TEN PAGES DAILY fiABT 0REG0N1AN, rfiMPLBToM, ORRGON. FRIDAY, KOVEMRER 3, 191(5. PAG?: Tin "yOU have a modern mark--- et, selling U. S. Inspect ed Meats, right in your - home just TELEPHONE r1 (0)(0) QDOD vy zLs we will do the rest Try US This Month Downey Market The Detn T&tom Grocery Phone Is 688 is a 1 E- 5 it 0 1 A Ml PLINIIRG On or about Thursday, October 26th ROBT. "SCOTTY" THOMSON, will open a new PLUMBING AND HEATING SHOP in the building at the corner of East Court and Cot tonwood streets, Pendleton. , Business will be conducted on the principle of reasonable prices, prompt attention to orders and all work guaranteed to satisfy or your money back. II Ejtunte Gladly Furnished TELEPHONE 550 la '!!!!l!0!n!!!!!!!!l!!!ll!!!l!l!!!!!!!l!!!!l!!!!lllim iiiliiililii iiMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIItlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU That Perplexing 1 Heating Problem f I Let Us Help You I Solve It With 1 I RGCKSPKCOAL 1 ' healthful warmth and comfort. I WE SELL IT! j i See us for ROCK SPRINGS COAL Lump or nut E E Good dry fir, yellow and black pine. Dry Slabwood that is dry. All wood comes either four foot or sawed. ( B. L. BURROUGHS Telephone 5 r illllllllllllllUtlUIIHIIIIIIIIUIIHIIlllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll S3 on All Class? of Work. iiHiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiinmiiiuiiiim Spacious porches and shady lawns lose their charm when the North wind whistles. Fine oak living rooms, white enamel bedrooms and tile bath all lose their interest when the mercury sinks to zero unless you have GERUjUIS OUILT DEFENSE TUNNEL WOXOKIlrlJ, KTKUTTItE IS IS- OJVKUKD liY lltl.XOl XKAlt CHI MA. KHTt .Miners Hud liven JlrUKht rroin Germany And it K-iimtiI1 .Months' Work siippilc-, mid Munition .1 Well Men Had Passageway. (Py Henry Wood, United press Cor respondent.) WITH THE FRENCH ARMIES BE FORE CHAULINES, Oct. 14. (By Mall.) The present encircling move- ment of the French armies about Chaulne is similar to the ones so successfully employed In the capture of Combles, Thiepval and other im portant centers at the northern ex tremity of the offensive. The capture of Chilly, brought to light one of the most striking exam ples that has yet 'been found of the extremes of organization and effort to which the German general staff has gone In Its effort to cling to the occupied soil of France. Following the capture of Chilly, the the French troops found at the depth of forty to sixty feet below the sur face a tuttnel more than half a mile In length constructed with the head quarters of the comandlng otflcer in Chilly to the front line German trenches then well In advance of the village. For the construction of this tunnel. expert miners had been brought from Germany and It represented not les than six months of their work. By Its use the nermann were able to send not only their men Into the front ne .trenches, but also all munitions and supplies, without exposing a sin gle man to the constant French bom bardment. Although the Germans are now driven considerably beyond Chilly they are 'till near enough to keep up a terrible bombardment and struggle In a laHt desperate effort to win back the tunnel which Is now serving the French fully as well as it formerly served the Germans. I was enabled to enter the tunnel froi'i one of the exlt It had in the German first line positions and tra verse Its entire half-mile length to the village of Chilly in the rear, con- scions of utter security from the Ger. man bombardment, which never ceas. ed. The ileaccnt Into the tunnel via by WOMAN A PHYSICAL WRECK Telia in Following Letter How She Was Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Milwaukee, Wis. "Before taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound X was a phy sical wreck. I had been going to a doc tor for several years but he did me no good. A friend told me about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound, so I decided to give it a fair triBl.and It gave me relief from bear ing down pains which had been so bad that I would have to lie down. I also used the Sanative Wash and it has done me a great deal of good,snd I am not troubled with a weak ness any more." Mrs. P. L Brill, 1299 Booth Street, Milwaukee, Wis. The most successful remedy for wo man's ills is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. It has stood the test or forty years, which would be impos sible if it did not have genuine merit For special advice, free, write to Lydia E. Pink ham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Tour letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. SAGE TEA DANDY TO DARKEN HAIR rrs GRANDMOTHER'S RECIPE TO BRING BACK XIOR AND IASTRE TO HAIR. Tou can turn gray, faded ha; beautifully dark and lustrous almost over night if you'll get a SO-cent bot tle of "Wyeth's Snge and