DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1916. PACR SV.:i J S 3 I ; wf"f f ' tttTTI ii ii . 'it n rnnrrii .miwim, n" iu.'jiu iiiiiiiiiij j itiujiff ijm.euii.in.jji 114 mil nnj hkoaise of wm, run. hoard Indignant Judge Kljrns Hates Oh-. pus Writ M Request of Uttlo One's Miitbcf. HARTFROIU), Conn.. Nov. 21. To hold a child as security for a mall board bill doesn't appeal to Judge Milton A. Shumway. He sign ed a writ' of habeas eorpua under ZERO i!;?ShnJard California SOUTHERN PACIFIC A : A big new discovery in cigarette blending The big thing about Chesterfields is their unique blend. 'The Chesterfield blend is an entirely new com bination of tobaccos. This blend is the most important new development in cigarette making in 20 years. As a result, Chesterfields produce a totally new kind of cigarette enjoyment they satisfy I Just like ,,bite" before bedtime satisfies when you're hungry. But with all that, Chesterfields are MILD, tool This new enjoyment (satisfy, yet mild) comet ONLY in Chesterfields because no cigarette maker can copy the Chesterfield blend. 'Give me a package of those CIGARETTE 2rlO which Mr and Mrs. James .V Robert." of Manchester produced In court this afternoon Anna Louise Parsons, six-year-old daughter of Mm Ma I'ar. sons Molumphy of New Haven Counsel for the Roberts family wie given until tomorrow to file an an awer to the mother' demand for the return of her child and Judge Shum way continued the hearing until Frl. day afternoon. It appeared that before her seconJ Less Carbon because Zcrolenc is made from Asphalt-base crude. It burns up titan, and goes out with the exhaust LEW Oil or Motor Cars Sold by dealers every where and at ill Service Station of the Standard Oil Company (i.ililnnui i Pendleton Go Shasta Route and Bee Willamette, Umpqua, Sac ramento Valley by daylight on A NEW TRAIN (Only one night enroutel Lv. Portland 8:20 A. M. Ar. San Francisco 5:50 P. M. Standard and tourist sleeping cars, dining cur and coaches. Two Other Daily Trains 3:50 P. M. Shasta Limited (Kxtra Fare) 8 :00 T. M.San Francisco Express NCE iKIIV KKItVICIO 8.KETY LIBERAL STOPOVERS Write for informa tion and literature. JOHN M. SCOTT, ileneral Pus. Agent. Portland, Ore. cigarettes that SATISFY!" marriage Mr. Molumphy worked for the. Roberts family and became in debted to them for board for herself and child, whose father died In an In sane asylum three years after the birth of Anna Iulse. It was claimed that Mr. Roberta provided money u bring the child from Plainfield, N. J., to Manchester, and that she 'U the only mother the little girl had ever known. Judge Shumway aald: "The board bill has nothing to do with this CATTLE MARKET PORTLAND, Nov, 1. Cattle mar set was firmer and generally higher at North Portland at the week's opening. Sales of best steers avail able were made during the early trade at $7.90, or 20c higher than last week's closing. Cows were quoted at 15.75. or 25c higher than recent sales. 'Jeneral cattle market range: Prime heavy steers 17.25 fa 7.3(1 Prime light steers 7. 00 fi 7.15 Good steers fi.50W6.75 Medium steers 5.7ft 'if 6.25 Ordinary steers 5.00ft' 6.50 Common steers 4. 25 ft 4.76 Prime Prime o.o.vu n...- heifers 5.50W5.75 Good cows Ordinary cows 4.00 (ri 4.25 Common cows 3.00j4.25 Prime heavy bulls 4.25W 1.50 Good bulls 4.00Sr4.25 Ordinary bulls 3.003.50 Pest light calves 7.00 Ordinary calves 6.00W6.60 r.ior calves 5.