East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 24, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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f HI FAC::i
Hi oysters mmmm
lij Jl'ST IN THIS MORNING. jjjjj,
Pint 50c
K4.; ;'iT.l n. pound . 25
a-.'.iior. Ci pound S5f
IYi p.rtl like Finnan lladdie.
?n::fc0.1 Sk! n.-.r,. pound 254
V.sn-.m.t.h Y.vAerel. each 75
Weight about 3 pounds.
Sa UiTTin?, each . 5
(Vlunibia River Salmon, lb 20$
Cod Fih. 2 lb. brick 3
H'rU'ss Cod Fish, box 251
Two Phones. 28 823 Main St
ltus New HuptnoMle.
John Luck, well known hor.-o buy
er, toil.i- purchased from the Mi-Loan
Auto Co. a new model Hupinobilo,
Nebraska Egxs for Pendleton.
Eleven cases of eggs from Ijncoln,
Nebraska, arrived this morning via
the X. P. fr the local retail trade.
They were consigned to Pendleton
Take Body to Butter frock.
The body of little Robert Chapman,
Infant sou of Mr, and Mrs. Prank
Chapman, who died yesterday at th
hospital, was taken to Butter oreeK
today for burial.
To IluSd ;arage.
A permit has been taken out by L.
fthnver to build a parage on Logan
street. Guilder Terjuson haa taken
out a permit to make some altera
tions In his residence.
awn; iMnamKmmmmmmw w jj jpi.fii'!i 'mm uw JiwwJkiUJ,n.ii mw.w ii.iwwwiiwi.
to Women regarding
It ia with pleasure we announce our appointment as
exclusive Pendleton dealers for
From this date on we will carry this
famous make of shoe in all the newest
lasts from $4.00 up to $10.00 the
lace boots (Queen Quality make)
for Divorce
Mrs. Ague.-; Christiansen hti3
brought suit in the circuit court
against her husband. John H. Chris
tiansen, for a divorce on the grounds
of cruelty. She asks for the custody
of the one child. They were married
In Kallspell, Montana. Fee & Fee are
her attorney
Boy Forum Berts.
The Boys' Forum of the high school
last night held its Initial meeting for
this semester. A banquet was served
after which talks were given by sev
eral of the boys and the officers for
the ensuing year were elected. Thoe
elected were: Harold Casey, presl.
dent; Eugene Hampton, vice pres ;
Laurence Woodworth, secretary-treasurer;
Zoe Carney, yell leader and
Clayton Haeett, sergeant at arms.
There wa close to fiftv boys at
last night's meeting and it expectel
that this numler will double before
the school year ends.
Mrs. Kate Mollaley Passes.
Death brought to an end yesterday
afternoon the long life of Mrs. Kato
Molalley, well known resident of this
city. She had been In ill health for
some time though lately had seemed
Improved. She was unable to attend
church last Sunday Mrs. Mollaler,
who was 87 years old. was the w idow
of John Mollaley who died about i
year ago. Only a week ago she pur
chased for the Catholic church a win.
dow In memory of her husband. Both
she and her husband had live in the
county many years. Before coming
to Pendleton they lived on a farm on
Butter creek. Funeral arrangements
hare not yet been announced.
of Good Shoes
AH Cane Be Suspended.
The First National Bana nas orougni
suit against Will Moore and asks
that action In the case filed recently
by Moore against the bank be sus
pended until there Is final Judgment
in the) matter of the assessments for
the Jackson street pavement. The
bank holds 39 63 in escrow ior im
payment of the assessment against the
Lasts property. Moore, who Is as
signee t9r the Laati property, holds
that since the decision In the Johns
case, the assessment Is not legal and
the money should revert to the own
em or the DroDerty. -Since the rea.i-
aaejunent of the district there L still
a posibility of the assessment helm?
due and the bank wishes to hold the
money until final settlement. Car.
ter & Smythe are attorneys ror tne
his wife. Margaret P. Kediiiond.
Their largest debt la a note for $11 I'm.
U was secured by a mortgage vhleli
was later foreclosed but the sale on
which failed to produce enough money
to cancel the note. They have no
assets other than household furni
ture and clothing. They were form
erly in the music store business in
Vancouver, Wn. None of their credi.
tors are local people.
K-ttnlc Is Apiw-alwd.
The estate of Maria C. Brown has
been appraised at 17S6.T by the ap
praisers, George Edwards. Dave
Welch and R. F. Vancil.
Takes Wife Home.
Fred Hansen came In yesterday
from his Cold Springs home to take
back his wife who has been In the
hospital for several weeks.
YES SI It Pais to Tift at Its O RliIs to
They cut out the credits they cut out deliveries the forget high-priced fixtures
they give this money back to us in return. They buy in quantity lots for 125 J. C.
