DAILY HAST (TCrSOXiAH. TTZ&VKCZ, CGC:f, MONDAY, DZCEMESS 4, 1916. TACZ 7ZZ. p - V"" V" .V -r- v- 4 ONLY 17 MORE SHOPPtM. UATj u.iil ,;i. . ..,. - . f IF YOU WANT PURE HEALTHY BUY U. S. INSPECTED AND BE SAFE. Downey's M Phone 133 With Dean Tatora Co. MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, REALTY TRANSFERS , Warranty Deeds. R. J. Rhodes, et ux. to David I. Cowan, $1.00, 1-1 Interest In lot 12, block tl, Reservation addition to Ten-, dleton. I L. Ueuallen, at ux to J. T. Lieu, alien, tlOO, S 1-1 NW 1-4. Section 2, Townihlp t North. Range 34. S. I Shaw, et ux, to J, R Owen, II, 1 1-2 acre In Section 81, Town ship 1 North, Range S3. O. L. Richards, et ux, to G. S. B. Hayden, $550, lots t and 10, block 29, Stanfield. TI) ItCJf FOR GOVERNOR IP HIS OOl'SIN DOESN'T GADSDEN, Ala., Dec. 2. Con gressman John Li. Burnett has an nounced that he will run lor gover nor of Alabama In the coming elec tion, provided his cousin, W. W. Drundon. of Tuscaloosa, Ala., docs not interfere with his cousin. L'Wc Signing a Death Mandate. The awful strain of signing orderB for ruthless destruction of boore to beginning to tell upon Judge Joe I'arkes. Ills hair Is graying fast, hit brow Is becoming furrowed and In his eyes is that haunting look of help less misery that comes from stern adherence to painful obligations. Verily, the path of duty leads to the grave. Memorle. Jim Estes' small son was pressing his fingers against his eyeball In such a way as to create optical illusion. "Papa," said the young hopeful, "I can seetwo lights where there it only one." "Yes, yes, son," said Jim, absently, "I have been that way myself." From One Bonanza to Another. The lure of tho soil is mighty strone durln thefe days of dollar and a half whcait. G. L. Wilson, a lo cal nlumher. oult his lob to go to farming the other day. The Female of the specie. Ed Averlll, sworn foe" to predatory hpaata ihB other dav received the xkulla and hides of two timber wolves. Having his office In with Malor Moorhouse. he turned the tro Phlcs over to the major to put In his windows. The malor thought the skulls would attract more attention If the jaws were propped open to show the teeth. It was necessary to Insert a stick) to keep the Jaws of the male open but when he opened the mouth of the female It Just nat unllv remained ODen. True to set even In death, the major observed We Could See Ttwm at Round-l'p Park. Fred Lockley was up from Fort land Saturday and was exhibiting one of the new model dimes recently coined by Uncle Samuel. He showed It to us and, when we politely Inform ed him that the new dimes had made their appearance in Pendleton some weeks ago. he said with his custo mary deference: "Did you ever see a buffalo quarter?" We answered negatively, expeatlng him to produce. 'Next time you are In Portland go out to the zoo and take a look at one," be said. Shelter for lido. George Baer says he Is going build a kennel for his Ford. to IS I 5 JCnios Oriental Novelties for The Novelty Basket, Tray, Jewel Boxes, Sewing Basket, Nut Trays, Fru.t Basket, Card Trays, Shopping Baskets, Etc., are very artistically desired and all hand made by the skilled Japanese worker. Priced each 15c to 5.0Q S?iSI INTERESTED 18 can smokers aucniKMi io iik ciiain hu' ..