TEN PACI-1 PACE TITO DAILY EAST OREGON! AN. PENDLETON. OSEGON. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 2V 1916. SfltOmilEIlT IIEL COUPLE MARRIED 1M 4' if 1 Ti 4 This Store is the Home ot Hart Schaffner & Marx CLOTHES Headquarters for distinctive style and big values for men and young men. Afk to the.- new Hart Schaffner &. Marx Varsity Six Hundred 'Overcoats. Here are the advantages: This overcoat comes in blues, grays, browns, and in single or double breasted variation.; plain-back,-belt-back, or plait-back; patch pockets or velvet collar if you like; all are this same popular design. Variety Six Hundred. A long time ago cloth experts discovered that cotton mixtures would not hold up in men's clothing like woolen fabrics. The cotton shrinks after it's wet; it does not hold its shape. That's why we carry Hart Schaffner & Marx all-wool suits and overcoats. Tt-re are still plenty of cotton mixtures s"ld, but we're doing you a good turn when we advi.e you not to buy them. Pay at leat $25 for your fall overcoat We have others as high as $35.00. They are all excellent values and well be glad to have you try our service. And others as low as $15.00. ANGORA WOOL SCARF AND TOQUE SETS. Thes sets come in brilliant colorings. We have ju3t unpacked a new ship ment of them. Extremely popular and practical. They consist of a scarf from eight to ten inches wide with fringed ends and a toque with top drawn down to each side and fastened with a yarn Pom Pom tassel. The various colorings are white, com bined with Copenhagen blue, rose, black, purple, green, pink and scarlet. They come in three different prices, 92.50, $2.75 and 93.50. Just the thing for cold winter days. ill Ml i w - -r 'fi DONTOfW IT command in securing They are priced at .... BON TON CORSETS Flexibility Itself A glimpse is en ough to reveal the ex quisite fabrics, ador ible lines and effici ent boning of the lat est Bon Ton models. Butpne must real ly try them on to re alize that all this su preme style and grace is attained without the smallest sacrifice of comfort. The Bon Ton cor Bets we are display ing have been chosen with special refer ence to the require ments of our custo mers and expert at tention is yours to irreproachable fitting. $3.50 to $6.50 BOUUDOIR CAPS Big assortment of well made Boudoir Caps. Made of silk, plain and figured, all-over lace, etc. Neatly trimmed. Each 35 to $3.00 NEW TRIMMINGS A shipment of gold and silver trimmings that are very popular just now for party and evening wear. There are bands, edges and flouncing that match. Priced Right X 'A I : 'Is ?j 1 h i j sni II i fc M Pit- o I a. l i , ill m if i If BP' ART AND DRAPERY DEPARTMENT We are showing a beautiful line of umbrella-shade electric reading lamps. These shades come in both light and dark color combina tions, the light ones for bed rooms and the darker for living rooms. What gift could possibly be a more con stant reminder of the giver than one of these attractive and novel lamps? And the best part of it is they are reasonably priced. Small desk lamps $2.50 Umbrella shade table lamps with cretonne shades $3.75 With silk shades $5.50 'SSfST THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE 1 mjwriTsmswvs WW NEW VELVETS Some of the new shades of "Silk Velour" that we didn't have at the veginning of the season. They make up into the most stylish dresses, suits and coats. They also give the best service possible and look better longer; 42 inches wide. MIXED SKIRT MATERIALS A big asortment of mixed skirt materials that make up just like you want them to. They tailor exceedingly well. Shown in all colors; 54 to 56 inches wide. The yard $1.25 to f3.00. FANCY SILKS FOR WAISTS, This lot is one of the best selections we have ever had strictly for waists. Shown in all colors, stripes, plaids and two toned ; 24 and 36 inches wide. Yard $1.25 to $2.50 WOMEN'S SILK HOSE 65c A special lot ladies' silk hose that is out of the ordinary and especially at this time. Shown in colors of grey, tan, brown, white and black. The pair . 65 i. Where It Pays to Trade MISS MO.XT.t JiT AXD I.f-NUE OWENS ARE WED AT lUtlDlTH RESIDENCE. Mr mad Mrs. m Hill to Kpenrf Winer la ralifurnb IKW New and Social Nrtc. I East Oreronian VpvdaL) HELIX, Ore., Nov. Ji. Lwlle D. Own and Hlsa Monta Qut. went man-w-i at the midence of the bride parenta. Mr. and Mr. John QueS, Wedneaday evening. November 22, in the presence of relative and a few friend, by Kev. K. Grant Hamm Mr. and Mrs. Ray Piert-e attends an bridesmaid and heat man. Dinner & served immediately after tho ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Owen left Thursday fur their new home on ranch near Wallula where Mr. Owen la fitrmlnf. Mr. and Mrs. J.ime Hill wll) leuvw In a few da to upend ThankaKivIng with Mrs. Hill'n parent In Olympia and from the to