DAILY EAST Or.S30MAN, lTTTSISTON. OOON, SATURDAY, KOVr::r"l .-,, 1316. TEN PAGC3 5 s a I! S3i s S - c r 3 hi I JO n I !1M Should be the Best for the Same Price ( J r' mm- mm INTEREST KEEN AT .THEM 1H;II SCHOOL WILL HAVK TWO! TKAM8 IN I'll-J J) TO CON. I TI,"M) FOR HONORS. Don't buy until you in spect our poultry. Pure Milk Fed Hens, Springy, and Ducks. CORN FED TURKEYS FROM THECHAS. NELSON RANCH. A Market that U as close g as your Phone and as Clean as your Kitchen. 1 We are an independent market. We belong to NO combine. PATRONIZE YOUR HOME INDUSTRY BY TRADING AT i NMtrs Ulll lull iHiuttMUIIIUHitluituiuumiiHUHiwuiiiuumijuH Let Us Do the Work Thanusg III Prepair for Your ivino Di AT The Quelle Watch This Paper for Our Menu Sunday Dinner Ready 11:30 Cleanliness Quality Service THE QUELLE OUCH! pais; PAIS, 1EC, KVU PAJN RIGHT OVT WITH SM .UIi TRIAL ItOTTlJ.: of OLD PENOTIWTINO "ST. JX. tOU'S OIL'' Rheumatism Is "pain only." Not one cue In fifty requires internal i treatment. Stop drugging. Rub 'toothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs OU" right into your tore, stiff, aching- joints and muscles, and relief comes instantly. "St. Jacobs OU" is a harmless rheumatism cure which nev. :er disappoints and can not burn the skin. j Limber up! Quit complaining; Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St, Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, and in Just a moment you'll be free from rheumatic pain, soreness, stlffnetis swelling. Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. "St. Jacobs Oil" has cured mil lions of rheumatism sufferers In the last half century, and is Just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, back, ache, sprains. Members of Ladif' Aid SM-ii-t of th; Christian fliunh I'liu-wmly sur prise Their Frtwlilc-nt, Mrs, David Taylor, on Binliday. (East Oregonlan Special.) ATHENA, Nov 25. As a result of the final action taken by the principals of the tilgh schools In Umatilla coun ty, (he county has been divided into two districts this year for the pur pose of deciding the championship in debate. Mllton'-P'reewater, Weston. TJmaplne, Ferndale and Athena have been assigned the northern section, while Pendleton, Hermiston and Stan field the western section, and Fossil and Condon the southern section. S5 I Interest In forensic work is keen In H Athena this year and the locals will have two teams In the field. Both E3 teams have been working for some 13 time on the state question which Is 3 over Compuury Health Insurance, Is? and some lively arguments are ex- pected when they clash with other 3 schools. E At the regular weekly assembly of 1 1 the Athena High school held In the auditorium ' Wednesday aftefnoon, IH ; Rev. Walter S. Gleiser of the M. E IH 1 church gave a talk on "What to take Eg ; with you to college. Mr. Gleiser, who 3 is a recent graduate of Willamette 12 , University, gave some valuable and 3 Interentlng information to the stu 3 dents and his pleaing delivery and 3 1 genial, humorous way of presenting 3 his subject won him a tremendous . ovation from the students. S3 i Lou Hodgen, representative to the l state legislature from this district and H member of the I'maplne srhol board Si made the Athena schools a visit last 35 week. EH j Mr. and Mrs. Z K. Lockwood E transacted business in Pendleton 5 , Thursday. E3 i F. O Lucas washere from Westo'i 55 Thursday. 5 I Art Chapman was a Pendleton vls- itor yesterday. W. D. Allingham was a Pendleton visitor Wednesday evening. H. I. Watts transacted legal busi ness In Pendleton during the week. George Kinnear of Weston, w.is an Athena visitor Thursday. Sheriff T. D. Taylor was up from Pendleton Thursday. Emery Worthington visited in Pen dleton Wednesday evening. 8am Rothrock is spending the week in Spokane. Rev. Warner, district superintend ent of the M. E. Church, held quar terly conference in Athena Monday morning. ' Mrs. Maggie Kinnear of Walla Wal. la transacted business in Athena yes terday. The members of the Ladies AiJ Society of the christian church pleas. Another Shipment of Silk etticoats 1 IN CHANGEABLE, DRESDEN AND PLAIN COLORS. ADJUSTABLE TOP THAT WILL FIT ANY WAIST, ALSO FULL LINE OF OUT SIZES, PRICES ?4.00 TO 98.95. WE CARRY ALSO COTTON, MESSALINE AND SATEEN PETTICOATS THAT ARE DURABLE, STYL ISH AND REASONABLE, IN REGULAR AND OUT SIZES; PRICE ?1.00 AND ?1.50. KNIT SKIRT IN ALL COLORS FROM 63 TO f 1.50. Notice Monday Paper For Month End Special AlEXAMDMS WHERE EVERYONE LIKES TO TRADE. KILLED BY OWN CAR CARRYING MOURNERS TO FRIEND'S FUNERAL WILSON HAS MLD AND CANCirUS ENGAGEMENTS WASHINGTON, ov. 25. President Wilson' cancelled several engagements today and