TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13. 1916. PAGE ELEVEN Candidates "Announcements I'hIiI Aflvf r'iscini-iit.". ) GREATEST PARADE OF AMERICAN TROOPS SINCE CIVIL WAR RIG BEAR HUNT Oil ATJAGIIAf.1 MKN ALL ANXIOI S TO TRY T1IKIR I.ICK SINCE LARGE BLACK DEAR WAS KILLED. 1 3 r ; ; : vs. i : vs. : Hi : ' . i ROY W. RITNER ICrpiiWIimi Candidate For STATU ItKI'liV SI'.M vriVK (For Iti'-cliNiion.) W. T. REEVES Democratic fandldate for Repreentative. J, A. Y EAGER Republican Candidate for ASSESSOR KARL GU10TT 5 TEACH Kit iV MISIC AMI J 5 i:i:.MA' I.AXil ACK 5 4 Orchintra f urnlsln-d for .ill 9 f ooraMlonH, any number of Piece?, 0 Panelng parties a 'iTialty. 2 alt 415 Madison. I'lioiie 4.V JOHN W. HUFF At ionic v at Iaw. Office In American National Bank Wdg, with Haley & ey. Hong Kong Gaf a Noodles AND Chop Suey Outside 1 ray Orders a Spw-Ultj. Boxes for ladles and gentlemen. OPEN DAT AND ALL MKALS 2c AM vv. Mral Tickets, 21 Sleals lor 14.00 Special Chicken Dinner Sundays 548 Main Street to B. O. Illdg. Ftaon tf08 , " , ;''-r-' cx 1 W 1 .;. L liJ ; i v i . ' Mir,,, . . , .1 .. . ., .m y a. i. i a vnv t. v - t. m Thin is jiiHt a Kllmpue of the purado nf thf 30,(100 Amnrlrnn troop? on tlm Thxus border, ghowlng the Ohio in fantry uh It trudh'rd toward the rovlfwlnp Hlarid. It wan tho i(real'Bt parade of American troop since Civil War. HOGS WEAKER IN rnltTI.AXn, Ott. 13. There was . weaker tone In the hog market at North Portland for the day, although only a small run of ctock came for ward. The bert stock wan not iunt ed above fy.S5, while, the bulk of the ltiinesM whh Sc below this. I.oiit hoi? prices hnve held remark- ( utarrhal Deafness Cannot flc Cured. V tnn iiMillutliiiii, UN they cannot reAclt the illsi'iipnl iKirtlun nf the er. There If inly nno wnv to cure catarrhal deafness .mil that Ik by a i-unntUmlimal remeily 1'ntitrrlial lieafnruK la eaiiHeil by an In riiiiiii'il cmiiiitioii of the inuvotiB lining ol 'lie Diiitiiililnn Tube. When tlila tube b itiilHaiil jmi have a rumbling sound or Itn iK-rfiTt Iiearlni;, and when It la entlrel; lofed. lieafneBB la Hie reault. 1'nleaa thf tifliitjiiaiion ran iie peilueed and t!)ii tub r.'storeil to ita normal condition. heflrin til Ik' dint roved forever. Many caaea ot leat'iie are eauaed by catarrh, which la id inflrniiid condition of the mtirouK aurfacea llalla Catarrh Cure acta thru the blood m the inucoua Hiirfarea of the ayatem. We will slve line Hundred Iioliara for rttiy eaae of CHtarrlial Iteafn'ia that cannot lie cnrnl by Hall a Catarrh Cure. Clmilart tn. All KruwilKta. 7,'ic. K. i. (.'HUSKY & CO., Toledo, O. MEAT CAUSE OF KIDNEY TROUBLE TKK KAITS TO I IA SH KIICTS IK HACK IltTtTS OK OAt PICK IMTIIKS. If you must have your meat every day. eat It, but flush your kidneys with "alt" occasionally, gays a noted authority who telle oS that meat fnrmx uric acid which almost paral yzes the kidney In their efforts to ex nel It from the blood They become sIiiL-u'iidi and weaken, then you suf fer with a dull misery In the kid ney region, sharp pains in the hack or n'rlc headache, dirtiness, your atom n'h sours, tonitue Is coated and when I be weather Is bad you have rheuma tic twinges. The urine jrets cloudy, tull of sediment the channels often Bot sore and Irritated, obliging; you to seek relief two or three times during the nK'ht. To neutralize these irritating- ncids 'o cleanse the kidneys and flush oft the body's urinous waste Ket four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharma cy here, take a tablespnonful in a plass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize the acids in ulne, so It no longer Irritates, thus ending b)ad der weakness. