East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 27, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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TXC.7, T!
Corn Fed
Milk Fed Geese, Ducks, Spring, Hen.
Patronize your own home industry,
Phone 188.
Plan Your Dinner at the Dean Tatom Co.
Phone 688
BANTA R08A, Nov. 27. Jack Lon
don's ahe were taken to Olenellen
and were scattered to the winds yes-ti-rduy.
Mrs. Charmion London, his
widow, and a few clow friends, con
ducted memoriul services while the
ashes were scattered over the Valley
of the Moon. Tochlgi, London's Jap
unese valet, placed a small slip ot
writing paper on the casket Just be
fore cremation and said: "It's my
mind bye, Please don't remove It"
The paper said: "Your words were sil
ver. Your silence now (fold."
Many a self-made man looks as if
he might have been greatly Improved
with a little outside assistance.
1 me-.'fcln.
The general public thought those
buslne men who gave a tiamiiiet to
Captain Murphy, the newly appoiu'
cd warden of the pen. were doing It ;ih
a compliment to an esteemed fellow
citizen, but the Eulldogger wasn't
fooled for a minute. The underlying
motive was us plain to us as the rei
sn why a girl closes her eyes when
kissed. They were simply putting
themelves In good with the man with
whom they might take up lodging al
some future day.
It' ! to Nms Where Horace Had
Ills Eyes.
Horace Metis says It wasn't any
surprise to him to find out that Alex
ander performed his trunk mystery
by using twin girls. He says he ma le
the discovery for himself when he saw
that one girl had a scratch on her
leg and the other didn't.
I.cl I s Ite Tliankrul.
Thanksgiving approaches and it
behooves us all to be thankful. It
is customary for enterprising jour
nals, such as the Bulldogger admits
It is. to point out the very obvious
things which everybody can Bee in
minute we ought to be. thankful for.
such as peace, pro.- perlty and pork
when It comes our way. On the evo
of this Thanksgiving, however, the
Bulldogger will deviate a little from
the beaten channels We wish to in
dicate some of the smaller things
which our country, community and
fellow citizens ought to consider with
gratitude, things that might be over
looked in offering up our annual pray
er. For instance, the republicans who
voted for Hughes ought to be thank
ful that, though they lost their vote,
they gained the opportunity of say
ing "I told you so" every time any
thing goes wrong in the nation during
the next four years. The democrats
in all humility ought to thank Ood
that they had a candidate stronger
than they are. 8lngle men ought to
be thankful that they don't have to
buy shoes for the baby these days,
and married men ought to be thank
ful they don't have to sleep alone
these cold nights. Those who haven't
The Children Will Want It.
The ChUdren Will Enjoy It.
M 0 I Dlnn n Ora ToirtiO
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i:i cues O V.oiTE
affinities ought tn lie thankful that
people have been known to be happy
without a secret al'faii-. and tho.-e who
have affinities might to be thankful
that newspapers don't print all that
they hear. Those who have plenty
to do ought to be thankful that they
are too busy to Ret Into mischief,
and those who haven't much to work
at ought to be thankful they have time
to think of something besides the al
mighty dollar. Those who are not in
the fast set oughsto be thankful that
they can get to heaven Just as easily,
and those who are In It should be
thankful that there are shorter and
leas fascinating routes to hell. The
man who owns an auto should return
thanks that he need never fear corns,
and the man who can't even buy a
Ford should be grateful that he will
never make the acquaintance of ga
rage bills. Verily, we have all some
thing for which to tie thankful. Even
Pater Fa ml Has can be thankful that
the price of water has not advance.)
on account of the war. and there are
no taxes or tariffs on God's ozone.
