East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 20, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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The Kat Orrgonlan lini tb largMt boaa
fide and guaranteed m,j circulation of anr
paper Id Oregon, mat of Portland and by
far the largem circulation lu l'eudletuo of
toy Dewapaper
Minimum . i-.r
... . . r. '
VOL. 28
NO. 8971
i ...i. ...... j 1 1 rm ti t 'J2ZttZZ. A II 1 U J IVIUIUV,, l U if ' ' 1
Oilatory Tactics of Mexican
Members of Border Com
mission May Cause U. S. to
Change Policy.
Prnstnmt Wilson la Giving Americas
Commissioners Strong Backing In
Anr Move They May See Fit to
WASHINGTON. Nov. 20. The Uni
ted Press has learned authoritatively
that America plana to flatly tell the
I'"exlcan peace delegates the United
States representatives will withdraw
from the conference If the Mexicans
pursue dilatory tactics.
The Americans want Immediate ar
rangement covering the protection of
American rlKhlx, property and border
patrol. If they are not obtained
through pence conferences, new steps
will be planned.
President Wilson and Secretary
I -a using alone know the alternative
In event the Mexicans continue obsti
nate. It la freely predicted Wilson
pliuia to change his policy and deal
more strictly with .Mexico. The ad
ministration is hopeful such moves
will be unnecessary. Wilson is strong
ly backing the American commission
em plana. THe commission reconven
ed in Atlantic City this afternoon after
h week-end adjournment.
.Xeitaer uovtrnment Nw Army Ls
Participating In Any Peace plans
Kf forts All Concentrated 00 Win
ning. (Carl Ackerman.)
UKkl.IN, Nov. 20. The Oerman
public regard skeptically the Wash
I ok ton reports via Switzerland and
London Baying president Wilson I
plannliiK peace steps. The Herman
Kovernmc 111 and the army are no:
participating In any peace plana. The
army la concentrating its eiforts to
ward winning, Gerard piobahly will
find hlfself more popular wlieu tin
returns.' The popular altitude toward
him In changing
Alexander The Mystic mystifiod a
packed house at the Oregon theater
laal night and sent several hundred
leople away with mouths agape with
wonderment. Ills feats of telepathy
and ledgerdemaln were, undoubtedly
the most marvelous ever seen In Pen
dleton. He appeared to read the minds ot
individuals in the audience with the
same ease as an ordinary man would
read a newspaper, and besides dem
onstrated his ability to convey his own
thoughts to another. Any number of
questions were submitted to him and
his answers amazed.
Ills tricks of slight of hand wars
performed at close distance, Alexan
der coming down into the audience
and his whole program of ledger de
main was something better than what
one ordinarily sees at such exhibition
He will be at the theater tonight an'l
tomorrow night
C1IICAUO, Nov. 20. (Special to
the East Oregonlan.) Range of pri
ces today;
Open, High. Low. Close.
Dec. 11.84 1.891 183 1.88
May I1.77H 1.82 S 1.77 1.82H
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 20 (Spa.
cial.) Club, 11.60; bluestem, $180.
UVKIU'OOL, Nov. 18. Spot wheat
was steady and unchanged today, with
No. 1 northern DuluOi quoted at ISs
11 l-2d; No. 2 hard winter Winni
peg, 1G 11 l-2d; No. 1 northern
Maiillolni 1Hs 2 1 2d 1-2 per
bushel); No. 2 northern 16; No. J
northern Winnipeg liis d.
Joint Congressional Committee
Will Also Probe Matter of
Government Ownership.
Many ItwrcnenlaUve of Railroads,
TrteRTa4.11 and Telephone Compa
nies and (ApJuilists Serve Notice.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. The
Congressional Joint committee con
vened to Investigate all transportation
problems and to investigate govern
ment ownership of railroads, .tele
graphs, express companies and -ore-an
carrier. It consists of Chairman
New-lands, five representatives and
five senators.
Senator Newlnnds read a formal
Htatement before the session conven
ed explaining its aims. He said:
"The Inquiry will relate every pliant
of transportation, rail carriers, river
carriers, ocean carriers, telephone,
telegraph Companies and express
companies. It will embrace not only
government control and regulation of
these utilities, but also the wisdom
and feasibility of government owner
ship." The committee spent the morning
session classifying witnesses and went
Into executive session this afternoon.
