EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1916. PAGE FIVE Motion Picture News What Uie Pl;ur; Tin urn Have to Tell You. Alfa Hi A I j 11 sSs Today MUTUAL STAR PRODUCTIONS PRESENT m Him "iTj "The Three Pals" 1 5 ACTS 5 With KOLB & DELL assisted by MAY CLAY and all-star cast. "The Three Pals" is a comedy drama of the bet ter sort and deals with eastern society life as well as the more strenuous western life. ALSO A CLEVER CARTOON COMEDY. Special Added Attraction The Columbia River Highway The very names bring to mind the beauties of the spots they designate. Bridal Veil Falls, Pillars of Hercules, Sheppard's Dell, Crown Point and Chanti ceelar Inn. Multnomah Falls, G07 feet high. Those of us who have never had the opportunity to motor over this wonderful highway will now have a chance to see Oregon's World Famous Highway. Adult 15c COME EARLY Children 5c ' ' ' S - y l .in. . "- - , : ' ,: $ - ,f ' x v . - - , ' 4 i 'J " it tv J 1 C. William Kolb & Max Dill Amerl. can-Mutual start. K.OIJ1 & DILL IN TilK TIIIiKH I'A1V AX PAMIMi; TOIAY 0 Hike and Louis are poor farm hands on an HUnou, b.i r. n 1, when Mike discovers that he is the heir to a fortune. He and his pal, Louis, hasten to the city to acquire the mon ey with celerity, but the lawyer in the cane, one Philo Markham, sells the. n a ranch for all save $500 .f their fortune and allows tljem to de part for the west to look at their at yulsitlon, a tract known s "El lie poso." It just happen that on the same train Markham's daughter, May, elopes with a no good tram bier. The gamster rapidly loses all his money ' and seeks to take his wife's money from her. She elude.1! her husband by dropping off the train. But Mike and Louis find that Mark ham has robbed them, that "El Re poco" is an arid, barren waste. The two pal are comiserating when May thrustes herself upon them as a charge and then there are three little pals. May In pursued by her raxcal husband, Chester, who is aided and abetted by Pedro, a Mexican person ! low defrree. The scheming pair is put to rout by Mike and Louie. Mike and Louie go to work for a farmer. May gets a Job In a dance hall. Plotters make her rescue ne cessary. Mike and lyu! plan to kill each other and loave her their Insur ance. The plan fiiU but .-ucceeds by a strange twist of fate. M last the;' all return to Chicago. There Is res titution, forgiveness and all kinds of happiness, after many dramatic en. tangl'inents and curious situation's. In addition the Columbia River Highway, Oregon s scenic marvel, and a clever cartoon comedy Pastime today. TODAY Drink and a Woman Play Havoc With a Big Man -IN- u Coo low! at Cllig pev; A 5-Act Metro Wonderplay Starring DOROTHY GREEN and CLIFFORD BRUCE VAUDEVILLE 8-GIRLS "f " GIRLS-8 MARSHALL & ANTHONY "A Blend of Mirth, Melody 6 Dancing" A RIOT OF FUN DON'T MISS IT Better, Cleaner Picture, Excellent Music, Excellent Program at a Reasonable Admission. PKOPI.E lNOltKASK i'Anti:k tii w ihxjs. v. 8. c kns18 shows WAHHINGTON, Nov. H The pop ulatlon of the United States has In creased 24.01)0,000 In the la.st fifteen, LM'niestie eeoiiotny is taught in th years, and the numlier of beef am-jchoo of matrimony, nwiii' hi il,.rrARx..rl 000 000 and; sheep 10.000,00(1, while hogs have in-, operating a gin at rapid speeds in creased only 11.no0.000 1 jures the fiber of cotton by cutting it 7i SEND YOUR MAIL ORDERS TO Conroy '8 mm WE WILL MEET OR BEAT THE PRICES SPUDS, 10 POUNDS 25c1 Cranberries, 2 quarts 25c Sweet Potatoes, 7 pounds .' 25" Apples, Ex. Fancy Rome Beauty $1.00, $1.25 Apples, Wincsaps, box 91.00 Arkansas blacks and Delaware Reds $1.65 Standard Tomatoes can 10; case $2.10 Carnation Milk can 10; case $4.50 Best Pineapple, No. 22 cans 20; case $4.50 Hersheys Cocoa lb. 35; i2 lb. 20? Eagle Ground Chocolate.... lb. 30?; 3 lbs. 80? Bob White Soap 6 for 25? ; case $4.25 Spinach, best grade can 15?; case $3.40 Tomatoes, Ex. Standard case $2.40 Macaroni and Spagheti, 5 lb. box 35? Albers Flapjack and Peacock Buckwheat 25? TELEPHONE 640. AN EXPERT ON COLDS Comparatively few people realize that ft cold is a signal of physical weakness. To treat a cold with weakening physics, alcoholic syrups or drugged pills, may smotherthe cold but they alsa reduce the body powers still further and invite more serious sickness. ijcott's Emulsion has always been an expert on colds, because it peculiarly enriches the blood, quickly tones upthe forces anil strengthens both throaj and chest. Try Scott's. Refuse Substitutes. Scott a Buwue, Bloomficld. N. J. 14-27 GncourwemeidA t A aTiwujfarEaat V &f ) and Qm&ottJTjS Make known toui jtTTTa V wants, or desires. " ' and by all means keep "Mother's Friend" nearby, for in It you can put complete confidence tnd reliability as a moans of assisting nature In accomplishing Its wonder ful work of preparation. "Mother's Friend" . soothes the distressing pains snd gives relief from morning sick ness, as well as makes an easier de livery. Get a bottle at your drug gist use externally and note the satisfaction received. A free book on Motherhood will be sent all mothers. Write for one. Address Tb Bradfleld Regulator Co, 213 I.amnr Bldg, Atlanta, Ga. Dorothy firecn in Vvl Vampire Kolo. "The Pevil at His Klbow." 