East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 30, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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nam faciu
- - .
WE wish to thank
our patrons for a
banner year's business
and to inform you that
we will be closed Thurs
day to observe the oc
casion with you.
Two Phones, 23 823 Main St
Pendleton's Quality Store
21 Shopping Days Until Christmas
Diamonds are constantly increasing in value,
and aa fine stones become more and more rare
and the cost of obtaining them Increases, the
fortunate owner of a fine diamond may con
sider that he holds security that is perfectly
safe, and will yield a good return at any time.
Our stock Is carefully selected.
Anticipating an advance In the price of dia
monds we bought early and heavily.
We have the largest stock of diamonds In
Eastern Oregon.
We will be glad to hare you see our collection.
It ill , L.
Drank la Jogged.
Kll Parr was arrested last night on
a charge of drunkenness.
Mew Electric Sign.
The Oosy Theater has Installed a
new electric sign to attract the at
tention ( the movie fans.
New Machine Installed.
A new little cancelling machine has
been installed at the post office. The
machine is such as is being used in
cnly the larger federal offices of the
To Attend Football Game.
Among the Pendleton fans who
went to Wulla Walla this morning to
I attend the W. S. C.-Whitman College
football game were Alvin Knight, Roy
I Alexander, i Marshall Spell, Hans
i Struve and Carl Cooley.
the hospital last evening and died
about an hour after his arrival here.
He has been In this county since last
April. He is known to have relatives
in Michigan and It is probable the
body will be shipped there for interment.
Flnishee Moving Store. '
J. L. Vaughan has almost finished
the task of moving his stock of elec
trical fixtures Into his new location
next to the new offices of the Pacifio
Power & Light Co. on Court street.
Improving Tory Slowly,
Mrs. Claude Penland. who has been
bedfast with a nervous breakdown
for the past month, continues to
show signs of improvement though
very slowly. She Is now conscious
about half the time. Two nursed
are still in attendance upon her.
l 111.1 T? all V
A large number of high school stu
dents joined In the rally last evening
to advertise the football game this
afternoon between the school team
and the "All Stars." Their parade
formed at the corner of Main and
Eluff and was led by the military
ccrps. Other students carried banners
and noise-making Instruments.
City Attorney Given Holu. 1
The city council last evening au
thorized City Attorney Fee to secure
assistance in representing the city In
the 316,000 damage suit brought
against the city, The Peoples Ware
house and Gibson & Cole for the in
jury to .Miss Grace Hoch when she
was caught under the false front to
the Peoples Warehouse when It fell
during a wind storm. The council in
structed the city attorney that no
compromise would be considered.
Light Go. Submits Contract.
The Pacific Power & Light Co. last
evening submitted an agreement to
the city council, the purpose of which
Is to substitute for the present 650 arc
lights ttO candlepower Mazda lampB
at the same price now being paid.
The agreement, if adopted, would ex
tend the company's contract from
117 t 1826. The agreement was
referred to the city attorney and light
Brought Hack Nine Turks.
D. D. Phelps and J. J. Hamley were
among the sportsmen who attended
the big turkey shoot at Helix yester
day and they brought back nine tur
keys. They report a great number of
sportsmen present from all over the
country. Seventy five turkeys, BO
geese, SO ducks and four quarters ol
beef were among the trophies. A
barbeque was served at noon free of
cost to all present.
Win Pat Walk In.
After trying vainly to ascertain up
on whom to affix the eost of putting
In a sidewalk along the piece of pro
perty at the corner of West Webb and
Chestnut streets, the council last eve
ning decided to put the walk in and
find the owner afterwards. The pro
perty belonged to the N. P. but when
the street was paved, the railroad
company refused to claim it, turning
it over to the Warren Construction
Ct. The latter company, ' however,
now refuses to claim it, preferring to
turn it over to the city rather than
pay the costs of building a sidewalk.
City Buys a Studcbakcr.
A Studebaker auto trucks was or
dered purchased for the fire depart
ment by the council last evening. The
Ore committee, which had been con
sidering the bids, reported recom
mending three cars. Iits first choice
was a Reo speed truck for 11180, sec
ond choice a Studebaker truck for
1986, and third choice a Dodge Bros.
truck for 1790. The council did not
wish to spend over 1000 and finally
settled upon the Studebaker after the
fire committee had conferred for a
few moments. The purchase price In
cludes a body for the truck. The
company will guarantee the car for
a year.
