East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 16, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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(Continued from Page 1.) '
U uw
Let us make you acquainted
with the new, luscious
rr $-LJmi PERFCT gum HaH
It's all that
the name
Wrigley quality
made where
chewing gum
making is a
Uovu three flavors:
Don't forget
after every meal
Have a package of each
always In reach
BERLIN, Oct. . (via. Sayvllle)
It is aeml-officially stated that 74
allied aeroplanes were destroyed dur
ing September. Twenty one French
and 53 British.
The degree team of the PaulinJ
Rebecca Lodge Number IS are re
quested to meet at the Odd Fellows
Hall, Tuesday evening. October 17.
at 7 p. m. By order of the Captain.
Mr. and Mrs. Newt Newtson, Sr..
celebrated their silver weddjng at
their home. 513 Franklin street on
Saturday evening, Oct. 14. A 'algs
number of friends gathered to shew-
er congratulations on the happy cou
ple. The house was beautifully dec
orated with autumn leaves and fein-
and a sumptuous wedding dinner
served. A large wedding cake was
out hy the 'bride," the ring falling to
Miss C.unda Newtson, the button to
Jens Erickson, the dime to Miss Nel
lie McDonald and the thimble to Jens
Newtson. The latter part of the even
ing was spent with dancing and sinn
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Newtson received
many beautiful presents ne guent
list included Mr. and Mrs. Newtson.
Mr. and Mrs. Newtson, jr., Jens Newt
son, Riner Newtson, Uunwell Nev t
son, Ole Newtson, Gunda Newtson
Willie Newtson, Mr. and Mrs. Torje
son, Tom Torjeson, Jens Torjeson.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E Williamson, Mr
and Mrs. Christenson, Mr. and Mrs.
Jens Olson, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Rosa
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Peterson, Mr. and
Mrs. O. Jenson, Sophie Anderson,
Helen Anderson, Gesine Olson, Nel
lie McDunald, Ida Anderson, Lizrlo
Anderson. P. A. Anderson, Jens ET
ickson, Mrs. H. Hennlngs, Mrs. J. R.
Rust, Carl Spilling, Chris Jacobsnn,
Aanon Jacobson, Rev. Charles Quln
ney, Mrs. Quinney, Tom Spilling and
Gustave Christenson.
Among the visitors at Bingham
Springs yesterday were Mr. and Mrs
Roy Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Nes-
mlth Ankeny, L. H. Doekstader, Will
Kearns and Carl Peringer.
Many messages of congratulation
are finding their way to Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Hamley, whose home was glad
dened by the arrival of a small son
this morning.
Mrs. Guy Jones of Dayton stopped
off today to be the guest of Mrs. C. S.
Jerard. She has been visiting in Iji
Grande at the home of Senator and
Mrs. Kiddle.
M. J. West of Baker is at the Gol
den Rule.
Errett Hicks
guest of the St. George.' " ' ' I
E. E. McCollum of Adams was a
bunday visitor in the city.
John Plummer was in from the.
Rngg ranch over Sunday.
Henry R. Loremen was in from hU i
farm on Stage Gulch Saturday.
J. P. Hannon, special agent for the'
was in Pendleton yesterday.
G. L. Hurd of Corvallls former editor
of the Slanfleld Standard, la at the'
Hotel Pendleton. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fletcher and !
children motored to Dayton yester-
,.!.'!d are Pe"ing today there, j
Wllllnm TXT , ,. '
.- .. I11UC1 waa ln lne clly
during the weekend from Weston1
mountain to visit his wife and daush
ter. D. G. Smith, formerly of this city
and now of Ukiah, was down Satur
day and leftthis. morning for Port
land. Ben Colvin, prominent Grant coun
ty stockman, spent the weekend In
the city. He was registered at the
Mrs. Q. W. Run has rtlnriia.l 'r,..-.
The Dalles where she attended the
state convention of Parent-Teachers'
Associations. '
The Misses Beatrice Byrd and Ver
na Anibal motored home Sunday ln
the Raymond car after spending the
week-end in Walla Walla. They
were accompanied by Lee Raymond
and Frank Waltt of that city.
Lynwood Livermore, who returned
Saturday from a brief visit in Spo
kane, went down , to Echo today to
work for a week in the bank there.
