PACE TEN DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1916. TEN PAGE3 re . izi.: --- i'j SAUER KRAUT , II HAVE YOU SEEN OUR DISPLAY I II OF CABBAGE? 1 9 1 This is only one example of the quality that I J 8 I 7 om get w hen you buy from us. I I II If you plan to make sauer kraut for winter j I II " you will do well to buy your cabbage hem i 1 I f SPECIAL PRICE I II 100 lbs. 2.50 i I ill i II REMEMBER TOMORROW ' VOTE 308 X YES II GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. "QUALITY" I Two Phones, 28 823 Main St ? Black Bill Bryan' on Tom Tag- girt s chest; yo ho ho ho and a bottle mmfunCL ' Marriage l.loniso Issued. A marriage license was issued Sat urday to Guy McKinley Xorrls and Elris Cannon. Moving Garage. J. P. Robinson is moving the auto garage which has been back of the Judd residence to the lot back of tha Domestic Laundry. Will nulla Bungalow. K. B. Welch, proprietor of the Court street cigar store, has taken out n permit to build a 13000 five-room bungalow on River Drive. Wilson Wins Again. A straw vote was taken in the lob. by of the Hotel Pendleton (luring the noon hour today and it resulted in nine voles for Wilson and seven for Hughes. I tYBTESUO 6USSIS MOUND 6fima- unsts duplicate! AMtaiCAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING.- Pf.NDUTON.0RE. Pho 609 Mrs. Alyse Roe-Cilclirist PHYSICAL CULTURE AND ELOCUTION. Hotel Pendleton. H(il(UIIIIIUIIIIIIIIII!llllll1lllllllllllllllHIII!lllllltli:illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIII!i 1MB) flMFf Hotel News Roosts Normal. The last number of the Northwest Hotel News, published in Portland, advises readers to vote for the Pen dleton normal bill, the advice bein;; printed on the cover of the publication. Hunters Get Ducks. L. Q. Frazler, Frank Hayes an.l John Heathman went down to Stan field yesterday and hunted to Hin kle, bagging nine ducks. R. W. Fletcher and Lee Drake spent the day near Hermlston and bagged seven. voices tell him that his office was afire. He stopped this annoyance by telling central to stop all such calls. However, when a voice shrieked In at his bedroom window ''fire, fire.-' he decided to get "up. He went to his office and lettered a big sign, "FUMt GATIXC." and put It in his window. It happened that in his haate he used a Hughes button with which to pin up the sign and he has been "kidded" unmercifully today. Daughter Horn. A daughter was born today to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hansen at St. An thuny's hospital. Is ApiMilutcri- Guardian. L. C. Scharpf of Pilot Rook has been appointed guardian of Omar Hutchinson, a minor, whose estate is valued at $1250. Two nioim Granted. Divorces have been granted the Piamtitis m the cases of Anna l'leree Audett Parr vs. Hughes or Wilson Which? Can you pick the winner? No trouble to select a winner if you wish a place to get the best merchandise and always, at a less price just come to The Golden Rule Store. Ladies Cools SHttO. $12.50. 1 1.7.1, SI8..VI. 10.311 ladles' Suits $9.00. $12.50, $11.75, $19.50. $25.00 Indies "Silk Waists $2.08. $.1.9H ladles' Voile Waists 98V. $1.08, $2.08 liWllCN' Sateen IVttlcoatN. . . . I He. OOe, tk $1.49 ladles' Fleeced Klmonas $1.2:1. $1.49. $I.H Bungalow Aprons 49c, 89c, 79c Indies' Outing IVMicoatK 49c ladles' Outing (ioniM 49c, 79c, 98c, $1.49 Children's Outing Gowns 49c Children's Outing Sleeping Garment 49c Dr. Denton's KIceiug Garment!) 4IH', 59c, 89c, 89c 1-adicV Mceced Union Soils 40c, 98c Children's llwcd Colon Suite 49c, 89c Children's Wool I'nlon Suits U9c, 79c, 98c Infants' Wool HiiIniih 49o Infants' Cotton Itubens Jjc InfantH' Wool Hands J 5c Children's Nazareth Waists , 18c Infants' Cashmere Horn, 3 palm 25o Velvet Grip Supporters, all sties 15o Wilson's Supporters 25o ladles' Knit Skirts 49c. 89c, 98c, $1.4$ Ladles , Silk Petticoats $2.49, $2.98, $3.48 YOB CAN DO BETTER AT 3 J.C.Pennev Co nr. WE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW had seen it In her travels over tno tnte Rhf launched forth into her ar- Lrfuis Audett and of Julia I gument. discussing the record of the Frank Parr. In the former I nrauldont from a woman's standpoint case plaintiff Is given the custody of ! and showing conclusively that Wilson three children and defendant of one. ihnrt more richt to ask the support ot to their candidate in an insulting