A mighty list of railroad presidents
and heads of commercial organiza
tions served notice they want full
I-abor heads failed to ask represen
tation. The brotherhoods chiefs may
make applications later. Many bus
ness organisations of Boston, Phila
delphia, Chicago, New York, Seattle,
Memphis, Livestock .Growers' organi
sations and telegraph companied ask
ed hearings.
Representatives of the state rail
road commissions announced their In
tention of fighting any attempt to
take control from them. Capitalists
organizations will also fight govern
ment ownership.
US ANfJKI-ES, Nov. 20. Super
visors ruled that the 273 votes be
conted In Los Angeles precinct 338
although only 270 are registered
They are unable to explain the extra
3 votes and are unwilling to cancel
the whole precinct on account of the
error Immediately after the rul'ic
the supervisors started the official
count of Los Angeles county.
Ttu-rc Vhlcaeoana Were on Trial In
Connection With Famous Alaskan
Coal Cawo.
CHICAGO. Nov. 20. A. C. Frost,
traction magnate. Burt Wing, attor
ney, and Oliver Rourke, former may
or of Klue Island, Illinois, were ac
quitted of a charge of bribing a jury
in the famous Alaskan coal and land
Archibald T. PltxOerald testified
that rYost gave him money to bribe
ltnurke a member of the jury trying
Frost on a charge of defrauding the
government of ten million dollars
through dummy entries. The jury
acquitted Frost. In the present trial
cross-examinations revealed discrep
ancies In FlUOerald's testimony.
(Kast Oregonlan Special.)
MKACHAM. Nov. 20. Miss
Jenny Casey has been present-
ed with a handsome gift of a
gold, diamond set LaValllere and
chain by M. J, Buckley, super.
Intendent of the O-W. R. 4 N.
Co. The gift was In apprecla-
tliin of a bridge being saved
and the fast, mail train from 4
beng wrecked, when the bridge
was set afire by coals from a
passing engine some few weeks
ago. Miss Casey first saw the
blaae and, It being late at night
-T I. .... u11 n1.A ...... .. ..I V, A
v arousca otners wno quicKiy pui w
It out before any extensive
damage was done.
jjj Wortman, grand chancellor of Oregon, and Wal
ter G. Gleeson, grand keeper of record and teal,
will make an official visit to Damon lodge No. 4 Knights
of Pythias this evening. Following their visit here they
will make a tour of all the lodges of the county.
""-. ..';"';,
' '
I i ' r I '1 . I 1
(lsy Itahard Devine. 2nd I. N". G )
NOOALES, Nov. 11. This l hope
to make the last letter which I shall
have the pleasure of writing yo'i
while at Nogaleti, as the news has
gone around the Second Oregon will
entrain before many days for the
north and If your imagination is good
you can Imagine the effect It la hav
ing upon the boys. Three days ago
I had given up hope of being home
this winter, but presto, the miracle
has happened. We hope to be in
Boise for Thanksgiving and of course
will necessar.ly be there a week or
two before being mustered out as we
must pass through quarantine and
turn In our government property,
such as guns, ammunition and all oth
er ordnance and quartermasters
ltoya K Need of Ilriivf.
Perhaps It may sound to you us
though we of the 2nd Idaho were
pretty anxious to get home and the
truth of the matter to that we are
anxious to do so but we are not doim;
j it with the idea of getting out of a
bad Job or to try to shirk our duty.
I We have perhaps been on the border
I longer thun any other regiment of In
I fantry as today marks our fourth
IDnnlh uwl n r. ,l-o
...u...u .iu .en uim uioooiuLii as;
overy inner imamry regiment nas
been returned home and other trooos
Sent to relit thorn that n-A hai-a . '
right to claim relief.
The Alabama troops, which are
OF '111
CHICAOO, Nov. 20. W. J. Bryan
The building wasn't damaged,
federation. His speech sucnified the
opening campaign to make Chicago
dry. It Is also the opening shot of
his four year campaign to make Am
erica dry. Bryan proposes to force
prohibition planks in the next re
publican and democratic platforms.
He predicted the present prohibition
wave would sweep evety state.
