TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1916. PAGE FtVE Motion Picture Mews Ulial liK' Picture Theaters Have to Tell You. - i f ' " - - .-- - - ----- fx I, WARREN KERR! 1 Today and Tomorrow ' WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS THEDA BARA in Her Double Li fe e ACTS 6 Would You Renounce the Man You Love? If you gain his love through fraud, and he forgives you after the truth appears, would you marry him? This is the situation which confronts THEDA BARA in HER DOUBLE LIFE, the thrilling story of a woman's deception. In addition Selig Athletic Picture showing Championship Contests throughout the United States. ADULTS 15c CHILDREN 5c BUILT UP TO A STANDARD NOT DOWN TO A PRICE. Jl NEW PICTTRE Tin. IS STOIiY Or A WOMAN'S DECEPTION ANTI-ALLY ATHENS DISPERSED HMag Krawln Personal Appeal to Sup porter Ursine Tliem Nt to Cause Riot Citizens Arc DImIicoHcikxI When Keport of American Inter- miUna O'Hnpses. ATHENS, Oct. 19. tireek troops have d apersed anti-ally mobe airl control the city. It Is understood that King Cnnstantlne sent personal appeals to hli supporters urging them not to causa riots. The eltlsens were disheartened aft er the report that American Inter rentlon collapsed. Newspapers Is sued extras proclaiming the Ameri can fleet approaching to maintain neutrality. The American legation declared the rumor waa unfounded. It la a man's longing for better thing that gives birth to his love for woman. K.rM.KD ht rNrvvrrKi Gl'ESTS AT A PAKTT Rraoklya Wedding Anniversary oole fcnutoa End In a Fight and Shooting. BROOKLYN. Oct. 1. Self -Invited guest at a wedding Bnn'versary cele bration are accused of killing Martin Ward, a printer, twenty-three, who died of a bullet wound In the abdo men In the Oreenpolnt Hospital, Rronktyn, last night. Frank MeKenna, No. 108 Oreen polnt avenue, gave a feast to relebrate the sixth anniversary of his mnrrlngo on Saturday night and Ward was ask ed to attend. The sound of merrv voices and of music attracted several young men whom McKenna did not know and they tried to InVRde his apartment. A fight followed. In which the wed. ding guests routed the invaders, who, retreating turned out the gas l'fhts In the halls and it Is charged turned on the pas Jets again. The guests quent and three persons have already trooped down stairs thero was anoth- er fight In which some one fired u pis- tol and Ward fell. , No. 155 Greenpolnt avenue and Owen SNIPPING AND RIOTING IN BAYONNE STRIKE T7 TV i K' if m. V V i How a girl rises from life In th slums of London to one of the high est places In English society, then falls suddenly, when the deception bv which she had climbed la disclosed, is told In Theda Bara's new subject for i William Fox, "Her Double Life.'' I Miss Bara takes the part of Marj Doone, the tenement child who make her home In The Refuge, a parish ! house, at which Elliot Clifford (A. H j Van Buren) Is pastor. When the call ! comes for war nurses, Mary answers. At the front she meets Lloyd Stan I ley (Stuart Holmes.) a war corre I spondent, whom she had known In London. She Is saved from dishon I or at Stanley's hands, by the bom- l bardment of the hospital tent, After ! the attack, Mary finds the body of a ! young girl In the tent. It Is Ethel Wardley (Madeleine Lee Nard), uj ' niece of Lady Clifford's, who is on her, I way to make her home with the aunt she has never seen. Mary changes clothes with Ethel, takes the girl's papers and luggage, ; and goes to Lady Clifford's. She la received as the niece. The aunt (Lu cia Moore) loves the girl, and Elliot, the son, soon falls in love with her himself. Then Stanley returns to England, no hrlnes with him Ethel Wardley, who has recovered from the wounds received on the battle line. They go together to the Cliffords, and are about to .disclose the truth about Mary when the poor girl confesses. She sees then that further life with the Cliffords 's Impossible, although Lady Clifford loes her so mnch the sK wants her to stay. But Mary re turns to The Refuge, to work out her salvation among the children. Pastime today. LOUIS AND E LOVELY IN Founded on the Widely Read Story of "Frederic S. Ishans" of the same