--hu- . Ihcavy imokc, xior, and MacUSgH-Ciija " 'Sw'eeTCaporal "tigarrltta keen on the market for over four ilecadcs. and arc more popular to-1 liar than ever. Tha wonderful rtcord has never beta duplicated pjr any other cigarette.' In ail Ihcse vean count leu brands ol tigarettea have come and gore, tut &( Caporal keep on pain n favor year after year. ftW feral cigar Jhi papt pletriy, a giarticlet trxplains t KwertCa! rued mrl world, suit of ICaporat li bthtr cm a remark Sweet' Ipg showi inlcrestmij Irlemomtri thigh-graj larttte Thai is one rcan for ilw j It's An Easy Step. Opthographically the difference be tween being a married man and a di vorced man is very small. Just the transposition of two letters. When' you're married you're '"united" and if i you're divorced you are "untied."' Therefore we feel bound to excuse the typographical error which made a headline read that so and so were Untied in Marriage." Ak Alexander. Editor Bulldozer; Can you tell me why It was that Carl Cooley went over to Walla Walla Thanksgiving day to see the W. B. C- Whitman gnme and didn't know which team won until he got back to Pendleton? Tours, CURIOUS. Tbc Pls Again. Tall Timothy Geer, whose rise from governor of Oregon to editor of the Tribune in a few short years will be remembered, Indicted the following lines about the two little pigs sent by Pendloton democrats to Mrs. Hanley: Two Pigs. A plggie named Wilson was aent To a place where he never had went! But he grieved for the mule Till he died (like a fool). Thus upsetting the Joke that was meant. But the piggie named Marshall was game, And he said, "I'm so glad than I came," So he eats all the swill On the fare they call bill, Thus adding each day to hla f(r)ame. la Theiie a Second? To the Weakly Bulldogger: Noting that Judge Lowell has or ganized a Mosaic League for the sup. pression of profanity, I wish to take thla means of nominating Frank FTa. zier for president. Tours truly, FOR THE GOOD OF THB ORDER. ri.Tft ut. 1 1 1. mi. filing i ua 1 1 ia "'ni"' UlUnlikl 1 1 UkliiUlfW I IW IWII I . vK .".i TV ft has never been "mtre rtriking dtniumlraliofi of (icarcHe parity than the novel burning tct of Swert Caporal cicarrtlcs now being given by a trauwu corps or lemonitralors. Incse men nrsi Thev next nroduce a roTToTlnc liiRh grade. imported rrtnen cig arette naoer uwd on Sweet Cap- oral cicarettes andliurn a piece of this oaper. It bums evtiUy, com- plctcly, and leaves only a few tin liarticics ot pure wnite asn. i m cxpuins the pure looacco SweM lus ever duplicated the pure .to bacco navor ot wcct tasorair the mellow, sweet, nature-made histe of rine tobacco. That is why i-t ... . . Sweet Caporal no other cicarctte. gives them the same enjoyment; That Is Hie wonrlerfyl IribuUi iRirettei fclack, "The HUJS' "tli moked tobacco an kjw w I i at -mm 1 r- a Sw '4114 A-ar J c . w w r aHi. - w - r trts '1 u--0rr hejfrike ash ie recdf of theJ the re-; f Sweet its. N 'cd sikK. rich ig cl(a itttniion, fliiiS i i a u a CHRISTMAS SHIPMENT OF CREPE DE CHINE UNDERWEAR, IN GOWNS, Q II.?OI.FS. PFTTirOATS AND POMRI NATIONS. THESE ARE VERY DAINTI LY TRIMMED IN FINEST OF LACES. HAND EMBROIDERY AND RIBBONS. 3 8 NEW KIMONA SILKS S Very suitable for Christmas presents. Many special designs and Deauuiui coi- vj orings. Priced, yard 85. ?1.50 and VV Vi M U a a a a a a a a a Hand embroidered Philiimine Underwear in eowns, combinations ana covers. This underwear makes the acceptable Christmas gift. You miy purchase these garments either with or without Christmas boxes, corset CENTER PIECES, SCARFS AND PIL LOW TOPS These are all pure linen, and are worth up to. $1.50 each. Very special while they last, your choice only, each 19 ?2.00. 8. U Christmas Gift Suggestion from our Men's and Boys' Clothing Store. -ure pa;' m Vapf Biffl Hfl ', Wft tew dnF h. This favor ad bums with Sweet Cap- feral cigarettes are rolled m thel Eighest grade, imponea rreneni loer the purest and best in the sorld ;-' . in popular -loved of all cigi- 'ettcs is Sweet Caporal. THECSISmClSASmE! Sweet Caooral is the famous brand that put cigarettes on the map of the United Slate. -SWEETS" IS CLUBS Every Aub and hotel in Amer ica, and hundreds of the best hos ieries in Europe, sell Sweet Cap- oral cicarettes. No other ciga rette at the same price it carried ui theae places. THOUSANDS OF