TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1916. PAOK FIVE 20E30I 30E30C IOE2COE3QI 30E3C: IOOOI I Today and Tomorrow MUTUAL STAR PRODUCTIONS PRESENT William Russell Auisted by Charlotte Burton and all star cast, in THE MAN 10 WOULD NOT DIE 6 ACTS 6 A few of the big moment in this remarkable play: Poses as Twin Brother to Win Fortune; Succeeds Un til Exposed, Then Meets Death in Mountain Plunge. A virile Drama of the out doors. In addition a clever comedy. Prof. Al Plomteau will preside at the Organ both afternoon and evening. William Rutted American-Mutual 8tar. Adults 15c Children 5c BUILT UP TO A STANDARD NOT DOWN TO A PRICE. LOCALS Gh Advertising in Brief KATK& I'er lino flint I overt! on tor Vr line, Mddftlonal iDMTtloe. . . . 't llrip, pr month No locals taken for leaf than 2Ar Count ordinary worl to llur. Lkh1 will not be takfo orr thm (eluphiine except from Kiit Oregon tMii pid np subscriber. o o o land fur. Jl ilBlfufTiftf "BIO BUiL" RUSSELL score of prominent society folk act- PJAY'S Dl'AL ItOIiE uaily participated. j "Mmter 44" Is a story of distinctive Mow IMrtuno for American. Mutual ( American romance, whh a wholesome ritar la LatoU Feature, jand rtfre-hlng appeal. Mr. 1jckwoo 1 and MI. b Alison have a distingushed William Uusse!!, the American- 'supporting cast which imluaes such Mutual mar, known more familiarly we known artists of the screen and to crowds of motion picture goers as " Uter cuneo, Franklin Hull, "Ulg Bill" Uuasell, playji for the first . Yol: Utndow-ska, Aileeu Allen, time in his career a duul role In the Mutual Btar Production, "The Man Who Would Not Die," a five act phy etiological drama by Mabel Condon, which will be seen for the first time at the Pastime theater today Mr. ItURxell depicts twin brothers, one of whom la an honest, clonn eut, good living man, while the other la unscrupulous, self-centered and vindictive The latter wins the girl loved by the former and he brings her much happiness through his dissipation, finally bringing her to the atagv where' he tries to get her Into a scheme with him to drefraud an In surance comany which has taken a big policy an his life. The first brother arrives In time to circumvent the plot and the denoumcnt of this gripping drama Is exciting and sur prising. The work of Mr. Kussell In depict Ing these two directly npnsed charac ters Is the flnpst he has yol d'me an 1 constitutes a rare achievement In screen acting. Prominent In the sup port of Mr. Russell is Charlotte Bur ton. lona Huttnn and Harry Keenan 'lieile Hutchison, Lee Anns and Hen ry otto. Mr. Otto alo directed the production. At the cosy. The wild love of life so character. tic among the natives of the Latin lands, has been made the subtect nf an Intensely Interesting photoplay by Frances Marlon, called "The Feast of Llfo," In which Clara Kimball Youn Is featured, with Paul Capellani and Doris Kenyon. It if a deep story ol a pure, beautiful Cuban girl who Is persuaded against her will to become betrothed to lon Armada, a wealth Cuban. Bhe lovea Pedro, a young fisherman who Uvea with his uncle. Father Vantura, and Cellda, who has been secretly stealing to Don Arma da's villa, but who Is ca-t off by him on his engagement to Aurora. How this story Is beautifully developed, and the real lovers come to their own. Is told In the strong five-part World fenture which will be the at traction shown at the Cosy theater ! tonight and Wednesday. Striking Borne In liter a.' "Mister 44" a Metro picture pro duced by the Yorke Film Corpora tion, with Harold Lock wood and Msv Allison In the stellar' roles. Is the big feature attraction t the Alta theater on Tuesday ana Wednesday. Thla Is one of the finest productions IfT AT THK TKMPLE. TIIK TII01Ml'G11HRFJ' HAS THRILLING KACKTH A7K SCENES ! In Fact, New Triangle Play Is a II'. Ing SUry WXh Fine Show of Horse flesh. The Sport of Kings, with all Its at tendant excitement, la said to be which these nnmilnr stars over ! thrilllngly portrayed In a number of appeared, and It la one of the moat