(iOW5.75 ling's (icrH-rallv Steady. Market for hogs was generally stfady at North Portland for the first day of the week. Toiw sold early around 19.60. although as high as $9.65 was quoted for selected stuff. General hog market Choice light weights I9.60W 9.65 Good light weights 9.40 u' 9.60 Medium weights 9.25 (fi 9.35 Rough heavy 8.00 lit 8.50 Mutton Market Strong. Market for both mutton and lambs continue strong at North Portland ; strong at North Portland with receipts still of a limited nature. H-al to p stuff has not been avail- i. j NOTICE IX) TAXPAYERS OP HEAR iv2 f i v it i itf: it vtttt citv TAXI1 JX)R I17. Notice la hereby given that on the 1st day of November. 1916 the Com - mon Cenneil of The City of Pendleton adopted a lludget estimating the iinount of taxes to be levied by The ? .0,V',?'1.K,.,:n 'r..tll.r.r-1'Ii .aim I'inciiiK niii.'uiik &i ma sum t of t53.725.38 and that a heurinr nn . K,,,w.,i tutu ha hnla ih. ell Chambers In the City Hull at Pen- ' dleton, Oregon, on Nov. 29. 1916, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., where the Com- J mon Council will sit and hear any ob-' lections or exceptions that may be made to any or all Items of said Pud get ns adopted by It, nil Tax Payers are particularly Invited to be present at such meeting. Hy order of The Common Council dated this 4th day of November, 1916. THOS. FITZ GERALD. City Recorder. REALTY TRANSFERS Warranty Deeds. E. L. Michael, et ux to Nancy Crank, J160, mete and bound des cription in Pilot Rock. A. J. Ishmael, et ux to R. A. Mc Cully, 110, E. 1-2 SE. 1-4 NW. 1-4 Sec. 34, Twp. 5 North, Range 28. This combination of chicken raising ana piaywriung- clears away a pan of the mystery of high prices. FIRM - TURKEYS HIGH - 'able on the open market recently, but oaies oi w niamette valley lambs were made at 18.75 ft 8.85, with yearlings up 25c. Easternn Oregon stock was not available. General mutton and lamb market: Select spring lambs M5'n'9.00 Ordinary lambs 8.50'ff S.S5 liest yearHnL-s 7 r, fl ft 7 7 r. Good to common wethers 5 75to 6 00 Rest ewes 5 in i nn fi no Heavy to comnion ewes.. 4.00frl.S0 Much Interest is centered in th not. look for turkey supplies and the pries for the Thanksgiving trade Dealers in general are anticipating rfr.l goo valui-s. recent tales of selected dress. 4.inrR.lScd birds hriiiKlns; 27o a ominrf in th, ' wholesale tnide. ; "The price that country dressed poultry- will sell at in this market." says C. liay Peck ley, president of thi. We; tern Produce company, ' depend.': largely on how meaty and fat the birds are, and how well thev are , dressed and packed for shipmen:. j Poultry, to be shipped to market, should lie carefully selected, none hut i 'he fattest and meatiest birds beln-' chosen. A dressed poor bird never will j Mring top price, neither will a poorly I dressed fat bird. It Is always bet lt0 dr' Pick poultry fur shipment. ' Scalded stock generally arrives in a! stocky, half spoiled condition, and I ; brings as much as dry' picked i stock: It spoils more quickly. After selecting the fattest birds. i they should not be fed for eight or ten hours before killing, as a dressed hird hn1H u,lv. , .,,.. .,,,,,.. , ... - , ,h rrnn ,, " . j ,;,,. ,, l,lJun,!1 ,h(l a,,,ear'am ,.f the dressed bird In dry picking I!ir,U should be hle.l in the roof of the mouth, then hung up so thev will bleed well. He sure the blood drains "" thoroughly, us a poorly bled bird 1 looks reddish cither all over or el l , In spots. This depreciate the grad" and Value. j . Xne ,rivllC ;(ftt.r ,hp ,,f ' dressing, the head of each lord should I be wrapped In paper. This adds tn its ; "I'l'i a' nn e ml prevents the blood from staining the body of It .ind other birds. ''Place at least two shipping taj;. on each box or barrel, and be sure t, write your iii.me and pns-to:!ice ad dress on each tag. Verv often these tugs are torn off en