daily east or-caowiAii. rr cr.sc:.. monday, bcceitkeii 4, Women who prize their health, take diligent care of it. They know if they neglect the so-called little ailments bilious attacks, sick headache, las situde, torpid liver and indigestion they cannot keep in good health, or cheerful spirits. Beecham's Pills have long been before the public, and are Praised by Women who Prize their Health For these famous pills have remedial virtues, which promptly assist the liver and stomach, dispel dizziness, relieve languor and regulate the svstem. Their laxative effect is mild, yet thorough and there is, nothing better for constipation. Take Beecham s fills when you first feel out of sorts. They soon right matters. Containing only media- rial herbs, they are Dotn saie ana ren ame. Their timely use helps women to retain good looks and health. Directions of tpacial sola to women mn with Vtry box At AS Dnif iiU, 10c, 25c Tas UffMt UUtt Any sUidntatUWerU'1 JUDGE PHELPS WINS MEDAL GOLF PLAY BrooB Dickson Taken Second Prize hi ItivdcaKlTlnc Dy Way Dr. W. D, McNary Third. Ctrcnlt Judge a W. Phelps wu tho winner of the medal play coif tour nament held at the Pendleton (Jolt Oub link on Thanksgiving day. Brook Dickson won the second prize nd Dr. W. D. McNary captured third honor out of a field of eleven en- trie. . Judge Phelp and Dr. McNary each had a handicap of 2t atrokea while Dickaon had low handicap of 1 4. Judge Phelpa' grote score for IS holei wu (7 and thia acore minus his han dicap rave him a net score of 71. Dickson's gross score was (0 and his net score 71. Dr. McNary'e arose acore was 10J and his net score 83. Fortunately stupid people seldom realise how stupid they are. for ever home A good oil heater chases the chill from cold comers. A gallon of PEARL OIL gives nine hours of cheery.odorless, intense heat In blue or white enamel or plain black harmonizing with the finest surroundings. Prices: $3.75 to $7.75 Perfection Oil Healer -1 l::: For best results use PEARL OIL 1 1 ll srrfe I r9 lav fw J I SmxWSW- 17 VI I fit - ForSnhbtf George C. Baer & Co. . W.J.Clarke Taylor Hardware Co. Santa Claus IleadQuarters The best and largest assortment of Toys, Dolls and China Ware, both European and Domestic makes at the lowest prices. Corner Main and Court Street EUTERTAi:::.lETAT ADAL1S SUCCESS (COMMUNITY GETS MVCM ENJOY MENT FROM COMMERCIAL CLUB'S AFFAIR. Farewell Party is Given Wwttaorns Slater and Rnfos Carpenter of Oakdale Te Ladle Club WW ' Hold Bazaar, , (East Oregonlan Special.) . ADAMS, Dec. i. The Adams Com merclal Association entertained the community at the city hali Thanks giving; night with such brilliant suc cess that everybody was delighted. T. A. Lieuallen was the chairman and announced the program. The orchestra rendered a choice selection which revealed that there is . more musical talent than had been sus pected. President S. E. Darr gave a heart j welcome tn effective manner. A vocal duet by Miss Esther Rled and Miss Jessie Chesnut. A recitation by Mrs. C. M. Eager. Piano solo by Miss Jessie Chesnut Recitation by Ralph Wallan. Piano solo by Mrs. Mable McCol- lum. Music by the orchestra. The program lasted an hour. Then an hour was given to games and conversation. Wall flowers were rare and radiant Sociability and comradshlp reigned supreme. When silence and attention had been attained the chairman announc ed that the refreshments were ready. A bread line was formed and marched past the kitchen window here each person received a sand wich and cup of coffee. Lunch over, games and visiting were resumed and continued ' until tired nature called a halt. The ver. diet of those present was that Ad ams never had a more enjoyable so clal gathering. A farewell party was given at the home of Miss Esther Rled last Batur- day evening for Hawthorne Blatef and Rufus Carpenter of Oakdale The evening was spent in singing and later In the evening had a taffy pulling. All enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Those present were as fol lows: Misses Doris and .Jessie Chesnut, Miss Beulah Spencer, Messrs. Hawthorne Slater, Rufus Carpenter and Charles Bunch. The young people's meeting will be held next Sunday evening at o'clock. It will be led by Mias Esth er Rled. Everybody is Invited to come and take part Otis Lieuallen. returned to b!s school Tuesday morning instead of Sunday on account of sickness. The Adams skaters will skate Sat urday evening. Everybody Is Invit ed to come and have a good time. Sullivan Riemer left last SundaJ evening for Walla Walla where he will make his home for tho winter. Miss Lola Rogers, Miss Helen Bor- hart, Miss Mildred and Gwendolyn Rogers was up and attended the skating rink last Saturday evening. Mrs. Al Boylen and son and Miss Myrtle Tyndnll left last Saturday for her home at Pilot Rock. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Morrison and children motored to the. county seat Saturday. A great Thanksgiving dinner was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett McCollum, Mrs. Harvey Rose berry scting as hostess. Those there were as fellows : Mr. and Mrs. M. