East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 21, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TEN, Image 8

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paci rnri
Am -rrcJin Express Money Order for Sale Here
Pompeian Salad
A,rvcd with Salad. Shell Fish. Cold Meats.
Game, Cheese and Spread on Bread.
12 PintlBottle 50c
8 ox. BOTTLE 15c
Durlhvs, small 20c-: med. 35c; large 6o
Oscars Sauce, bottle 35f
A-l Sauce small C5c; large 65f
Diamond W. Mayonnaise, bottle Z5f
Diamond W. Salad Dressing, bottle 25
Two Phone. 28 823 Main St.
Mixiis Funeral Tomorrow,
The funeral of Harry Dupuis, who
died yesterday morning, will Lv held
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at
the Catohlic church.
V. O. W. Organiser Here.
John F. Hoyt of Walla Walla, dist
rict organiser for the W. O. W is in
Pendleton and will spend two weeks
here agisting Pendleton camp in
membership campaign.
Associated Charities to Meet.
A meetins of the Associated Chari
ties has been called for this evening
at 7:30 in the council room of the city
hall. The meeting was postponed
from a week ago. At the meeting
rlans (or the winter work will prob
ably he the chief matter for discussion.
.permit to repair the building and put
in a basement. The Improvements
jwill cost about JlOOrt. G. I. UiDow.
,who has resumed contracting sine
(retiring from the mercantile business,
j has the contract.
miiioii.fi in How lfauaaii.
A grand baxaar will be held by the
ladies of the Catholic church in ths
St. George annex on Thursday, Frt
day and Saturday of thla week, ite
sides conducting booth at which w:l
be sold many Christmas articles the
ladies will serve a merchants' lunch
every day from 1 1 until 2. The haxaar
funds will go for the purpose of aid
ing in the construction of the new
Suits, Coats
and Dresses!
Here's your opportunity
to select a good looking Coat
of winter weight in either
plain or novelty material.
A smart tailored suit of
serge, gabardine or poplin;
or a pretty dress of silk pop
lin at less than half what
you'd expect to pay. These
garments sold formerly up
to $25.00, while they last
Sinnott's Secretary Here
Edward D. Baldwin. Jr.. secretary
to Congressman N. J. Sinnott and
secretary of the state republican
committee, was in Pendleton last ev
ening visiting friends while en route
back to Washington to resume his
duties after participating in the Ore
gor. campaign.
Uttie Baby Pies.
Ronald Martin West, the baby boy
son of Mr. and Mrs. Norris West
(Miss Laura Martin) died last night
at the hospital of pneumonia. He
was one month and 11 days old. The
funeral will be held tomorrow morn
ing at 1
o'clock at the Catholic
Federal Officer Here.
H. A. Larson, chief of the north
west special federal agents, A. Oft
edal. one of his deputies, and Dave
Fuller. Deputy 1". S. marshal, are in
Pendleton today making investiga
tions on the reservation. They report
a big decrease in bootlegging offenses
on the reservation.
To Visit county I.odsc.
After having made an official visit
to the Pendleton Knights of Pythias
last evening. Grand Chancellor Wort
man and W, O. Oleeson, grand keep,
er of records and seal, will be at Mil
ton this evening to visit the lodge at
that place. Tomorrow evening the
Weston lodge will be visited and oi!
Thursday evening a visit will be made
to the lodge at Athena. Pythian
from Adams and Helix will join in
the meeting at Athena. Hermiston
lodge will be visited on Friday. A
number of local Knights will make
the trip to Milton tonight In com
pany with the grand lodge officers.
To Kiplarn lVndleton Way.
J. V. Tallman, former pres. dent u.
the Pendleton Commercial Club, is-
now at The Dalles where he is to be
one of the speakers at a chamber of
Commerce meeting. He is down for
a talk on the subject "Cooperation In
Pendleton." Mr, Tallman went to
The Dalles on the noon train yester
Appointed by Governor.
W. W. Harrah. prominent local
rarmer and official in the farmers'
union, has been appointed by Cover.
nor Wlthycombe as representative
from Oregon to the national market
ing and rural credits conference to
be held at Chicago from Dec, 6 to
J inclusive. Mr. Harrah expects to
Hade to Imtrove Property.