"I believe prohibition will be the
paramount Issue of nineteen twenty,
unless a constitutional amendment Is
made before that. Such an amend
ment will probably be submitted that
year and probably will be submitted
HM-h, Morning This Week Punals of
the Ijlnooin School Will Slrnd an
Hour I jcarnlng Helpful Details at
the County Hulking.
Front nine to ten o'clock each
morning this week, the pupils of the
Lincoln school will visit the County
Library where they will be Instructed
in the arrangement of the books on
the shelves and in the use of the Ju
venile catalogue.
This will give each child a more
"tit home." feeling In the library and
the catalogue game ls as inlern-ting
to nuinv ns the puzzle page in the chil
practically all here, consist uf a com
plete brigade 3 regiments of infantry,
three batteries of artillery, one squad,
rod of cavalry' and the ambulance or
hospital corps. They have been in
mobilization camp, In Montgomery,
Alabama, since June and are now
down here to do their share of border
service. They are commanded by a
brigadier general from their state who
Is outanked, however, by General
Plummer. - a .
TroopH Iteve-Miirk Battle.
Day before yesterday our 2nd and
3rd battalions were taken out on the
Santa Crux river and set to work dig.
glng trences and constructing barbed
wire entanglements, which when they
were completed, were turned over to
one regiment of Alabama and our
boys sent against them In a mock bat.
tie. Two minutes and one half aft.
er our first men struck the entangle.
ments we had captured the trenchf.i.
This may sound eaav to some and
to others it may be of Interest to know
how such battles are conducted.
Fire control in battle nerhm..
the most important part of the battie
training of troops and in order for
one army to advance upon another it
is necessary for the defensive army
to gain fire superiority. In sham
battles this is determined hv thA in.
cation of the troops and the amount
or noise and the character of the fire
(Continued on Puge 3 )
before. It is even possible it may
Pass this winter. The democratic
party is in a position to consider the
subject. The republicans may be
compelled to."
Commenting on the election Bryan
"1 am very gratified at the result.
The victory ended the supersltition
thitt an election ls impossible with
out New York. I believe the New
York vote necessity had a restraining
Influence for a generation. The
country" now feels free to legislate us
it pleases. New York will be treated
as other sections,"
dren's magazine As one pupil ex
pressed It, "you feel more Important
when you know how to use the cat
alogue." Miss Smith, m-sistant librarian, has
charge of this work which is similar
to that already given to the high
school students, but of a simpler na
ture. Miss Hush, principal of the Lincoln
school, accompanied her pupils this
morning for the library period and
Miss Kouunfcoln. Miss oVonnell. Mrs.
Idleman and Miss Anderson will each
follow with the seventh, sixth, fifth
and fourth grades on Tuesday. Wed
nesday, Thursday and Friday of this
Itesld) s acquainting the children
with the library and the reading pleas
ures it furnishes them for the com ng
winter evenings, these visits will fur
nish subject mnlter for composition
work In the KtorlUh rlnssea
imii ii
Ruth Law Flies From Chicago
to New York in Old Style
Exhibition Model in Eight
Hours 59 Minutes.
Cnly Two Stos Made Knroute and
Trip Was Hnistird Without Taking
(iarfine Although Tank Was Prac
tically Empty for I-awt Few Miles.
XKW YORK. Nov. 20. Face
powder was the first thing Ruth
I,aw asked after completing her
Chicago to New Tork flight.
When interviewed she said she
could make a Chicaan-New
York nonstop flight If given a
machine carrying sufficient
gasoline. She intends to ask
Curtis to lend her a new, pow-
erful battleplane to make an-
othr effort.
XKW YOKK. Nov. 2.Kuth' Law
arrived at Governor Island at 9:38
this morning finishing a flight from
Chicago, in an old style exhibition bi
plane. She equalled the American
record of cross country flying. The
entire trip took eight hours and fifty
nine minutes. She made two stops
Major General Wood. Hrnry Wood
house and Augustus Post helped the
girl from the aeroplane, after her
flight. She suffered from cold and
was hustled Into an automobile and
rushed to an army officer's house to
be "thawed out."
She flew the last 270 miles through
a dense fog. She skimmed low.
barely clearing the Hudson hills. She
said: "I followed the Delaware and
Susquehanna after leaving Binghamp
ton and then cut across country. It
was pretty cold. I finished the trip
without taking gasoline, although
while nearing Governor's Island the
gasoline tank was practically empty.
