PAGE TV70 DAILY EAST OREGOXIAS. PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1916. TWELVE PAGES t : wa 1 ra Nil Mil THS S A FORTUNA TE MAN He has at least nine overcoats, and he is just about fixed for the Fall and Win ter maybe a little more than fixed. Well, anyhow, its a good picture to emphasize . Overccats; you'll admit that. So we're using it to get your mind on the overcoat ques tion. How many do you need? One or possibly two. And you can have your choice in this store now of the finest display of overcoats you ever saw. They are made by America's greatest makers. There are ulsters, great coats, box backs, the famous Six Hundred styles and Chesterfields. Soft rich materials, rough coarse materials, warm-without-weight stuff, raincoats, utility coats. Just ask to see them. $12.50 to $35.00 I IS Jw 1 iOJJ 1 Eleventh IT MAY NOT BE GENERALLY KNOWN that the so-called 5-cent "nickel" contains 75 per cent copper and but 25 per cent nickel, while the 1-cent "copper" contains 95 per cent copper and 5 per cent tin and zinc. Both the nickel and the cop per look like the metal from which they take their name. You can not judge by appearance. Goods in this store are sold for exactly what they are. They are .'ailed by their right name because by their name you are to know that there is no "alloy" in them. Their looks always tell a true story of their real quality. They are 100 per cent good now and will be as long as this store solicits your trade. Hour P ty Needs Possibly you've received a delayed invitation or maybe the party gown you've intended to wear has proven a disappointment or perhaps you've changed your mind and want something entirely different In any event we want to remind you that we have a selected assortment of the newest party frocks for your approval. All the latest ideas in style, trimmings, colors j and materials are embodied in their makeup and you'll find them to be most reasonably priced. PARTY CLOTHES ACCESSORIES Beautiful Petticoats, positive Parisian creations of all taffeta, or taffeta and Georgette crepe, made either plain or with fancy ruffles to emphasize the bouffant effect Party Underwear To know that you are correct ly dressed in every particular adds joy to the occasion. Jersey silk, crepe de chine or softest nainsook underwear of excellent quality in all styles from the perfectly plain to the more daintiy trimmed gar ments with ribbons and laces. Envelope chemise of all kinds. Loose corset covers and camisoles either with or without sleeves. Bandeaus and brassieres cut low for decollete. Gossard (front lace) or Bon Ton (back lace) the correct Corsets for any occasion. CHILDREN'S WOOL HOSE A full line of Children's Wool Hosiery, for the baby, sister or bro ther, of the very best quality and fin- Jrif- ish; hey fit ri?ht- Each 25 t0 50 cj " COATING A big lot of exclusive coat lengths of 3 yards. The colors, patterns and texture are different. No two alike. An opportune time now to get your coats as the selection is good. The yard $1.50 to $5.00 FOR COLLARS There are several materials you may use now in making up your collar and cuff sets. Organ die, lyklinen, India linen, hand kerchief linen and silk and wool flannel. The yard 25 to $1.50 ' SPECIAL LOT OF LACES 5c Big assortment of fine laces. Val, linen, in both nar row and wide edges. Used for all kinds of trimming and some regular handkerchief edges. The yard 5 DRESS GOODS $1.00 and $1.25 YARD A special lot of Dress Goods in plaids, stripes, checks and plain colors; 40 to 43 inches wide. Serge, wool taffeta, nov elty suiting, PYench serge etc. Shown in all the wanted shades. The yard ?1.00 and $1.25. BARGAIN BASEMENT TALKS SUPPOSE YOU WENT OUT BUYING FOR A MAN, buying his winter needs and trying your best to save all you could. Would it be a Bargain if the Suit were reduced only $2.00 or $3.00? Would it be a Bargain if the Overcoats were reduced merely $2.00 or $3.00? Would it be a Bargain if the Shoes were reduced merely 50c to $1.00? Would it be a Bargain if the Hats, Suits, Underwear, Sox, Gloves and heavy work goods were reduced mere ly a few cents? The Barain Bwement Says NO. They're none of the barain unless the price is slashed around the- Vs mark. WE OFFER YOU Men's Suits and Overcoats Reduced over half. Men's Sh Both work shoes and dress shoes, cheapest ever. Men's Hats, Shirts, Underwear, etc. At slashed prices. Every item a truly money saving bargain. SHOES Does the price of shoes worry you? Up and down the street you've heard of the big advances in the price of all shoes. Here's where we're going to reverse the situation. We'll show you that we can do it, so WE'RE GOING TO REDUCE THE PRICE OF PAT ENT LEATHER DRESS SHOES Shoes that sold for $3.00 and $3.50 and were once re duced in this department we are going to sell now for ?1.98. The Biggest Bargain ever, Patent leather, cloth top, high heel, the new toe, button or lace. Bet ter buy in a