or Wilson to punish him. "To punish belittling manner. After presenting J him for what?" she usked. "For a picture of Oregon prosperity as she j making life easier for the farmers' wives through rural credits? For giving women a sense of security from money panics through the federal re serve law? For standing against of workers for women suffrage than ha 3 his opponent. She paid her respects to the Golden Slnnott Hero for Address. Congressman N. J. Sinnott, closes the Hughes campaign evening, arrived in Pendleton morning and is today greeting who this this his Mrs. lVnland Very III. Mrs. Claude Penland. wife Councilman Penland. is nnr .'Rnfli In no uncertain terms, asking be very ill at her home with a ner-'by what right those aristocratic ladies his life and not a market commodity? uicuivuuwn. Her Barents Mr strong men even in his own party to save, through the child labor law, the children of the nation from physical and moral degradation? For eman cipating the working men of Amer- ica by declaring man's labor a part of and .Mrs. J. s. Hay here attending her. of Spokane are oresumed to travel across the contl-iFor taking the burden of taxation nent in a moving palace to direct th from the poor man's back and plac women of western equal-suffrage Ing it upon the rich man through th states to stand for a candidate for Income tax? For taking the tariff whom they themselves could not vote, out of politics? In short would they She pointed out that Anne M organ many friends. He is stopping at the Hotel Pendleton. Vtiters May Be Sworn In. Unregistered voters may quality to vote tomorrow to having their vote sworn in before the election Judge j Stevens by two freeholders. Voters registered in other counties may qualify to vote on state and national officers. Malonev-Rogers case t jury. The Rogers-Malonev I-ml ,ku. went to the jury for settlement this hM ben lpH("nK " movement amoiu j "-. uun. Xne testimony was con- lns "ew eluded Saturday evening and the ar wllson because under his admlnistra Bunient was made this morning '.. I 'tion the ,,ankinK business was taken out oi ine immii "i where her brother Is a dominant flfr punish him for giving this country the most constructive legislation in history, legislation that Mr. Hughes in his Milwaukee speech skid should bo wiped out? And would they pun ish him for keeping this nation at peace In times of war? "I believe," she said In conclusion, the women of this nation will not Place partisanship above patriotism, and by patriotism I do not mean simply thef time-honored patriotism that inspires us to pat our boys on the back and send them forth as tar gets for bullets, but the real patriot ism that builds a nation over which Old Glory may worthily wave, that sends us forth to the polls to correct the evils that result In war." J. H. Ralev mnlrlnir '. - Rogers and James A. Fee and Charles H. Carter for Maloney. MM Not only because it is made in Pendleton, but because it is better Sold to tAe family trade In cases of one dozen bottles and up, quarts or pints. We also recommend our new True Fruit drinks, PORT-0 and PEND-0. Brewed and bottled by Wm. Roesch Bottling Co. City Brewery. WlwlBsslB sod Family Trade. Telephone Bit "iiiUUiutMiiuinniiJintiiiituiiiiuiniiiiiuiHniiiuiiiiiiJiiiiniiiiMiiitiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiii Ielle Favor Normal. That he has so many promises ot support for the Pendleton normal measure that he believes the bill cer. tain to carry is stated by George D. Haslett, well known traveling man who Is now here to vote. Mr. Haslett believes the campaign in behalf of the normal has been effective. Thinks ftllson Mooted. After a trip through the middle states, W. W. Harrah. prominent lo cal farmer, is convinced, that Wilson will be elected tomorrow. On train No. 1 on which he arrived early this morning a straw vote of the entire train was taken this side of Pocatello, the result standing, Wilson, 43; Hughes J3. A vote taken on the Bur. lington. east of Denver, was even more decisive for the president. Flock of White Swans. Local hunters who were near Her. miston yesterday shooting ducks re port that two flocks of white swans flew over the preserves during the day. Thee birds rarely are seen In these parts and the penalty for shoot. Ing thm is heavy. Many of the hunt ers did not know what they