I volplaned to earth."
Mill GOES in
19 C1IWI till
Defacto Commander Returns After
Mrchiru Army Against Villa
Many ltcfujcccs Are Arriving in Kt
KI. PASO. X. 2rt. Mining
ukvTn advices snid Villistas had
killed Henry Clark, a Scotchman,
of .llinliiex. Clark had lived in
Mexico many years. Ho married
a nicxican woman and had a
family In Jlininra.
EL PASO. Nov. 10. United States
government agents have learned from
rescued train passengers that Genenil
Trevino, Mexican defacto command
er, has returned to Chihuahua after
marching his army against Villa. Thi
train arrived at Juarea, bringing 300
tightened natives and many women.
The natives said Trevino wag lm
pressing all able bodied males Into
the army. Chihuahua. City momen
tarily expects another bandit attack.
One woman described seeing a grav
haired American's body lying In front
of the Jlmlnes. hotel. They believed
the corpse was that of Dr. Fisher.
A woman from Parral declared the
bandits led four American prisoners
around the streets, she did not know
their fate.
Many conflicting rumors are circu
lated regarding the fate of the five
Americans failing to leave Parral
with the five Alvarado mining men
w-ho escaped. The Alvarado Mining
Co. Is unable to get further Informa
tion regarding the five who reached
the coast safely.
Unsettled Weather for Week. 4
WASHINGTON. D. C-. Nov. 20.
Pacific Coast states: Unsettled 4
during coming week with gen-
eral rains in North Pacific States
and Northern California: rains
will probably overspread south-
em California first half of
week: temperatures will be
llocky Mountain and Plateau
Regions: Pair weather and mod-
erate temperatures at beginning
of week followd by unsettled
and probably local snows Wed-
nesday or Thursday, and fair
and colder thereafter.
MIMKIN, Nov. M. An Atlwiis
-la'lal auency disfaU-h awnnl tin'
allii'A hail ordwd (irmun, Austrian.
Kol.'arliin and Tnrkl-Ji ainleuv-a"t'r
to leave ireic by WedneKday.
IlKKLIV, Nor. iO (via Saytlllc-)
A special review of the Balkan fight
ing said Monasur-H era -nation had
Ux-n "prepared since several days."
Tim statement said the city lau-krd
military importance,
LONDON'. Nov. 20.-rhe Serbian
official statement described the ener.
gt-tic pursuit of the Bulgarians re
treating from Monaatir. The Serbian
army Is joyful over the recapture of
Monastir, the ancient city of Serbian
The annual convention of the Ore
gon Woolgrowers' Association, set for
Dec. g and 9 at Heppner, has been
postponed one week, until December
15 and It, according to J. N. Bur
gess, one of the directors The post
ponement was made in order to avoid
conflict with the livestock show in
Two very important matters will be
discussed at the coming convention,
according to Mr. Burgess. The pro.
posed increase In grazing fees for
sheep on government reserve is one
matter of very much Interest to
sheepmen and the matter of keeping
trails open through the reserves is an.
It Las a mi Scrap and Beat Man
Won" Declares Irish Sergeant to
(Copyright 191S United Press, Copy
righter Canada, by William Philip
ES, Nov. 20. This is a story of the
Keglna trench storming as a Canadi
an infantry sergeant described it. The
sergeant was mud from his feet to
his eyes and had a blood streaked
face. He was wounded on the head
and shoulder. He spoke with an Irish
American accent.
"It was a good, fair scrap. The best
man won. We got a tip Friday night
there would be something doing at
midnight. Everybody was tickled as
tly were hankering to get the Re
gina trenche. Artillerying became
hotter and hotter. The moonlight re
vealed the damaged Friti: trenches.
At midnight we crossed the parapets.
We had the hardest Job in keeping
the men from advancing too far and
getting under our own shellfire. It
wag difficult to keep ranks straight
on account of the men falling into the
muddy shell craters. We kept a pret
ty straight line until within fifty
yards of the Reia trenches. The
Bosches scrapped well. It seemed
strange anybody would be alive after
the shelling. They bobbed from their
dugouts like rabbits. We used bayo
nets. "We cleared a trench In a few sec
onds, taking prisoners. Three Ger
mans in one section were especially
troublesome. We told them they'd
better behave or we'd be obliged to
finish them. Two behaved but one
kept jumping about in the full moon-
shadows. Only two prisoners were
taken there. We took no machines as
the Prussians frequently blew them
selves up with their captors."