spent the afternoon and the evening in his bedroom because of a slight cold contracted several days ago Senator-elect Gerry of Rhode Island, was among those who was to have seen him. antly surprised their president, Mrs David Taylor, Thursday afternoon bv serving some delightful refreshment at the regular - meeting of the society in the church parlors in honor of her birthday. Mrs. Taylor received the congratulations of fyer friends and the afternoon was enjoynbly spent in taking up theregular work of the so ciety. Mrs. J. D Hargett and daughter. Mrs. B. A. Zerba were Pendleton vis itors yesterday. PL'KBLO, Nov. 25. Two funerals where only one was planned resulted from fatal Injuries received Sunday by Cacla VHUuii, a rancher when he was attending the last rites of a friend. Villani alighted from his automo. bile to crank the engine, which had become stalled. He forgot to release the clutch. When the engine started the automobile did likewise. It was heavily loaded with mourners, and two of the wheels passed over VUlani's body, crushing- four ribs, dislocating a hip and WTenchlng a shoulder. He was removed to a hospital where he died yesterday. LEARN TELEGRAPH And learn immediate employment The Polytechnic College of Oak land. Cal.. Is the Official Marconi Wireless School. Owing to the great demand for reliable operators In both Railroad and Wireless Codes we shall guarantee positions to all who enroll for fuU course prior to Jan. It, HIT. Writs for particulars. Address, Polytechnic Colkve Oakland, Cal. of Telegraphy. Now that Miss Law ts winning aer iat renown mere man is beginning to congratulate himself that it was the Wright brothers and not the Wrigh! sifter who invented flying However, it is a matter of history that th Wright sister helped her brothers a lot. The Eyes Have It s' Fried Chicken Dinner TOMORROW AT m m iir CMS u u THANKSGIVING PIES AND CAKES Made on Order. Kopper Kettle Quality. If you want to entertain a few friends with a Thanksgiving Dinner you will avoid worry and work by engaging a table v at the Kopper Kettle. iliie y u Will Serve a. Regular New England Than ksgiving Dinner. r x Automobile Engineering We train men to become Auto Mechanics and Engineers. Largest and best equipped Auto-School west of Chicago. Shops. Labora tories and overhauling Depu. Ex perts in every line. Over 125.000 in equipment alone. Six months' (nurse. Come to Oakland, the new Automobile Center. Address Oak land Anto-SchooL 1310 Madison St.. Oakland. Cal. 1 I It : 1 THISK THIS OVER! Whet all the presents that can be duplicated are gone and forgotten, the Photograph you give will be kept and cherished for it can not be replaced. Arrange to give one thie Xmas and get It taken now, before the rush. WHEELERS Pictures re-create your personality. ARMAND'S The only NEW face powder in the put 50 years Oh yes, there are many, many kinds of powders on the market, but this one is absolutely different from any you have ever had. The price is reasonable, too 50 cents KOEPPEN'S Have It BEFORE You let any work In our line, don't forget to get our prices. Estimates gladly furnished on any kind of stone, brick and cement work. S. RUGO & CO. Telephone 461 illllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIlllHUIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIItllllHItillllllllllllirC V x' 7 i t 'f I i i - 'f-f ' iumMKA.. m life PAULINE FREDERICK, FAMOUS PLAYERS STAR IN PARAMOUNT PICTURES. n.,.1 .. .... j0 nnld. (h. Siviit-A nn fMe Ri-reAti la ttut A v liuuui pel auimiiijr inr oii.tuu. - ' -- .novlng bit of shadow ethereal, unreal. Though the outline be perfect: though the line of face and body be beautiful In their perfection, unless there burns that light of personality in a flae which now flares, now smoulders, now dims nd now brightens in the eyes, the Interest of the spectator ia not held, swayed ..nil movea. Putting it to vote before twenty-five million photoplay fans th un.nlmoin pepv will be. the "eyes" lave it. 81 I i i V .isitlililllllllllltlllllllf llllllllllllllllllllllllllltlalflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltll" A Paj Cash Get More THESE VALUES ARE MONEY MAKERS FOR YOU. Tar Soap, 4 bars 23 White Laundry Soap, 7 bars 25 Powdered Borax, 3 tins 50? Chloride of Lime, 3 tins 23 Royal Baking Powder, 1 lb, tin 40f Royal Baking Powder, 2 Va lb. tin 0f Folgers Baking Powder, 1 lb. tin 40 Zepa Brand Strawberries, Blackberries, Grape and Apricots, 5 tins' $1.00 Hominy, large cans, 4 tins 50? Ripe Olives, tins, 3 for 25 Chili Sauce, 8 oz. jar 15 Chili Sauce, 16 oz. jar 30 WE HAVE THE BEST FOR LESS Dyche's Grocery Phone 476. We Sell for Leaa C28 Main Street. EG fi .4