were and were for shooting them. However, the presence of a few sportsmen who knew the law regarding them saved the others from probable heavy fines. .ocntc in Nehnixkn Jr. and Mrs. Howard Stephens, v ho left Pendleton last vear for a visit in the east, have located perma nently at Gibbons. Nebraska, accord log to word received by friends. Mr tephens, who was In the sheep busi ness here, has purchased a large ranch near that place and is building a new home in Gibbons. He has sent for his household effects. Former Pendletonlan Dead. Word has been received here of the death in Tacoma last Friday evening of J. E. Reeder. a former pr,ia( inn. Death was duo tn p,;.k'. j,. ease. Mr. Reeder left Pendleton about 15 years ago. Two nephews, C. A nd O. H. Reeder, still live here. The late Mrs. J. K. Bott was a sister and three brothers. W. H. Reeder of Ta coma, U B. Reeder of Portland and Walter Reeder of Rltzville. survive The funeral will be held todav In Ta. coma. Starts Classes Next Week. G. Robert McAuslan, specialist in retail saleiimansip with the Univer sity of Oregon school of commerce, Is here today making arrangements for starting his class in retail sales manship a week from tonight. The classes are free and are designed to makes salesmen and women more ef ficient The course consists of ten lessons, five each week for two weeks. Mr. McAuslan has just come from liniORKD PERSHING IS TO MARJOH TO IMURAN SAN ANTONIO, Nov. 6. It is ru. mored a portion of Pershing's tion has been ordered to march t.i Parral, to protect American Interests against Vlllistas. The rumor is un- .uiuu men irom any source. Funston denied such a move was even contemplated. WALL STREET MONEY FINDS llAIfy TAKERS NKW YORK, Nov. 6. Between nine million and ten million dollars will change hands on election day it betting estimates here and in other large cities are correct. (-ommi- Baker and La Grande where he gavelonera ner figured five million dol the course. He will visit with a con- ! 'ars was wagered in New York alone. sin In Milton and friends in Walla j"""" lwo million and a half was Walla part of this week. 39 Shopping Days Until ChristmAi GENTLEMEN'S JEWELRY In our Xmas stock we' are showing stone rings for men. Stone rings are succeeding the old time signet ring. The stones most worn are s Amethyst Ruby Bloodstone Sardonyx The diamond of course is the King of ail gems and lends character and prestage to the wetrer. ROYAL M. SAWTELLE Jeweler. Temple Auto Rent Open. The Temple Auto Rest i morning turned over by L. E. Twltchell to Messrs. Ernest and Ralph Temple and they have opened it to the public. The new institution in the Pendleton automobile world Is designed to accomodate farmers and tourists who wish to leave their cars for a few hours or for a few davs. Cars will be washed and oiled. Comfortable and attractive rest rooms have been fitted up and alto gether the place Is modern In everv respect. It is located on the comer of Cottonwood and Water streets. Ills Sleeo Disturbed. Malor Lee Moorhouse will exercise a little better judgment next time he fumigates his office. His slumbers last night were very much disturbed because he had set smoking pans of fumit-'ants in his office during the evening. Several times he was call ed to the telephone to hear excited wagered in Chicago, Denver and San Francisco, Cincinnati, ..Pittsburg, Cleveland and Indianapolis. There i was this ! considerable unrecorded betting else. Contractor where. Along Broad street curb one com missioner reported odds were ten to eight in favor of Hughes. Another reported a flood of Wilson money. The odds may be ten to nine before night. One house reported ten to eight was offered and ten to seven and a half asked. There is DrosDect oi neavy Dotting this afternoon. Middle and far western reports in dicated ten to nine and ten to eight the prevailing odds. New York bet two to one Hughes would carry New York state. Ten to nine that Hughes would carry New Jersey and ten to seven that Wilson would carry Ohio. ure. "When women like Miss Mor gan who cannot vote but yet get into politics. It is time for the re.