East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 06, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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ii fine Searcfin fiop Stalin
people have crossed oceans, traveled conti
relief from stomach troubles, liver com
plaints or constipation, health is no farther
away than your, nearest drug store. Go
nents and spent fortunes, without finding it.
Health is not always a matter of travel or
money. Often the means to obtain it is so
near, that it is overlooked. When you seek
there and get
a box of
fchowor Botha Are IiuoIIhI la
School House Basement-rw for
Boys and Two for liU-ls Yoony.
sters Have Hallowe'en Pranks
Other' News Notes.
"Tka Urgett Sale of Any Madido is the World"
W A ( I
You will find them a most effective remedy
for biliousness, indigestion, disturbed sleep,
headache, nervousness and other ailments
that come from a disordered stomach or
liver. They keep these important organs
active and regular, and this result quickly
shows in better general health. The head
clears, the eyes brighten, the skin improves,
and there is renewed vigor of body, and
buoyancy of spirits. Beecham's Pills are
compounded of medicinal herbs, without any
harmful drug. BeneficiaJ alike, for man and
woman, young and old. So popular that they
have the largest sale of any medicine in the
world. So prompt, tried and dependable,
that in the search for health, Beecham's Pills
Are a Lecky Find.
Dinctiont sjmcM Wm to women are with try lew
At All Dnifprtt, 10. tic
BERLIN, Nov. . Although the
tension between Germany and Nor
way may Beem lit the breaking point,
the, International News Service Is Jn
a position today to express the firm
belief that the last extremity will be
Uouble Faced, but Not "Two Faced"1
Mrs. Wynn Tells How Lydia
E. Plnkham't Vegetable
Compound Helped Her
DuringChange of Life.
Richmond, Va. "After taking
teven bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Com
pound I fool like a
new woman. I al
ways had a headache
during the Change
of Life end was also
troubled with other
bad feelings com-
Imon at that time
dizzy spells, nervous
feelings and heat
flashes. Now I am
in better health
!han I ever was and recommend your
remedies to all my friends. " Mrs.LENA
Wynn, 2812 E. 0 Street, Richmond, Va.
While Change of Life is a most crit
ical period of a woman's existence, tho
knnoying symptoms which accompany
it may be controlled, and normal health
restored by the timely use of Lydia E.
I'inkham's Vegetable Compound.
Such warning symptoms are a sense
of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches,
backaches, dread of impending evil,
timidity, Bounds in the ears, palpitation
of the heart, sparks before the eyes,
irregularities, constipation, variable ap
petite, weakness and Inquietude, and
For these abnormal conditions do not
fail to take Lydia E. Plnkham's Vege
table Compound.
k- -fill
or Goods i
We are at all time equlpp-
ed to supply our needs at s
shortest notice with practical g
first quality rubber goods. ;
' We sell the famous adver- S
tlsed "Kantleek' Ituhber g
kk1h and guarantee utmost g
satisfaction and value. g
Telephone orders from you.
your nurse or physician re- Z
celve our Instant attention, g
Deliveries are prompt and g
correct g
Give us a trial.
Tollman & Co.
E Leadis! Druggists
in " i
M. C. RUaiid, Director of tho lJitin
American News, Declares Tlat Cit-lu-nii
Eecl That Armed Inu-rven-tion
Will Be Result of G. O. 1.
Being double-faced and two-faced are two entirely different things. Here
with Is presented what one could naturally term "double-faced-Lenore-Ulrich.
the snap having been token In her beautiful apartment In an exclusive Nev
York Hotel No one In the world with eyes like hers, even though photographed
In a "double-faced" pose by the aid of a mirror, could ever be called "two-faced.
Miss Ulrlch'i heart la In proportion even bigger than her beautiful eyes.
No More Stomach Trouble
After Taking Fruitola
Mrs. H. R. Holbrook of Akron,
Minn., who Is seventy yenrs old, has
written to the I'lnua laboratories that
thanks to Fruitola and Trnxo, she is
now very well and feels ten yeara
younger. In her letter, Mrs. Holbrook
says: "Fruitola- relieved me of quite
a large number of gall stones and I
Immediately began to feel better and
hve had no more trouble since.''
Fruitola and Traxo are compound
ed from the original Edsall formulas
at the Plnus laboratories at Monticel
lo. 111., and can be purchased In Pen
dleton of Tallman & Co.. 623 Main
street; a doctor's prescription Is no;
necessary. Frutola is a pure fruit oil
thnt acts as an Intestinal lubricant
and disintegrates the hardened par
ticles that cause so much suffering, discharging the accumulated waste to
the sufferer's Intense relief One dose Is ncually sufficient to Indicate its
elflcacy. Traxo 1 a tonlc-alteratlve ti-.at Is most effective to rebuild and
reotore the weakened, rundown syc.em,
A booklet of special Interest to those v.'io suffer from atomneh trouble
can be obtained by writing to the pli.un Laborutoriei, Monticello, Illinois.