name ADMISSION 10c Children 5c If It's Good You Will See It at The Cosy ADMISSION 10c Children 5c ' ; v . v , , - i , r , i 'm f f I I W It-:" i I ' ' I ,ln " ' 1 ii t tAt-'Mr , ,- Mini V., -tCmntH iMH-iMum n RRESTJKq BAYOXHZ, STKIJCER? Own . seevxre Scenes of the wildest disorder mark the Btrlke of oil workers In Buyonne. New Jersey. Pitched battles between the police and rioting strikers are fro- ,1 been killed and more than a hundred Injured by bullets, it Is paid. This picture shows the police ar resting a rioting striker, who was clubbed Into submission. The wounds on h a head can be plainly seen In the picture. street were arrested, accused of be- Michael McCarthy twenty-three Callan twenty-two No. 100 Franklin ing the invading party. O. 0" O IOE30I 10E30I aoaoi I0E30I IOD0 Fridav at o on GROCERY ITKKT FASHIONS SHOWN IN Bl SKUIAL PICTVRE Wanted Woman for general house work and cooking on ranch. I'honi UTl. Call Penland Bros, van t move your household goods. Telephone 331. Alsc baggage transferring and heavy haul lag. For sale cheap "Buick 'Six1' In good condition; electric lights and starter. Call Mr. Stepp, Hotel Pendle ton. For sale Cash register, good large safe, tables, counters and fixtures. Sold very cheap and great bargains If taken at once. Inquire this office. Rooming house for sale. Mala street, in center of business district Doing good business. Inquire of Pen land Bros. MA.ttrpw mnkirff fumltllrA rennir. head of stock hogs for sale by.,.- nhoulterlna. rilled for and rteliv. LOCALS Advertising fa Briet BATES. Per llae first uuertloo 10c Her llae, sddltlonal uuertles.... Ae Per line, per aiootb I1.UU No locals taken for lets this 2oe. Count 0 ordinary words to line. Locals will not be taken orer t telephune except from ast Oregoo lao paid op mlncrlberm. CONGRESSMAN SIN NOT SPPEAKS HERE NOV. a Hot tamales at Hohbach's. Apartments for rent, 400 E. Alta. Girl wanted for general housework Phone 774J. 100 Gritman Bros., Pendleton. Gown Worn by Women In "The fVmxin S'ain MT'lpry Will Be IYm lite ti Twelve Weeks Ahead of Prevailing Styles. mniman cros.. t-enu.eiun. ered clty or COJtry. La Dow Broa, Room and board In private family. ji R.nri'iir,i Pnhn 527J United ;lnquire XX this office. j Wanted to reDtModern. unfur. Woman wants work as housekeeper. , nished bungalow by young married j couple. No children. Inquire Donald specialist, ; son's Drug Store. 1 Prompt automobile taxi service, Wm. Goedecke auto for hire. Phone day or night Funerals to cemetery Address "Z'' this office. Miss ComBtock, beauty Women throughout the States w'l ltake more than a pausing Interest In "The Crlmsnn Stain Mys tery." the sixteen-eplsode Berlal. be- . ... . nnn..lnlal ing presemea "y I Mason's Mil'.I&ery, Kllm t orporaiion. wnen iney iwn that the gowns worn by beautiful pihel rjrandin. who Funportfl Maurice Costello. and Olga Olonnva. the Vam- 0 H. P. roadster for sale, pire. will be from five to twelve weeks I inquire Mcivean auio to. ! 289M. Sutton Cigar Store. Tel 464. 1175. ahead of the prevailing fashions. Through cooperation of the Dry Goods Economist wh'ch is the arbiter of women's fashions throughout the world, it has been possible for the women in this remarkable picture to appear gowned as no other women have been gowned, when appearing before the puhPc. Every dress, coat or whatever It may be that is worn means that It will be the only gown or hat of the sort In the world at that time. When the extreme calls for a cer tain fhoe to match the gown, that shoe will be Ju?t as far ahead In style. Also will the millinery worn by the actresses be ahead of the times, to gether with any accessory that mav be necessary, such as parasols, hand bags and the like. Not only will thei women throughout the country be at I haul your garbage and trash Phone 563M. 1403 W. Railroad st Miss Mulr, dressmaking. Rooms 14 and 15, Association Building. For rent Furnlsned light house keeping room. S03 . Railroad St. D. B. Waffle auto for hire. Phone 284M. Stand, Charles Co. Phone 7. For rent Room with or without board. North side. Close In. Phone 214W. Lace curtains laundered with cars. Phone 246J. Wanted By experienced woman, work