PHYSICIANS et Caporal cigarettes are tha favorite brand of medical menj (everywhere. Over fifteen thous? ana physicians in trie umtecj plates are Sweet Caporal smokers, .No greater tribute could be paio to the purity of Sweet Caporal cigarettes than this. Physicians know Sweet Laporal is gooo, pur tobacco that it why they smoka! SwetttV KNOWN FOR IT'S STRENGTH THIRTY-FOUR YEARS OF UNBROKEN SUCCESS. THE GROWTH AND CON TINUOUS SERVICE OF THIS INSTITUTION ARE AT YOUR COMMAND. MAKE USE OF)UR FACI LITIES AND THE EXPERI ENCE OF OUR OFFICERS IN YOUR BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS HALF A MILLION PENDLETON SECURITY AGAIN let us remind you, your friends can buy any thing you can give them ex cept your' photograph. If you have your portrait made right, both in lighting and composition, you will realise the greatest pleasure in the giving of it to your friends as a ChriBtmas token. WHEELER STUDIO UongKongGafo i.D NOODLE PARLORS Noodles AND Chop Suey Outstde Tray Orders Bpecttity. Box for utdles and gentlamtn. OPEN DAT AND ALL NIGHT Meal Tickets, 11 MesU for H N Special Chlokoa Dinott Sun days. 548 Main Street Next to . O. BUf. Ftaons III CONGRESS MEMBERS FLOCK TO CAPITAL 1'IVE HIXDHKD AVITH CAMP rXL IX)WERS AIIE ALREADY AT WASHINGTON. I'.ullilliig is Newly Washed and Reno vated for Lively Though Short Ses sion Hrtumt New and March the Fourth. WASHINGTON, Dec. '.Five hun dred members of congress, with hun dreds of camp followers in their wake. Invaded Washington today sing ly and by groups to take up the busi neBK of the nation at noon Monday. Downtown hotels were filled to ca-un-itr with the law-makers, their i helpers and the usual gallery attract ed bv the glamours of an opening ses sion of congress, featured by a person ally delivered message from the presi dent. Ti,o fmiitnl Is newlv washed and renovated to receive the members. Washington, used to being a news cen tre for legislative and political news, brishtened up at the prospect of t HvpIv. If short session between tomor rnw nnd March 4 when will sound the swan song of the sixty-fourth con gress. While many older representatives and senators in the confidence of their olfice had established permanent homes here, and were able to go at once to their domiciles, others, de pendent on hotels for accommodation, scrambled with the ordinary public for rooms and the attendant three-a-dav. Since the close of the memorable j session of last summer, climaxed uyi the passage of the Adamson eight- hour law. the Capital's legislative building had been inhabited princi pally by' mice and clerks, busy here while the members back home rebuilt political fences or found them past re building. In the senate and house office buildings, the chief activity had been the swishing of painter irushes. In the Capitol, the supreme court was the only active agent ex cept the Capitol guides. Seventeen senators are attending their last session. W. F. Kirby, nam ed to fill the unexpired term of the late Senator Clarke of Arkansas, was expected to be about the only new novice in the senate until March 5. Eulogies of Senator Clarke, who died during the recess, were expected to be a part of the senate business to morrow or next day. Miss Jeanette Rankin, representative-elect from Montana to succeed Representative Tom Stout, was the subject of much discussion. She is r.ot here, as her term will not begin until next session but members could not wait They faced such of them as will come back the prospect of getting along for two years with the first woman ever elected to con eroaawithout making any breaks One question as yet undecided is whether she will be called the "Ladv from Montana." and Representative Stout, whom she succeeds faced incl dentally the hardest assignment of all allblng himself for