11 stron? and gripping five-part Metro wonder, play. In which Clifford liruce and Dorothy Green are .starred. Is the next big feature attraction at the Alta theater on Tuesday and Wednes day. In this feature, which was pro duced by the Popular Plays and Players, Mr. Bruce has the role of a mechanical engineer, who ha a con tract with the tiovernment to com plete plans for a new type of sub marine. He fails, when he indulges In heavy drink, in order to get out his plans on time. Miss Green plays the part of a girl of the street. How both are Instrumental in reclaiming the other, and the unusual twist In the finale, makes one of the most dramatic stories of its kind ever shown on the screen. There is a stronp supporting cast, which in cludes Edward Martindel, Mary Sand way, J. K Roberts, Adolph MenjoU, Frank McDonald and others. Burton King directed the production of "The Devil at His Etbow," and Harry Re vier supervised Its direction. NO IH, GAS, OR STOMACH MISERY IN AVE MITES "PAPE-8 D1AFKPS1N" VOW. SOI' It At'H) STOMACH, HEARTBITW DYSPKIttlV OF BOTH KAST AND WKST IS "BOlXi" IN NEW 1'LAV Fairbanks Appears hi "Manhattan MKlnew.v which Concerns .VMH1 1i and Some IJvrly Doing wux-h Hollow. In the new Triangle feature, "Man. hattan Madness." to be seen at the Temple theater for the last time to night Douglas Fairbanks appears in a role different from any of the pre vious parts he has played since he made his screen de-but. He has appeared as an easterner in "The Lamb," "His Picture in the Pa pers. " "The Habit of Happiness" and several other pictures; as a western er In "The Oood Pad-Man." and as a far westerner of mixed descent In "The Half-Breed. " t In Manhattan Madness" the ahletic star Is of both east and west. Born and reared i'l New York, educated at an eastern col lege, he goes west after his graduation becomes a cow puncher for sheer love of the outdoor life and eventually in vests his money In a ranch. After several years on the plains he Time it! In five minutes all atom uch distress will go. No ind gestlon, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructions of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin Is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quicket and most certain indigestion remedy in the whole world, and besides it Is harm less. Millions of men and women now eat their favorite foods without fear they know Pape's Diapepsin will save them from any stomach misery. Please, for your sake, get a large fifty-cent rase of Pape's Diapepsin from hny drug store and put your stomach right. Don't keep on being miserable life is too short you are not here long, so make your stay agTeeable. Eat what you like and di gest It: enjoy it. without dread of re bellion in the stomach Pape's Diapepsin belongs In your home anyway, should one of the family eat something which don't agree with them, or in case of an at tack of Indigestion, dyspeps a. gastrit is or stomach derangement at day time or during the night, it is handy to irive the quickest, surest relief known. returns to the east for a visit, finds life in Manhattan extremely tame and bores the members of his club nearly out of their senses by telling them what a dull hole they live In. Thf outcome is a wager in which one of ! the club members agrees to show the rancher a real thrill in Manhattan or lose InftOO. Th picture then reveals I what happens to the young plainsman who loses his net. but is well content because he has the thrill of his life, including the capture of a bride. Fairbanks is equally at home In chaps and sombrero or "soup and fish." His gymnastic capabilities are iiiiifii mi lu me unoum. ttiifi iic t-ii- j LRftPL fT THEATRE Ja. B. Welch, Mgr. Last Time Today Douglas Fairbanks IN liiliatten Mess' Douglas Fairbanks' new Triangle play, "Manhat tan Madness," is a baffl ing mystery, so far as plot is concerned, till the very last five minutes. Then it clears up with a big surprise. Douglas F a i r b a nlta jumps from the roof of a three-story house into a tree during a lively epi sode in "Manhattan Mad ness," his latest Triangle play. Neither the tree nor Fairbanks suffers injury. IF you want to see Fairbanks at hit beL IF you want to enjoy hU "pep," IF you want to laugh with him DONT FAIL TO SEE THIS TRIANGLE FLAY. A Good Keystone Comedy "THE LADY DRUMMER." ten syorj the adventure which fol lows the wager, and, despite some pretty ttht squees he never loses Ihe "TairAaaks smile" In the flare support are jewel car. men, George Beranger, Macey Har lam, Eugene Ormonde. W. P. Rich mond and Dath Darling. At the Ooy. Alice Brady, the pet'te emutionnl actreas who played such a charm Ins role In "Tangled Fates." will be tht attraction In another World Film fea ture at the Cosy theater on Tuesday and Wednesday, when "Mlml," a play vitally Bohemian in all its entire ty, will be the vehicle used to bring Mies Brady back to this city. Her success In opera on th sIm and in the silent drama proves her to be a natural born actress Stolen. One "Emblem" gents bicycle, doubto truss frame, black and blue enamel Mud guards front and rear. Suitable reward. Notify "F" this office. Adv. ll5!l!EEI!5I!IIIII!iIiiB!l3i!illl5JirflnS!5!; .'-imv4 ' ; . I- . rr t -XV . .fit. '. . -- T t v '' a 1 1 .4 r- v u. I ' w t- ' . i ,1 ,' 1 'I ' X ' It , f J , .- - ., , . ' . i :v. . 'it i . , i' ' v ' 1 I .---rl w VJ u mi n u u u u u COMMENCING SUNDAY, NOVEMBER Mil '.-1 wti ; 1 V"t rrrti 5 mam tmiin!HHminimmHi!iiiiitiMiiwmtiHiitin)mimwiiiiitwmiiw i iiUUiHUiUUawdUUIUiniUsMilin .iiiiuiUlu3