TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 24, 1916. PAG 3 Tn1 n n Hie Dean Tim Co. HIGH QUALITY AND LOW PRICES ON APPLES. Grimes Golden $ 1.65 Bellf lower m '$1.25 Rome Beauty $1.25 Winesaps 1.00 Winter Banana $1.65 Snow Apple $1.00 Pears $1.50 Comb Honey 15 Sweet Potatoes, Cauliflower, Peppers, Hot House Lettuce. Telephone DOWNEY'S MARKET IN CONNECTION Telephone 188. STOP, LOOK, LISTEN! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HELP THE NORMAL?- What have you done to help secure the passage of the normal school bill? Have you attempted to secure the support of your Iriends over the state ? Every man, woman and child in Pendleton undoubted ly has from one to a score of voting friends outside of this city to whom a word of suggestion would be all that is necessary. The campaign committee has printed a great many folders which set out briefly the arguments for the loca tion of a normal school in this city. These folders will be gladly furnished to all who call at the office of Secretary J. H. Gwinn at the Pendleton Abstract Company. A folder enclosed in each letter going out over the state would be most effective. If you do not wish to write a letter, write a few words en the margin of the folder and address it to a friend. It is not opposition that will kill the measure. There is no organized opposition to it except what comes from Weston. If the amendment is defeated, it will be defeat ed by indifference. There are many voters who do not care enough about the measure to apprise themselves of its provisions. These voters as a rule vote No. A simple word from a friend would change their vote to Yes. Pendleton citizens have it in their power to change thousands of votes, and they at least cannot afford to be indifferent. If you are loyal to Pendleton, Umatilla county and east ern Oregon you will send out the information that has been prepared. DO IT TODAY; MILLERS' GRAFT IN GRADING WHEAT BLAMED FOR RISE IN PRICE OF FLOUR CHICAGO, Oct. 24. Mis Florenc.! Xing ol the Women's Association of Comeice announced today the Inten tion of that organization to lend at one a committee to the United State dlarict attorney to protest In the name of the women of Chicago acalnat the rutins price of wheat and flour. MIm Kin, said the committee Would emphasize the statements em bodied In a report just Issued by President B. F. Ladd of the North Dakota Agricultural college, showing the loasea to farmer and consumers toy the system of grading wheat by which the millers reap a big profit Mrs. John C. Bley, preaident of the Housewives' Icajtuo, aa Id that a met. Ing of the organization would be call- ea at which the subject of wasted wheat as the result of Kradlna- meth. oda would be taken tip. she added that an Invitation had been sent to the Manitoba agricultural department to explain the Canadian ar.idlnar Daily Chats With the Housewife standards. Mince meat ts being freely offered In the marts of trade, and at a rea isonable price, the ferocious mince not being under the protection of the ,gume laws nor being controlled by a trust. I When neutrality can dictate, as In tho cae of the United State. It pays; when neutrality Is dictated to as In the case of Greece, It la of little merit Cotfolene "Tht Natural Shortening" Test Cottolcne the next time you make muffins. Enjoy their lightness and tine flavor. You will know then that it is better than anything else you have ever tried for shortening; this also holds true for frying. Cottolene is a pgr food product makes foods more digestible. Your gro cer will supply it in large or small pails, Give him your order today. "Cotto.M makn food cooking botttr" EHEfAIRBANJOSSa USE OIAIAIS. If you are contemplating some new interior hangings for living room or dining room or even bedroom consid er chnUls. Tou don't have to select from the old-fashioned sprigged va riety or even the small conventional design or stripe. Tou may now have the w'ldect kind of futurist challls In the most brilliant of colorings. .Tananese these latest challis are Cdlled. Big red moons port on skies of Mue and irlorious palm trees spring from sands of golden yellow. More nf ihn rhnlll.u hnw nn such concerted design, bo ng merely blotches of bripht color or brighter grounds. Of course, you can still get the de. mure little striped patterns and some q'laini old-fl&shlnned designs where; n milder natternlnc Is desirable Challis makes lovely soft hangings and has the additional value of being wasnsoie. fOH CHAPPED HAJfPS. Caielrss washing and Imperfect dry'ng arc the reasons for more red, unsightly hand than anything els. The