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Des Volgne and children, Mr. and Mrs. Volney Simpson and children of Mil ton, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Boyn and children, Mr. Charles Bunch and Miss Esther Rled. All enjoyed a very pleasant Thanksgiving. The Ladies club will hold a bazaar In the city hall December 15. Also supper will be held at 6 o'clock, price 35 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Edwards of Pendleton were up Thursday and took dinner at his parents, Mr. and Mrs S. A Edwards. Miss Wlsmen. sister of Mrs. J. D. Harrah. of Walla Walla, pent Thanksgiving with her sister. A Thanksgiving dinner was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Harrah. Those present were as fol lows: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krebs, Mrs. Laura Craln, son Sno, Mis-' Wls men of Walla Walla, and Mr. Edgar Wlsmen of Spokane. Mrs. Carl Power and mother were op and spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Eager. Little Wendell Bclntyre. son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mclntyre, Is Im proving a little bit. Otis Lieuallen returned home sun- day to spend Sunday with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lieuallen. Mr. and Mrs. a M. Morrison and xm wants us? o n Pxk resume - sM 11 111 1 " 1 1 " Jt2AJ?0AJ?EI WALSH Does anyone want these little waifs? If they do they need only apply to the Children's Society. New York City, establish their good char acter, and they may take either or both of them Into their homes. Both youngsters were deserted by their fathers, Margaret's mother is dead. No one knows what happened to Anna's. Both are four years old. Unless some one is kind hearted enough to adopt them they will be 'Will sent to public institutions. In the meantime the police department Is making an effort to locate their de linquent fathers. Margaret and Anna are unusually charming kiddles. Their tempera ments, as the photograph shows, are widely different, however. Margar et thinks that having her picture made Is the greatest of fun. Anna, more serious minded, doesn't care for it at all. daughters, Geraldine and Roberta and son Rolland, motored to Walla Walla to spend Thankeglvlng. Mr. and Mrs, Volney Simpson and children of Milton were visiting In Adams Thanksgiving at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Baker. Tony Glenlcki has gone to Montana for af ew days. which a children's aid society In Pitts burgh says vould be adopted by well-to- do and childless families of the steel city, can't easily be filled. New York Institutions today re ported a great demand here for blue eyed babies, especially girl babies, and a serious scarcity of this same choice article offered for adoption. Amusements What the press agents say about Pendleton s pres ent and coming attractions. Henry W. Savage, Noted Producer, Offers "Everywoman." The name of Henry W. Savage will loom prominently when the dramatic spectacle, "Everywoman" is offered at the Oregon Theatre. Though Mr. Savage's name appears so often in print in connection with his various theatrtcal and musical enterprises, though he has given more than any other Individual to the fur therance of good music In America through his productions In England or "Parsifal" and other Wagnerian op eras, though his name has become a hall-mark as to quality when it is an nounced as the sponsor of a theatrical or musical attraction, the majority of people who have found pleasure In his productions know nothing of the man himself, for Mr. Savage is a man who avoids publicity. Never with his consent has his picture appeared in a magazine or newspaper, and reporters declare that he Is one of the hardest men to Interview. He prefers that his work should speak for him. Mr. Savage is a New Englander of culture and education. He is a gradu ate of Harvard University where he vas a classmate of Col. Theodore Roosevelt. He is a linguist, a traveler, and a man of Catholic tastes. He has studied the theatre in many lands and considers it one of the greatest forces of civilization. An accident caused him to become a musical producer and a passion for the theatre lead him to present drama. George Marion, the general stage director for Mr. Savage, has charge of the production of "Everywoman." He is considered the master of his craft and "Eve.rywoman" is his master work. It represents months of patient and painstaking laobr. The scenery was painted by Walter Burrldge and the costumes were made from designs by Hy Mayer, the famous cartoonist and magazine Illustrator. And true charity grasps the hand without a thought of the glove. You Need Hits For Lam Foley Kidney Pills Simply Drives The Cause of it Out of Your System Lime bark, stiff, swollen, aching Joints, and rheumatic pains are the result of weak, sluggish. Inactive kidneys. In this condition, they can not keep the blood that feeds your body free of the Imparities that poi son you and cause these painful symptoms. Foley Kidney Tills are so stronely ndviwd and recommended for these troubles because of their direct and beneficial effect on the kidneys, blad der and nrlnary system ; and acting through these important organs, on the health of the entire body. Foley Kiduey Pills tone up weak and slug gish kidney a (11 on, ease a painful and IrritaWe bladder, stop rising at night, remove the cause of backache, lame I'Mk. stiff Joints and rheuma tism, due to Imperfect kidney and bladder action. Mr. an! Mrs. Frank P. Wood of Morrell. Maine, Box 18, R.P.D. i, were both rescued frotn the elteet of weak sluggish, imperfect kidney and blad der action by ma um oi ioley Kidney rills. Mrs. Wood writes: "Foler Kidney Pills helped me so much, ( found relief soon um I began tak ing them. My hn-band fa also much benefited, and feel no much better since Uklng Foley Kidney 1'llls. was so lame ha could