TEN PAGH5 DAILY EAST OSEGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, N0VE1I2ER 6, 1916. PAGE TUT,', An Overwhelming Majority of the people of Pendleton would eat no other meat after a few trial orders of our U.S. Inspected Meat You have been elected by us as the one to phone your next meat order to 188 -please qualify. Downey Market The Dean Tatom Grocery Co. Telephone i 688. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OH" IIEAK. 1NG ON BUDGET X)K CITY TAXES FOR 1.17. Notice it hereby given that on the 1st day of November, 19 It the Com mon Council of The City of Pendleton adopted a Budget estimating the amount of taxes to be levied by The , City of Pendleton for the year 1917, and placing that amount at the mm of 168,725.18 and that a hearing on aid budget will be held at the Coun cil Chambers In the City Hull at Pen dleton, Oregon, on Nov. 2, 1918. at 7:30 o'clock P. M.. where the Com mon Council will alt and hear any ob jection or exceptions that may be made to any or all Items of said Bud get an adopted by It, all Tax Payer are particularly invited to be present at such meeting. By order of The Common Council dated this 4th day of November. 1916. THUS. K1TZ (! KHALI), City Recorder. "CASCARETS" COLD, BAD A BREATH HEADACHE BENT TOR IJVKIt AND BOWELS, TOR BUJOIXXESS, SOUR HTOMAOI A.VU COXSTI. PATION. let it 10-cent box now. Kurred Tongue, Bud Colds, Indl. gestion, Fallow skin and Miserable Headaches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with undi gested foor, which sours and fer ments like earbage In a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold misery indigestion, foul gases, bad breath. Daily Chats With the Housewife IHtOll.l l OYSTKIt.S. , Wipe on a cloth 36 freshly opened oysters Mix on a plate a tablespoon ful nil, teaspoonful salt and hulf tea spoon pepper. Repeatedly turn oys ters In seasoning, then roll in bread crumbs; arrange on double broiler, broil four or five minutes on each side. Have I freshly prepared toasts on u hut dish; place ( oysters on each toast, evenly divided celery sauce over them. CELERY RACCE. Cut Into very email dice 4 branches white celery and place In a small saucepan with 3-4 to 1 pint cold wa ter and 1-4 teaspoon salt, boil for 15 minutes. Drain on a sieve and keep the water and celery separate. Heat 1 1-2 tablespoons melted butter in a small saucepan, add 3 tablespoons flour; stir while heating for two min utes; then pour In half the quantity of celery water. Season with 2 salt spoons suit, 1 saltspoon cayenne and a saltspoon ground nutmeg, adding 1 gill light trearn. Mix well with a wooden spoon; then add the celery, lightly mix. slowly boil five minutes and use as required. WOVEN FUUVER FORMS Little woven flowers are simple to make and are an effective way to de velop small flower forms. They should not measure more than one half liich when finished, and it made in different colors and grouped to gether will be wonderfully attractive. Mark little half inch circles as a guide and then carry the thread back and forth, dividing the circle, until ten radii are formed. An extra radius is added to make the number un even. The needle is then brough up in the center where the threads cross and woven over and under each thread for a fourth of an inch. Yellow lines. with the weaving in broken, lavender, with yellow center, and pink and lighl green, are some of the attractive com binations that will make an attractive grouping of these flowers. Iris an ex cellent way to develop wreath and festoon designs, CRETONNE COVERS. Scarfs ef cretonne are neat and es pecially attractive for a girl's room. The pincushion and nap pillow should be covered to match. A scarf made to fit the top of the dresser should be scalloped all around, but one that hangs at the sides need have only the ends scalloped, the sides being hem med. Rather heavy embroidery flo should be used for working the scal lops. The heavy floss not only facili tates the work but is more in harmony with the. material than a fine cotton would be. RCSSI AN TI ltHAXS. Russian effectH uer marked In mill!, nery at present. The Cossack turban of velvet or fur is as smart as one