K. T. Wade, who recently purchased
a residence at the corner of Jackson
and Hush streets, has taken out a
1 Shopping Dayi Until Christmas
Our beautiful Holiday Catalogue
for 191 has been put into the mailB.
If you haven't received yours kindly
phone to us or write to us and we will
aend you one by return mail.
This is the most complete catalogue
that we have ever issued and it will
aid you very mu;h in giving you sug
gestions for your holiday shopping.
If you are not on our mailing list
just write us a postal card or phone to
us and we will put your name on our
WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 21.
Apparently the .N'icaraguan treat?
controversy is still an issue, although
the United States has been officially
declared "not a party" to the Central
American Court of Justice, formed in
Washington in li07 under the aus
pices of the United States and which
hajt recently decided against Nicara
gua in cases brought before the
court by other Central American re
publics in protest of Nicaragua's
right to conclude the treaty with the
United States without their consent.
The American Peace Society,
through its secretary, Arthur Deerin
Call, ha-s issued a statement to tha
effect that the United Htatejj should
recognise the validity of the court by
accepting the decrees which it issues
The difficulty Immediately to be fac
ed Is as to the existence of the court
if Nicaragua refuses to be bound by
rj its decision, as Nicaragua is consiu
K erexl to be likely to do if she has th
F backing of the United States In stick-
f. . ing to the treaty.
I Nicaragua Is consiaerea lineiy tu
hold to the treaty because there Ij
$S,0u,(rt0 for- that republic In it as
payment for a perpetual option to the
United States on the Nlcaraguan In
teroceanic canal route and for 9
years' lease of site for a naval station
in the aulf of Fonseca. Further than
this, the new president of Nicaragua.
General Chamorra, was minister of
Nicaragua to Washington while the
I treaty was being put through, and Is
known to be favorable to It, and be
cause of this attitude to have been
favored for the presidency of Nlcara
gua by the United Bute. It I said
that, without the influence of the
United States, he would quite likely
have failed of election.
Salvador, Costa Rica and Honduras
all are Involved In the case against
Nicaragua's right to carry out the
treaty provisions, and, so far a the
court has gone to date, all the cases
seem to be going against Nicaragua.
B Advertising in Brief
R lTf
Per line first insertion 10c
Per hue, addiUoaal Uuertloa. . . . Ac
Per line, per month 1 00
Nu locals taken for lex thaa 2.tc
Locals Hill not be taken orer th
telephone except from Kttt Oregon
Jan paid np inbscrlbert.
Is Your
Stomach Well
It's the Secret
of Good Health
stomach outers
Wanted 5-room house, call 302M.
Furnished rooms for rent. 604
Work wanted by man with family.
Telephone 760R,
For rent Housekeeping rooms.
400, East Alta street.
For sale Blooded horse and bug-
gy. Inquire 22? Water. i
For rent Furnished housekeeping
rooms, 401 Aura. Tel. 308W.
Blydensteln's Dietary Hush and
Prepared Dietary Flour, a cure and
preventative for constipation.
Win. Goedecke auto for hire, phone
MM. Slangier Cigar Store. Tel 414.
I haul roar garbage and trash
Phone 5SJM. 1401 W. Railroad at.
Housekeeping rooms for rent. 601
Lllleth street Call evenings.
For rent Furnished rooms for
gentlemen, a T. this office.
Pendleton Hair Dressing Parlors,
Pendleton Hotel building. Phone 45.
D. B. Waffle auto for hire. Phone
!84M. Stand, Charles Co. Phone 1.
Iost Black Cocker Spaniel dog,
bob tail. t months old. Notify
Phone 170.
Suits pressed 60c; thoroughly clean
ed 11.60. Rudd, 202 W. Webb. Phone
For sale or rent 8-room house, hot
water heat Inquire Buford Butler
at Otto Hohbacb'i Bakery.
House for rent, IK month, range,
beds, chairs and dresser for sale
cheap. Call at 505 Franklin street.
For sale Five room boose, east
Court street. Desirable location, close
to school A genuine bargain. For
particulars address R. O. Jory, Man
pin. Ore.