M-inticollo, Illinois,
NEW YORK, Nov. 4. How earn
est, sincere, patriotic Mexicans abhor
the machinations of the republican
party to involve the United States in
a war with their country, and admire
the firm stand of President Wilson
to maintain peace, is voiced In a state
ment today by M, C. Rolland, direc
tor of the Latin American News As
sociation at Number 1400 Broadway.
Mr. Rolland speaks with authority,
as he is a former member of the Car
rania. cabinet, and his news bureau
Is maintained by the Mexican gov.
ernment. He said:
"In behalf of the people of Mexico,
who have been liberated by the revo
lution, and who realize that the Wil
son administration by its continued
recognition of the sovereignty of Mex
ico has enabled them to win their
freedom, we defire to say to the
people of the United Spates that there
is no chaos In Mexico."
"Throughout the republic of Mex
ico there are no armed troops in op
position to the Carranza government.
There are only a few bandits In gome
of the thinly settled anas. Aions
the border there Is trouble' only In
th neighborhood of El Paso, due to a
de-Ire that the United States govern,
meiu shall intervene to come about
as a result of the triumph of the re
publican organization at the polls on
November 7. Because of this, be
cause of the liberties of Mexican
people are thus to be determined It is
Imperative that the truth .''hall be
come known.
"Thousands of people from the
Vnited States have returned to Mex
ico and are safely pursuing their sev
eral vocations. Whatever property or
personal rights of foreigners have
been injured during the revolution
will be settled by the Incoming con
stitutional government under the es
tablished rules of Interventional law.
Peace has been re-established In
the church. The decrees expelling
the clergy have been rescinded and
the church property has been restor
ed nn condition that the clergy shall
not interfere with governmental af
fairs. Therefore the people of Mex
'co appeal to the people of the United
States Catholics and non-Catholics
alike for n continuance of the broth-:
erhonfl wh'ch has been accorded to
them by the existing United States
government. Mexico appeals to all
churchmen and those of us who are
members of fraternal orders utter the
cry "Is there no help for the widow's
"There will be onlv one outcome
for Mexico If the Wall street Inter
eat" win at the polls next Tue'dav nn!
th't would be smied Intervention
and all the evils that accompany sm-h
an -nhnlv enterprise.
"Four vears no. yot American"
r,ch'e-cd '-our Independence, and sure,
lv ynii will not permit the reaction
ists to decoy you back Into hondatre.
(EasJ Oregonian Special.)
HELIX, Nov. 4. There has been
several fine rains recently and seed
ing is being rushed.
Four shower baths have been In
stalled in the school house basement,
two for boys and two for girls.
The youngsters had a Hallowe'en
frolic, playing numerous jokes over
town, but no damage was done.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dorran returned
Wednesday. Mrs. Dorran from a vis
it to her parents at Weston and Mr.
Dorran from a hunt In the mountains.
He brought home a fine deer.
Mrs. Grace Gerley, Mrs. Lula Smith
and Mrs. Car Alspach will represent
the Evangeline Rebekah lodge con
vention at Milton on the 11th.
Mrs. Nellie Wattenburg, president
the Rebekah Assembly, will visit the
local lodge on the 14 th.
Rev, D. W. Thurston, pastor of tho
Baptist church, resigned the pasto
rate Wednesday evening to take ef
fect November 15. Rev. Thurston
goes to Elma, Wash. .
The banquet at the Christian
church, October 31, was an enjoy
able affair. A splendid program was
rendered and nearly all contestants
were present
Rev. F. Grant Hamra, of Joseph,
Ore., will preach at the Christian
church Sunday morning.
Mrs. E. L. Norvell led the mission
ary circle meeting held at her home
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. George Snyder returned to
her home in Dayton, Wash., Friday
from a visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Stroud.
Mark Anderson has returned from
J. J. Lewis and M. Bryan went to
Walla Walla Thursday. i
Messrs, McBride, McKinney and
Horseman of Weston, were Wednes.
day visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johns are
here from Pendleton.
Mrs. W. H. Albee .took her mother,
Mrs. Mary Montgomery, and sisters,
Mrs. Lucy Howard and Miss Sarah
Montgomery, out to their old home In
Cold Spring Tuesday.
Mrs. E. J. Leslie was a Pendleton
visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. Harriman, mother of . Mrs.
Alf McAlavy, left Thursday for her
home in Nebraska.
Fred Peterson and Miss Lois Ar
nold were married at the residence of
Mrs. G. N. Traylor, Pendleton, 117
Lee street, Wednesday. Mr. and
Mrs. John Peterson, parents of the
groom, attended from Helix. Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. Peterson and Mr. and
Mrs. J. C Prendergast from Juniper.
Fred was born and raiised near Helix
and is improving a new home near
Dr. and Mrs. Watts of Weston were
Wednesday visitors.
Candidates Keator, Gilliam, Ritner
and Reeves were here Wednesday.
Yoii Needn't keep on ftellng dis
tressed after eatin', nor be.ching, nor
experiencing nausea between meaK
Hood's Sarsaparilla cures dyspepsia
it strengthens thV stomach and other
Cigfftlve organs for the proper per
"or nance of their functions. Tal'e
Hood's. Ail v.