Here In Pendleton our hearta
should be bursting with gratitude be
cause we enjoy the distinction of liv
ing In the biggest little city In the
normal we should Jje thankful that we
normal we should bethankful that we
proved that we have an abnormally
good location for one. In the same
connection we ought to be grateful
that Weston, In her unkind campaign
against us, didn't go so far as to say
that the Round-l'p Is more brutal
than the European war and that Hap-
pv Canyon la lust a synonym for
Hades. The whole community ought
to be devoutly thankful that the H
brary row has subsided and that,
though we pay higher rates for gas
than some cities, hot air is just as
cheap here as elsewhere. Those who
I grieve over the deathknell of John
Barleycorn should be thankful the;
still have the Pendleton spirit and
that Thorn Hollow water is guaran
teed not to kick, bite or rust the atom
And we feel sure that every indi
vidual citizen, no matter how gloomy
his soul since the election, can, if he
take a careful Inventory, find some
thing for which to thank providence
next Thursday. Doc Best should be
thankful he Is out of politics and
Frank Curl should he thankful that
he didn't predict this county would go
for Hughes by 3000 votes. Mac Mc
Comas should be thankful there was
no post election riot, and Assessor
Strain should be thankful that he has
to suffer the mortal dread of defeat
but once in four years. Bill Peter
son should be thankful that Cupid In
still on the Job In Pendleton, making
more married couples to get divorces;
and Roland Oliver should be thank
ful that there is no state Institutlo-i
for wilfully foolish. Judge Marsh
should be thankful that we know at
least one girl who likes him, and
Punk should be thankful that there
is no bounty on bald heads. Sol
Itaum should be thankful that he
didn't bet on all the lasers, and I.ee
Drake should be thankful that it is
not a legal offense to smoke rope. As
we said before, all of us hav some
little thing for which to be thankful.
As for ourselves we are thankful that
we are just as happy as if we had av
erage intelligence, that Judge Marsh
hasn't yet dynamited our plant and
that we are going to he out of towti
when this is published.
Hello. Central.
Marshall spell tells us that Hughe'
new telephone number is ''ought tw.i
Smart Alex,
lien Jeranl asked Alexander the
Mystic what line of work he wa. be -Ft
adapted to After train ing a bit the
seer said. "You would make a first
class draftsman." "Little Marie
Fletcher was In the audience and shi
told her parents next morning that
Alexander told llcrt Jerard he would
make a first class grafter.
Pert says the mysterious one sure
gnesFfd him wrong. 'I haven't any
talents In the drawing line." he said.
"In fact the only thing I can draw at
all is my salary."
No More I leti'hi'rijiur.
I',ob Fletcher says he's through
I with preaching economy in eating to
cut down expenses. He says he's
been telling his kids to clean their
plates, pick all the meat off the bones
and lick their fingers in order that
there should be no waste of food. H
says he was showing them how to
gnaw a spare-rib clean and in doing
so broke a $10 crown off a front tooth
and swallowed it. Not to mention the
price of a new crown, he says he may
have to have a knife stuck between
hlg own spareribs if that crown sell,
ties in his appendix.
SupiHKcd to lie (lever.
"His was the longest reign in all
history," said he speaking of the late
Fran i Josef.
"I thought the Bible said that rain
of 40 days and 40 nights that preeed.
ed the flood was the longest," she fald-
Se;t Catviral is the only cig
to survive the test oi forty
y-ir. oil It,? market an1 rema.n
njno'ial :.iv,Mie, $!?!ily gam
jirg in poaulanty. Berait in tour
idoii'ies the cigarette iniustrv ha
Ixcn ur.ab! to produce a better
c.Kirr'.'.t Sweet Ciporal is the!
jp'jrot cgarette that can be made
w,th a pure tobacco tiavor that
(ias Dcver been duplicated in any
gtrier cigarette at any prrce.
Smoker, mho watch the interest
.Tig Sweet Caporal demonstration
ire shown tomethmg dirterent
The demonstrator! burn sw.ie or
imary paper (or them, which
leaves a b:ack ash Then burn
wme of the hijh-jrade. imported
French crcr'
o eyht civ;li::3
have the proof of iwert tLaporai
puray m b.acK an wn e - "h,, , ', h-
icmomtratori expuin inar uiisi- .
kjaporal paper the
i ir krt rtt ma
iijiiihw--"" ..'.,! 1 '.v. I JITtmihUS
the r t '
L-r; Lrtl) 1.1-" ...... :s
sr terns 0e&
eu7cSi(crcr I
Nearly every man has ttaritd
amokng with famous etd SweeM
taporal, the ertgmal QOrftM,
xt Capo-
big league stars
Sweeu." because their;
purity nun res wholesome cajor-
That ts the same y which
Sweet Caper! cigarettes are af-
lectnautdy wowa W wuioaa ei
because in four
io eieamte andustry hasl
unable to produce a better!
ho other cigarette enjoy' the nde-
fnent Baseball and Sweet Cap-I
(or kur
e are the
teen Ihous-I
ans tn tne unne
are Sweet Caporal smoker
'a rreater trihut could be DSKW
ite the purity of Sweet Caporat
I tbe U S Army an4 Hm9
spread popularity of Sweet Capo-jiweef Caporal ogarettej an
ill Hundreds of big league lUrsianiwiaJ boon, ana inw w
smoke "SwecU,- because taeu
parity insures
for ewer forty yean. Today at
wholesome enjoy-fewy efljeers bkh. st every ion
and oe every battleship. Sweet
oral have keen uuocui Uvonicl Caporal mil be fund a fimliie.
iicatorc b( list Semes.