route, and It is difficult to determine the origin of the shipper." Tn-ossed poultry should reach this market nn the 25th, 2th and 27th for the Thanksgiving; trade. COLD WEATHER STOPS SEEDING WHO HAS ;OMfT NIfiHT OF SKANON WHEN THKIlMOHt TEIt RrXilSTR'KN ABOVE. Eight MHIn Tax Is tjnU-d for ool IMstrict No. 5 Other Ncwxj and Social Notes. East Oregonlan Special ) ECHO. Nov. 21.The cold spell here for the past ten day, haa put top to all seeding. The coldest n'fcht waa on Nov. l2 when the ther momter registered six degrees above onl ""I" SCh00' " wa voted No. 5. -- .... .uay ny mis school lin fifty five electors em were prea- . even carloads of cattle were receiv ' here Monday by Mr. Blaekwell ho is feeding cattle at the Say70 'urm on Butter creek. The came and Vale, Ore. Rooming Hou.,e changed hands yee Purc'h : ,bU'"neU'S and fix"' Mrs. Maud- Ashpaugh, both of Le,. pn. Ore.. The new owners iL "-. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Pnu th- Rho having rented apartments In the Dorn building. The Ladies Aid of the Echo M E crch held another pure food , J', "M Saturday. This ,ale wDr h, M at the George A Miller Co.v (ir, t u"1? ,W W'ek8 at h hile profitable to the ...cletv Kivir,' them ahM) a Rrrat Du"y housewive. W. vn Winkler, ho has been her ,he past few months as tele prapn operator at the O-W. R ft N lot, has now gone to Hinkl-'to fi 'l a similar position. K. C Bell formerly of Hilrard ii bj Mr von Winkler going away. J- M. Mays returned today from' Hermiston where he went last even- '.g on a short business visit ( The dance givvn at the city hail last Friday night by the Commercial ! club was a verv ..ntnv-.Ki.. I Dances will be given every two week, this winter. A. R. Gilbnt took his Invalid wife last Sunday to Portland where she will be treated In a sanitarium. They were accompanied by their daughter Neva .Jiliett and Mrs. Sarah Combe, the Purtland nurse who has been with Mrs. Glllett the past two months. Mrs. m. C. Barager of Stanfield Is assisting the George Miller Co in their store and will remain during the holidays. Mis Ilene Webb, left Sunday morn ing for California where she will spend the winter. She will visit with her aunt Mrs. Geo. W. Averill of Bel vedere, Cal. Earl Brook of Portland who put on a sale last winter at the George Miller store, visited here yesterday with friends and acquaintances. WOMAN'S LABOR LAW OF SEW YORK BEFORE THE SUPREME OOITIT WASHINGTON, Nov. 29 Constitu tionality of the wamen'a labor law of New Tork state was presented in a case before the supreme conrt today, particularly as to validity of a claus There Is more Catarrh in this section of the country than ill other diseases pot to gethfr, and for years It was supposed to l incurable. Doctors prescribed local reme dies, aud by constantly falling to cure wlti local treatment, pronounced It Incurable ..ftanh la a local disease, greatly Infla em-ed by constitutions! conditions and tnewfore requires constitutional treatment Hall a Catarrh Core, manufactured by F. J uraey a to., Toledo, Ohio, Is a eonstlto ' 'L0"1 remedy, is taken internally and act ISIV-I? Hl0?. on .t" "o Snrfaee. of the Rvntem. One Hmutrivt H..M. Is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrb tore falls to cure. Send for rlrcolax aoa testimonials. a aF: J- che:;et CO., Toledo, Ohl Sold by Droirglsts. 75c. Hall't Family Pllla for constlpattoo. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY IXSCRANCE AND LAND BUSINESS BENTLfiT & MONTGOMEKY, REAL estate, fire, life and accident lnsur ance agents. 