This is the exact
size and shape
of the finest
cigar that comes
from Cuba. It
sells at 50c each.
This is the exact
size and shape of
another Havana
cigar, almost as
fine, that sells for
30c each.
This is the exact :
size and shape '
oftheOWL,the ,
Million Dollar ;
Cigar, that sells
for 5c.
The makers of the highest-priced cigars
men who receive as much as 50 cents
for a single cigar favor the square -end
shape. Why?
Because the square -end shape yields
the highest percentage of smooth -burning,
satisfying smokes to the smoker that is
why we make the OWL in the square
end shape.
The Million
Dollar Cigar
M. A. GUN ST ft CO.
Author of liiihl llimr Law Just Re
turned I nun Trip Tlmiiij.-h North,
ofti and Middle Stan II nils Over
whelming Sentiment for PivMdeiit.
ding registration lists with fictitious
names, with the Intention of having
other persons use the names; false
counts and returns by election boards;
entering on poll books aa having vot
ed fictitious persons or persons wh)
have failed to vote and intimidation!
lr varioua forms,'' are recited by the
The intimidation largely has been
by employers, who threaten to close
factories and shops if opposition can
didates are elected. ,i
In one city, the deuartnienl Ktnteti
evidence already hit. been obtained!
mat iame registration totals thou
sands, The attorney general, reftweti
to name the city.
Laws are cited by the attorney gen
eral that will permit the proaecutloe
of all Intended fraa.ls, even though an
"overt act' has not been commttleu
At Inst the cnmrn'gn Is nearlns lt
close, which Is o;u- of the best thing-1
a campaign can .do.
NEW YOI1K. Nov. 1. Congress
man Adamson of Georgia, author of
the S horn- lay. telegraphed Chairman
McCr-rmlck tiday. "1 have just re
turned from a trip through some of
the northern and middle western
states. There is going to be a land
sdide fur Wilson and a democratic
congress. Itrpublican leaders are des
perate and reckless, they are putting
forth enormous sums of money and
are shamelessly and recklessly abus
ing the democratic candidates by cir
culating all sorts of falsehoods."
You Need This
For Lame Back
V.AKKIt, Nov. . The record price
for sheep In ea.t-in Oregon for re
cent ears w is recorded yesterday In
the sale of -'-1'in head of old ewes for
111 a head by Barney Caswell of
Kldwell 4 Caswell of Portland, to C-.
.Moody and associates of Baker. The
sheep will be kpt here for breeding
purposes. Several recent sales were
made at $10, but yesterday's price
topped the record.
'la Hi to lniHirt macks Into Ind'nna,
OiiAi and Illinois nn HuCe Sealr
Are Emuul by lh paruiHUl of Ju.
Foley Kidney Pills Simply
Drive The Cause of it
Out of Your System
1.1 aie back, stiff, swollen, aching
Joints, and rheumatic pains are the
result of weak, sluggish, inactive
kidneys. In this condition, tbey can
not keep the blood that feeds your
body free of the Impurities that poi
son you and cause these painful
Foley Kidney Tills are so strongly
advised and recommended, for these
troubles because of their direct and
beneficial effect on the kidneys, blad
der and urinary system; and acting
through these Important organs, on
the health of the entire body. Foley
Kidney Tills lone up weak and slug
gish kidney action, ease u imlufnl
and irritable bladder, stop rising at
night, remove the cause of backache,
lame back, stiff joints and rheuma
tism, due to imierfect kidney and
bladder action.
Mr. ard Mrs. Frank P. Wood of
Morreil, Maine, Box IS. R.F.D. 3, were
both rescued from the effect of weak
slutrglsh. Imperfect kl.ln.y and hlad
der action by th. use of Foley Kidney
fL $
' .
rills. Mrs. Wood rlte: "For
Kidney helped me 10 mtt, t
found relief a, ocn , I bcuA tiM
ing them. 3ly husband Is mm h.
Benefited, and t-vlt o m.ti un
since taking Foley Klitnty H
wis so lame he oul! no! ti.vt '"
to get down on hln kii- . vi, ti
anything, so lame he wu in. ni- WJ
and bips.
I remain always your well ibr,"
Mrs. ftwk P. w)ii
Foley Kidney nils are .ol.l ev.,ry.
whfre In 50c and ll.tlu mini. The
It. 00 .! Im the mari wumviiiK , t.jy
si It .untHlns 2 tuutM naituy us
the 60c slse.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 4 Plans en'
huge scales to violate the election '
laws. Including the transportation of
SO. 00 negroes into Indiana, Ohio, .
linois and other middle western states
have been uncovered by department
of justice investigators, the attorney
general announced late today.
Many of the negroes have register
ed, intending to vote despite the fact
that they have been In the north only
three months. It was Raid,
Finns to register non-nuturaliied
citizens, "false registration by pad-
FresK Every Day
Fine. Clean Furnished Room lo Connection. Steam Heated
The Quelle Restaurant
Exclusive, distributing depot In Peodletoa for TAhTH Sea roods.