East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 14, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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A Window of Xmas
Be sure to have a look at our
"Big Center Window," it is
brim full of Xmas suggestions
that are to be "made up," of
ribons. Xmas will be here be
fore you know it
The ideas are clever
make useful Xmas gifts.
You will also find our stock
of Ribbons the largest and
most beautiful, at the most
reasonable prices that we have
ever had. Let us help you plan
your lists... Ribbons 25 to
?3.00 the, yard.
This is a special lot of
odd napkins of a good
pattern and they're of ex
cellent quality linen.
Worth $4.00 the dozen.
Only a limited number
left. Thanksgiving linen
sale $3.19
For a suit or coat that gives
style and wear, use Costume
Velvet. Shown in the most
wanted shades of brown, navy,
green, taupe, etc., 27 to 36 in.
wide. Yard.. $1.00 to $3.50
Longwear and no-rip and no-tear
gloves that's the kind of gloves
for business and dress that we're
telling you men about here today.
Gloves whose fine fit is featured in
every pair. Gloves with a smart
look about 'em that is right in keep
ing with the clever lines of that new
fall suit and hat. Gloves that are
really worth more than they are
marked. Quality gloves for quality
men $1.50 to $5.00
we have the most complete
line of embroidery and cro
chet cottons and silks to be
found in Pendleton.
Columbia Mercerized Cro
chet Cotton White, all sizes,
104 per ball. Colored, all si
zes, two balls for 25c.
Columbia Six-Ply Embroid
ery Cotton White and all
colors 15 per ball.
Coats Crochet Cotton All
sizes below 50, 10e per ball;
50 and above 15 per ball.
Silkine Six-Strand Embroid
ery Cotton, 2 skeins for 5$.
Warmth and Style
We offer now, when the weather makes
a warm garment most welcome, an especi
ally attractive assortment of popular
serge dresses.
The loose chemise dresses that hang
from the shoulder and are held softly at
the waist line by a girdle belt, are the new
est offering of Dame Fashion; but for
women of stout figure we show dresses that
have the regular waist line.
Navy blue, green, brown and burgundy
are the colors, while many are embroid
ered in yarn, according to the latest de
signs. One very attractive model made in the
newest "Billie Burke" style is specially
priced at $12.50
Others run up as high as $35.00
Your little girl should be warmly dressed
now, for school. These little dresses come
in blue, brown and red serge, sheppard
checks and Scotch plaids; made in cute lit
tle juvenile styles of sailor blouses and mid
dy effects. Priced from $1.59 to $5.95
QWDFC The Bargain Basement CLnCC
on uejO ihe rml cleanup salb onUEjd
Our Biggest Clean Up Sale of Shoes for the Whole Family. Odds and ends,
broken lots and discontinued lines; shoes of every description. Infants' soft soles,
first step shoes, children's shoes, shoes for the big boy and the growing girl, women's
dress shoes and shoes for hard wear, men's heavy work shoes and dress shoes, com
fort, shoes and slippers for everybody, hundreds of shoe hyirgains for -verybodv.
Here are just a few of them: . "i
Bargain Basement
Dress Shoes, both kid and
fun metal $2.37 and
Work Shoes, dozens of
bargains $2.35 to
Old Men's Plain Toe,
short and wide $2.89
Bargain Basement
Our claim, the heaviest
school shoe for $1.98
Boys' Iron Calf, with stub
proof toe $1.49, $1.69,
Growing Girls' Shoe, calf
or kid $2.29
Bargain Basement
Heavy Kid, patent leather
tip, EE wide $1.63
Gun Metal Calf, EE wide,
every day shoe.. $1.98
Dress Shoe, medium heel,
plain toe $1.69
$1.98 Here It is WOMEN'S DRESS PATENTS We've Done It $1.98
We told you that instead of raising the price of these shoes that we would re
duce the price. Here's money's worth for you. High heel patents, cloth top. plain
toe. button and lace.
Bargain Basement
One big lot to clean up.
As pretty last as you will
see anywhere.
$3.98 Clean-Up $3.98
Bargain Basement
French heel, plain toe,
high top, the dressiest shoe
$2.93 Clean-Up $2.98
Clean Up Sale starts today, with shelves full, counters full, bins full of the best
f hce bargain we have vet offered you. Be the first Look for the big clean-up
sale bills. If it's in the Bargain Basement It's sure a bargain.
Bargain Basement
For everybody, shoes
and slippers that sell for
twice over price ; comforts
cheaper than you ever
bought them.
Pendletons Great
est Dep't. Storel
ARE You Looking
to Some Special Occasion
So exhilarating and attractibe that it invites you to do
your best in the way of clothes ?
If you are; and if you are young and well built "your
best" will be a Hart, Schaffner & Marx Varsity Fifty Five
suit, smartly belted at the back or plain.
There's nothing equal to it, as you can see by the picture.
We can fit you at once.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Varsity Fifty -Fives
Are priced from $20 to $35
We have other good all-wool suits at $15.00 to $20.00.
The warmest, smartest, most
serviceable and handy coat your
money can buy. Our coats are
a good deal better than the other
fellow can show you. They're
all wool, rain proof, properly
tailored, fast colors. They fit
and they wear, $5.00, $7.50,
$8.50, $10 to $15.
