East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 14, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Don't Say "Cold"
mf-,CjiB F i ;- Miwy Order for Sale Here
DiaDioiid Crystal
0 Jrk
"The Salt That's All Salt9
The Right Thing for
Salting Meat
35 1 SACK 7
Two Phones, 28 823 Main St.
Homo from Hospital.
Tom lelutiey, who recently suffer.
d a paralytic stroke, has been moved
to his home from the hospital.
To settle KsUtrv
Carl Churchill intends leaving to
night for Springfield, Lime county,
his former home, to settle the estate
of hU mother, who died about two
years ago.
; Leaves for south.
I Byron Gumm, popular young Pen
dleton man, left Sunday for Son
Francisco where he la to have charge
of the California offices of the Pen
dleton Woolen mills. Mr. Oumm has
been in the Pendleton office for tha
past thirteen months.
particularly to furm 'trade and are
renovating the house and making
lune improvements.
w in rtutiiUM-
A. A. West, who has been engaged
in the automobile business here for
some time past, has accepted a po
sition as local salesman for the fadi
Hawthorne Teams Win.
The Hawthorne school girls' bask
etball team last evening defeated the
Washington school girls by a score of
6 to 4 and the Hawthorne boys
team won from the Lincoln school
l'os by a 33 to 5 score.
10 Above at Pusco.
i The thermometer registered 10
above at Tasco last night, according
to Cunductor Otis Rertholet, of the
Northern Pacific. The temperature
there lacked three degrees of reach
ing the low point for Pendleton last
Wednesday, Nov. 15th
Fur Day
1 - - "1
Mr. L. P. Wells, represt
ing the well known fur house
of "Wm. Jackman's Son"
will be in our store Wednes
day (all day) with a com
plete line of Jackman Purs,
showing the newest Coats,
Muffs and Neck Pieces.
Thit Display- and Sale an Important Advantage to
Every Woman in Pendleton and Vicinity.
Jut imagine the pleasure of seeing practically the
entire line from such a large fur house as is Jack
man's, and the splendid opportunity it gives you for
NOTE. MR. WELLS carries Furs in all grades at
prices to suit every pocket book.
at Prices Surprisingly Low
Nothing but the best of its kind
is ever knowingly admitted to this
Store. When we announce a conces
sion iii price it means on the same
excellent quality you always expect.
We and hundreds of other Hallmark
Storej combined and imported direct
an enormous lot of selected diamonds
of good quality and mounted them ill
solid gold rings. To appreciate just
how this co-operative Hallmark Store
buying gives your dollar extra pur
cha.,ing jHjwer, you have only to see
the1 Diamond Rings at their excep
tionally low prices.
Measured by values elsewhere
even in big New York stores experts
will know that, as priced by us, part
of these diamonls cost you nothing.
Better come early, as these rings are
sure to go fast. Diamonds, you know,
are inclined to increase in value and
are therefore considered a good investment
Ate i.ao
AM ISO .90.
A5J 25W
AM y)0
IHiom A id one KomciiilK-r Tlioni?
In the "41 Years Ago" column of
the Walla Walla t'tiion appears the
following Item:
Married At Raley's hotel. Pendle
ton. October 22 by Esq. Williams. Mr.
Henry Wintler of Waitshurg and Miss
Chris A. Johnson.
Stoiio and Stursr's to Handle Cars.
Elmer H. Storie and James H. Stur-
Sis, who have been connected with
I the firm of E. U Smith & Co.. togeth
i er with A. H. Dover, a motor car ex
j Pert, are Incorporating to handle the
I agency for the Buick automobile and
I the 0. M. C. truck in Walla Walla.
;They expect their first shipment of
j cars this week. Both Mr. Storie and
I Mr. Sturgis will retain their interest
j in the E. L. Smith & Co.
famine Track Is Named.
The passing, track recently put in
by the O.-W. R. & N. midway be
tween Cayuse and Mission, has been
formally christened Sumkin by the
company after Captain Sumkin, well
known Indian police judge near
whose property It Is. Major E. L.
Swartzlander, superintendent of the
reservation, was asked to suggest a
name and submitted Sumpkin along
w th several others. He received no.
tification this morning of the selection.
Toe nwn During unmet.
mine playing football t H.iker ..
Saturday. M. MUlering, the l,a Grande
high school center, froze both his
great toes. He was an excited that h"
did not realise it unti after the game
He was taken to a doctor, who max
.'fve the toesBaker Herald
Hrotlier Klcctcd Suprrlntcmtriit.
H. ruinning of Walla Walla, a
brother of John Dunning, circulation
manager of the Tribune, was elected
superintendent of Walla Walla coun
ty schools t the election last week.