He worked there a month during the
Extra Special j
(Not Lyceum Course Number) K
Tuesday, Oof. 1 7
The girls of the High school domes
tic science class are very happy over
the opportunity to d the demonstra
tion work at the school fair at Her
miaton during their Hog and Dairy
The two advanced classes in cook
ery placed their names in a basket
and four from each class were drawn.
Miss Thelma Childreth. Nola Chil
dreth. Vera Taylor, Ferndale Perrln,
Georgana Fletcher, Minta Clark, Le
ont Bowman and Neva Edwards were
the lucky ones.
zTwo girls will take a biscuit dough
and make eight dKferent varieties of
food from it. At the next table two
girls wil take a plain cake batter
made with one egg and demonstrate
the many uses of this batter, while
the other students wil put to use the j
plain cream sauce. The class will ans-i
wer questions while doing their work, j
The domestic art girls wil have on
display the hangings for the rest
room, the beading they have been
making besides towels and other
i articles.
Tonight the class in domestic sci
ence which has been organized will
meet at 218 South Main at 7 p. m.
This will be a meeting to organize,
then those caring to attend the lec
ture at the high school can do so.
The arrival of Mr. A. Phimister
Proctor from New York, a noted
sculptor of international fame, has
been noted with keenest delight am
ong Lewiston's circle of art enthusi
asts. Mr. Proctor is here to make
models of the Nest Perce Indian, and
a number of Lcwiston society ladies
are very happy to have this excellent
opportunity for forming a class under
his Instructions. Mmes. E. D. Potvin
Faxwell Wood, Ralston Vollmer, Otto
Rottenbach, Marcus Barnett, Robert
Foster, and Misses Mary Eaves nnd
Jack Butler comprise the Initial class.
Mr. Proctor, with his family lives in
Mrs. Emma Gray's resident on Ninth
avenue. Lewlston Tribune.
Poetry Also.
So strong is the feeling in some sec
tions that it has caused voters to
burst into poetry at the expense of
the Hughes campaign methods, as
may he seen from the following mis
sive from Helix, penned hy one, of the
alleged Hughes committeemen from
that place. The sentiments Indicate
that on the part of the author there
Is no deep abiding sympathy with the
Hughes propoganda.
The instruction of Sciror Hughes.
The Gothams come down like the
wolf on the fold,
And their wardrobes are gleaming in
purple and gold,
And the noise of the spiels of this
millionaire bee
Falls 'as flat as the snow-flakes on
deep Galilee.
Like the leaves of the forest when
summer is green,
That horde with its Banners are com
to be seen,
And to teach western women! The
wise have long known
That the queens of the west have a
mind of their own.
Uut still come the bontons, all husky
and bale,
With rouge on their brows and with
Hughes on their Mall,
And with hearts all agush, with the
lucre they're worth,
And as cold as the spray of the rock
beaten surf.
And the Barons of Wall street are
loud in their wall,
Since Wilson smashed Idols in their
temples of Baal.
And the might of the Morgans and
trust boosting horde
Hath melted like snow In the glance
of the Lord.
For the Angel of Peace spread hi
wings on the blast.
And breathed in the face of the fool
as he passed,
Foods come and go, but for
nearly twenty years Grape
Nuts food has held first place
among ready-cooked cereals.
In homes where Grape-Nuts is not known, a
single package from the grocer would make it
a fast friend and standby because of its wonder
fully pleasing flavor and staunch nourishment
the supreme goodness of whole wheat and
Every table should have
it daily ration of
"There's a Reason"
And the eyes of the war-hounds wax
deadly and chill
And their hearts but once heave and
forever grow still.
(With apologies to Byron )
Time Is ripe again for further an
nouncements that Greece Is about to
enter the war.
Much of Kurope is getting as badly
nicked n is the great pyramid.
Lmcoln Wirt Speaks Tonight.
Dr. Lincoln Wirt, F. R G. 8., ex
plorer, lecturer, war correspondent
and publicist, will speak this even
ing at the high school auditorium as
the first attraction of the lyceum
course. No charges will be made for
the lecture this evening. Dr. Wirt
comes with a high reputation as an
entertaining and instructive speaker.