Pendleton Camp, Woodmen of th
World wut host Umt evening to mem
bers and their ladles. A splendid
program was followed by a dance
and refreshments and there were
many out to enjoy the occasion.
The program consisted of a vocal
polo by Miss Alma Scheer, piano sols
bv Mrs. JCusdale. vocal solo by Mln
Laura Cahlll, reading by Miss NadiM
Blakely, piano duet by Laura and
Cells Schwartz, vocal solo by George
Phelps, vocal duet by Hophia and
Helen Anderson, recitation by Lela
Cook, vocal solo by Mrs. Maye Hagar.
piano solo by Oertrude Longmeler,
piano duet by Laura and Stella Ro
. i anin hv .lock Coleman and
I an address by John Hoyt. traveling
officer of the order.
I Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hurst will en
tertain the Fortnightly Bridge Club
this evening at their home on Birch
' Mrs. A. E. Ivanhoe, county school
superintendent, has gone to Califor
nia to visit her son. I Grande Ob
server. I Mrs. L. l Howland and children
have gone to Walla Walla to visit rel
atives ami may later go on to Mon
tuna where Mr. Howland's mother re
Miripx in the meantime Mr. Howland
l will remain In the employ of the O-
W., being now at Me acham. i-a
, Orande Observer.
Mrs Kyle Long, who has been con.
fined to her bed with lllnest for th
pat week, Is reported Improved.
John Cochran of Walla Walla, and
his son. M. C. Cochran Itolthnan,
farmers, were In the city yesterday on
a brief business visit.
Warranty peed..
E. A Bentley. et ux. to Coltoo
State Bank. $10. SW 1-1 NE 1-4 and
I SB 1-4 NW 1-4. section 25, township
5 north, range L'8.
E. J. Van Court, et u. to F. W.
Moore, $2SoO,.w 12 SK 1-4 NW 1-4.
'section 3t, township J north, ranee
Anton Nolte. et iix, t0 J. H. HturKlo,
$1. K 1-2 NE 1-4 and XW 1-4 N?
1-4 anil NM 1-4 NW 1-4. section 6,
township 2 north, range 31.
fico. W. Hunyan, to Robert Hoed,
SI, acreage In Township 1. north
range 32.
Dli-k Ailiims. et ux, to I) D Hell,
S2r,0,- lots 1 and 2, section 18, town
ship 1 south, rnnge 35.
Where It Pays' to
W1riT,irniT Tgf ITT Iff ir Tl-imrrwn sstmi st r si sii titi.i sisrt Tp.. . ".: -. - - -
.wr -mwr -mm t wt 9wr w rtTfTwrwmwwr -rrr wt mmt wwr mrr mwr iwt tiT iwt in t 1 1 "1 W
(Paid Advertisement )
For rent Furnished housekeeping
rooms. 401 Aura. Tel. 308W.
Blydensteln'a Dietary Mush and
Prepared Dietary Flour, a car and
preventative for constipation.
Wm Goedecke auto for hire. Phone
289M. Stangler Cigar Store. Tel 444.
I haul your garbage and trash.
Phone S6SM. 140S W. Railroad St
Housekeeping rooms for rent. 501
Liileth street. Call evenings.
For rent Suite of three furnished
housekeeping rooms. & T. this office.
Pendleton Hair Dressing Parlors.
Pendleton Hotel building. Phone 45.
D. B. Waffle auto for hire. Phone
184M. Stand. Charles Co. Phoae 1.
Suits pressed 60c: tnorougnly clean
ed $1.60. Rudd, 202 W, Webb. Phone
For sale or rent 8-room house, not
water heat Inquire Buford Batter
at Otto Hohbach'i Bakery.
Five room modern house for rent
and furniture for sale. Apply 42!
.Madison or phone 539M
Barley too high for feed. Be Bly
densteln, 117 E. Court, phone 15 for
oats by car lots.
Wanted Girl for light housework
and care for lady. Inquire 301 Wil
low street, or phone 721W.
Gordon's Preiser)', phone if.;.
106 E. Alta street. Formerly O. K.
Treery. Work called for and d. -llvered
For wile Iiul,ber tired buggy, hm-
neHS, large heating stove, set of scene
ry and drops for 1.8-foot stage. In
quire Milne Grocery.
Rooming house for sale. Mais
street, In center of business district
Doing good business. Inquire of pen
land Bros.
Call Penland Bros, van te move your
household goods. Telephone 139. Also
baggage transferring and heavy haul
ing. Mattress making, furniture repair
ing, upholstering, called for and deliv
ered, city or country. La Dow Bros.,
ill Beauregard. Pohne 227J.
Lost Ladles raincoat on Reserva
tion road south of agen'f. Finder
kindly leave at Alexanders and receive
Lost One small gold pln with
group of three blue flowem In center
and three pearls. Finder please re
turn to this office.
Prompt automobile taxi servtca.
day or night Funerals to cemetery
anly $160. phone 680. Hotel St
Iworge. Carney Taxi O
"Reliable canvassers to sell our
complete line of Fruit and Ornamen
tal stock In best sections of this state.
Canvassing outfit furnished. Cash
advanced weekly. Address Nursery,
Cfenco, Oregon."
For sale Five room house, east
;ourt street. Desirable location, close
o school. A genuine bargain. Far
nrtJoolurs address R. C. Jory, Mas
In, Ore.