Dackacha Just
Like a Toothache!
Dear Mr. Editor Sometime ago I
bad backache very bad ; it would ache
just like a toothache. I tried a new
discovery of Doctor Pierce's, called
"Anaric." This is for kidneys and
backache. I soon felt relieved of all
backache and had no more pain, and I
hope others troubled in the same way
wiu try this wonderful new remedy.
Yours sincerely,
Mbs. Lincoln Stkar.vs.
The Golden Rule Store has nice warm blankets, comforters, coats, underwear and
shoes and lots of other things to go with them priced so anybody can afford to
buy them.
$9.90, $12.50 to $32.50.
Men's Heavy l-'Uiictil t'litou SultH . .
U n's Wool I'iiIoii Suit
Melt's Heavy Wool I'nlon Suits
Men's Wool shirts and Drawers HHc
Men's Flowed Shirts and Drawers.
Men's Winter t'aiw
Itnys" Winter t'w
Hoys' Mai'klnnws
Young -Men's Mackinaw, slant SA to
.Men's Macklnaws fl.88, S.0.
.Men s Heavy Shoe $3.S. S.M.
Men's Warm Arctic Kulibers
$1.40. SI. DM
.. 3IK 41V:
.. 4c SHc
. . 23c, 49o
38. .
. 8c
J.C. Penney Co Ine J
IjkIIcm' Outing owns 4Hc, 7th-, So, $1.49
lailltw' Warm Kult Skirts HIK', H $1.49, ,
lKiultle llhuikels Tor Single Beds o, eo
Double OitUin Blankets 900, $1,49
Woolnnp Blankets $1.98, t'i.tH
Wool Blankets M'98' t3 ,g
OiiUng Ilanncl e Lie, 8 1-Jo, I0o
Diickliuf I'lenw for Kbnonas iSc, jso
loidliw' Hcwd Ilnion Suits 490, 9
ladles' WkI I'nlon Suits II.HH, $11.98
ChlldrtMi's Htmxxl Union SultM 49i 6o
Children's Wool I nion SultM eo, 7t 88c
A"tc Stage.
For Adams, Athena and Weaton
eaves Hennlng'a Clgnr Store at 10 s
n. and S:S0 P m. each day Adv.
Tells flow To Open Clogged Nos
trils and End Head-Colds.
Sliokcriinan Superintendent Here.
F. B. Williams, superintendent of
the mechanical department of the
Spokane Spokesman-Review, was In
Pendleton yesterday afternoon eji
route home from a trip through the
east where he had been Inspecting
some of the plants in the big metro
politan cities. The Spokesman-Review
is preparing to build a new building
and plant and Mr. Williams bought
some 01 tne new equipment wnue 1
east. He was accompanied back by
H, N. WitUchen of N'ew York who Is j
coming west on a visit. I
Take" Charge of Aha House.
C. W. Owintfs and son have taken I
the management of the Alta House on
East Alu street, having secured the
lease from Mrs. Anna Sloan who has
been running the place for the pas!
year. The new proprietors will cater
Advert! ring in Brief
Per line first Insertion 10c
l'er line, additional insertion. . . . 5
I'er line, per muDtb 11.00
N11 locals taken for lew than 2.c.
Count 6 ordinary words to line.
Loeaii ill not be taken over ?t
telephone eicept from Eait Oregon
Ian paid-up lubacrlbert.
Note: It is now assorted with con
fidence that those painful effects due to
uric aoJd in the system are entirely eradi
cated. A new remedy, called "Anurlc."
fc;m been discovered bv Dr. Fierce, and Is
the cause of a drainage outward of the !
uric acid with which it comes In contact
within the body. It will ward off back
a.iin, headaclio, and the d.irting pains and
aches of articular or muscular rheuma
tismof those diseases which are caused
by too much uric acid, such as souL
asthma, sciatica, renal calculus. "An
uric prolongs lifo because old people usu
ally suffer from hardening and thickening
of the walls of tho arteritw, duo to the ex-
s of uric acid In the blood and tissues.
Dr. Pierce, who Is director and chief
physician at the Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y has
been testing this wonderful medicine for
the relief of over-worked and weakened
kidneys. The relief obtained by sufferers
has been so satisfactory that he deter
mined to place "Anurlc" with the prin
cipal druggists In town where people
could get this ready-to-use medicine.
Anurlc" Is not harmful or poisonous,
but aids nature In throwing off those
poisons within the body which cause so
much suffering, pain and misery. Scien
tists assert this remedy Is 31 times mora
potent than llthla.
For Diabetes and Brlghi's Disease this
remedy is building np a reputation as
good as Dr. Pierce's other well-known
medicines which have been proven reli
able during nearly fifty years, such as
Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription
for the ills of women, Doctor Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets, the liver regulator, and
Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
for red blood.