The special meetings closed at the
Christian church last evening with a
great service. Five people were re
ceived at the conclusion -of the ser
mon and Pastor Hubbell baptized two
small boys.
These meetings have not added a
large number to the church hut the
good accomplished to the church and
community is not to be wholly Judged
in the number reclaimed or converted
entirely. This evening. Monday,
Evangelist Pagan will deliver a pop
ular lecture on his native land, New
Zealand, showing about 55 beautiful
views of this entertaining but little
known land. There will be no ad
mission charge to the lecture but an
offering will be asked. Mrs. Fagan
will sing four concert numbers.
After the lecture the church will
give a farewell reception to Mr. an!
Mrs. Fagan and baby Donna.
public is made welcome.
Italn forecasted for Wee.
Pacific States: Rains will be
frequent North Pacific States
and Northern California, South
ern California generally fair dur.
ing week; temperatures will
average near seasonal normal.
Rocky Mountain and plateau
Regions: First half of week
unsettled with probably snows
in central and northern portions
of these districts; latter half of
week fair, much colder about
Wednesday and cold thereafter
until near the end of the week.
E. H. BOWIE, Forecaster.
LONDON". Nov. 27. The admiralty
announced that six Oerman destroy
ers attempted to approach Downs
Thursday night. Patrol vessels Inter
posed. The enemy fired twelve shots
and steamed away.
Her Son Subject to Oroop.
"My son Edwin Is subject to
croup." writes Sirs. E. O Irwin. New
Kensington. Pa. "I put In many
sleepless hours at night before I
learned of Chamberlain s Cough
Remedy. Mothers need not fear this
disease If they keep a bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy In the house
and use it as directed It always
gave my boy relief." Obtainable
everywhere. Adv.
There Was Nothing So Good for
Congestion and Colds '
as Mustard
But site old-fashioned mustard-plaster
burned and blistered while it acted. You
can now get the relief and help that
mustard plasters Rave, without tlie plas
ter and without the blister.
Mustcrole does it. It is a clean,
white ointment, made with oil of
mustard. It is scientifically prepared,
so that it works wonders, and yet
does not blister the tenderest skin.
Just massage Mustcrole in with the
fitijj-er tips neatly. See how quickly
it brings relief how speedily the
pain disappears.
Use Musierole for sore-throat, bron
chitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck.
asthma, nettralpia, heauache. conges
tion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago.
pains and acnes ot back or jo:nts,
sprains, sore nvisclcs, bruises, chil
blains, frosted feet, colds of the chest
i) often rr"""n,s nnen-nia).
ts IHeaters J
from $3.00 up ' t
k Once used you wonder how you ever got along S
V uiilkmif it fi
Pacific Power & Light Company g
Phone 40
Dors mm mtmm
lwt Ills Balance.
Dossle Green of Adams got a mar
riage license the other day and. as he
came away from the court house, hu
stepped on the Icy sidewalk and felt
He said he didn't know getting mar
ried would upset a man so quickly.
JIo Him the Title of -Town I"iimt.''
After watching the magic-working
Alexander pour 21 kinds of liquor out
of a bottle of water, Rosene Vaughan
thinks n suliscrlption should be taken
up to keep him here permanently
after the "hone dry" amendment go
into effect.
Col. Itoosovelt is going to K.li
where there ure no not eating birds,
no River of Pouht and no moose that
has to be Killed In self-defense. Put
doubtless there is something just .
$36.00 WITH 12 RECORDS
A little down and a little each
month or week.
Yes. you may keep this new Edison
Thomas A. Edison's prest phono
graph with the diamond stylus) and
our choice of records, too, for only
136.00, Including 12 records.. You
may pay a little down and a little each
month or week. Try the New Edison
In ybur home before you decide to
buy. Entertain your friends with yout
favorite records.
Write Today for our Nest Edlaoa
liook. Send your name and address
for our new book and picture of the
New Edison phonographs. No obli
ge. Hons.
Fdixsn I'houoirraph Distributors
IVndlelim, Oregon.
Pay CqsIi-GqI oro
mi 'iii I'M it i ii 1 1 r i
1 lb. Dke:.
Regular 50c Grade Tea
W m latMkA'fl SW A.Mawa
jl We Sell for Les J
Si Phone 476. 62S Main Street. i
L. J