lin lieuch. Oil.. for the winter. E. E. Eheler. Arthur Garrett. A. R. Grey and J. T. GrUwold vlaite-l the Knlghta of Pythiaa lodk'e at Athe. na Thursday eveln Born, to Mr. and Mra. Wm. Ruth er. November 21, a daughter.' James Man left for Idaho Wed nesday. Mrg. M L. Morrbum Lx upending the werk-end at the Pendtrgat home In Janlper. Mr. and Mm. Ray Pierce were hero Wednesday to attend the Owenw-Queit wedding. The ladles are (later. Flora Trover, manager of the Reeee Rroa. Africander show, la In town. Mr. and Mr. Dure Dale have re turned -from a vlult to relative In Milton. William Timmermnn is home after spending the summer near Waltf burg. James Grlswold leave ftiturday for an over Sunday trip to Attalla. Mr and Mrs. E. E. Geit entertain ed Mr. and Mrs. L. f). Owens al Uincheon Thursday. Mr. Victor Mason, librarian, u making a general exchange of bonk In the library. D. B. Hlchardxnn of Cambridge. Idaho. Is here. Mr. Rioheson former, ly conducted a general merchandi" store here. Mrs E. E Kheler win a Pendlfiton vlntor Thursday. Mr. Jens Peterson and small son left Thurwlav for a visit to Walls Walla. Mrs. M Liehsny of Wallula was e business visitor Thursday. Fred Lewl of Rrown-I"wis Co., Walla Walla. Is In town. Mrs. J. I Peterson of Juniper was a Thursday shopper. Mr and Mrs. Hert Warren and Mr. and Mrs. John BelJ are home from a week's vls t to LewUton, Idaho. The Xiddlen of Maccabees expect to hold a fair about December 1st. Mrs. Wallace Carglll Is visiting her father In Pendleton. , Dee Leroy and Frank (last were here from Walla Walla Thursday. a, .. , I jlH U R CHE Sj a I 1 ttiriMian &4mot. E. Webb and Johnson streets. Ser vices Sunday. II l in. nnrl n m j Sunday school .10 a. m.; Wednesday, 8 p. m. Subject of lesson-sermon, "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced." The reading room at the church is open dally, except Sun day, from l until i p. m. SPECIAL Sunday Dinner 5:00 to 9:00 Delicious Baked Chicken With Oyster Dressing Cranberry Sauce French Fried Potatoes t Fruit Salad Tea Biscuits Ice Cream Cake Tern Coffee Milk REALTY TRANSFERS I! Warranty Dr-rd. Nellie Egan. et vlr, to F. M. Jordan, l00, S 1-2 SK 1-4. section 1, town, "hip 4 north, range ii, Arthur Koumugoux, to ful Kou rnagoux, 500, NB 1-4 SB 1-4, section 1. N 1-2 KW 1-4 and HE 1-4 W 1-4, aection 17, township g south, raj)ife 23. J. O. Hales, et ux, to M. A. Wat rus. tlft'io, lots 7 to 12, block 14, Ad ams J. A. Potter, et ux, to J.'H. Sturgls, II, ''I, H 1-2 ectlon 2 and 8 l-'2 WC tlon 3, township ? north.range 31. PERSONAL NOTES FROM THE MEACHAM COUNTRY (East Oregonlan Special.) MEA'rifAM, Nov. 25. An eight pound baby hue, was born to Mrs. I .arson, wife of John lron, on No vember to Hsby and mother are do. Ing fine. Mrs. J. O. Merrill went to Pendle ton on Wednesday to spend the day, Mr. J. D. Casey went to La Grande on Monday and to Pendleton on Wed- j nesday for several days, attending to business. The weather has been quite plea. ant ror the last four days, but on Thursday evening a heavy fog hung over the mountains. R. Fagan and Alex Thompson Went to Squally Hook on Thursday night tn spend several days trying their luck at duck hunting. IVt-Hhyteriun churt-h Tomorrow. The regular services morning and evening. 19 a. m, Sunday school. 11 a. m. Morning worship, pre Thanksgiving service. Sermon by the pastor. Subject, "God the llounteous Giver;" 8;15 p. m., the Voting people's meeting; 7:20, popular evening sor. vice. At this service Mr. Hnyder will preach the first of a series of five sef. mons from "New Wine In Old Dot tles." "Our Idols" will be the sub ject of the first sermon. giii'giffiifitttH t Wffi wt?fwwiiiittfHWttffmtmftnifm nllWHwH MiiMtiiMUMIillMIHUIMIIiMttMaiUIIUfiaUibiaiaUMIUUItMititMMIIMiHiUIIMIMIII im'fflMifflnntmimffitmmmnmimmiiHHiifflimniim ,liiiililltlltltlltlltll(llllt(4llliilliitlllitiltiillillltU ijiltltMiitlllHtjllliKlltllMttlittlillllilliliiN'. ' Baptfet Cliarch. .Bible school. 10 a. m.: sermon n a. m.; B. Y. P. v., :30 p. m.; ser. mon, 7:30 p. m. In the morning a quartet, "How Sweet the Name of Jesus Hounds," by Miss Artoulne Clevenger,' Mrs. Fen dall, Messrs Will Penland and Geo. Mason; in the evening, special Instrir. mental music will be given. M f i f 5 f i M I ! j An Xmas Reminder We are strong for the "shop early" idea. Our stock of GIFT GOODS has been completed and we are ready to help you till out that list Our selection is well varied with high-grade goods, prices to suit every pocketbook, quality always the dominant feature. OUR STOCK CONSISTS of Leather Good, St-tionary, Candy, Manicure Seti. Par'tian Ivory Mirror, Brushes, etc., Waterm! Fountain Pens and hundreds of other things, too numerous to mention here, l ook for our holiday announcement of !at;-r date, its list of savings will interest you. ' SPECIAL For one