as cook on ranch. Call to 201 West Webb street, Pendleton. Oregon Wanted at once Experienced girl for general housework. Phone 352J or apply 722 June street Teacher of Physical Culture only 13 60. Phone (80. Hotel St, George. Carney Taxi Co. For sale Five room house, east Court street. Desirable location, close to school. A genuine bargain For particulars address R. C. Jory, Man pin, Or. Wanted To buy or trade, 30 to 40 tons of good alfalfa hay, to be ship ped by boat. Trade for extra good milch cows or fence posts. Cueni D. Gosser, Ridgefield, Wash. Q. W. Hooker, florist and Oregon Journal agent, now located at 623 Main street, next to Conroy's Gro cery. The Journal delivered any where in Pendleton, 65 cents a month, daily and Sunday. A Tractor Engine Snap. Heer 4 wheel drive, 38 H. P. on the belt, 24 H. P. on the draw-bar, double opposed 2 cylinder, heavy dutj and iRlne, perfect condition, never used. Local Itepttblican Candidates Bvffist Tour of County Tomorrow Witb Trip to HerniMon. Congressman N. J. Slnnott has beast billed for two speeches In Umatilla county during this campaign. Tba first will be at Hermlston on the even- Ing of October 34. Big: preparations) are being made for large rally and) demonstration in Hermlston on tatis day. His last address in the county will be in Pendleton on the evening of November 6th. closing the campaign for the republican party In this coun ty at that lime. Mr. Sinnott has been in gre.it demand In other parts of the) ftate but from now on will devota most of his time to delivering address es In Irs own district. . The local candidates begin their tour of the county tomorrow with a trip to Hermlston to attend the hog and dairy show. Saturday night they w 11 go to Milton where Mrs. E. B. Hanley will be the speaker. On Mon day they go to Tklah where Judge 3. A. Lowell will deliver an address. Oi Tuesday they will hold a meeting at night at Adams. Speakers have not been arranged) for the remainder of the campaign but the dates have been set as fol lows: u October 25 Stanfleld. ' October 26 Umatilla and Echo. October 27 Helix. Octoler 30 Fteewater. November 1 Meacham. November 2 Weston. November 3 Athena. November 4 Pilot Rock. November 6 Pendleton. 1 ASK WILSON. TAFT. HOOT TO ANTI-SCFTOAGE FEA9I One Thousand Women Plan Conven tion In Washington to Defeat Suf frage Plans, tracted, but fashions so far ahead of! K AHnn the times will cause unusual Interest j,el e"on. ituuu is an expert at cleaning wnite on the part of the buyers and fashion experts throuehout the country. Alta Today Only. 0 O we dont need a fire to bring the crowds here! D o o D o o D o Fresh shipment of the finest Celery you can buy, crisp and white, Conroy's price always, 2 for 15 Sweet Potatoes, 7 lbs 25 Cranberrys, 2 quarts 25t Green Peppers, the lb 10t Grape Fruit, 3 for 23 Bananas, the dozen 30i Sunkist Oranges, dozen 50t Rome Beauty Apples, extra fancy, box $1.25 CANNON BALL CABBAGE, THE LB. 2 Vic. MAKE YOUR KRAUT NOW. Weston Mountain Spuds, 15 lbs 25t 100 pounds $1.40 Bob White Soap, 6 for 25 Crystal White Soap, 11 for 50 Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 for 25 Beans, small white, lb : 10t Pinks and Lima Beans, 3 for. 25 Fancy Head Rice, 3 lbs 25 At the Cosy. , Robin Hood started the system some t me ago and many thousand? have tried with more or less boldness to follnw In hi? footsteps robbing the rich to distribute, more evenly. the wealth among the poor and needy. fpon this theory Frederic P. Isham i nr Tempje wrnie one 01 ine most I'm'uim m Pest Sellers.'' entitling It "The Social Buccaneer." Through an arrange ment with Bobbs-Merr 11 Co. there will be a screen version nf the narra tive shown In Pluebird Photoplays at the Coj' ton'ght with J. Warren Keitlgan. Louise Lovely. Maude j George, Hayward Mack, Harry Carter land Marc Uobblns interpreting the i leading characters. Decidedly Intcr jesting if tin- method Chntfield l'.ruce adopted to distribute oilier people's I money around the slums and by-ways ! and just what Impelled him to "giv lover'" the habit is the love element that m;ike the Intercut in the sub- Ject keen and holding throughout the five acts of the photoplay. 