not sloop, had to get down on his knees to pick up. anything, so lame hi was In his back, ana hips. I remain always your well wisher," Mrs. Frank P. Wood. Foley Kidney Pills are Mid every where In fOc and II. SO ataeis. The II. OS else Is the more economic! buy, as it contain tii times as assay as) the too sis. TALLMA V A CO. DIRECT ROAD FROM RITTER TO HEPPNER After Several Tears of Agitation and Hard Consistent Work Fhie Route Is Opened IT. HEPPNER, Dec. J. There is now direct road connection between Heppner and Bitter. After several years of agitation and after more re cent bard, consistent work, the great er part of which was donated by public spirited citizens of the Fitter community, the road has become a reality. The north fork of the John Day river has been bridged and Ritter Is now 35 miles closer to market than ever before. The road Is a most nat ural one, being on a water grade the entire distance. Leaving Heppner, the highway goes np Willow creek, across the summit and down Ditch creek to the John Day river. In the entire distance there are only tw steeep pulls, one Is eat of the WUlow creek basin and the other la np ever the hill but pf the North rork Jnta Ritter, ' ' The road opens up a rich territory to Heppner and the substantial ag nations made by Heppner business) men show they have not been alow in realizing the value of the road. Local men have subscribed nearly one thou sand dollars toward he completion of the Ritter road. The last donation was completed this week when a committee from the Heppner Com mercial club raised f 281 as Heppnefs part toward the building of the North Fork bridge. Good tot oomtipattoa. Chamberlain's Tablets are excellent for constipation. They are pleasant to take and mild and gentle In effect. Obtainable everywhere, Adr. MACHINE GUN CORPS READY FOR ACTION t 'i -1 r- BETTER THAU CftLOMEl Thousands Have Discovered Dr Edwards' Olive Tablets are a Harmless Substitute Dr. Edwards' Olive Tabletsthe tub- ititute for calomel are mild but sure laxative, and their effect on the liver it almost instantaneous. They are the re mit of Dr. Edwards' determination not to treat liver and bowel complaints with calomel. His efforts to banish it brought out these little olive-colored tablets. These pleasant little tablets do the good that calomel does, but have no bad after effects. They don't injure the teeth like strong liquids or calomel. They take hold of the trouble and luickly correct it. Why cure the livct it the expense of the teeth? Calomel lomrtimes plays havoc with the gums. So do strong liquids. It is best not to tVt calomel, but to let Dr. Edwards' Dlive Tablets take its place. Most headaches, "dullness" and that lazy feeling come from constipation and disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards' llive Tablets when yon feel "loggy" and heavy." Note how they "clear" clouded rain and how they "perk up" the spir is. 10c and 25c box. All druggists. Skovgaard at Presbyterian Church. This eminent artist needs no in troduction to the American public. His name is as well known today as Ole Bull's and Remenyi's. In the oast nine pears he has filled more than one thousand, one hundred ana fiftv eneaeements from coast t coast with unparalleled success. At the age of fourteen, wtth the recogu nition of real talent, Joseph joacnim, the king of violinists, took his as a pupil and he definitely entered on his career as a violin virtuoso. In 1894 he played before the late King Christian of Denmark; at another time before the late King Oscar of Sweden and again for Haakan, the nresent king of Norway. He also won the attention of Emperor WU helm of Germany In 190J, when he appeared as soloist at the opening of the Royal Berlin Academy 0f music, with the result that twice the emper. or, through Joseph Joachim, had him invited to play at private concerts in the Royal Palace In Berlin. Bkov gaard plays with brain and will and brings emotional Intensity under their full control. As a result his work stows and lasts. It appeals to the real artist as well as to the pub lic. At the Presbyterian church Tues. day evening, December 6th. ORDER FOR RLTJE-KYED RABIES CANT BE FIUiED NEW YORK, Dec. I. That order for a carload of blue-eyed babies, 1 : RBITISH MACHINE GUN CORPS. Prance. The rapidity with which large numbers of these guns may be trans ferred from point to point make Motor-cycle machine gun corps are being used more and more by the allies in their various effensives In them extremely valuable. The pho tograph shows a machine run eonw pany about to leave to take part la an attack. Ill ' ' " ll 3 JONES sometimes wakes up feeling cross and in consequence the family know it without his telling them in so many words. Mrs. Jones attributes it to biliousness and if it doesn't wear off during the day she gives him a dose of liver medicine at night. The next morning he feels better and she gives him coffee for breakfast, and the next morning, and the next morning. And in a few days Jones has another spell. Dear Mrs. Jones means all right, but she doesn't seem to realize that if she didn't give Jones his morning coffee she wouldn't have to give him the liver medicine and Jones would feel all right without both. Housewives everywhere have found out that Instant Postum takes the place of break fast coffee perfectly. And that is only one of the reasons why Instant Postum has wholly supplanted the use of coffee on thousands upon thousands of American breakfast tables. II IB