For rent Housekeeping rooms, 501
For Rent Light housekeeping
rooms, 726 Johnson street.
For rent Housekeeping rooms,
400 East Alta street
Olrl wants to do general housework.
Address "P" this office.
For rent Two furnished house
keeping rooms. 124 Jeff Davis.
Strictly modern housekeeping rooms
for rent reasonable. 114 Stonewall
Jackson street
Wanted 3 to S room furnished
house or apartment. I E. Swan at
Pendleton Auto Co. shop.
Wanted Olrl for general house
work. Inquire 409 W Alta, evenings
after ( o'clock.
Wanted Two or three room fur
nished apartment Must be clean.
Address "D" this office.
Loot Sunday on streets of Pendle
ton, roll of U a bills. Return to this
office and receive liberal reward.
Q. W. Hooker, florist and Oregon
Journal agent, now located at 623
Main street next to Conroy's Gro
cery. The Journal delivered any
where In Pendleton, 85 cents a month,
daily and Sunday.
Home ok I ng
at the Golden Rule Cafe. All whit
help. Regular meals 25 cents. Adv.
Applet! for Sale.
Two carloads Roman Heauty and
Wine Hap, extra fancy and fancy;
also 260 boxes Hen Dnvls, extra fancy
and fancy. Can be delivered on Inter
urban ear at State Line station. Write
John Cochran, R. 1, Box 69, Walla
Walla. Adv.
At tho Ronton Clothing Store, s
beautiful $200.00 Talking Machine
Fe It. In the r window and learn p:r
t 'iilars Adv.
Expert repairing
of Watches
and Jewelry.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Wm. Hanscom
THE Jeweler.
You feel fine In a few moments
Your cold In head or catarrh will be
gone. Your clogged nostrils will open
The air passages of your head will
clear and you can breathe freely. No
more dullness, headache; no hawking,
snuffling, mucous discharges or dry
ness; no struggling for breath at
Tell your druggist you want 1
small bottle of Ely's Cream Ralm.
Apply a little of this fragrant, nnttsep
tic cream In your nostrils, let It pene.
trate through every air passage of the
head; soothe and heal the swollen, In.
flamed mucous membrane, and relief
comes Instantly.
It Is just what every cold and ca
tarrh sufferer needs. Don t sny
stuffed-up and miserable.
We are pleased to announce to all our
customers and especially the former pat
rons of the old firm of Kopittke & Gillan
dera and the Pendleton Ice & Cold Stor
age Co., that we have secured the services
of Earl Gillanders, the former manager of
those concerns, who will now look after
your interests with the same willingness
and courtesy which has characterized his
conduct in the past
The acquisition of Mr. Gillanders to our
organization means the last word in service.
t !
If you experience difficult)
In reading or If your eyes are
tired, strained, or dim It is
nature's warning that some
thing must be done to allevi
ate and remedy some defect
In your vision.
Glasses properly fitted are
the only remedy for most
defects of the eye. Only an
Optician of long experience
can determine what glasses
are needed In the difficult
cases; If you come here you
are sure of the right kind ot
an examination and conse
quently the right glasses.
Reasonable charges.
tYFSUif'D GiKSfS rjifnimn
Phonc 609
lilninilill J.liilil
2620 acres on railroad. 2000 tillable, part ready to seed; fair
buildings, plenty of water, all fenced and cross fenced. Price
now $60,000.
( have some desirable residence property In Pendleton for sale
at less than cost to build, and lots thrown In. Among which are
the fine modern home of J. 8. Landers on Jackson street. Price
reduced now $506.
House of I rooms two blocks from Depot Fine shade trees,
new cement walk, cellar, about half way between high and
west end school. This house Is Insured for $1000, paid up to
June, 1616, policy will be transferred with the property for
only $1000.
The above 2820 acres can be bought now for $20 per acre.
E. T. WADE, Pendleton. Ore.
The Musical Operetta
Polished Pebbles
Presented by the Musical Organization of the Pendleton
High School at the
Friday Evening, Nov. 17, 1916
Adults 35c.
Student 25c
A voluntary trust agreement made dur
ing your lifetime with the American Nati
onal Bank will relieve you of business
care and enable you to satisfy yourself
concerning the future management of
your estate.
An agreement of this kind is revocable
at will. Consultations invited.
In test, every day performance and the race for
the public favor.
Buick sixes of the 1916 series have been sold by
this agency and most of them were re-orders.
What does this mean to you
81175 i Pendleton
Cars now here for immediate delivery. See them,
117, Ill, 123 West Court St. Telephone 468