Sulphur Compound" at any drug store. Mil lions of bottles of this old famous Snge Tea recipe, Improved by the ad dition of other 'ingredients, are sold annually, says a well-known druggist here, because It darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell It has been applied. Those whose halt ts turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair van ishes and your locks become luxur iantly dark and beautiful. This Is the age of youth. Gray haired, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wy eth's Sage and 8ulphur Compound to. night and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome nalr and your outhful appearance within a few duys. This preparation xe, a toilet requis ite and Is not Intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. three successive flight of stairs, fur tho Germans naturally figuring thut their first line positions would suffpr the heaviest bombardment, had sunk the tunnel at that point to a depth of sixty feet. Here at the hott,,m of the stairway and at the end of the tunnel whs grouped off half a dozen chambers with sleeping and eating fa culties for the soldiers when off du ty, when the trenches were being too violently bombarded to remain above, and for the troops who might be rail ed upon to defend the tunnel in case the trenches above should be taken. These rooms were now occupied by the French "poilus" who had con verted all of the arrangements both for the comfort and defence of the or. Iglnal German owners to their own use. Entering the tunnel proper, I found It entirely walled up with heavy tim ber, the celling high enough to per mit the troops to pass without stoop ing down, and with a narrow gauge railway running the entire length for the hurrying of munition to the front line of trenches. Pipes for mechanical ventilation as well as electric light wires ran the 'till length of the tunnel. The plants at forty feet below the surface earth, had been destroyed by the Germans at the moment of capture Groping on through the tunnel. through the foul air, and lighted only by candles and pocket flash lights,. I found the floor was strewn with half eaten loaves of black bread which the Germans had evidently flung frantically down when the word was passed that the. French had taken the position above. Potatoes were strewn over the floor of the tunnel, as were also lnnimer uble empty mineral water, wine and beer bottles with which the tunnel appeared to have been lavishly stock ed. From both sides of the tunnel sleep ing rooms branched off, and the bunks in thees contained stil the shoes, coats, caps and other articles of clothing Just as the Germans had left them at the moment of surprise. A little farther on was a widened portion that had been the dreading room and surgical station for the wounded. Germans wounded In the French bombardment that preceded the Infantry assault and even when the French had swept over the posi tion, had apparently been hastily ta ken down Into the tunnel and given first attention at this station. Blood stained bandages still lay scattered bout the dressing tables and bunks as did also various surgical instru ment and appliances. In several places along the Bides of the tunnel wells had been sunk so that In case of siege a supply of fresh water would be available. The approach to the other end of the tunnel that comes out In Chilly was marked as at the end where I had entered by the groups of chambers. The "piece de resistance" came at the end of the tunnel where It opened Into the undrground apartment of the German officer who had commanded the position. Although his apartment was forty feet below the surface of the earth all of the rooms were plas tered in white, and perfect In all ap pointments even to a bath room and a well stocked wine cellar. Of the latter, only the empty bottles remain ed, but they were almost countless. Lillian Gith and Howard Gay in new Triangle-Fine Arts Feature, "Diane of the Follies." At the Temple Theater today and to morrow. ELECTION BETTING IS HANDLED FOR HUGHES Money In Sient In Lav Mi Manner to BoMcr up ih-ecaiiou-s Hope of g. o. r. II NEW YOltK, Nov. 3.3 Experience ed observers are convinced that the election betting in all states Is being manipulated in the interest of Hushes. The change from even money, the condition which prevaijed a few das-. ago to ten to eight and even ten to ven In favor of Hughes has been too precipitate to admit of any othet explanation. This theory is borne out by the lavish manner In which Tkfnlthy backers of Hughes are spend ing money to advance his cause, the U'ost patent manifestation of which Is furnished by the pages of adver tising the Interest ale buying in newspapers throughout the country. "Those who have had any experi ence at all with the betting market are convinced that it has been rig gel." s.iid the New Yolk Globe, re publican