815 Main U"cL Phone 404. AVOnONEERS COL. W. F. IOHNKA, AUCTION eer, makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales. "The main that gets you the money.'1 Leave orders at Bast Oregonian efflce. SECOND II AND DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN itnd fecond hand goods. NEW Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought Cheapest place In Pendleton to ou household gooes. Come and get our prices 219 E. Court street Phone 171W. ARCHITECT. RAVMOND W. HATCH, tect. Despain Building. 78. Pendleton, Oregon. ATTORNEYS. ARCHI Phone RALET A RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National Bank Building. DOCTORS. DR S. A. ROE PRACTICB UK Ited to the eye, ear, noes and throa Hours I to It nd I to I, and by ap polstment Butte II, Judd Bldg. 4 irn)I.-3PEHCENX AW4aWe PrtpantimiferAJ- . .rf.,tlRtll OphiouMorpimK tMiVsotomaA1 if 15 1 prohibiting employment of married women at tkiL The statute of 1S03 followed the state factory investiga tion. It was once held ut oninitJtim- al by the Ned York cuurt of appeals! and later was sustained. ii Exact U)py of Wrappei. OREGON Commencing Sunday, Nov. 19-21 9TH ANNUAL WORLD TOUR mm THE WHITE MAHATMA In His Worid-Famoiu Sir.lLA HE WILL TELL YOU ALL MYSTIFYING! AMUSING! The One Big Sensational Show of the Season that no body can afford to miss. A refined, clean, moral and diverting entertainment that has never failed to please. PRICES: Night-25c, 50c, 75c. GEORGE W COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estimates settled, wills, deeds, mortgagee and contracts drawn. Collections made. Room 1?. Schmidt block. FEB A FEE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Despain building. CARTER SMYTH E. ATTORNEY at law. Office In rear of Ameri can Nale ki Bank bulldlna. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNBY AT law. Offtre over Taylor Hardware company. PETERSON A BISHOP. ATTOR neys at law; rooms I and 4. Smith Crawford bsildmg. DOUGLAS VT. BAILBT, ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all Mate and federal court a. Room J. a and 9, Despain eulldlng. FREDERICK ncy al law. ford building STB1WER. ATTOR Office In Sintth-Craw a A LOWELL. ATTORNICT avr counsellor at law. Office In De spate Oulldm MlSCFIJ.AForV LEGAL BlNKS OF E-?HY f a acnptloD for eonnty court, clrcui court. Justice court rmi mtats. tc lor sale at East Oregonlan office. 10 For Infanta ard ChiMrcn, Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of tn Use For Over Thirty Years The law provides that "no femai shall be employed in any factory be fore a. m. or after 9 p. m.. or for more than ten hours a day except make a shorter work day on Haturaj or for more than sixty hours a week N C E STARTLING! y FCNEKAL DIRECTORS. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STOKn' Funeral director and licensed ea balmer. Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral ears. Calls, responded to day or night CerneS. Ualn and Water streets Ttiapnont JOHN & BAKER, FUNERAL DI recter and licensed embaimer. Os postte postofflce. , Funeral parlo two funeral cars. Calls responded Is. day or night Phone 71. MONTANA FARM lSOH NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY Lands In eastern Montana at Silt to lis per sere. Suitable for farming or grazing Easy terms, for aro. matlon write or see W IE Holt, ItIM City, Montana. MISf KI.I.AMiyH H. NOTK'R TO HT(iCKH').i,KliS-N-t:ce Is hereby glvn, tlu.t tbr wlt be an annua! meeting , ti, itioeit j h(lders nf the Kast iir.;'inian Pub- ilsntng eomt'aoy on v.itn-,yi oemlmr , Ut at 4 i io. K p. m., a) the office of s.ih cumi 'iny In I'in4l, ton, Oregon, for the pi.rpnis nf elicit, rng offiiers for the erwu'iig yr ' . Jackson, president; I. Q Drake, secretary. i A If CkVJif y THEATRE on