defeat by a woman. PURE SILK HALF HOSE Come black, grey, tan, blue, etc., 50, 75, $1.00 and ?1.50 pair, all boxed to suit you. 8 SMOKING JACKETS He will appreciate one of these pretty coats. We suggest an early selection, while sizes are complete. Boxed in Xmas boxes to suit you. Priced ?6.50 and ?7.50 15 3 CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR FOR MEN A b e a utiful scarf is always j appropriate for his Xmas gift. Our show ine V consists of a wide range of silks and new designs, you, 25, 50S 75, $2.00 and $2.50 each Boxed $1.00, to suit $1.50, I MEN'S DRESS GLOVES ' It's the well known ..Fownes make that will please; all sizes; unlined and silk lined; good range of shades. Boxed in Xmas boxes to suit you 3 Priced ?1.50 to ?2. it s 3 EVERYTHING TO EAT IN OUR QUALl 1 T UKUimi. i ORIENTAL RUGS Cartozian Bros, have a large showing in our store for a few days. 8 1 ALIOC ANPlLliS SHOES OF QUALITY FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. i1 t i 1 1 i Sinnott last a 8 In Washington last evening, after spending Thanksgiving with his fam ily in New York. While In New Toru, Mr. Sinnott was asked by a promi nent ha manufacturer to procure for him a doren Oregon Jackrabblt pelts, so he might experiment and deter mine for himself the sltuablllty of Jackrabblt fur for felt hat manufac ture. The New Yorker had heard of the ha.t made for Mr. spring. Mr. Sinnott has ordered sent from Oregon a large number of pelts, and he will send samples not only to tho manufacturers who are interested but to others, for he is now convinc. ed that he has found a market for the fur, and wishes to see what he can do to build up a demand. HATTER, WANTS RABBIT FTR. Request Made ot Representative sin nott While in New yortc WASHINGTON, Dc. 4 -senttitlve Sinnott, of Oregon, -Repre-arrived Dreaded an Operation More Than Anything TRIED FROTOLA AND TRAXO AND HAS NEVER SINCE BEEN TUOl BLED WITH GALL STONES. Mrs. Mary E Franse, whose ad. dress Is West Point, Nebr., Box 411, has written to the Pinua laboratories a very strong endorsement of Fruit ola and Traxo. ''About ten years ago I was about to undergo an operation for gall stones when I heard of your medicine. Dreading an operation above everything, I determined to try Fruitola and Traxo,and have nev er been sorry I did so, as I have nev er been troubled with gall stones since." Fruitola and Traxo are compound, ed from the original Edsall formulas at the Pinna laboratories in Monti cello, III., and can be purchased In Pendleton of Tallman A Co., Hi Main street; a doctor's prescription is not necessary. Fruitola is a pure fruit oil that acts as an Intestinal lubricant and disintegrates the hardened particles that cause so much suffering, discharging the accumulated waac to the sufferer' Intense relief. One dose is usually sufficient to Indl. cate its efficacy. Traxo is a tonlcaltratlve that is most "effective to re build and restore the weakened, rundown system. A booklet of special Interest to those who suffer from stomach trouble can be obtained by writing to the plnus Laboratories, Monticello, Ullnol His. H!yss EssCuiMt PHYSICAL CULTURE AND ELOCUTION. Hotel Pendleton. MKS. MARY E. FRANSE. $36.00 WITH 12 RECORDS A little down and a little each month or week. Tes, you may keep this new Edlsoa Thomas A. Edison's great phono graph with the diamond stylus and our choice of records, too. for only S3S.04, Including 12 records.. You may pay a little down and a little each month or week. Try the New Kdtaoa In your home before you decide to buy. Entertain your friends with your fuvorlte records. Write Today for our New Edlsoa Book. Send your name and adtlrem for our new book and picture of tha New Edison phonographs. No obli gations. WARREN'S MUSIC HOUSE Edison Phonograph Dlrtrl tailor PrwUeton, Orefo. ,