hurry $1.98 The Heaviest Boys' Calfskin Shoes in Pendleton R1.S8 :Made on a good last but nothing fancy. Heavy oak soles and stubb proof toe, button or lace. One Lot of Fifty-Six Pairs Men's Dress Shoes. The lot consists of gun metal calf, black vici and brown vi ci. Come in button or lace and sold for $4.00 every pair. Bargain Basement price $2.9$ If the Price of Aprcn Gingham Were Raised you would do the natural thing you would look for the place where you could get it at the old price. The Bargain Basement still sells it for 5 This department is acknowledged the cheapest place in all Pendleton for winter underwear. Under wear for everybody at reduced prices. T. P. W. Pure Food Shop CLEANLINESS 3 PHONES, ALL 15 ECONOMY SERVICE New Seasonable Table Supplies Plum Pudding, Fig Pudding, New Crop Nuts, Fancy Hood River Apples, Sweet Apple Cider, New Pack Kraut, New Pack Shrimp, New Pack Asparagus, Blood Red Salt Salmon. Hood River Apples Fancy grades, Spitzenbergs, Delici ous and Ortley's, box 1.95 T. P. W. Special Blend the best 33 Coffee on earth. New Crop T. P. W. Teas Pound G0 and 7o Pendletons Great est Dep't Store THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where It Pays to Trade S 1 COflSTRUCTEQIlQF LARGESTIVARSHIP Oil COAST BEGINS HEEL OF SUPER DRKADNACOIT UAJUfUlUTlA 18 LAID AT NOON TODAY. Thousands of WUdly cheering caA- .w-ni view orranosjaa Stat and city Officials, Tomuev With Army and Navy ottloUJ PtMi(e. make islavti kaw vidt r., Oct 26. In the presence of thou, aands of wildly cheering Californlans, the keel of the super-dreadnaught California, the largest warship ever uimer construction on the pacific const, waa la d here at noon today, united Statej Senator James D Phe, Ian and offllala of the navy yard rep resented the government, while Con gTMtman Curry. Mavor luna of Vallejo and state and municipal of- nciaia rormert the reveling gang that hammered the flrnt rivets nti Hi.,.- and began actual work of construe- tion. The ceremonies tonii nia . - af'"" the battleslilp Oregon, famoun i nuiidng of the navy," and ItaeU product of a San Francisco bay ship, yard, brought the party of Male and city officials, representatives of bay region cities, army and navy officer and scores of other prominent peo. Pis. Owing to the fact that the new ship l named after the Oolden State and is helng built In California, the cere monlrs were largely attend. k. k. Native Sons and Daughter of the (JnMen Weft. The state officers wer m.-rubers of the party aboard the Ore Run and the members of nearby par lors were in attendance. The Cali fornia PlonecM Society was also well represented. It is the Intention to launch the California In January, 1918. She will be christened and ready for a trial trip a year later. The California's Hpeclflcntloru are the latest Ideas In naval construction, largely the result of careful study of navul ensattemenu in the European war. The big- ship has many fea tures not to be found on ships now In servle. The armoring of the vessel Is planned to KUard aim mrninx fnr Pedo attacks and mines. Naval con structors believe that the ship will be Impregnable against such attacks The super-dreadnaught will be 121 feet long, 96 feet In width and 47 feet, 2 inhea deen. At hr n,.. draft of 30 feet, Incres. she will have a displacement 'of ss.jna tnm and will be caDahle of nmainir... . .speed of 11 knots an hour for twelve contiguous hours. The California's principal battery will be twelve H-lnch flfty-sallber breech-load'ng rifles. Then i-.m. p to be of an exceptionally powerful new type. They will be mounted In threes, In four center line turrets, which will be heavily armored. The remainder of th0 nrmament Includes twenty-two five-Inch rapid-fire guna four submerged torpedo tube, four slx-pounders (mainly for saluting), four 8-Inch anti-aircraft guns, two one pounder guns for ship's boats, a J-lnch landing piece and several 10 callber machine guns. The California's machinery la to be operated by electricity Thl. hm be furnished by mammoth generators. driven by oll-burnlng turbine When fully manned the California will hi. a complement of 68 officers and 1011 men. FltANOK'S HKROIO NT7W. 4 w W I i a f f . i-.:. it -' y y.. vi vj . SlftTRE! JULIE ! rvm-syrwwfv. Jf-jirsrnj".'.-v: meajmsrMV.lA.'MMI W'WWyVyrvVVyVY.W'TfvV'rv-m;-TOrTvra' TnlTKiT-t a i'i r- aa m, sn m yl ?il v. r B7f V7t iVi K't -' iJl J iuiJuiiJiJUL ui u. tiMtxiiM v iA tllMtm Txrk- tt . ....v,. neruen (.-orey, now recog. nlwd as the first of the European ww corrc-.pondnnls. as in Oerhervlller he met Sister Jul e. Hi,e It was wh told him about the Co-man soldiers who placod the town baker In hu. own oven nnd bnkrd him to death U tee Mb ch"rred 'mnes were found Since then Kter Jul'e hns n'it stop. Pel In her her work of caring for the 7-n"iirtrd French .mMVr.a nnd the rvmirh -overnmi nt rccirnlM(l her worth bv decor it nt; ln-r with the Otand Cross of the l-elon of Honor