n"8" ln "Tne Thoroughbred." the nterta'nlng features ever released on i Triangle p'ay by C. Gardner Bulllvan. the Metro program. There Is a wealth n which Thomas II. Ince presents f beautiful and wonderfully plctur. I Frank Keenan as star. The story con eenue mounta'n scenes where much cern the efforts of a Puritanic young poverty In the home of Major Ainslee. whose daughter he loves. Many of the scenes therefore, are those of the race track. To film this portion of the subject Reginald Barker, who directed It, took h a entire company to Tia Juana, Mexico, where horse racing at the time waa enjoying a tremendous pop ularlty. Through the Influence ol friends, ln control of the track, he was given permission to use all parts of the track, paddock, stables and grandstands for his purpose. Thrye full days were spent at the track, and Harker returned with several thousand feet of exposed film, depict ing horseracing at the height of its vogue. 'v of the scllon takes place. There are glimpses of city life In the factory district and among the slums, while n strlk'nc contrast are scenes enacted at an exclusive country club In which mln'ster to effect the abolition of horse-racing in one of the southern states, his success and his ultimate contrition, lnsp'red by a realisation of the fact that his activities have caused Chan. Chaplin Coming to Pastime Knnday-Monday In bis latest pic ture, "Tbe pawn shop." REALTY TRANSFERS For tale 40 acres of timber phone 206W. For rent Modern five room nished house. Phone 654. 100 head of stock hogs for sale by Gritman Bros., Pendleton, Rooms with board or separate. 407 West Alta street Phone 39R. Girl wanted for general housework Phone 774J. Room and board In private family. Inquire XX this office. For rent Front bedroom, furnish ed. Apply 206 Garden. Blydensteln's Dietary Mush and Prepared Dietary Flour, a cure and preventative for constipation. Wm. Goedecke auto for hire. Phono 28BM. Sutton Cigar Store. Tel 464 40 H. P. roadster for sale, I1T5. Inquire McLean Auto Co. I haul your garbage and trash Phone 66JM. 1401 W. Railroad at. Mlas Mulr, dressmaking. Rooms 14 and 16, Association Building. Rhode Island Red Cockerels for sale. R. w. Cargill, Helix. Ore. For rent Furnlsned light house keeping room. 803 E. Railroad st. D. B. Waffle auto for hire. Phone 284M. Stand, Charles Co. Phone 7 Teacher of Physical Culture and expression. Mrs. A. R. Gilchrist, Ho tel Pendelton. Rudd is an expert at cleanlng'whlte furs and ostrich plumes. Rudd, 202 W. Webb. Phone 85. Steam heated office or sleeping apartment. Temple Bldg. Phone Dr. Temple. Suits pressed 60c; thoroughly clean ed tl.60. Rudd, 202 W. Webb. Phone 6. For rent Front sleeping room on ground floor. 602 Water. Phone ?05 M. For rent Modern five room house. Inquire 201 Garden before 8 o'clock this evening. For rent Two furnished apart ments. The Kenmore, 617 Willow. Phone 421. For sale Al gas range and cokt heater with colls, at a bargain. . Tele-! phone 776M. Barley too high for feed. See Bly denstein, 117 E. Court Phone 36 for oats by car lots. For sale Lota 4 and 7, block 4, Ir. vlngton Heights. Call at 304 E- P-luff street or phone 282W. For sale or rent 8-room house, hot water heat Inquire Buford Butler at Otto Hohbach's Bakery. For a popular family heater get Cole's Original Wood Stove. Any child can control it perfectly. Wanted Woman for general house work and cooking on ranch. Phons 14F3. Apartment for rent and furniture for sale. Apt 10, Association Building. Apply evenings. Call penland Bros, van te move your household goods. Telephone 339. AIbo baggage transferring and heavy hauling. Rooming house for sale. Mala street. In center of business district Doing rood business. Inquire of Pen- land Bros. Mattress maktrg, furniture repair. Ing, upholstering, called for and deliv ered, city or co-jntry. La Dow Bros.. 219 Beauregard. Pohne 227J. Prompt automobile tax service, lay or night Funerals to cemetery only 1110. Phone 4)19. Bote) 5 G-orp. Carney Taxi Ce For rile Five room house, eeai Court -rtieet Desirable location, close to school. A genuine bargain For pirticujgrf adirew R C Jory, Mai A T7 T7 A . 