Found, on Macadam road between
Athena and Weston, one auto robe.
Finder can have same by calling at
this office and paying charges.
Barley too high for feed. Bee Bly
densteln, 117 B. Court. Phone 16 for
oats by car lots.
Strictly modern housekeeping rooms
for rent reasonable. 114 Htonewall
Jackson street.
Classes now forming In clarinet,
saxophone, cornet and trombone in
struction. Pupils wanted. See Ch1
Malone, 1 Thompson street.
Gordon's Pressery, phone 761.
106 B. Alta street Formerly O. K.
Pressery. Work called for and de
livered. For sale Rubber tired buggy, bar.'
ness, large heating stove, set of scene
ry .and drops for 18-foot stage. In
quire Milne Grocery.
Rooming house for sals. Mala
ttreet, la esnter of bnslssss district
Doing good bostness. Inquire of pen
land Bros.
Oall Penland Bros, van te mere row
household goods. Telephone tit. Also
laggage transferring and heavy haul
ing. Two room apartment, the Ken.
more, (las, hot and eold water, steam
heat and clean, first floor. 617 Wil
low. Mattress maklsg, furniture repair
ng, upholstering, called for and deliv
ered, city or country. La Dow Bros.,
lit Beauregard. Pohne 227J.
Lost Ladle raincoat on Reserva
tion road south of agency. Finder
kindly leave at Alexanders and receive
Prompt automohrie taxi service,
day or night. Funerals to oemetery
only 11(0. Phone (80 Hotel St,
George. Carney Taxi Co.
O. W. Hooker, florist and Oregon
Journal agent, now located at 621
Main street next lo Conroy's Gro
cery. The Journal dellvored any
where In Pendleton, H5 cents a month,
dally and Sunday.
When you want to mv money you can. But you don't have to try when buying at
Tho Golden Rule Store. You uv money on every purchase.
Men Suits ,IHt. IJ.,V, 4 4.Jtk, I.!U
Men's MiM'Wnivn SI.SH, ,VtH. is.to, 17.00
Mini's lUllt Kobe 3.tt, $S.8, $1.98
Hoys' Hath Rubra , 13.49
Hoys" Hreeod Union Suit 49x 6o
Hoys' Wool I nlou Suits , 9x0
Hoys Knickerbocker Suits ...ta.ta, $S.H, l.9S
Hoys' Mackinaw . , S3.9R
Hoys' Heavy lUbbed Hone, 2 palm jito
Mill's "Hi 8" lUh Overalls gjc
lAdleti' Coat $7.90, 88.90, $9.90, tl'l.M, $1 1.7.1
I Allies' Waist 98it, $1.98, $2.98
IjuIIch1 II11U1 Kobe $2.98, $.1.98, $1.98
Children's Hath Itobes 980, $1.49
Laillm' House, Dresses 980, tl.19
Isulles' Out Size Dress Skirts $S.90
Infants' Knit Sete 98c, $1.98, $1.98
Wool Blanket, rise 08x80 $2.98
Wool Itutts, comforter site $1.99
rotton llatts toe
" n j .
.J L rcrrncY CO fftC
For rent 5 room modern house,
north side. Inquire Downey's Mar
ket Wanted Place for industrious bov
of 15 to work for board and attend
school. Country preferred. Address
"F" this office.
For sale Carload of cows and
young stock. Mostly Durhams, with
a few good Jerseya Cows fresh this
fall and winter. James Ware, Her
mlston. Ore.
For sale Buescher cornet, quick
change B flat to A; also C attach
ment, nice case, used only six month!
and is in pjrfect shape. A bargain
If taken at once. Inquire R this of
fice. "Reliable canvassers to sell our
complete line of Fruit and Ornamen
tal stock in best sections of this state.
Canvassing outfit furnished. Cash
advanced weekly.' Address Nursery,
Crenco. Oregon."
One "Emblem" gents bicycle, double
truss frame, black and blue enamel.
Mud guards front and rear. Suitable
reward. Notify "F" this office. Adv.
Female Help Wanted.
Tou can make 130 weekly selling
Numud Facial treatment, 60c pkg.
1-2 profit Box 40J, Oakland, Cal.
Wheat $1.00 Per Sack and Up.