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; cannot In. jure, and makes a delightful efferves cent llihla-watcr drink. LADIES! DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR I SK GltAXPMA'S SAGE VVA AM) SI 1.1'HI H ItKlTI'K ANI NO. HOPV WUJi KNOW. ' The use of iSage with Sulphur for restoring faded, gray nulr to its nat ural color dates back lo grandmother's time. She used to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy uiul attrac tive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture w;is applied with wonderful cllect. Hut brewing at home Is mussy and out of date. Nowadays, by asking at my drug store lor a fit) cent lioltlc oi Wyelh's Sine and v Sulphur Com pound,'' you will get this lamous old preparation, improved by the addi tion of other ingredients, which tun Utt depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well known downtown druggist n.s it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that nobocry can tell it has been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at a time. Uy morning the gray hair disappears, and after auolii er application or two, it become beautifully dark and glossy. Wyeth's Sage and ciulphur Com pound Is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire a mole youthlul appearance. It is not intended mi the cure, mitigation or prevention id disease V . ? v .. ..... .. , Bl-W'? !, 'JT t ' Wr J " J I PORTLAND YARDS ably well, despite the weakness in the east, which carried values off. At the moment Portland is quoting about as high as any of the eastern trade, quality considered. General hog market: Choice light weight J9.5O08.56 Good light weights 9.25 9.40 Medium weights 9.009.1 Rough heavy 8.50 8.75 Cattle Market Nominal. Just one lone head of cattle strayed into the North Portland market over night, therefore It did not give the trade a chance to test sentiment among buyers. In ceneral tho ideas of the trade are for a fteady market, j Some stuff left over from Wednesday was sold at former prices. Late In the (day additional receipts were shown. ' General cattle market t'Bnge: i Prime .light steers $6.7569 Prime heavy steers 7.00 7.11' Good light steers 6.00 6. 5o Stockers and feeders 5.0006.75 Prime dehorned cows and heifers 5.5oin5 5.76 Common cows 4.005.00 Cowmon cows 4.00 5.00 Bulls 3. 60 4 00 Prime light veal calves .... 7.00 4.50 Prime light veal calves... 7.00 7.60 Prime heavy veal calves.. 4.00 6.00 j Sheep Come Direct, j With the exception of one load from a Willamette valley point, all mutton and lamb arrivals at North Portland over night came to a local meat com pany from its country buyer. General mutton and lamb trade sentiment is strong. General mutton and lamb market: Select spring lambs t 8.75 Ordinary lambs 8.00 8.25 liest yearlings 7.25 7 5u Good to common wethers. 5.75 6.00 Heat ewes 5.75 'a 6 00 Heavy to common ewes... 4.004.5J Thursday UveMock Shippers. Hogs W. W. McBride, Woodland. W.tsh., 16 head; C. 13. Lucke, Canby, 1 load. Cattle and calves (J. E. Bennett Corvallls, 1 loud. Cattle and calves O. E. Bennett, Corvallls, 1 load. She'i i. w. Darrow, Lyle, Wash., 6 loads; Smith & Cummlngs, Corval lls, i load. Mixed 8tuff W. Glvens, Estaeada, 1 load calves, hogs and sheep; L. B. West, 1 load calve and hogs. The following receipts of livestock wore shown after the first report for the day. Hogs B. O. Young & Co., Drain, 2 loads; McMahan & Frum, Halsey, 1 load; C. W. Coiner, Hanson, Idaho, 3 loads; W. G. Sulllns, Millet, Idaho, 1 load. Cattle apd Calves R. G. Llbby, Junction City, 2 loads; J, W. McFad den, Contains, 1 load. Sheep Earl Miller, Albany, 1 load. Sheep Earl Millet-, Albany, 1 load. Mixed stuff W. A. Leaper, Yon 1 load cattle, calves and hntrs; C. V. Edward, Monroe, 1 toad hogs ant sheep; Cutford llnis., Gervais, 1 load hogs and sheep; C. J. Hurd, Eugene, 1 load cattle and hogs. MIXED TELEGRAM BRINGS UNDERTAKER FOR SORE EYE CASE NEW YOKK, Oct. 13 Mrs. Chas. V. Liebrecht, wife of a New Y 'rk den t'st, sent him the following tel 'grain Irom Ocean Beach, L. I.. Aug. 14: "Fred and Buddy have sore eyes. Bring what Is necessary." His feeling may be imagined when bo rend the following: "Fred died. Buddy has "tore eyes. Bring what Is necessary." The dentist hired an undertaker and his assistant, bought a cof.'ln and stook the first train from Bi.yshote 1 here he chartered a special boat to the -summer colony. Today Dr. IJebrecrlt has on file nKuinst the telegram company i suit tor $11.2 lf expenses and $25,000 for Ihe shock caused by the one. lncorrct v ord. l l.I.PM WT IN CAMPAIGN TOl IC. Mill 'NT VKUNON. 