TEN PAGES DAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN. TENDLETON. OEEGON. MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1916. PAGH FIV2 Motion Picture News 1 i I it S w) .x y it y t i i "J OX V Today INTERNATIONAL FILM SERVICE, INCORPORATED, PRESENTS 1ME lb - ' a ,. 'T'T'" 2 il 6 ACTS 6 Jane Grey and Frank Mills One of the Most Beautiful and Pretentious Offering Ever Pre sented a Discriminating Public. , Culminating with the most sensational storm scene ever shown in motion pictures. IN ADDITION FOR THE KIDDIES, A KATZENJAMMER KIDS COMEDY. NO ADVANCE IN ADMISSION ADULTS 15c CHILDREN 5c Tomorrow and Wednesday LONE STAR CORPORATION PRESENTS Clin Chaplin -IN "Behind the Sera This is Chaplin's tLatest Picture and has Never Been Shown in Pendleton Before. A LAUGH A SCREAM A HOWL J S I ' !. 'v 1 G MMIM 1 I fell In Addition Helen Holmes In "THE LASS mm Most Sensational Picture Ever Screened. The best All-Star Program Ever Offered in Pendleton. ' What the Picture Tlieater Have to Tell You. Inmlme ITolcntliig New lim Com pany Today, Jane Grey hi "TNe flower of Faith." The Pastlme'i offering for Sunday Monday will present to Pendleton theater goea a brand new film com pany. The International Film Ser vice, William Randolph Hearst, own er of the largest chain of newspaper in the U. 8. A. Is at the head of this company. Their first offering, "The Flower of Faith" with Jane Grey and Frank Mills Is a pretentious picture and one that the Pastime manage ment guarantees to please. "The Flower of Faith"' shows se ductive love scenes in daisy field and woodland. Thrilling adventures with beautiful scenery, the tragedy of an evanegllst father's misconception of a secret visit by his daughter to the cabin of an unbeliever, flaring torches slihoutted against the night to mark the gathering of a band of night riders, self appointed executors of a grim frontier Justice. The final triumph of faith and love, all this cur. mlnatlng with the most sensational storm vcene ever shown In pictures. n nn My aiitiG U LOT 0 U &&m DANIEL FROHMAN Presentes the Internationally Celebrated Dancers MAURICE and FLORENCE WALTON in "The Quest of Lire '" .7- By Edmund Gould ing and Gabriel Enthoven. 2 BIG ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE 3 CONWAY SISTERS 3 JACK GILBERT Singing, Dancing: and Fencing. Acrobatic Dancing and Barrel Jumping. PROF. STANFIELD'S ORCHESTRA GUARANTEES the BEST MUSIC in the CITY. 30 PLUMBlCltS ARE FINED. DEB MOINES, Dec. 4. Federal Judge 'William Pollock fined thlrfy plumbers twenty-five to a hundred and fifty dollars. They were convlst. ed of fixing prices and violating the m. - a .. .vital l. TtlA 11 (1 ' told the prosecutor: "These men arei not criminals. They merely corns within the icope of a regulatory law. The longer I sit on this bench the more lenient I grow. I realize these people are part of this country's bus iness. To take them from their bus. iness world would be removing some thing from the country It vastly needs." Four other defendants failed to have Pollock reduce thousand dollar fines Imposed last summer. In assess Ing the fines, the Judge asked the de. fendants: "Will the fine Impoverish your families and cause hardships?" Many said yes and had their fines lowered. LONDON'S FIRST WIFE WELL PROVIDED FOR OAKLAND, Dec. 4. Mrs. Bessie London, the first wife of Jack Lon don, said the property settlement agreed upon years ago amply provid ed for herself and children. London's will left her only five dollars. She said: "This five dollar bequest means nothing. My daughters and I will con. tlnue to live In the family home al Oakland. We have ample means for the support of all of us. Under no circumstances whatever will I surren der the custody of my daughters." Representative Fitzgerald's plan to place an embargo on food at least will not encourage further unneces sary pegging up of food prices. Conroy Tool the of "Cost of liig" lolf at Read These Prices Telephone 640 We Deliver Promptly BROOMS 35c, 50c and 60c SWARD CO!, Can 10c Sweet Potatoes, 7 lbs 25 Cranberries, 2 quarts 25 Sunkist Oranges, dozen 40$ Sunkist Oranges, dozen 50$ Sunkist Lemons, dozen 30$ Celery, bunch 10$ Rome Beauty Apples, box $1.00 New Raisins, package 11$ New Currants pkg. 20$, 2 for 35 None Such Mince Meat, pkg 10$ Best Bulk Mince Meat, 3 lbs 50J Walnuts, Cal. Soft Shell, 2 for 45 New Prunes, 3 lbs 25$ Albers Flapjack Flour, still 25$ Peacock Buckwheat, still 25$ Albers Rolled Oats, large pkg 25$ Best Eastern Corn Meal, 9 lb. sack 45$ Fresh Ranch Eggs, doz. 55c Butter, Ib. 45c; roll 90c Macaroni and Spaghetti, 5 lb. box.. 40$ Skinners Macaroni, Spaghetti and Noodles, 3 pkgs 25$ Oysters, 4 oz. can, 3 for 25$ Best Shrimps, 2 cans 25$ Best Mince Clams, can 15 Van Camps Sauer Kraut, No. 3 tins, 2 for 25$ Hominy, 2 cans 25$ Best Spinach, can 15 Best Corn and Gloss Starch, 4 for.. 25$ Best Crepe Toilet Paper, 4 for 25$ Lard 65, ? 