Thai u tha
paid to Sweet Caporal cigarette
ur iw Lanaon Lotu tl. the recog
filed medical authority of the
fein.U Tl...
rw.w i ins uecision wa: the re
suit o an official test ol Sweet
Mporal by medical experts No,
wrier cigarette ever received tuch
W remarkable endorsement '
Sweet Caporal purity a now he-
r.'5iywn io .mnKfrs
interesting demonstration The
demonstrator hum -t
I . ....... tlvvc w VI -dinary
pap', which leaves a black
men oums a piece of the
hieh-Eradc. imnonni Vrmk .
arette paper u.ed on Sweet Cap-
aim moker iMminn
to the inn, ... ,.k Tl,., ..
pne pure ,-, se faponl
P'Hl I'M I
throughout the world c;,. r.
y viKmm are smoked Amer
icans who travel i P...
Asia, Alrka and South America
can always obtain Wen r.,,,i
cigarettes as easilv a in tl l '....i
K...... c X .-.....u
.I, oweei v.airai n the only
..'Kaitiic Midi nas ntt wnr , .
saie and popularity
I Many things hare been M
proved in 4o year, Candlc-bght
way is electricity, the.
Mace-coarli h. t-j 1,1
the eiprcss train, but good oU
bweei Caporal, the onguuj cT
arette, remains the same becauit
in (our decades the world hat bent
. piuuixe a oener an.
rte ore rw,..l,. "Pi
ever ;- i- . '
Vait Meeting This Eve.
The Pendleton Golf Club will meet
this evening in the Commercial asso
ciation roms at 7 o'clock for the pur.
pose of organizing for the year. The
time of meeting has been advanced
a half hour because of the lecture at
the high school this evening.
Rain for Ijist of Week.
Pacific states: The indications
ue that the weather will be
fair during the week, except
that rains are probable the lat-
ter half of the week in Wash
ington and Oregon. Tempera
tures will average near the
seasonal normal.
Rocky Mountain and Plateau
Regions: The indications are
that the weather during the
coming week will be generally
fair with temperatures near the
seasonal average.
le niiig
Thu greaU;it American drama. Four acta, with special scenery.
A play with great dramatic climaxes, of Intense human emotions,
humor and of tragedy.
Mrs. E. J. Murphy, Mrs. Kenneth G.
Warner and Mrs. 1. E. Young arrived
A 1 home yesterday from The Dalles where
A they attended the Oiction Congress ol
Mothers and P;irent-Te;Li-hers as.suci
K ation convention.
K John Hughes of Heppner
1 mi 111 . t- I
i bu.""" ' , nil
fx. tl. diipfst form i
1 in- e irif r wi' - 1,
1 j s t "ii " iiirrrr'
V a, M a 11 ill
mj -m m -'5. mpi p
I jk? I c-a mil
w Mfrm . . 1 1 11
pun, iR
r , ir,n..n i
. u, MK4TC1IC
CannraJ iurwrAil k : . .
. ' ' r-i- vuiuiiip lestSI
Beit IB iK mnrlA I
I - lliri
Mre niinnl i,.mm a J
. """vw iivor or
Sweet Caporal cigarettes, which
made Sweev.CaporaJ laanous
cci 1 amn m ii n- .a .l.
1" v an pans UI UK
world and introduced "Swettt" to
Neirl) every marT has started
Cf E". r The o,rc
Tr,i.i' Vfrvinau ciparetlO Iroit C- . a-. 0
- - i!vwii jwto uporu
(he mn
eet Capo
pure to
hat is whj
badi id
lie mterest-fomtratna
some o
m. wfncl)
hen burs)
llie um 1
decades the world has fcewt
that has this world.;;d,' " " 3WWI .
The Iofr .r..i
' vscmiMC ON
Umarv mir vku k
Wack. toot liko ith c, .
oral cigarettes are tolled in tiJ
highest cra.lc ,r.,n.,M-.i r '
paper-the purest and best mU
world which burn. ,.k .
Ih.iat .'rv
sale and popularity
Swert rarwaf . .k.
CtnrMti lhar rvsn..l 1 n ...