'tauratw. a 0 o TODAY and TOMORROW Don't Marry 'till You See "MISTER. Ill HAROLD HUM a Id MAY ALU o Metro Wonderplay That Anwer the Question "Should a Man Marry Beneath Hi Station " Frank Rodgers THE WORLD'S FOREMOST COLORED VENTRILOQUIST. VAUDEVILLE flartz and Evans a SINGING, TALKING AND DANCING. OE30I IOOOI I0E30X I0E3Q3E30I aoaoi 10301 a a lOQa .'iiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii in: iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiu CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In a drama of LOVE, LIFE AND LIES, IN THE LATIN LAND. TheFeastofLifG A Con Busy Grocery LITTLE KOM WILL BUY A LOT WEDNESDAY AT ray's weet Potatoes, 7 lba 23t Cranberries, 2 quarts 2Sf FRESH CRISP CELERY, 2 for 15 Onions, 8 pounds 254 Cannon Ball Cabbage, pound 24? New Crop Raisins, package 11 New Crop Currants..... .' 20, 2 for 35 Small White Beans, pound 10 Tink and Lima Beans, 3 pounds 25 Jap' Rice, 4 pounds 25 Fancy Head Rice, 3 pounds . 25 Pineapple, No. 1 tall cans, 2 for 25 Best Eastern Corn Meal, 9 lb. sack 35 Sunkist Oranges, dozen 50 TELEPHONE 640 Warranty needs. Sheriff of Umatilla county to C B Travilllon et al. 1681.15. SW 1.4 8W 1-4, section 4, township j north, 'pin, Or- range 28. 1 Wanted To buy or trade, SO to 401 xv. eastern, et ux, to Helen I. t ne. alfalfa h. t ho .hln. Terry, $1600, lot block 3, Pilot npd hnft, -,, fnr' .r oo.l Rc,'t' , I milch cows or fence poets. Cuenl D. Nancy fl'.baon to M. E. Meyers, et Go8sl,r, R.d8efleld, Wash. north, rnge 29. 1 PATHE NEWS Sees All Show. All j If It's Good I YOU WILL SEE IT AT THE COSY. Tonight X TV x . . J ' '-r ri 5 OAaJIIMUYOtjNu WTHEfEASTOFLifr WRIB rttM CORP. niiijiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitin luiiiiiiiiiniiuiiiiiitiiiiiiittiiiiMiiiiiiHiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiitirtiae, . , -j; ji Feed Mill Business. among their members. This was the It Is hoped by those interested In - Only one in town of 600 people, ' decision reached at a meeting of the j athletics that the celarlng up of the 1200 tons of barley annually at $2.00 . fool ball boys, coach, principal and su-; differences between the football team per ton. Good retail trade; also , perintendent, held this morning for and Superintendent Tark win be laH warehouse and residence property to the purpose of clearing up all differ- ing for the reason that so fir this seat exchange for horses, farm machinery ; ences between them. jeon there has not been a week gt b and some cash. Write, wire or phone! A decision to the same effect was ; but what something has come np te F. G. Lucas. Weston, Ore. Adv. reached several days ago but through I break into the practice of the team,. . some misunderstanding on the part I If th-ngs are allowed to run smooth. of Superintendent Park, the boys ; ly It Is bel eved that Pendleton ha a, were not allowed to carry out the good chance for the eastern Oregoa) Free. At the Boston Clothing store, a beautiful $200.00 Talking Machine. See it in their window and learn par ticulars. Adv. Homo Cooking at the Golden Rule Cafe. All whitf help. Regular meals 26 cents. Adv Ato Mage. For Adama. Athena and Weston leaves Hennlng's Cigar Store at 10 a m. and 1:30 p m. each day. Adv. William Davison, et ux. to M. E. Meyers, $10. SW 1-4 section 1, town ship 3 north, range 29. C. J. Johnson, et ux, to W. S. Cas aily, $900, 10 acres In section S, township 4 north, range 29. Appearances are seldom as deceit ful as disappearances. How is Your Stomach? Is yonr dlewllon weak? Is yonr appetite poor? Any dlKtrcwi after rating? THEN, BY AM MEANS THY HOSTETTERS Stomach Bitters For tale Cash register, safe, soda fountain and other fixtures now ln I the "Side Hoard;" nbo lease. Address IWm. Hoch. Fendleton, Ore., or Gib , bon, Oregon. I nrefsmnking and remodeling by the (day or garment, 9 years' experience. Work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Phone 