-t of the women in the country to bestir them selves." she said. Flnv Ooiurrcsslonal I'nlon. The Congressional I'nlon for Wom en Suffrage Mrs. Thompson charac terized as the worst element In the feminist movement anil declared It was doing more to retard the cause of women than anything that ever hap pened 'to it. Their methods, she said, are as pernicious as the bomb-throwing of their militant English sisters. Their assumption that they could de liver the four million women voters to Hughes because the Wilson admin istration had failed to adopt a feder al amendment enfranchising women Is resented deeply, she said, by worn, en who have fought for and gained the right to vote. She declared the suffrage question is not the paramount one of the cam paign but, even If It were, there would be more cause to support Wilson than Hughes. "Wilson has been called man of words rather than deeds," she said, "but Wilson made a trip to his home state to vote for woman suf frage whereas Hughes, who so loudly affirms .his belief in woman's rights, disproved his words by falling to vote when the opportunity presented it self." She also referred to Hughes' ac when governor in vetoing the mens ure giving women teachers the same salary as men. such a measure as w. now have In Oregon. The position o both parties regarding suffrage In identically the same, she declared, and Mr. Wilson's record is better thin that of Hughe. Why Punish Wilson? She referred to the speeches of certain militant Hughes women to the effect ttuit women should vote against GRAIN and STOCKRANGH 2820 acres on railroad. 2000 tillable, part ready to seed; good buildings, plenty of water, all fenced and cross fenced. Price now 560,000. I have some desirable residence property In Pendleton for sals at less than cost to build, and lots thrown in. Among which are the fine modern home of J. S. Utnders on Jackson street. Price induced now J!i0fl. House of 9 rooms two blocks from Depot. Fine shade trees, new cement wulk. cellar, about half way between high and west end school. This house Is insured for $1000, paid up to June. 1 9 1 S. policy will he transferred with the property for only 11000. E. T. WADE, Pendleton, Ore. Voters! Stop! Look! Listen! n ii -n n u m n a a if a u aru irn 12m g-g n a h a uuu The HALLMARK Store Expert repairing of Watches and Jewelry. Satisfaction guaranteed Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler. 5100 FRAt'DrLEXT ELKCTIOV REGISTRATIONS I.V OMAHA OMAHA, Nov. 6. Election Com missioner Moorehead announced that final inspection showed five thous and fraudulent registrations In Oma ha. All will be challenged tomorrow. Dry workers charged false registra tions In an attempt to swing the el ection against Nebraska prohibition. I . i 1 'i t J ' ' ' J ' i It's well to Investigate an oil well that won't bear looking Into. CROWD HEARS ADDHEH8. (Continued from Page 1.) GEORGE II. BISHOP Candidate for DISTRICT ATTORNEY wants you to vote for him. He has lived In Umatilla County longer than his opponent, has practiced law long er than his opponent, has more In terest In the welfare of Umatilla County citizens than his opponent. He Is a booster for Umatilla County; is president of the Freewater Com mercial Club; is mayor of the city of Freewater; was formerly city attor ney of Freewater. He married a Umatilla County girl and expects to make his permanent home here. If elected District Attorney he will move to Pendleton, build a home, join the Commercial Association, and be a booster for Umatilla County. He be- enthuslasm when, as an encore she sang the Wilson campaign song with new verse of her own composition referring to the recent trip of the ' Heves in enual rights, advocates socl Golden fipeclal. I al Justice, strict law enforcement and Mrs. Thompson's address was a If elected District Attorney will give womanly address. There were Hughe everybody a square deal. He wants supporters In her audience and not your votes. Try him for four years. once did she offend them by referring Adv. LOANS Delay No Red Tape Low Merest Rates Literal Repayment Privileges Hartman Abstract Co. Corner Main and Court Sts. Pendleton, Ore. Buy 11 (M Come in today and drive it away (This is not poetry, but an appeal to your good judgment) " i In Pendleton. CARS HERE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY W. C. NAY, Distributing Agent for Umatilla County Full line of parts. Repair shop with factory ex pert in charge. Prompt garage service. An agency that is here to Btay. See them at the MUMP Cm AUTO CARACE f. ,812 Garden Street