28 Years Ago Today
(From the Dally East Oregonlan,
Nov. SO, 1888.)
The house movers commenced their
work of despoliations this afternoon
in the back yard of the old Goldea
Rule, tearing up things generally.
When it is removed Court street will
be 80 feet wide from Main street to
the city brewery.
The ticklish job of driving the trac
tion engine to be used temporarily In
the operation of Byer's electric lights,
across the Main street bridge, was
safely accomplished by "Rock" Bost
wlck and Ben Hagen, although the
structure shook and quivered like a
hvng thing during the operation.
Henry Richardson and company
have received complete and reliable
assays from their Greenhorn moun
tain ledges. The Sultana shows a
yield In gold of $400 per ton, the Sul
tan $90 In free gold.
R. H. Simpson, Helix merchant is
In town today.
Masons Take Notice.
Members of Pendleton lodge No.
62, A. F. & A. M., will meet at Ma
sonic hall at 2 p. m. tomorrow (Fri
day) to attend funeral of J. Henry
Kunzie. S. H. FORSHAW,. W. M.
Q Advertising in Brief
Per line first insertion 10s
Per line, additional Insertion.... Be
Per line, per month fl.O.
No locals taken for less thai 25&
Count 6 ordinary words to line.
Locals will not be taken over tbe
telepbone except from Bast Oregon
Ian paid-up subscriber.
Die at Hospital.
Edward Fleming of Echo passed
away at St. Anthony's hospital last
night after a short Illness from pneu
monia. Mr. Fleming was brought to
jsually yields to the purer bloot
J Mtjki wvanrftk larkiVri
U1U glCCUGS 9UVa!-V nuvu
creates. Its rich oil-food enliven:
the whole system and strengthen!
the organs to throw oil the injurious
acids. Many doctors them- ift.
selves take Scott's Emulsion V-A
and you must stand firm
against substitutes. --
Scott ft Bowne.BloomSeld, N.J. 16-4
AGAIN let us remind you.
your friends can buy any
thing you can give them ex
cept your photograph. If
you have your portrait made
right, both In lighting and
composition, you will realise
the greatest pleasure In the
giving of it to your friends
aa a Christmas token.
ur Day of Thanks
And the kiddies will be thankful to read this. After today all of Santa's things for
Xmas will be displayed in this store.
Baskets, Drums, Horns, Games, Stationery, Toilet and Shaving Sets. Every article
priced way down low.
J. C Penney Co Ine. J
When your blood is impure, weak,
thin and debilitated, your system
becomes susceptible to any or al
diseases. '
Put your blood in pood condition.
Hood's arsaparilla acts directly
and peculiarly on the blood it puri
fies, enriches and revitalizes it and
builds up the whole system.
Hood's Sarsaparilla has stood the
test of forty years. Get it toduy.
t is sure to help you.
For rent Housekeeping rooms,
812 College.
for sale Good milch cow. Inquire
2109 West Webb street
Wanted Competent girl for house
work. Apply 114 Monroe.
Furnished rooms for rent. 604
For rent Housekeeping rooms.
400 East Alta street
For rent Furnished housekeeping
rooms, 401 Aura. Tel. 308W.
Wm. Goedecke auto for hire. Phono
289M. Stangier Cigar Store. Tel. 464.
I haul your garbage and trash.
Phone 553M. 1403 W. Railroad St.
Housekeeping rooms for rent. 601
Lilleth street Call evenings.
For rent Furnished rooms for
gentlemen, & T. this ofte.
Lost Black Cocker Spaniel dog,
bob tall. months old. Notify
Phone 170.
Pendleton Hair Dressing Parlors,
Pendleton Hotel building. Phone 46.
D. B. Waffle auto for hire. Phons
284M. Stand, Charles Co., Phone 7.
You will find Reetz and Freemai
In their new Main street barber shop.
Suits pressed 60c: tnoroughly clean
ed $1.60. Rudd, 202 W. Webb. Phone
Barley too high for feed. . See Bly-
densteln, 117 E. Court phone 66 for
oats by car lota.
For sale or rent 9-room modern
house on Locust Hill. Easy terms.
Ralph Folsom.