Penny Co. Stores all under one account and here they save us worlds of money. We
notice it in better qualities, and lower prices. Take it from me, you'll always do bet.
ter in all your wants at The Golden Rule Store.
Men's Wool Socks, 2 pairs 2rc
Men's Heavy Cotton Nocks, It pairs '2Tn
Men's Heavy Wool Socks 'J.'
.Men's Four Buckle Overshoes St.ttH
Men's Piws . 2.25
Men's Storm ltiibliers 1o
Men's Work Shoes S2.I9. $2.98. $3.50, $3.9S, $1.50
Men's Press Shoes a.8, $3.50, 3.8, $4.50
Men's Overcoats $12.50
Men s Suits $! $12.50. $11.75, $16 50
vor CAN
lulles' Mis-ceil Klmoiuis. . . . .
I,ad!cs' Hath Holies
Ijolics' Wool Vents and Punts
IitulicM' Wool Union Suits...
l.2:l. SI. Ill, SI.HH
$2.08, $3.08, $I.H
OSe. $1.40
$I.U, $I.UH, $2.08
1juUV Fleeced Vests and Punts 4o
Infants' Cashmere. Hose, silk too and heels. . 100
Children's Hlbbed nose, 1 pairs ISe
radios' Block Hose 12 !4c, 25c, 85e, 4o
Ladles' Fibre Silk IIoso 4 So
Ladles Coats $0.0, $12.50. $14.75 to $25.00
j C Pwty Co he.
Ptserte)l Hnsliaml Asks Divorce.
Kdward R. Lammers has brought
suit for divorce agtHnst his wife.
Gladys Iitimmers, on the ground of
desertion. They were married In Wal
la Walla. J. T. Hlnkle is his attorney.
Motion For Rehearing.
H. I. Watts, attorney for the de
fendant In the suit of H. A. Cooke vs.
P. W. Kirk, has filed a motion for a
rehearing. A default Judgment was
recently taken In the case.
Visiting I .a Grande Lodge.
Will Moore, grand worshipful mas
ter of the Masonic Brand Todge. left
today for La Grande to pay an offi
cial visit to the blue lodge of that
city. He will be tendered a reception
after the meeting.
Elks Initiate Two.
The Pendleton lodge of Klks had a
big time last evening at a social ses.
sion followed the regular meeting.
Two candidates were initiated last
evening. Dr. H. H. Hattery and Roy
Stanfield. The latter was initiated
for the Walla Walla lodge.
liulldin: Iklah sawmill.
Work is progressing rapidly on the
new t'kiah sawmill which Bert An.
drus and Bert Glbbs are putting up
on the Judge Fee place, according to
C. K. Lorenz, prominent Ukiah ranch
er who spent yesterday In the city.
Mr. Lorenz returned to his home to-
day. This was his first trip to Ten
dleton In two years.
Farmers Banquet Tomorrow.
The committee handling the Far
mers banquet to be tleld at the
Ragles-Woodmen hall at noon tomor
row today announced a public invi
tation to all local people, whether
farmers or not, to attend the gath
ering. The principal subjects up for
consideration will be bulk grain and
the grain elevator being constructed
Two Cases In Bankruptcy.
Two petitions In bankruptcy were
referred this morning to Referee
Thomas Fita Gerald, the United States
oourt having adjudicated the petiti
oners bankrupt One of the petiti-
I. .. I .... !..!! MaUnn n-hn hUH
toners wu uaisj tn .....
I been conducting a millinery store
here. Her liabilities are listed at
$3168. St and her assets, consisting of
jner stocK or gooas. ai liiH.o'. "t
largest creditor is Linda Mason of
Boise to whom she owes JiDfl. The
other petition was filed by John P.
Redmond, a local Insurance man, and
A Disorderly Mutup.
The police today have In custody
Claude Little, white, charged with dis.
orerly conduct and are looking for
Iris Smith and Irene Oliver, two mix.
ed blood women. The three, con
siderably under the Influence of li
quor, were driving out toward the
poor farm yesteray In a buggy. Later
the Smith woman was found uncon
scious in the road and was brought to
Pendleton. Physicians worked upon
her sometime before she revived. She
exhibited symptoms of having been
poisoned. When she revived she es
caped through the window of the
marshals' office while the police were
25 Shopping Days Until Christmas
Gifts From the Jewler
oaj-ry a charm that are not found In goods of
merely utilitarian nature from other shops.
The spirit of Christmas Is expressed In the
dainty twaatiffll and artutic items from our
They are useful and durable beside.
Wrist Watches $15.00 to 500.0
Add-a-Pearl Necklaces $5.00 to $50.00.
The New Htyle Flexible Bracelet $4.50 to $tt.