Mightest dampness of the skin apt to make the Jjiands chap and crack. Hot water should not be used more than once a day at most for washWig the hands, and then the should he rinsed in cold. At night before ret'rlng. when the hands lave been well washed and rtr'ed. rub In a ftlr oiiantlty of a good cold ci mm or camphorated lc. Then powder them llrhtir with a fine tal cum nd ship on loose old frloves re served for this purpose. This will wulton the hands and keep them soft and smooth. HOCSE HELPS. Wbtn roastlnc meat and there Ir danger of its becoming too brown place a dish of water In the oven. The fteam will prevent scorching and the ij.tat will cook better. A piece of rrvasi-9 paper placed over the meat I also good. A.'.er fowl of any kind Is cleaned the liiside should be rubbed thor oughly with a Dlece of lemon befor, the dtessinc is put In. Steep one ounce of celery seed i.i half a pint of vlngar. A few drops t f this will give a fine flavor to soun and in sauces for gowl. LOBSTER A LA ROUEX. Slightly brown In a saurc.nnti nn. small tutup onion with a little butter. ir you nave a little clear meat gravy add it to the onion, and ennueh flmir to rt&ke consistency of cream, add ono Day lear, one saltspoonful of salt, ha;t aa much pepper, also on aaltspoon of t lery seed. Let this come to a boil, then simmer gently for ten min utes, strain and add half a pound of fresh mushrooms, or one ran of mushroom If you have no frosh ones simmer ten minute longer. If you hsve a boiled lobster cut it up In goort ilied pieces (or canned lobster will do), put 14 into the sauce, cover the pan cUbely and strnd It over hot wa. ter for ten minutes. Fill pate shells with this, place on toast and serve. LONG DISTANCE DIVORCE CONTEST COSTS HUSBAND fin L V stofmth m mwr u C( i I uiiiLiiuiii raw ULiiuuL , IP;;! DRNA'EM, Oct. 24. Contesting a divorce t-uit at long distance did not prove very successful for Mrs. Harriet The position of financial strength held by the American National Bank-is the re sult oi its prompt, courteous and accom modating service and its willingness to co operate with everyone at any time. Capital and Surplus of $400,000, con servative and experienced management and strict U. S. Government supervision as sure complete safety at all times. Fffi KIDNEY TROUBLE M. Field In the county court A Jurv which heard her husband's complaint and he defense decided that the hus band, George W. F eld. a traveling salesman for Armour & Co., was en title,! to a decree. Field, who appeared in person, tes jtlfied that his wife deserted him with out cause. Mrs. Field appeared I through an attorney and the loiter read Mrs. Field's deposition In which I she dened her husband's charge. The iTcry fact that she was not present at the trial lost her case and her hus band. GENUINE OLYMPIA OYSTER COCKTAILS Drink Soda in Bottles the most sanitary way. It's pure and easy to keep cool. We bottle, sell and deliver to your home HIRE'S ROOT BEER , SODAS, ALL FLAVORS GINGER ALE good as any in the state. Agency for Weinhard's Colt n Nector the fine summer drink. Pioneer Bottling Works Helwig Breding, Prop. Telephone 177. Quick delivery a feature. H 15 M 1 wish to tell you of my condition of about four years ago. I was af flicted with kidney and bladder trou. blea and had a constant pain in my back all the time for about two or three months. I did not have any ap petite and could not rest at night and I was hardly able to do my house work. I saw Dr. Kilmer's adver t'sement and dee'ded to give Swamp. Root a trial; after taking; four bot tles of 8wamp-Koot I was restored to health and have not been afflicted since. I will cheerfully recommend Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root to others afflicted with kidney and bladder troubles. Vourg truly, SARAH FRATER. 803 Fi. 8th St., Coffeyvllle, Kans. State of Kansas Montgomery County, si: Be It remembered, that on this 17th dav of April. 