111.. Oct. 12. A new method for arousing campaign enthusiasm is being u'ed on the Frank O. Lowden, special train that la tour ing Illinois, which nrrlved here lat-j today. On the rear of the train Is a fat car bearing a speaker's stand and a small elephant. -When n speaket makes a strong point an attendant prods the little elephant with a forte causing it to trumpet which brings laughter from the crowd. .: ' . At" ! BROOKLYN PLAYERS CHENEY. MGR. ROBJKSOH "Look Pa, How 'Gets-It' Works!" Lift Your Corn Right Off. Never Fails. "Kver In your life aee a corn come out like that? Look at the true akin under neath -smooth aa the palm of your hand. WU Now. Look at That! Off Come. That PmW Com Slick a a W hutla. Tin- oiuth 1h hlrsNMl with I hp om Rimjile, iitint's. m'wr fiitltng tvimMly tlint tunke miliums nf t'irn ppnicptMl pt'opip happy, and thni'a "(iKl'S IT". Apply it In ;l net-omit. It ilrtr. Sim1 poopU jun Jim! (Hi: at I littr fortm with kulvin nml rnron wrup their to In pn"knt,VH with bnii'tnt;R or sllrky inpi. nuiki' i In-in rod ami raw with enlve. NoihiUK Hk' ihl with 'MiKTS IT." Your corn lopstMiti you lift It off. Thorp's noth Injr to prvm on th corn, or hurt. Angel coiihln't ak for moro. Try It tonight on uny com. 1'nlhm or wnrt. til'TS-lT" In sold and rocommondrd hy ilntKiiisls rvoryw IiWP. 'J.u a bttlo, or out on itHript of jnloo hy K. lHwrpnco & Co., CIllclL'M. in Sn'd In IVndltlon and rocomtnondfd aa thi' world' t-orn rcini'ily hy Tullman 'o., :md rondlfton Irug Co. 1 A r i st - ? i r-J'.f:l4fiij lift 'ytfhf It 1 1 a, f 2 , II JKrrl i (East Oregonlan Special) MEACHAM, Oct. 13. The wood shipping business is on a rushing move again. Owing to car shortage there v.'iis much delay for a white. Since the killing of the largo black bear here last Thursday, every man is anxlius to try his luik. Ho next Sunday. October 15, there is planned a big bear hunt for all who will go. A bear Is said to be at Squaw Creek canyon and they aim to bring it down. Mr. J. D. Casey went to La Grande on Wednesday to attend to business. Mr. Robert Parnetl arred here on Monday from Trenton, Mtsaoun, to visit with his daugnter, Mr. Ben Martin. Sixteen years ago he made a trip here. HOW I GOT RELIEF FROM CATARRH Miui Who Suffered Twenty Years And Was Almost Deaf Finds Vy to He Quickly Rid of llih Trouble. By Thomas Walsh HOW TO BREATHE THE AIR HYOMXn. "I have been a sufferer from Ca tarrh for over twenty years. I doc tored off and on for fifteen years, but still, after all this doctoring and drugging I got no relief. "Finally my ailment became so severe that I was practically deaf in one ear and almost so in the other. My wife got me a Hyoinel outfit and I Immediately began to use it accord ing to directions and the results were remarkable. I have used anoth er bottle of Hyomei and can truthful ly say it is the first relief I have ex perienced in twenty years. This sounds like strong language, never theless It is the truth. "I feel there is nothing like Hyomei a boon to the sufrerer of a loath some disease, catarrh. I oniider it a pleasure to recommend Hyomei to all who are sufferers from this dis ease," The oil of hyomet has long been recommended as bemg one of the ! very best treatments for catarrh of, nose or throat. It is not swallowed but the patient gets quick results by j pouring a few drops or the pure oil in-1 to a little hard rubber inhaler which . comes with each large bottle of oil. I Place the Inhaler in the mouth as, shown in illustration and ju.-t breath1 naturally into the turoat, lungs and air passages the medicated air which the oil gives off. This is pleasant but so powerful that its germicidal qua!