Kill JN
WUon with the larceny of a saddle
but testimony showed he had giv
en Wilson the saddle to cancel a $20
debt, Judge Farkes dismissed the case
and charged the costs, amounting to
$11, to Goopasture.
Indian Forfeits Ball.
Joe Parkes. an Indian, forfeited ball
of $15 In police court this morning
on a drunk and disorderly charge.
Marriage license Issued.
Currnn Lane McFadden, a drug
gist of Athena, and Gladys Banister of
Weston todav secured a marriage li
cense of the county clerk. They will
be married on Thanksgiving day.
Missing Woman Is Nought.
The local Klks have received a re
West to assist In th search for Mra
Lucy Ballinger Cochran who disap
peared from her home In Lawrence,
Kansas, on October 25. She Is de
scribed as be'ng 2 years old. five
feet one In height, weight 100 pounds,
blue eyes and wearing heavy glasses.
Ive at Klamath Falls.
Rnfns K. Love, who staged me
F.lks" minstrels here last year. Is now
Clrectlng rehearsals for a similar
event In Klamath Falls on Dec. 4 -and
B nreordlnir to word received hy lo.
cal Elks from Charles J. Ferguson.
formerly of this city and who Is now
exalted ruler of the Klamnth Falls
Seeks Relief Here.
H R. Halisten. of Wallowa, return
ed home this morning after having
i-lfor. hla hrolher Fred D. of this city
to Pendleton where he Is now resting
in search of relief for asthma. Claude
Kalsten, son of the sick man. went to
Pendleton yesterday to be with his
father, who Is slightly Improved since
t a different climate. The
Wallowa man was compelled to re
mm in his business affairs In Wallo
wa this morning, and did so when his
brother's condition was somewnai re.
l!eved. iA Grande Observer.
cuss the submarlnlngs except with
office asoclates. He Li keeping the
closest watch of developments. Offi
cials privately admit that Germany is
apparently over-stepping her subma
rine warfare pledges
Optometrist and Optician.
Glasses ground
and fitted. Lenses
dur Heated.
American National Bank Building,
Expert repairing
of Watches
and Jewelry'.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Wm. Hanscom
THE Jeweler.
Witness Pays More Than Defendant
It cost Harry Goodpasture, a far
mer of the Pilot Rock country, more
to prosecute Lias Thomas for
assault and battery than It did the de
fendant. Thomas came in yesterday
and plead guilty to assaulting Good
pasture' and, because of the nature o(
the case, wag let off with a five dot.
lar fine. Helmer Johnson and Al Wil
son were Jointly charged with Thom
as and the case against them wag dis.
missed. Goodpasture also charged
Husband Asks Divorce.
Ernest E. Hutchinson or ruoi nocn
v . v..hi .nit In the circuit court
against his wife. Alpha A. Hutchinson
for a divorce, alleging cruel ano in
human treatment. They were married
In Pendleton Nov. 15, ll15. Plaintiff
alleges that his wife began accusing
him falselv. corresponded wun an
,n nd Insisted that he move
to Portland because eastern Oregon
people were not her social equals, lie
also alleges thnt she refused to let
his children hy a former marriage
visit at his home. I. M. Schannnep Is
his attorney.
No Red Tape
No Delay
Low Interest Rates
Liberal Repayment Priiip
Ml Abtt Co.
Comer Main and Court Sts. Pendleton, Ore.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24. High ad
ministration officials agreed German
American relations are perilous as a
result of the continued submarlnlngs.
It has not yet reached a crisis stage,
but officials are apprehensive that
trouble may be near. Lansing has
made a new rule and refuses to dis-
... ..war rt5T-H
English 'Tommies" who In more vfWWmrvi'' '
peaceful times have driven an 'ansom . -In
HeAr ol- I.unnon peering through "'x..'
the windows of an old cab found on
the western rront. jn an v -
f 1(4I I I L 11 niull.lllnii, r.
into France in the early part of tne
war when the English commanoeereo
every available vehicle In London and
other cities for use in transport"
ij ..
tS" 1. Sir-
CAB Si o
21120 acres on railroad. 2000 tillable, part ready to seed; fair
buildings, plenty of water, all fenced and cross fenced. Price
now $60,000.
I have some desirable residence property In Pendleton for sale
st less than cost to build, and lots thrown In. Among which are
the fine modern home of J. S. Landers on Jackson street. Price
reduced now $500.
House of 9 rooms two blocks from Depot. Fine shade trees,
new cement walk, cellar, about half way between high and
west end school. This house is Insured for $1000, paid up to
June, 1918. policy will be transferred with the property for
only $1000.
The ttbove 2820 acres can be bought now for $20 per acre.
E. T. WADE, Pendleton. Ore.
ale of
4mi "
4 Touring Cars
1 Roadster
All thoroughly overhauled and
in good running order
SI 75 to SSOO
see them at the
812 Garden Street.