News Summary
Captain Murphy of t"t Oregon
lxHiial to named warden.
Harry Dupuls victim of iMiwaip.
Onrrni Wotdgrowers pt-Uw oon.
Joint congrrrwltwal committee
Airwoman hrvnks fl'gtit rerd.
Anieiii-a May Withdraw her rxee
comm'wsiotierH. I
, Itrvan fires oficnlng -do of dry
, j e.iniivln.
He Has Accepted Office and
Will Leave at Once to Take
Up New Duties.
Cliief fMiiMwr of State Hospital I'
Considered by His Many Friend
As Being HninenUr Well Qaaltfleil
for New PoMt.
Captain Charles A. Murphy, chief
engineer at the Eastern Oregon State
Hospital, has been appointed as war
den of the state penitentiary at Sa
lem and will leave at once to take op
the duties of bia position. His post aa
engineer at the state hospital has not
yet been filled and according to Dr
McNary, superintendent, a selection
may not be made Immediately.
News of the appointment of Captain
Murphy as warden was received by
the East Oregonlan in a special wire
from Salem this morning as follows:
SALKM. Nov. 20 Charles A. Mur
phy, chief engineer Pendleton Insane
hospital, appointed Oregon penitenti
ary warden, succeeding Mlnto, by the
state board of control in executive
session th's morning. He take of
fice Immediately.
Governor Wlthycombe and Star
Treasurer Kay voted In favor of Mur
phy. Secretary of State Olcott, the
third member of the board, of con
trol, voted in favor of Frank Meredith
ef North Yakima, Washington, et-
secretary of the state fair board.
Just previous to the receipt ot the
above Mr. Murphy had received a wire
from Salem informing hhn of the ap
pointment. He at once accepted the
position. According to Mr. Murphy
he will continue to consider Pendleton
u hia home as he does not wish to
break the friendly ties formed here
He has been located continuously at
Pendleton since the establishment of
the state hospital here. ' He wa su
perintendent . of construction of the
main buildings at the institution ant
also supervised the construction of
the new wing.
Local friends and acquaintances of
Captain Murphy warmly commend bis
selection though there Is regret over
his departure from Pendleton. He Is
considered very well qualified for the
position as he is good In handling men.
He was an officer In the Salem com
pany in the Second Oregon during the
I Spanish war and for many years was -
captain of Company M of Salem In
the Third Oregon.
Was Brn in Pendleton 291 Yean Ago
and Spent Mont of Ilia Life IB Tai
Uty Survived by IHrents and Five
Death came this morning to Harry
Dupuis, weil known Pendleton young
man. He died at St. Anthony's hos.
pilal of conspmption of w hich be had
been a suiferer for some time. He
returned to Pendleton about two
months ago from Montana, where he
had been for the past two years and
where he bad contracted the dL-eae.
Deceased was born in Pendleton II
years ago and had spent most of hts
Lie In this citv n wu. rwk hu
occupation. He la survived by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Du.
puis of this city, five brothers, Clif
ford of Portland, Edward of Troat
dale. James G. and Albert of St. igna.
tious, Montana, and Rodney of tk
city, and by two slaters. Mm. Charles
E. Owens of Adams and Mrs. It,
strette of Walla Walla.
The funeral will be held at 1 p. m
Wednesday at the Catholic church.
NFW YOltJt, Nor. jo The boiler
in the tug Rambler eipaidcd as the
( way lytujf at Uie Kasc rivet
4er. Six men wixe killed aul .
eral injured.
ItKIMiINIi. I 'Hi.. N,,i. M. -l,uia
Horton, twenty four ..f Portland, fHI
under an 8. p. train lhr mllm atxiv
k'unnbM .,n.l u.. If ....!... ...
Kennett unci a:u killeil
his pocket iKni'-d his rl 'ih-s and Ui
bodv w ls oarli.ill
illy turrit"! Hortnii
w-itnsieu in me murine corj. 111
r. m pnri
lati't and w.lm rnr'-ute lo M ir-
training nt.itimi ,vi S in Kr.i it'-o.
when killed