1.00 and $2.00 Log Cabin Syrup, quarts 42$ ; 'a gal lon 70$; gallon ?1.35 Blue Karo Syrup, gal. 60; ia gal. 30$ Red Karo Syrup, gal65; i2 gal. 35$ Charlie Chlin in His Very Latest Picture at Pastime Tomorrow. Tomorrow the Pastime Theater is presenting "Behind the Screen," fea turing the one and only Charlie Chaplin In his latest picture. Critics the country over pronounce thla fea ture one of Charley's best. The 1650,000 comedian has spared n pains In making "Behind the Screen" full of laughs. In addition to this Chaplin picture will also be shown Helen Holmes in The Lass of the Lumberlands,,' virile, red-blooded drama of the lum. berlands with the giant red-wood trees for a background. There are many sensational and thrilling scenes In "The Lass of the Lumberlands" and lovers of the dar ing will see Helen Holmes in many hair-raising stunts in this picture. World Famouti Hyimotlst coming; to Alta Theater. Dr. Herbert It Travelutte who U heralded as one of the greatest living hypnotists, always plays to packed houses and receives favorable press notices. The following was clipped from the Lerthbrldge Herald, Leth bridge, Alberta, Canada, where he played several weeks ago. Tonight will be your last chance to see the great Dr. Travelutte, who for the past week has been giving hyp notic performances at the Orpheum. During the entire week his perform ances have been greeted with packed houses and have been excellent In ev. ery detail. He Is said to be the cre ator of a million laughs, and If those that he secured while in the city be counted in we would guess ?hat the total will soon reach a million and a half. Tonight he has reserved for the ladies and he expects a very large class as he has hynotlzed many young ladies at private parties that ! have promised to come on the stage and he also announced last night he had reserved the best for the last so the people In Lethbrldge would he laughing when he 4s gone, but not forgotten. LA GRANDE SNATCHES VICTORY LA GRANDE, Ore., Dec 4. By running back and recovering a missed pass, "Lynx" Larsen saved La Grande high school from seeming defeat In the last few minutes of play Saturday between Elgin high and La Grande and scored a -touchdown, McDonald kicked coal and La Grane won, 7 to . Elgin scored early, but missed goal. Gehnt, Adcock and Holme were Elgin's stars, while Larsen, Johnson, Collier, Reynolds and Ash played beet for La Grande. Elgin jumped to a real contender for football honors In one season under the coaching et Amonlno, a graduate of Michigan. COMING ALTA COMING THE WORLD FAMED-THE GREAT DR. HERBERT TRAVELUTTE "KING OF HYPNOTISTS" And Company Presenting the Funniest Show of the Season. A Laugh From Start to Finish. See the Great Dr. Herbert Travelutte in a Free Exhibition. Watch for the Blind- folded Drive through the Principal Streets in bis GO h. p. Automobile. AN ATTRACTION WITHOUT AN EQUAL MOTHERLY ItOUCS-STIIJ, PIRSVE NORMA TALMADGE AfUT Two SJngto-BleaBcdnelis Pic tures Triangle Star Again Appears As youthful Matron in "Flft. Fifty," at the Temple. Norma Talmadge, Triangle star. Just simply can't keep away from young matron roles. After getting into all kinds of adventures in "Mar tha's Vindication" through mothering two children not her own and ap pearing with a flock of little ones in "The Children In the House'1 and "Going Straight,' she Settled down for a lime to single blessedness. In the "Devil's Needle"- and "The So cial Secretary." It could not last, however. In her newest play, "Fifty-Fifty," she ap pears in the opening scenes as an unmarried girl, but the story has not progressed very far before she i." married, and subsequent episodes show her with a tiny infant in her arms. In this play the baby plars a big part in the story, the heroine perjuring herself by denying that her husband is its father than allow him to have the custody of It when he seeks to divorce her, through an un just accusation, in order that he may marry another woman. Miss Talmadse has always made an appealing mother and Is said to give j a particularly loucmng cnaracieriza tlon In this play. In her supportins cast are J. W. Johnston, Dodson Mitchell, Marie Chambers, Ruth Dar. ling. H. S. Northrup, Frank Currier and W. P. Richmond. Today is the last day of "Fifty-Fifty." Last to Today 6 6p .f WEi A BIG ESSANY FEATURE. Another GRANT POLICE REPORTER. MARY PICKFORD Another dandy little feature. "BUSTING IN AND OUT OF SOCIETY," A Craeking Good Comedy. IF ITS GOOD YOU WILL SEE IT AT THE COSY 3 HIGH SCHOOL NEWS ' Si The public speaking , class of the high school will stage "The Sopho more," a well known college play, on the 15th of this month. It has been agreed that the tickets will be sold at a low price, so that every one will be able to attend. The proceeds from the show will be turned over to the high school to help In the purchasing of the footbalt sweaters, it a good crowd is on hand, the money secured added to that taken in from the Thanksgiving football game, should be enough to entirely purchase the sweaters. Explanations of the coal shortage will not help the publlo to keep warm when tero weather cornea i Norma Talmadge In New Triangle Fine Arts Feature. "Fifty-Fiftv ' i?'ff?nn THEATRE Last Time Today i '3 Lb E in TV-FIFTV" A stirring: story of BOHEMIAN LIFE and the divorce courts of a gayety loving: husband and a siren of a frame-up and a woman's willing sacri fice Norma Talmage as the heroine a most delightful characterization. A LONESOME LUKE COMEDY. A Pathe Scenic Tokio, the Capital of Japan. ADULTS 15 CHILDREN 5c TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY H. B. Warner and Dorothy Dalton in "A VAGABOND PRINCE" 1 Una lataiss It Is with great pleasure tb.it w announce to our patrons the latest Triangle Play In which Norma Tul madge appears. 8o many Inquiries have been re ceived about the next appearance ef this popular star that we fl stir the announcement of her picture will be gladly received by many. "Fifty-Fifty" critics have dentared to be the best In which Mlaa Tal madge has appeared.