1000 STANDARD OIL STRIKERS RESUME WORK Rudd, 202 and and furs and ostrich plumes. W. Webb. Phone 686. Blydensteln's Dietary Mush Prepared Dietary Flour, a cure preventative for constipation. Wanted Good, competent woman to take charge of rooming house. In quire Arlington Hotel. Steam heated office or sleeping apartment. Temple Bldg. Phone Suits pressed 60c; thoroughly clean ed 31.50. Rudd, 202 W. Webb. Phone 486. Wanted By woman, position as housekeeper. In town or country. Ad dress "A'' this office. Barley too high for feed. See Bly- dentein, 117 E. Court oats by car lots. For sale or rent 8-room house, hot water heat Inquire Buford Butler at Otto Hohbach's Bakery. Sold my farm before tractor was ' shipped. ell for 12.00 F. ; tlon nf lOflfl women vnuM K h.M Ore. W. H. Fowler, j by the National Association Opposed) Portland, Ore. Adv. ' to Woman Suffrara w,fnm rw 6. A feature of the convention will be a banquet to wh'ch President Wil son, William Howard Taft, Eliha Root, Senator Lodge. Representative Webb and other prominent men hava been invited. The purpose of the organization ut to offset the plans of the Congreaslon- bles, counters, and fixture. Bargains' ' x, ana ma if taken quickly. Inquirethisoff.ee. i 'dZ ?he,r r " , Z"' 2 , adopt their resolution prov ding for a iieaeral amendment to, remove frons the ballot the qualifications of sex. people. . Tff A CrtTT-V"t,",T . - . . , 1, .T. IU.HJ 1 V., Wl L. 13.- 11 WHM Cost $2950 F. O. B. Ports-; announced last nieht that 'rnm.n. mourn, unio, win O. B. Portland, Panama Bldg., Great BuMncss Opportunity. For Sale Best paying dairy busi ness In Pendleton. Good reason for selling and a bargain if taken at once. Inquire DX this office. For Sale Very Cheap. Cash register, good large safe. ta- Feed Ml" Husiness. Only one in town of 600 1200 tons of barley annually at J2.00 per ton. Good retail trade; also warehouse and residence property ti exchange for horses farm machinery Phone 35 for an(J some fasn -y,-Tie wlrc or pnone T. G. Lucas, Weston. Ore. Adv. Hush money usually speaks both parties in the transaction. for Much of the experience that a man acquires comes to late to benefit him. Ante Stau. For Adams. Athena and Weston, eaves Henning's Cigr Store at 10 a. m. and 3;30 p m. each day Adv. Superintendent Pcrmlls Men to cvinie Hack After Viewing Crowd Who Apply Mediation Hoard t Attempt Settlement. : NEW CROP ALMONDS AND CALIFORNIA SOFT SHELL WALNUTS, 2 LBS. 45c o D o Manchurian Walnuts, lb 20 New Crop Raisins, full size pkg 11 Karo Syrup, blue, gal. 60; i2 pal. 30 Karo Syrup, red, gal 65 ; 12 35 Log Cabin Cane and Maple Syrup, V2 gal. 70?; 1 gal. $1.35 Best Corn and Gloss Starch, 4 for.... 25 Best Maine Corn, 2 for 25 Best Iowa Corn, 3 for 25i BA TONNE, Oct. 19. One thousand striking Standard Oil employes have resumed work. Superintendent Hen nftfsy announced he would perm't the men to resume work provided a suf ficient number applied. After view ing the crowd, Hennossy ordered the doors opened and the employes ad mltted. , Thousands of strikers remained nutslde and refused to return. There was no violence. The 1'nltcd States mediation board met to make an attempt to definitely fettle the strike. j BUY YOUR BLUE STONE FROM CON ROY, THE FOUND 15c. Shredded Wheat, 2 for 25 Chipped Beef, in glass 15 0E30I 3oaoc JCE30I IOE30X I20E30I Inland Hendricks Itonionibrred. 1 I'NIVKKSITY OK OliKiloX. Ku gene, Oct. 19. A resolution of sym pathy wllh the family of Inland tl. Hendrlcl s. '15. whose f.itlur is It. J. Hendricks, publisher of the Salem, Ore., Statesman, hr,s been parsed yy the iftudent body. Leland Hendricks, a graduate In Journalism, was man aging editor of the Statesman when drowned in the Willamette river at Salem, September 15. To You: After seeing last night's feature and talking with a number of patrons who saw it I feel safe in telling vou that it is one of the best picture dramas ever brought to Pendleton. Tonight is the last chance to see it. The Drama is William S. Hart in "The Patriot." The Comedy is Charle Murry in "Maid Mad." If you see this program and are not satisfied, I will cheerfully refund your money. JAS. B. WELCH, Manager. Temple Theatre