369R. S. M. Barber, 407 West Alta street Q. W. Hooker, florist and Oregon Journal agent, now located at 523 Main street next to Conroy's Gro cery. The Journal delivered any where in Pendleton, 65 cents a month, daily and Sunday. "Reliable canvassers to sell our complete line of Fruit and Ornamen tal stock In best sections of this state. Canvassing outfit furnished. Cash advanced weekly. Address Nursery. Crenco, Oregon." Bastmi Star Notice. A social meeting of Bushee Chapter No. 19, O. E. S., will be held Tuesday evening, October 24. In Masonic Hall, Refreshments. By order of the Wor. thy Matron. (Adv.) MAUY 12. JOHN'SON, sec. rule. The provisions as layed down are that after Coach Fendall ha, drawn up his training rules, each member of the squad is to take it upon him self to see that the rule are obeyed. If any of the rules are broken the of. fender will be asked to turn In his suit Superintendent Park said that the reason for enforcing the rule among the athletes and not among the other students waa that those on the ath'et le tarns need the extra traininr and Championship. EDISON RECEIVES COLLEGE DEGREE BY LONG DISTANCE ALSANT. N. T.. Oct i4. Th I'nlverslty of the state of Vew Tork, closing Its fifty-second annual convo. cation here gnve the degree of doctor of laws to Thomas A. Edison. The degree was conferred hv PraaMjni that the people of Pendleton were get-! John H. Finlev over th. inn- rtw tig tired of back'ng teams that would . tance telephone to Mr. Ed son In hie, vi in wnuiuon, i nomo in New Jersey, l IIEACTY 1111,1) WITH MN" IX Ml'llDER Xf T SN FRANCISCO. Oof. 21. After being trailed arrows the continent nno shadowed for two week- In San Francisco, Grace. Lamonte. an actress formerly with the Hippodrome the ater, New York, and Edward Barry were arrested here yesterdav by Lieu tenant Frank K. Downey of the New Tork police. They :re wanted In connection witb the mysterious murder of "Pick" Weldon. amateur boxer, gnmbler and sport'ny promoter, in a garage In Brooklyn. September 20. Miss ljmonte, a voting and beauti ful woman and Barry were held In the city prison. v --T ; hip i a. i aj I REMEMBER Your friends could buy anything you would give them for Christmas, except your photograph. ace. nncLLut m . k. ...,.ii I I l" ul tod Artlsana AUiniion. All members and friends are Invit ed to the Eagle-Woodman hall on Tuesday evening to hear the superior 'officers. H. F. Hudson and Dr. O. E. Fshermsn. (Adv.) EDLA M. CANDISH. Sec. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS St The high school glee club w ll In the near future put on "Rolling Peb bles," a well known opera. Much Interest is being manife t by the glee club and a high chins attraction is ex. pected as the result of their efforts. If the opera Is a success other attrac. tlons w'll be singed by high school or ganizations. The high school this morning held Its first fire drill and although the time made was slow, good order was piano Tuner Return. ma'ntalned throughout the drill. It Howard 8. Soule. the piano tuner la proposed to pract'ee these drills un from Portland, who waa formerly both speed and order may be main- iwell known in thla vicinity, Is now In talned. Pendleton aga'n and intends to make The boys of the high school foot- jthls city ngularly In the future. Or- ball team will hereafter be responsl. ' Anrm fnr Inn nv mnv hn tnft ,it TtilT. il - th .n'.. -fin.nnt nf V- man's Drug Store. Adv. smoking rule and other training rules, , Great Bnlneasj opportnnlty. For SaleBest paying dairy bust-1 ness In Pendleton. Good reaon (ol selllna and a bargain If taken al once. Inquire DX this office. TE THEATRE Jas. B. Welch, Mgr. Tuesday-Wednesday FRANK KEENAN in "The Thoroughbred" A racing atory with fine thow of horseflesh. Thrilling racetrack scenes. A real Southern racetrack story bubbling over with ex citement. A KEYSTONE COMEDY FOR THE YOUNG FOLKS. OUR NEXT BIG n A 171 tWAT A feature srrk V lJ vva I "THE DUMB GIRL OF PORTICI." Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 26, 27, 28.