-; itle- quickly destroy all catarrh gertn life and sooth the sore, swollen, in- j flamed membranes, stopping the dis- charge and ending the disease. I Tallman & C. as well as other lead-! Ing druggists in the city speak hlgh-i )y of Hyomei and stnte it is always sold by them with a positive guar-1 ante to refund money if In any case of catarrh, bronchitis, sore throat. ; cough or cold, it fails to give prompt relief. In getting Hyomei for the first time be sure to get the large size which contains the inhaler as its use Is quite essential for best results. t x flltoltfh arffa OF CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY INSVKANCE AND LAND Bl'SIXESS BENTLET & MONTGOMEHY. REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agjiits. 816 Main street Phone 404. AVCTIOXKKKS. COL. W. F. VOHNKA, AUCTiON eer, makes a specialty of farmers stock end machinery sales. "The man that gels you the money.'' Leave orders at East Oregon an office, SK4X1 HAND KKM.I IiS. VTitbliSTDEALER IN NEW xnnd second hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest place in Pendleton to bu.v household goods. Come and get our i.rlcea 219 E Court street Phone S71W. AUCHITFCT. RAYMOND W. HATCH, test. Deepain Building. 78. Pendleton, Oregon. ARCH1 Phone ATTORNKYS. RALEY & RAl.EY, ATTORNEYS AT law. tifflce in American National Rank Building. THIS IS THE ROUTE Ak for it. EAST. Int on it THREE TMNSCOMENTJIL TRAINS DAM TWO TO CHICAGO. ONE TO ST. LOUIS. BEST OF EQUIPMENT. BEST OF SERVICE. Dining Car Service the Beat in the World. orthern THE YELLOWSTONE PARK LINE. Take thi3 same line, via Pasco, and Portland. TO CALIFORNIA in connection with G. N. P. S. S. Co. Palacial steamships, making train time from Portland meals and berth included on steamships, and but 26 hour sea trip. Get full information, tickets, etc., from Walter Adams, Agent Pendleton, Oregon J. M. COY, T. P. A., Spokane Wrah. A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. P. A. - - Portland, Ore. 2 Plan now for the coming winter when most of your time must be spent indoors. i A Shrewd Man always has his winter-coal supply in before the cold snap arrives. Are you one of these men? Have you got your coal supply in the bins? The comfort and satisfaction to both you and your family are coal facts on a warm subject. If you have not ordered your coal as yet, ' go right to the phone and Order a Load of Our Clean Rock Spring's Coal Good dry fir, pine and slabwood. We sell the best quality at the lowest price and guarantee you good weight and service. Oregon Lumber Yard Telephone 8 i!iriiiuiiiiuiiiuiiHtitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiii'iiiiuc I HOODI ES, CHOP SUEY, CHINA DISHES S GOFY'S KVV0NG HONG LOW E Wi.f W 116 WeitAlt St.. Upitairi,' Phone J 1 S 1 paf.ajllllllMllllfirltfllltlllllllllllllllllllllliltlllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiitiifliii.i..a..M.. nn GEORGE W COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estimates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Collections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. j FEE & FEE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Despam building. CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Off ce In rear of Ameri can Hank building. jA.vit-S u. ii.Hi'i. uvfct Atl( finctal cars. Calls i.iw. uiuce over idjn'r liaru ai company. rETERSON & BISHOF. ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 and 4. Smith Crawford building " " RAIIJY. ATTORNEY DOUGLAS W at law. Will practice in all state. and federal courts. 9, Despaln building Rooms 7, 8 and FREDERICK ney at law. ford building STE1WER. ATTOR- Offlce in Smith-Craw-j a A LOWELI, ATTOK.N'EY A.f ccunM"l!or at law. Office In De -pain bulldiof. Pacific Ity. 4 , iiMiimiiiiiimiiniiv H N Klt VL DHIF.CTOIIS. J. T. BROWN S FURNITURE STOR, Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral can. Calla. responded to day or night. CumW Ma:n and Water street IVUpljona, 3. JOHN S. BAKER, Fl'NKitAI. Di rector and licensed eo.l.uiiner. Op- ,, P""'- kv" if'ice. Funr-ral parlor. , ,liy (7r u.(u rh. ne ii. I MONTANA FARM I.AVIW. NORTHERN iWII'IC RAILWAY i a it 13 10 for f.irmlna For Infor Holt. Mile i Lan.ia in e-tsti-in Mnni i j IQ pr ulTe. Sit ,hl r graying E.isv terms. ; matlon write or nuw it City. Montana. IstKTOItS. L'K. S. A umc He.) to ihe eye, r.i lloui- 1 to I :in ! I'ontllfeh' V'lilp nt.UTIi K LIM '. res,, and throat. t" 1. .' ln l.y p. :t Inld l:ld. I i I I