- ri'Ui;u tijcareite
smokinp over forty vctors ago It
In the emt.onnM(-xtu.- ..t .II .a.
oillioni oi cigarette made today
was a
weekend guest of Dr. and Mrs. Frank
E. Hoyden.
Saturday, Oct. 2 1
(inn t
Marcus A. Kellermun. Dramatic; IturfUiorx
Hara Ouroullsch, Vloloiux-lll-rt.
William A. Parson, llauilHt.
An evening of rnttj music,
price of admission.
Kach artist an attraction well worth the
I Miss Margaret Uaeder, who hat
i been a guest of Mrs. Itoy Haley, left
for her home in Portland on No. 17
I Of paramount interest socially thu
week will be the two afternoons of
bridge for which Mrs John L.
j Vaughan, Mrs. Wesley N. Matlock.
Mrs. H. II. flattery and Mrs. W. J.
Clarke will be the hostesses tomor
row and Wednesday. The affairs are
the first formal functions of the fall
Irwin 'i. Hrooks, bookkeeper of the
Athina bank, was In the city yester
day. Misses Winnie und Alia Smith of
Pilot Hock spent yesterday with
friends in the city.
R. (J Savres and son. .Stanley, mo
tored to Dayton yesterday to attend
Mr. S'ayres' mother, who Is o,Ulte IU
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman (J Rice are
being showered with congratulation
upon the arrival of a son who made
his advent Saturday evening.
Hlngki Attrastion Ticket dull (1. 00; lilldrtu or Student 50c.
IVmiIiIo tickets, admitting holder U luitli MlnuUiHix, Ailulix tl.VI;
4'lilldrtwi or Wuilciitx TTx-.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always beats
Signature of
lfA ".rri,)rrrriT 1
Room and board in private family.
Inquire XX this office.
Wanted Experienced waitress at
Hotel Pendleton. Apply at once.
Lost Bunch of keys, marked R. C.
Ra.-mu.sen. Please return to this of
fice. Wanted Cook and two waitresses
nt once. Hotel Hermiston, Hermiston,
Oregon. '
Rudd is an expert at cleaning white i
furs and ostrich plumes. Rudd. 202 '
W. Webb. Phone 6S5. I
Hlydensteln's Dietary Mush and ,
Prepared Dietary Flour, a cure and I
irevfntative for constipation.
Wanted Good, competent woman
to take charge of rooming house. In-!
oulre Arlington Hotel. I
Wanted at once Experienced girl
for general housework. Phone 3!2J
or apply 722 Jane street.
Lost At O.-W. It. & N. depot, two
rolls of building plans. Parties find
ing same please return to this office
and receive reward. I
Notice Women of Woidcraft.
All members of the Women of'
Woodcraft are cordially Invited to at-)
tend the entertainment and feed In i
Moose Hall Tuesday evening. Octo
ber 17 at 8 o'eloek. Kach member!
may bring one non-member.
(Adv.) f X)MMITTI5B.
Sloan's Mnlnient for Neuralgia Ache
The dull throb of neuralgia l
litickly relieved by Sloan's Liniment
'lie universal remedy for pain. Easy
o apply; it quickly penetrates with
i. lit rubbing and sontnes the sore mud
i ies. Cleaner and more promptly ef
fective than mussy plasters or oint
ment; does not stain the skin or clog
'hi pores. For stiff muscles, chronic
rheumatism, gout, lumbago, sprain1!
nd strains It gives quick relief. I
Hloan's Liniment reduces the pain and
nflnmatlon in Insect bites, brul.-es.
humps and ofher minor Injuries (n
hMdren. f','t a lu lile today flt your
"T. P. W. Pure Food Shop"
t5'Sr-' "i PHfiNFS All 1C
STORE NEWS New Crop Walnuts, AImod, Citron, Lemon
and Orange Peel, Date, Figs, CocoanuU, Raisins and Currents
and Condensed Mince Meat
Our carload of fancy Hood
River Apples will arrive
Wednesday. Give us your
orders now. Box $1.95
We were fortunate in get
ting the agency for the fam
ous California shelled al
monds, packed in 1-3 and
2-3 pound boxes. Selling
for 25? and 50
The Peoples Warehouse
druggint, 25c. Adv