116, before me, W. O. Bowman a Nrtary Publ'c, In and for said County and State, came Sarah Frayer, who Is known to me to be the same person who executed the w'thln statement, and such person dnlv ecknowledcred the execution of the same to be her free and voluntary act and deed. In toft'monv whereof, I have here unto pet my hand and affixed mi Notorial Peal the day and year first above written. W. O. BOWMAN. Notary Public. BjwiiUlWU.tiliuUlUIUilitWUllllillMillUUliilUIUIIIIHlM. nnniimmimmmmiNiiiHimaiiir UiUlilllliiHimyiialLliiUlHlulWlii iu I (Iter to Dr. Kilmer A Co. Illngtiamtnn. N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root will Do Fcr TOD. Send ten centa to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Blnghamtnn. N. T., for a sample sis bottle. It will convince anyone. Tou will also receive a booklet of valu able Information, telling about the k'dney and bladder. When wrIUng be sure and mention the Pendleton Dally Fast Oregonlan. Regular fifty cent and one-dollar bottles for sal at all drug store. The gold euro may he all right In Its way. but a man feldnm feels the need of the cure until his gold Is all gone. The poet may hitch his wagon to a star but the wise man anchors his air. ship to the earth. BLIZZARD SAVES MEN FROM DEATH IN FLAMES Heavy Snowfall Fxt'ngiilslirs Prairie V.rn In Wyoming After lUaze Trap Father and Son In Automobile, NEWCASTLE, Wyo., Oct. 24. To the unusual severity of Thursday's blizzard, one of the worst this section of Wyoming has seen for years, A. M, N'chols and hh son of this town owe their lives and scores of ranchmen owe the safety of their homes and herd of CMttlc. The blinding blanket -.. art : 1 l 1 ift sir I - I LTOQIT0E4 y 1 17 HP 'CD & Drem y bo Our Broadcloths and all better suitings are selling fast with no chance of re placing them in quality and fastness of color, at any price. We have by far the larg est assortment of Broadcloths and fancy goods. You can't afford to wait. Good warm underwear is very essential to good health. LET MUNSING WEAR UNION SUIT YOU. Onyx Silk Hosiery In all colors for party wear, should be. We are prepared. Yon For the balance of this week Royal Society Packages, your choice 19f. Royal Society Stamped Goods Vi-price. PONY STOCKINGS for the children at the same old price. THE DAYLIGHT STORE; BETTER GOODS, LATEST STYLES, COURTEOUS ATTENTION. 1 PROMPT AND ALMANM WE PAY POSTAGE ON ALL MAIL ORD ERS. WHERE EVERYONE LIKES TO TRADE. of snow cam Just In the nick of time to extinguish a prairie fire that hav ing burned over 150 square mile of range, was getting beyond control and had trapped Mr. Nichols and hi son with their automobile In a gulch. The prairie fire had burned over all the country between South Beaver and Louse creeks. Every ranchman In the region was out with all the members of his family, fighting day and night to control the flames, but without ava. Prominent In the banl of fire fighters were A. M, Nichols and his son. They had gone out from Newcastle in their automobile. Becoming separated from the ret of the party, Mr. Nichols and his son found the fire sweeping around them at a furious rate. They ran some dis tance to their automobile, only to find the fire had spread about them on three sides. As fast as they could travel over the trackles prairie, the men hurried in their car, heading to. ward the open end between the lane of flames. After a time, however, they came to a Place where they could make no further headway In their ear. They were about to abandon tho ma. chine and run ahead on foot whoa ,).. ,k.i..i . . ... I ... .uimuuins viuuos Deicned forth , mo curious Diizsard that soon check. ed the fire. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot read the diseased portion of the ear. There l only one way to cure catarrhal deafness anl that ts by a constitutional remedv Catarrhal IVnfnres ts caused by an In flamed condition of the mucous lining oi the Knstschtnn Tube. When this tnbe l nflnmed yon have a rumbling Bound or lm perfect bearing, and when it Is entlrel closed. P-efneM Is the reanlt Fnless th inflammation can be reduced and this tnbt restored to Its normal condition, bearing will ke destroyed forever. Many case o' fteafness are caafed by catarrh, which Is an Inflamed condition of the aincous surface Hull Catarrh Cnre acts Ihrn tha bloor n the mucous surfaces of the system. We will give One Hundred Hollars fo' anr case of Catarrhal Deafness that canno be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cnre. ClrrnUn free, all Druggists. 7.c. F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo. 0 ScCrFRQrtT3lSTE(lfK Alt Today. 3 fllOi lii Give a brftltant gtoanT thin thai doe. r.( nib off or dut off that anneals to the iron that laats tour time a ion as any otiior. Black SilkStove Polish U in a clfuta by itvtf. It'a nor ca'ffulty mad and made Irom AsVtVr waUrtait. Try It on rart irtoT, your cut k nov If tou (ttm't And ttotMrtpolitJiroa 9TTT Blvd. VOUT feardirkr or (rnntry dmW ta autftunaul ( re land ir BWasty. THmmm'm "A tsJM.W nut- Mu.iirM ( l : i , '--' ' . X - S.' V ; LOU HODGEN Independent and Democratic Nominee For St&te Representative 23rd District, Umatilla County. A native son of Umatilla County and not a hyphenated American. MARK YOUR BALLOT 52 X LOU HODGEN. (Adv.)