paper supporting Hughes, In its rnar'iet review tonU'ht. "It is In deed an open question whether spe culative Interests which a week ago wanted to get stocks down and this week have been anxious to get them up. have not been nwutiptilatlni: the betting odds. There is no law against matched orders In the bet ting ring." Kvery one who realises what is at stake In this election knows that Wall street could well afford to spend I10.000.noo to return the republicans to power. In the confident expectation Mr, '.J ) 4 it j J. . l m ' AM .. i- n f jW if j i 1 1 11 Olll Broadeloths and all better suitings are selling fast with no chance of replacing them in qual ity and fastness of color, at any price. We have by far the largest assortment of broadcloth and fancy goods. You can't afford to wait. Good, warm underwear is THE DAYLIGHT STORE; of overturning the federal reserve act and getting the power to create panic again in their hands, to say nothing of the prospect of again Imposing a monopdly tariff upon the people." TAKES FISHES, IiEAVES BABIKS Husband's Absence I,es8 Regretted Than Loss of Finny Pets. CHICAGO. Nov. 3. She came Into the court of domestic relations today, a baby in her arms, another a little older tugging at her frayed skirt. A mother, sobbing. "I didn't mind 0 much his aban donment of myself and the children as I did the theft of my goldfishes." she sa'd between her tears. "He left his old clothes and took my goldfish es." Now the police are looking for Al bert MichnevitJ!. , "Follow the goldfishes." is the "Sherlockian" exhortation. MEXICO CITY MAN BOOSTS FOR WILSON American in carranza (fepltal S.i president's Policy is nest Presented. DENVER. Nov. S. That Woodrow Wilson's Mexican policy is regarded in Mexico City as a right good proposi tion, rather than the horrid thing which the repuolicans. Roosevelt et al., would paint, is proved In a let ter received by John T. Barnett, dem- ocratl? iihtiona' committeeman for Colorado. Robert B. Murray is thf writer and he announces the forma tion in the Mexican capital of a Wood, row Wilson club. Men formerly Identified with the democratic, republican and progres- Let Resinol Make Your Sick Skin Well That itching, burning skin can al most certainly lie healed: The first use of resinol ointment seldom fails to give instant relief. itu the help of resinol soap, this soothing, healing ointment usu ally clears away all trace of eczema, ring worm, rash or similar tormenting, sleep-preventing skin-diseases quickly and at little cost. Physicians have prescribed resinol ointment regu larly for over twenty years, so you need not hesitate to list? it freely. Sold by all druggists. It Your Toilet Soap Injuring Your Skin ? Many toilet soaps eon tain harsh, in jurious alkali, Resinol soap contains absolutely no free alkali, and to it is added the resinol medication, litis give it soothing, .healing properties which clear the complexion, comfort tender skins and keep the hair healthy. ' Cold Weatfe? & Dress wnS Bbrics ftf, O, very essential to good health. UNION SUIT YOU. Onyx Silk Hosiery In all colors for party wear. We are prepared you should be. Pony Stocking for the children at the same old price. For the balance of this week Royal Society Packages, your choice A l&t Royal Society Stamped Goods, ONE HALF PRICE. BETTER GOODS, LATEST COURTEOUS ATTENTION. live parties in the United States re members. They cannot help In the election, but they have banded to gether, according to the Murray let ter, to promote the interests of the Wiltonian brand of democracy, wherever they may be. I he club, following its organization, sent this cablegram to President Wil son: 'The Woodrow Vvikon club of Mexico City, orgarized to keep alive and encourage under a friendly fo-- WHERE EVERYONE LIKES TO TRADE. Cbiill Eocognize S.S.S.Cartons' E - ? nsmre ! " " "T ' !- & t " 5- IZS.' .K-' t!L- tf- T" t 4 PRICE QUALITY (tmrv li1 JONATHAN BLACK TWIG ROME BEAUTY WINTER BANANAS FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS $ 2 lbs. 25c 5 c Dyche's 5 Phone 476. :li .)::' 4a il LET MUNSING WEAR STYLES, PROMPT AND e gn flar the principles of true de no. cracy, Americanism and progres sive popular govercmerlt, rspecrfull; salt tes you and prophesies your mer. i.ul and triumphant re-eecioa." 1 he officers of ih club sre W. W. Blake, chairman; George R Hackley. Wee chairman; William P. Wood, chairman of the executive committee; V ll'am B. Stephens, treasurer, and liobert H. Mnffw, secretary. Per-i-ii uent headquarter have been open ed in Mexico City. Oa the tbelnt at yoor 4rar gist by th tbtrac of any show? iedgniag -noci m will yea n. cognise wbr S. 9. S. is Ibc Stand ard Blood Purifier afur giWag il u opportunity U nbaikl sad trengthca ton 'ran down' blood with its wonderful took nri lUe. The Swnr SPecine Co. ATLANTA. CA. SERVICE i& GEaloa Grocery t.19. M.!- ?ir.r K I box I