week only. We will give you absolutely free with each 25c or 50c bottlp of Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam Cough Syrup, any goods in our store to the value of one-half the purchase price. We can afford to make such an offer only from an advertising standpoint as we are thoroughly convinced that every customer who takes advantage of this offer is certain to become a booster for PenHlar Cough Remedy. EI Christian. The last day of special gospel meet ings at the revival In the' Christian church. Mr. Pagan's subjects are: "The Christian Ufa," and "The Chll of Conscience." Mrs. Fagan In the morning will sing, "Did You Think to Pray." In the evening, "That Sweet Story of Old." PI; Cbunb. of tlie Redeemer. There will b a celebration of the Holy Communion at 7:30 a. m.; Hun day school at 10 a, m Divine ser vice and sermon at 11 a. m. Holy Baptism after, morning service. Even. Ing service at 7:30 o'clock. All are cordially Invited. Charles Qulnney, rector. Phone 520 THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE Prompt Deliveries, M'thodist. The iiHiial warm greetings await you tomorrow at all of our service'. The Sunday school, with increasing efficiency, offers a pre-eminent op- portunlty for moral and religions cul I ture. we exist to serve. Bring your $36.00 WITH 12 RECORDS A little down and a little each month of week. Yes. you may keep this new Edison Thomas A. Kdlaon's great phono graph with the diamond stylus and oiir choice of records, too, for only $.14.00, Including li records.. Ton may pay a little down and a little each month or week. Try the Vew Edlsoo In your home before you decide te buy. Knturtaln your friends with your favorite records. Wrile Today for our New KdlSoe Hook. Send your name and adiirass for our new bonk and picture of the New Kdlson phonographs. No obli nations. WARREN'S MUSIC HOUSE Krilwn Phonograph Distributor Pendleton, Oregon. all CHILDREN LOVE "Wt OF FIGS" m m d mm UIVK IT t-KVHUSH, OHMS Bll.lOl.S FOR HAD BIIKATH Olt MH It BTIkMAOII. Look at the tongue, Mother! If coated, it Is a sure sign th.it your lit tle one's siumnch, liver and bowels need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once When peevish, cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act nat urally, or l feverish, stomach sour, breath bad; has stomach-ache, sort throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teuspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently move out of it little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. You needn't coax sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative;" they love Its delicious taste, and It al ways makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a si-cent buttle of "California Syrup of Fig," which has directions for babies, chil dren of all ages snd for grown-up plainly on the bottle. Ileware of counterfeits sold here. To be, sure you get the genuine, ask to see that It Is made by "California Fig Kyru& Com pany." Refuse any other kind with contempt. o'clock hour upon the subject, "Deep to Deep" In the evening service th subject will be "The Universal crav Ing." There will be special music at each service. We nlm to make every gathering Insplratlonally helpful. Tsual young people' society meets at 1:20. Good singing, practical top ic. Christian soclahlllty, make an hour well spent hyany one. Whatever your faith. If any; what ever your type of mind or tempera ment; whatever your profession or mode of living. It will be profitable to spend a part of Sunday in the sanc tuary. You are welcome, r. r, Qor. nail. PURE BLOOD MAKES HEALTHY PEOPLE Hood ' Sarenparilla removes scrofula sores, boil and other ennv tions, because it drive out of tot blood the humors that mom them. Eruptions cannot be snnoessfaUy treated with external application, because these cannot purify tfct blood. Hood's Snrsnparilla make rich, red blood, perfects the digestion, and builds up the whole uratem. In iet on having Hood's. Get it cow., L'liiiiiiiiimimmmimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: c Room Ruler Goods I RECEIVE OCn SPECIAfi E ATTENTION. , W are at all time titulpp- S ed to supply your need at 5 shortest notice with practical first quality rubber good. S We sell the famous adver- s tled "Kantlerk" Rubber Good and guarantee utmoat stlsfactlon and value. S Telephone order from you, S your nurse or physician re- : celve our Instant attention. 3 Deliverie are prompt anl Z correct E Give us a trial. E j Tallman & Co. 1 E Leading Drugfiitt 5 liiIliliiuiEilSIliililll!!!!!! children. ' II! !!!!!! Illill The. pastor will preach at the 11 :iiimmmiitiii!iimiiiiimimiiii!iiimu3 tlllimillllflHIIIIiriHfMlllllfllllllltlltllllllllllllllllllltltllltlllllllllnr: : H , I I i-S iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiuiii:.