eood risk. When your kidneys get sluggish and cloe, yon suffer from backache, sick-headache, dizzy spells, or the twinges and pains of lumbago, rheumatism and gout. The urine is often cloudy, full of sediment; channels often get sore and sleep is disturbed two or three times a night. This is the time you should consult some physician of wide experience euch as I)r. Pierce oi the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute Buffalo, N. Y. Send him 10 cento for sample package of bis new discovery, "Anuric." Write him your symptoms and send a sample of urine for test. Experience has taught Dr. Pierce that "Anuric" is the most powerful agent in. dissolving uric acid, as hot water melts sugar; besides being absolutely harmless it is endowed with otter properties, for it preserves the kidneys in healthy condition by thoroughly cleansing them. Being so many times more active than litbia, it clears the heart valves of any sandy substances which may clog them and checks the degeneration of the blood-vessels, aa well as regulating blood pressure. "Anuric is a regular insurance and life-saver for all big meat eaters and those who deposit lime-salts in their joints. Ask the druggist for "Anurio" put op by Dr. Pierce, in 50-cent packages. STRENGTH AND BEAUTY Corse with Dr. Pierce's Golden Modlcal Discovery. This Is a Mood cleanser and alterative that starts the liver and stom ach Into vigorous action. It thus assists the body to manufacture rk-h red blood which foods tho heart, nvrves, brain and organs of the body. The organs work smoothly like machinery running In OIL You leol clean, strong and strenuous Jn steau of.,Ured,twoak.audJalnt.' 0$ A ii U 'The Natural Shortening" Foods prepared with Cottolene have a delicious wholesomeness that is gratifying to the appetite. Use Cottolene for shorten ing when you bake biscuits, pies and pastries. Fry doughnuts, fish, chicken and vegetables in Cottolene. It adds to the Joy cf eating. Your grocer win supply Cottolane regufaury. It is pecked in pails of convenient sizaa. "Cottolin mndk good cooking btlltr" mrrAiRBAHm fetch Policeman Jack Walter on the next post and tell him also to call an ambulance. Then O'Donnell, a huge man, strip. ped himself of his great coat and went to work to induce artificial res piration. Walter and O'Donnell are the largest men of the East Twenty- second street station. When Walter arrived he too stripped to his shirt sleeves and both men were worklnjf over Switalski when Dr. siris arriv ed. The physician made a bridge tt keep the man's Jaws apart and then, with a forceps, lifted the tongue back into normal position, making a pas sage for air. For more than an hour the task the big boficemen had set Tor them selves seemed hopeless. Their face were steaming, thlr clothing; soakd In perspiration. At length the physician's stetho scope could detect a flutter of the youth's heart At the end ot art hour and a half the policemen and doctor had the reward for their ftotr lng muscles. Switalski began t breath again and at last opened hla eyes. An enevelope addressed "Mr, Tev. doskl. Twentieth stret, lit. Nrr Tork," Inclosed a note asking that Switalski's mother be told he wa thinking about her In hist last ment. A postcrlpt sl "I'd Mite t live but like a man." n . ji DENMARK'S GREATEST VIOLINIST AND New York Metropolitan Company The entertainment given by this remarkable com pany of instrumental artists and Grand Opera sing ers is after the style of the popular Sunday concerts held in the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City. Greatest variety in music Arias from your favorite operas in the beautiful original costumes Folk songs in national costumes The famous sex tette from "Lucia" and the "Barcarolle" from "The Tales of Hoffman" Classical music Chamber music Popular music In fact AN ENTERTAINMENT FOR EVERYBODY. Dec. 5 at the Presbyterian Church (Not a Lyceum number.) J i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiMiiiuiniuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniuiuuuiiiiiuniiiiiii!HHmmiiirmT NOW is the Time to Order I I Winter j COAL Supply Don't wait until the last minute, until the real winter weather I sets in, when the streets are filled with I snow, when deliveries are uncertain. Place your orders NOW and with us you will I be safe. 5 OUR COAL NEVER DISAPPOINTS that's be- s cause it's THOROUGHLY SCREENED, free from I slate and dirt. It's all coal get the best 'phone us YOUR OR- I E DER today. PSB COAL I r iHJL'M' ' Lump or nut - Good dry fir, yellow and black pine. Dry Slabwood that it dry. E All wood comes either four foot or sawed. I B. L. BURROUGHS ! 1 tr" Telephones iiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiniJ