EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OF.SGONIAN, PENDLETON, OSEGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1916. tags Tiir.ns - BURIED ARTILLERY DEFHG SOOOE : I'.iuTtsii ri!i:.( ii attacks I SUX'KKI) IN FENRTILVTINU ONLY THE. Kl'KFACE. If fill if fill io fi f in lloiifif Hie Dean Tail Co. Rome Beauty APPLES Just a sample of how we keep your living costs down Phone 688 I I'lliUtl PrCSH ('lHTCrtM)lldl'llt Vlit j Gorman IJncs and WIuiwhch Shell I lug pf il&patinie. BCSUKIi OP POTATOES STOLEN. Womnn Buy Bushel Mom Man Who Steal Ber Watch. CHICAGO, Nov. 13. A bushel of potatoes van stolen yesterday after, noon from Kugene Brill, a huckster of lit 1 Chouteau avenue, who had hla wagon In the alley behind 3971 Folaom avenue. A ahort time later a man offered a bushel of potatoes at the bargain price of SI. 30 to Mrs. Alex Martin, who conducts a restaurant at ISIS South Thirty-ninth street While Mrs. Martin was getting her money the man with Ihe potatoes stole a watch from the shelf In the kitchen. Mrs. Martin did not miss the watch until after the man had departed with the tl.30. Says Simple Remedy Prolonged His Life ! (CARL, ACKEKMAN.) j SOMEWHERE ON THE SOMME, ; via Sayville, Nov. 14. Germany 1 ! defending the Homme with hurled , artillery. The British and French are attacking only the surface of the 1 world's greatest fortifications. The , Germans surprised the allies with a i wonderful series of artillery proof j fortifications. They are built so j close, dug so deep and cover such a l wide ar?a the allies attacks are only fringing the outskirts of a powetful system of under ground forts. The bombardment is terrific. Fields, woods and towns are torn to pieces. Nothing Is touched under ground. Tlie Germans repel attacks from their subsurface forts. For a week I traveled the Somme but'lefleld. From a height near Peronne, south of Arras, our party twice penetrated the shell area, view ing Peronne and Bapume. We wait ed in the castle library, where the headquarters are located. Cannons shook the windows and doors. We motored to Bapume heights and watched the British fire. Only a church spire and chimney were still standing. We encountered seventeen lines of trenches and wire entangle ments near the front. We passed 1 away tunnels leading to thousands of underground forts. They vary in depts from a few feet to sixty. No cannon can penetrate them. We entered an underground battery. Al though there was many big shell cra ters overhead, nothing was scratched beneath. Officers and artillerymen were living with all the comforts of home. I passed hundreds of French civil ians and soldiers paving the chief lines. The laborers are working a . new network of railways. The Brit ' ish fired thirty thousand gas bombs in. to oue village during the night The ', next morning the Germans crawled I out like rabbits and resumed work, j British tanks arc almost a failure. The ! artillery easily upBets them. MEN MADE SLAVES, BELGIUM PROTESTS nit. CAIdUVKlilS SYRUP PKPS1N KI'FWCTIVE AS A REMEDY FOR CONSTIPATION. . Among older people the various or gans of the body have a tendency to slow up and weaken, and this Is usu ally first manifest In a pronounced inactivity of the bowels. Good health Is dependent on regu larity in this important function; whenever there is the slightest indi cation of constipation a mild laxative should be taken to relieve the conges tion and dispose of the accumulated waste. Cathartics or purgatives should not be employed, however; these are too vloleut In action an4 their effect Is only temporary. A mild laxative such as the com bination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup I'epsln. Is the Ideal remedy. It is gentle in its ac(lnn. bringing relief in au easy, natural manner, without griping or oth"i- pain or dis comfort, Is pleasant to -the taste, and iso be obtained in any drug store. Mr ltol.ert LeF.'rgee, 918 Klrk wood Boulevard, Davenport, Iowa, says he has always had a bottle ol Dr. Caldwell's Syrup I'epsln In the house for the past eighteen years, and that by using It occasionally as the ml Germany Forces Some to Front fof Army service. Neutral Nations Are to Re Told. I f V IK "vri 2 ?A A need arises, and In this way keeping his health good, it has prolonged his life, and brought ease and comfort. Dr. Caldwell's Sy rup Pepsin is sold by druglsts everywhere and costs only fifty cents a bottle. To avoid Imita tions and Ineffective substitutes be sure to get Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin. See that a facsimile of Dr. Caldwell's signature and his portrait appear on the yellow carton In which the bottle Is packed. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained by writing to Dr. w. B. Caldwell, 4T-S Washington St., Montlcello, Illinois. , HAVP.E, France, Nov. 14. The Bel gian government has decided to pro test to neutral governments against the j deporting of Belgians and the alleg ed employing of them at forced la bor in German factories and in mili tary work at Verdun. In making this announcement the documentary bureau of the Belgian minister of war says the government has positive information that be tween Oct. IS and 24 IS, 000 Belgian men and a number of French civilians were taken forcibly from various parts of Belgium, the two Flanders and the regions of Tournal and Mono, "These unfortunates," says the rote, "were crowded in open cars, ex p seit. to intemperate weather and sent as cattle to various destinations, certain of them to Germany and others to the Verdun front. There can be no doubt thatt most of them will l,e employed on work of a mili tary character. "The Belgian government has de cidid to protest solemnly to neutral countries against this particularly iKiminuhle violation of article 3 of the Hague t'onventicn." S:M.ijyil!llilllllllll!ll.lli Italia iJje'HE truly great in lct IIL tcrs, art, or music arenevcrprovincial. They have a message for the world, and the world listens. The Baldwin Pi.ino speaks in n tone that appeals to all humanity. It is the Amerii in instrument th.it has become a world favorite. The admiration for it abroad as at home attests its leadership. A foe 7A Book ml tK, BMmn. Wm LANK STUIT7. YOKE WI'.ltltEH IIAIJ.KT ft DAVIS I i; 1-2 TONS SILVER F.ULLION liOADEU- ON DEITSCIILAXD Shipment Front Sn Francisco is Ta ken to Submarine at New Lond.m. Conn,, in OtH'D Wagons. NEW INIXN. Conn., Nov. 13. Six and one-half tons of silver bullion from the mint at San Francisco were unloaded here today at the railroad station by an express compiny an1 THANKSGIVING IS ALMOST HERE AND YOU HAVEN'T BOUGHT YOUR TABLE LINEN. NOW is your last chance to get a pure Linen Damask at such extremely low prices. We have made no advancement whatsoever on linens which we were so fortunate to have bought six months ago at a normal price, although delivery was just made recently. At present what few pure linen Damasks are on the market, cannot be bought for less than 407c above the price we purchased at six months ago. This is merely a statement proven to us by a salesman from the largest representative linen house in the U. S. After our present supply is exhausted there is nothing to offer but an all cotton Damask. Following is a list of prices quoted for three days only. You save at least 60 by purchasing now. What will they be after the advancement? TABLE LINENS BY THE SET We have one set each of the following pattern cloths with napkins to match. Regular $16.50 the set, Special $13.00 Regular $12.50 the Set, special $9.85 Regular $10.00 the Set, Special ?7.95 These are two and a half and three yard cloths with twenty-two inch napkins. TABLE LINENS BY THE YARD. There are all 72 inch cloths and guaran teed pure linen. Regular $3.25 the yard, Special.... $2.65 Regular $2.75 the yard, Special.... $2.25 Regular $2.50 the yard, Special.... $2.05 Regular $2.25 the yard, Special.... $1.85 Regular $2.00 the yard, Special.... $1.65 Regular $1.75 the yard, Special.... $1.45 Regular $1.50 the yard. Special ... $1.1 Regular $1.35 the yard, Special.... $1.05 These are Cotton and Linen. Regular $1.25 the yard, Special.... $1.00 Regular 75c the yard, Special 63? Regular 63c the yard, Special 53 PURE LINEN NAPKINS BY THE DOZEN These are all 20 to 24 inch and are sold only by the dozen or half dozen. Regular $9.50 the dozen, Special.... $7.60 Regular $8.00 the dozen, Special.... $6.35 Regular $7.50 the dozen, Special.... $6.25 Regular $7.00 the dozen, Special.... $5.60 Regular $6.50 the dozen. Special.... $5.25 Regular $6.00 the dozen, Special.... $4.85 Regular $5.50 the dozen, Special.... $4.40 Regular $5.00 the dozen, Special.... $3.95 Regular $4.75 the dozen, Special.... $3.75 Regular $4.50 the dozen, Special.... $3.65 Regular $4.00 the dozen, Special. $3.50 Regular $3.75 the dozen, Special.... $3.35 Regular $3.50 the dozen, Special.... $2.85 Regular $2.00 the dozen, Special.... $1.65 Regular $1.75 the dozen, Special.... $1.50 Regular $1.35 the dozen, Special.... $1.10 Regular $1.25 the dozen. Special. .. $1.05 Regular 75c the dozen, Special 65f ALEXANDERS WHERE EVERYONE LIKES TO TRADE Extra Special on Stamped Linen Doilies, Dresser Searfs, Table Throws, Towels or in faet everything in itie linen line Wo Also Carry Such Famotw Makes of rtaoos as NKTBOW FAItRANI HAMIIrON CONWAY