could wish, and becoming to a large percentage of women. A Russian embroidered motif is set at the front of the hat, and the soft crown is sometimes slightly peaked or mere ly high and rounded. WHITE KIDS WASHABLE. Much to milady's gratification, smart white kid boots, which are.so fashionable today, are washable, just as the gloves she may scrub with pure white soap and warm water. Before going to bed she puts shoe trees In her boots and bathes them and in the morning, presto, behold, they are spotless and fresh as new. TUB JERSEY FROCK. It is popular and chic Comes in woolen or silk. Is best liked In the darker shades And is variously trimmed with fur braid and metal embroidery. NOTICE OF BIDS TOR CROSS WALKS. Notice is hereby given that sealed yellow skin, mental fears, everything bida will be received at the office of that Is horrible and nauseating. A the City Recorder, up to November Caararet tonight will give your con- 15th, 1916, at i o'clock P. M for the stipated bowels a thorough cleansing construction of Crosswalks on the and atraRhten you out bv mornlnK. J;J,,,l, 8tweuU,T1?'-C,lirof1P,n-.ThoT work while yo sleep- 10 Crosswalk on Jane street at the in- cent bo from 'our Ht will keep tersectlon of Railroad street, and ' feeling good for months. Mil- Jane street. " Bona of men and women take a Cas. Crosswalk on (Jarden street at the caret now and then to keep their intersection of Garden and High stomach, liver and bowes regulated, streets. ' and never know a miserable moment. Crosswalks on Stonewall Jackson rjnn't forget the children their little street at the Intersection of Stonewall ,,,, P(,d a g(m clMnJ1,ns North and South side of Lewis street. ' Crosswalk on Lewis street at the intersection of Lewis and I-otifr street. Crosswalk on Beauregard street at the intersection of Beauregard and Lewis street. Crosswalk on Post street at the In tersection of Webb and Post street. Kald Crosswalks to be constructed of Concrete and the contractor to fur nish all material, tools etc., necessary to complete the work. Vy order of the Common Council thl 3rd dnv of November A. D. 1916. THOS. FITZ GKUVLD. City Recorder. Misses' and Women's yviyu LJbjJiiUU n In our immense line of coats there are beautiful models for evening wear, dressy street wear, smart coats for motoring and coats 'Mr & MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1916. too. RELATIVES TO VOTE TOR WILSON 'EVEN IF RAILROADERS CAN'T SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING. Notice la hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 16 of Umatilla County, State of Oregon, that a special school meeting of said dis trict will be held at the City Hall in Pendleton, Oregon, on the 10th day j of November, 1916, at 1 o'clock In the afternoon to vote on the proposl- ! tlon of levying a special district tax CHICAGO, Nov. . "Wives, moth, prs. sisters and sweethearts of rail road employes In the woman suf frage states will take the places of the men who are absent on runs and vote for Wilson," declared Joseph Mcgtiaid, grievance chairman of th firemen of the Rock Island, last night In nnswer to republican claims that only 40 per cent" of the railroad vote would he where It could ca-t Its bal lot election day. EVEN DEATH COSTS MORE; W AR JVM PS PRICE OF COFFINS N'PW YORK. Nov. 6 The Europe, ean war is held responsible for the The purposes for which the meney increase In cost of burial supplies and Is to be raised by this levy shall be a .n.-mueni amance annuumea oj expended, are shown by the follow- undertakers for funeral services, ow ing Itemised budget which Is hereby ' he war, It was said, "under made a Dart of this notice: , tny" hardwares ' name plates and Superintendent, principals and teacher salaries . ...34,0O0.O' coffin handles have risen in price from 20 to 40 per cent. The cheap- Engineers and Janitors.... 4.275.0a ' coffins cost 15 more than, former. Fuel S.000.00 !'. 