Have only a few hundred sacks of
this damaged wheat left Call at H
W. Collins' warehouse near O.-W. R.
N. freight house. Adv.
OpUunetrbjt and Optician.
Glasses ground
and fitted. Lenses
American National Bank BuUdlng,
H.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIlfltllllllllltltlllllllllUlltllltlllllllllllttMI ltlllllllII1JIk
Home Cooking
at the Golden Rule Cafe. All whit
help. Regular meals 25 cents. Adv.
At tho Boston Clothing Store, h
beautiful 1200.00 Talking Machine.
See It In their window and learn par
ticulars. Adv.
Ante Stage.
For Adams, Athena and Weston
eaves Hennlng's Cigar Store at 10 a
n. and 1:30 p m. each day. Adv.
The party who took the purse from
the car near the' Presbyterian church
last Thursday Is known, but if purse
is returned to Bast Oregonlan office
at once nothing further will be said
t Saw Cream Applied In Nostrils t
4 , 4:. D.sa.. Dl-ht I Tn X
Uti 1 1
instant renet no waning. tour
clogged nostrils open right up; the
air passages of your head clear and
you can breathe freely. No more
hawking, snuffling, blowing, head
ache, dryness. No struggling for
breath at night; your cold or catarrh
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist now. Apply
a little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing cream in your nostrils. It pen.
etrates through every air passage of
the head, soothes the Inflammed or
swollen mucous membrane and relief
comes instantly.
It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed up
with a cold or nasty catarrh.
77 hk
'.MTIieS.jioi 1 h-IWuck"
After trying it you will be convinced along
5 with our many other satisfied customers that
I "Peacock" coal is the best on the market.
! uMM-lM CO. J
2820 acres on railroad. 2000 tillable, part ready to seed; fair
buildings plenty of water, all fenced and cross fenced. Price
now 160,000.
I have some desirable residence property In Pendleton for sale
at less than cost to build, and lots thrown In. Among which are
the fine modern home of J. 3. Landers on Jackson street. Price
reduced now 1500.
House of t rooms two blocks from Depot Fine shade trees,
new cement walk, cellar, about half way between high and
west end school. Thla house is Insured for 11 000, paid up to
June, 1918, policy will be transferred with the property for
only 11000.
The above 2820 acres can be bought now for $20 per acre.
E. T. WADE, Pendleton. Ore.
f ! i M
iiiuiii liiiiilMiinniiijiiUjiiiiiiiiiiisiiiii.
1 1
on next December 1st
Here is an issue which we can't era
ly, but fiv you this advance warnin
present prices while they Uat If y
The Huper-Hlx of the present series is built from
materials contracted last year. There are only
3600 more to go out, Including open cars and en
closed cars. And part of them are sold.
The next production starting December 1
will be like the present models. The changes. If
any, will be only minor refinements. But materi
als for that series were contracted this year, and
at prices enormously advanced.
So tho cars now in process are the only Super
Hlxes we can deliver at the present Hudson prices.
The advance will be 1175 per car.
Next year, as this year, the Hudson Super-Six
Is certain to hold Its supremacy. The Super-Six
is controlled by our patents the motor which
added 80 per cnt to efficiency. Ho other oars
can't use It
Phaeton, 7-paaaenirer $1650
f. o. b. Pendleton.
de. So we meet it fairly and frank
g. Every Super-Six will be sold at
ou can get one, get it
The Super-Six now holds all the worth-while
records. All the world's stock car records up to
190 miles.
It holds the 24-hour record of 1811 miles. R
won the Pike's Peak hill climb the world's
greatest event of its kind.
In September It won he ocean-to-ooean record.
It went from San Francisco to New York In It
hours 61 minutes less time than the next best
It won all these records because, of endurance.
Because this invention has so nearly eliminated
all friction, vibration and wear.
Ho every man who knows the facts must con
cede the Super-Six supremacy, very test has
proved It If you wont such a cor even for next
year now la the time to get It, If you can.
Roadster, 2-pasaeng'er $1650
f. o. b. Pendleton.
Oregon Motor Garage
117, 119, 121, 123 W. Court St (Incorporated)
Phone 468 !
m - j