KIMHAIjIi GRAND KOHMCR ft CAMPBEU. Aim tlie Following Famous I layer Planoa: WKKNEIl MODKTJaA FAIUtANO CONWAY ( STItOIIIlEH, ANI OTHKK8. FIUSON DISC, VICTKOIiA AND COM'MHIA TALKING HAOHINNK. ' WARREN'S MUSIC HOUSE hi I Main Mivct Telephone 5iM Druggist's Customers Mays Satisfied With is Kidney Remedy For twenty years I have enjoyed a splendid sale on lr. Kilmer' Swamp. Root and my customers are perfectly satisfied with the" results obtained from Its use In the diseases for which It is recommended and they always speak favorably regarding It. In catarrh or Inflammation of the tladder and rheumatism it has been very suocessful according; to the re ports we have received from those who have used It and obtained satis factory results I believe it la a val uable remedy for the ailments you mention and do not hesitate to rec ommend it for such conditions. Very truly yours, R. H. ROBB. Victory Pharmacy. Dec. 8th, 1915. Snn Jose. Calif. letter to Dr. KHmcr ft nine:! tam ton, N. CO. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root will Do For YOU. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., ninchamtnn, N. T., for a sample slse bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valu able Information, telling; about the k'dneys and bladder. When writing be eure and mention the Pendleton Dully Fast oreironlan. Reftular fifty oent and one-dollar bottles for sale at all drag stores. transported to the German merchant submarine Deutschland. moored at the State pier, for shipment across the ocean. The metal was conveyeU through the streets In five open wagons with out armed guards and few persons who saw the wagons suspected that $150,000 worth of property was be ing moved in that fashion. Countess von Bernstorff, wife of th1' German ambassador, inspected the lVutwhland here today. It was her first visit on board a submarine. As the guest of Capt. Koenlg. the coun tess went into the vessel's lowest depths, looked through the periscope and stepped into every compartment. The ambas.sador, who reiterated that his brief visit here was entirely a social one, accompanied his wife to the state pier, where the submersible was being loaded for her fourth trans atlantic voyage, lies bidden from pub lic view. He board the craft but did not make the Inspection with the countess. The ambassador denied formally today that he has entrusted to Cnpt. Koenlg official mail addressed to the emperor of Germany. Certain mail matter from the German embassy In Washington will be carried by the Peutechland, however, on her next trip. WOK K M FA S tXttl PF.NS ATlt N CASFS ARK RF.OI'KN IID MOTHER! CI C1D OF inur in IF IF CROSS, FKVKRISH. SICK. BII.. IOVS, CM-UN IJTTIjE LIVER AND BOWELS. WASHINGTON, Nov. IS. The su I reine court reopened for argument the cases involving the constitution ality of the Workmen's Compensation j Laws In Wahinuton, Iowa and New York. j Out watered to make tbem weigh j More can not legally te shipped in in- ter.uate commeroe. Children love this "fruit laxative." and nothing else, cleanses the tender stomach, liver and bowels so nicely. A child simply will not stop play ing to empty the bowels and the re sult is, they become tightly clogged with waste, liver gets sluggish, atom, ach sours, then your little one be comes cross, halfsick, feverish, don't eat, sleep or act naturally, breath is bad, system full of cold, has sore throat, stomach-ache, or diarrhoea. Listen, Mother! See If tongue is coat ed, then give a teaspoonful of Cal ifornia Syrup of Figs." and in a few hours all the constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the system, and you have a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers give "Callfornli Syrup of Figs" because It Is perfectly harmless; children love It, and it nev. er fails to act on the stomach, liver snd bowels. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent hot. tie of "California Syrup of Figs." which has full directions for babies children of all ages nnd for grown ups plainly printed on the bottle. Be ware of counterfeits sold here. Got the genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any othe kind with contempt. Better a close mouthed friend than closed fisted enemy. nn i I lnlL THESE TWO PRICES OUR SPECIALS SAVE YOU MONEY. White and Yellow Corn Meal, pkg 15 Clams, Minced, per tin 15 Lobsters, Vfc pound, each 35 French Peas, each 5f Marischino Cherries, bottle ..... "....10f 4 for 5 lbs. K. C. Baking Powder .......80f 25 15 6W Butter, Roll 75c Flour, Sack $2.05 A FEW OF THE MANY CASH PRICES WE HAVE FOR YOU. Matches, 1 dozen package 40c Dyche's Grocery We Sell for Lea Phone 476. 623 Ma Street 2