984.00 400.00 450,00 1,200.00 100.00 600.00 Insurance Water rent v. . . Clerk's salary 400.00, 111 Tnterest on bonded Indebt edness 7,200.00 Shop for gas engine Power and light Truant officer Furniture and fixtures General expense. Including implies for teachers and pupils, repairs, operating expenses and Incidentals 12.000 00 Sinking fund 4.0O0.OO, Invisible patches are seldom patching family quarrels.. used "Linked Sweetness Long Drawn Out" They were discussing marrlagu from every angle. "I think," said Fred Steiwer, "that it is generally acknowledged that married men live longer than singk- men." "No," said Jim Estes, "It only seems longer." Hay! The editor of the Bulldogger has an acute attack of hay fever. Inas much as this is not the accepted sea son for hay fever attacks, we can only explain our attack by the fact that we have been handling a good many straw votes Injely. lt'ttMrt Money to Bo III Politico. Dr. Best, republican candidate for representative, attended the basket social and has the distinction of pay ing the highest price bid for a basket. Helix Advocate. Book Reviews. One of the recent masterpieces o political fiction is the illustrated au tobiography of C. P. Strain entitled, "From Plowboy to Assessor or the Self-Rising Flower of Civic Virtue," Just off the presses last week. Details briefly the home-spun career of a public official. Characterized by touches of pathos, a climax depleting the triumph over hydra-headed cor. porate privilege and an underlying note of Impending tragedy. Conclud ing chapters yet to be written. Paper bound, distributed free in Umatilla county until Nov. 7. . Take Yonr Choice. Say the republicans: "The pros perity is caused by the war but the high prices are caused by the demo cratic administration." Say the democrats: "The hlg!i prices are caused by the war but the prosperity Is caused by the democratic administration." Newton's Discovery. Newt Martin had a meerschaum Total ..J68.609.00 Dated this SOth day of October, 1916. Attest: LOT LIVKRMORK. District Clerk. J. T. BROWN, Chairman Board of Director O. W. PHBLPS. , E. L SMITH. ELLA LOWELL. REMEMBER Your friends could buy anything you would give them for Christmas, except your photograph. SEE WHEELER At the studio. iA ' -.W -ryus,r f t l mi v el - II I c WW u a 'v n try.'.; TROUBLES and mosquitos are a lot alike. Neither one stays 'round a place whar thar's plenty o good pipe smoke. VELVET la a good pipe am oka 2UL DC pipe which he had nursed for years until it had a beautiful ebony color ing. He rooms with a couple of other jflung bachelors and they have a lady come in each morning to tidy up their rooms. Last week the lady discovered Newt's pipe and, thinking it a sham It should have become so discolored from usage, she rubbed and scruh. bed It for an hour until the dark hue had faded entirely away. Judging from Newt's remarks, he doesn't ap preciate the act of service. A Cheap Commodity. Bill Lane says he's going to get a barrel and pickle down some of the "I told you so" stuff that will be spread over the community Wednesday. Wonder Where They Got This? If you think Baker has a hot politi cal campaign, you should visit Pen dleton. There the battle is so hot that republicans are accusing demo crats of hiring men to march in a Wilson and Chamberlain parade, heM on Wilson Day. 'Baker Herald. , Rid Your Child of Worms. Thousands of children have worms that sap their vitality and make them listless and irritable. Kickapoo worm Killer kills and removes the worms and has a tonic effect on the system. Does your child eat spas modically? Cry out In sleep or grind Its teeth? These are symptoms of worms and you should find relief fot them at once. Kickapoo Worm Kill er Is a pleasant remedy. At yout druggist, 25c. Adv. SUNDAY SERVICE WELL ATTENDED RECORD Al'IENt!ES HEAR EVANUEIJST FAGAN AT CHRISTIAN CHVROH. Sermon on Sunday Nlgltt Declared One of the Ciroatest Ever IH'liierc.l in Pendleton. Sunday was a great day in the spe cial meetings at the Christian church. Evangelist Fagan gave two of hi very best sermons to record audience and preached at the Union S. S. at Riverside at 3 o'clock In the after noon. The meetings are showing vital interest in the great moral and spirit ual topics being discussed. In fact they have every promise of doing much good In the community. Among the most enjoyable fea tures of these meetings is the music. The Inspirational