Wanted Competent girl for gen
eral housework. Call mornings, 61 i
Jefferson or phone 683.
Dressmaking taken In; prices rea
sonable. The Kenmore Apt 6 Phone
Blydensteln's Dietary Mush and
Prepared Dietary Flour, a cure and
preventative for constipation.
For sale Eight-room house, hot
water heat. Inquire Buford Butler
at Otto Huhbach's Bakery.
House for rent, I If month, range,
beds, chairs and dresser for ' sale
cheap. Call at 606 Franklin street.
For sale Five room Bouse, east
Court street Desirable location, elos
to school, a genuine, bargain. Foi
particulars address R. C Jory, Man
pta. Or.
Found, on Macadam road between
Athena and Weston, on auto .robs.
Finder can have same by calling at
this office and paying charges.
For sale Gentle saddle and driv
ing horse with buggy and harness,
cheap. Box 776 Pendleton, Or
Phone (82.
Classes now forming In clarinet
saxophone, cornet and trombone In
struction. Pupils wanted. See Cal
Malone, 616 Thompson street.
Mattress making, furniture repair
ing, upholstering, called for and deliv
ered, city, or country. La Dow Bros..
210 Beauregard. Phone 2 27 J.
For sale Rubber tired buggy, bar.
ness, large heating stove, set of scene
ry and drops for 18-foot stage. In
quire Milne Grocery.
Rooming house for sale. Main
street, in center of business district
Doing good business. Inquire of Pen
land Bros.
Call Penland Bros, van to move your
household goods. Telephone 330. Also
baggage transferring and heavy haul
Wanted Place for Industrious bo)
to work for board and attend
school. Country preferred. Address
"F" this office.
Come and make me an offer on
good 6-passenger car. Must be sold
at once. V. EL Snavely, Independent
Garage. Phone 633,
Prompt automobile taxi service,
day and night Funerals to cemetery
only 33.50, Phone 680. Hotel St.
George. Carney Taxi Co.
Lost or stolen From our ranch at
Vansycle, one black mare colt with
white stripe in forehead. Weight 1100
lbs. Finder please notify Johnson A
Lindhe, Helix, ore.
-;V i J-. 1 a
Do Ton Want a Home?
Do you want to buy a new nome on
easy terms? Do you want to buy a
choice building lot and build for your.
selfT If so, see A. H. COX,
(Adv.) At Oregon Lumber Yard
Wheat $1.00 Per Sack and Up.
Have only a few hundred sack of
this damaged wheat left Call at H
W. Collins" warehouse near O.-W. R.
& N. freight house. Adv.
Female Help Wanted.
Ton can make 330 weekly selling
Numud Facial treatment, 80c pkg.
1-2 profit. Box 403, Oakland, Cat
At the Boston Clothing Store, a
beautiful 3200.00 Talking Machine
See It in their window and learn par
ticulars. Adv.
Home Cooking.
at the Golden Rule Cafe. All white
help. Regular meals 25 cents. Adv
Auto mage.
For Adams. Athena and Weston
eaves Hennlng'i Cigar Stor at 10 a
it. and 3:30 p. m. each day. Adv.
Optometrist and Optician.
Cl Glasses ground
and fitted. Lenses
American National Bank Building.
Expert repairing
of Watches
(tad Jewelry.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Wm. Hanscom
THE Jeweler.
S "AirtieikjnOf IhePwjcocIO S
ii g ad)Ld
After trying; it you will be convinced along
with our many other satisfied customers that 5
"Peacock" coal is the best on the market. 2
I stn-Lotu co. (
2820 acres on railroad. 2000 tillable, part ready to seed; fair
bulldlnga, plenty of water, all fenced and cross fenced. Price
now 360,000.
I have some desirable residence property In Pendleton for sal
at less than cost to build, and lots thrown In. Among which are
the fine modern home of J. S. Landers on Jackson street Prloe
reduced now 3500.
House of rooms two' blocks from Depot. Fine shade trees,
new cement walk, cellar, about half way between high and
west end school. This house is Insured for 31000, paid up to
June, 1918, policy will be transferred with the property for
only 31000.
The above 2820 acres can be bought now for 320 per acre.
E. T. WADE, Pendleton. Ore.
Just Received, Two
More Carloads of
and all are sold.
Get your order
in now, as they are
being filled in ro
812 Garden Street