congregational slic ing led by Mr, Fagan gets everyone to participate and the special songs by Mr. Fagan are spoken of In the highest terms. Jiiss Georgia Keel's violin solo at yesterday evening's meeting was a rich treat to all. A now feature w-:ll be added to the mu. sic this week, a number of Instru ments will be used, adding much pow er nnd harmony. Evangelist Fagan's aermnn Sunday night to almost a capacity house was said by many to have been one of the greatest sermons ever preached in Pendleton. His subject was "The Rattle Over the Empty Grave." in which wns treated In an able an 1 thorough way the evidences of a vir ile faith In the resurrection of Jesus of Nasareth from the dead. The au- for utility wear in the season's very latest styles. Belted effect, loose, full styles and novelty cuts with large collars and deep cuffs. Many are trimmed with fur. Materials include, zibelines, tweeds, plush, kurltea cloth, velvets and wool velours and various other weaves. AH the wanted plain colors, also great as sortment of plaids, checks and stripes. Owing to the vast range of styles no woman need look further to satisfy her fancy. Prices from WHERE ALL LIKE TO TRADE. dience listened inSently for almost an hour while the evangelist set forth the sure foundation of the Christian religion. Tonight, Monday, Mr. Fagan will preach upon the subject, "The Dev il's Lie.'1 Mrs. Fagan will sing one of her beautiful solos. WILSON'S LIKE GERMAN CARE Wife of President Sends Seven Hon enstrtra Their Thanks. Edward Hohenstein of Simonson Place, Port Richmond, S. I., has re ceived the following letter from Mrs. Wilson, wife of the President, thank ing him for a cake that he baked and sent to Shadow Lawn a few days ago: "The very beautiful cake sent to President Wilson from seven loyal American voters of German descent came on Saturday and, owing to the pressure of affairs of business, the president has asked me to write for him and express his very genuine ap preciation of the Hohenstein family. We value your support and will en Joy the unusual and unique expres sion of it." Edward Hohenstein is the son of Ludwlg Hohenstein, who, with his five sons and one grandson, sent the President a letter of appreciation and support. eoBOi D 0 loaox X0E30X IOE30I I0E34T GOTAL STORE FOR SALE Owner wanta to retire and will sell good paying business cheap. Lo cated in good stock raising section, close to Pendleton. Whole thln goes; store building. 8 room dwelling S lots. Htocta runs ahnNt liAAA O Price for all 6000.00. Cash or bankable notes. Must be sold at one u o I1UTL0CX-LASTZ IIIVESTL'ENT CD. IXSCRAXCE IIS East Court St. REAL ESTATE LOANS o IOE30I IOE30I More Groceries 4 f for Less Money KEEP 108X11 YGb'NG It's Easy If You Know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets The secret of kccpinK yotms is to feel young to do this yu must watch your liver and bowels there's no need of having a sallow complexion dark rings under your eyes pimples a bil ious look in your face dull eyes with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety per cent of all sickness comes from inactive bowels and liver. Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician in Ohio, perfected a vegetable coin pound mixed with oliv- oil to act on he liver and bowels, which he gave to its patients for years. Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, are gentle in their action, yet always effective. They bring about that exuberance of spirit, that: natural buoyancy which should be en joyed by everyone, by toning up the liver and clearing the system of impurities. You will know Dr. Edwards' Olive t,,u,.i. hv their olive color. 10c and 25c per box. All druggist. I FRESH DAILY 0 d Celery, Head Lettuce, Cauliflower, Sweet Potatoes, Cran- t Tt borrips QnliI PofiVuxro c-1,i. r i , K j v,..v. kuctau,, jruiiipiun, ucumoers, p A Horseradish. Tomatoes, rnrrnra Tnmins Pt,. d ,r - - v m. m iiio, uiii p MINCE-MEAT, LB... 15c PEANUT BUTTER, LB 15c POP CORN, LB .' 10c FRESH EGGS, DOZEN 45c PURE FRUIT JELLY, 3 JARS 25c 'A W n a r a - 3 rAi cash GET MORE J f f 4 W Sell for Lea. 4 Dyche's Grocery 4 Phone 476 628 Main Stre4. t 5 o I u O