TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 12. 1916. PAGE NINE Candidates Announcements (Paid Advertisements.) 'I t -hi x J I , 1 I - 1 mk mjpkft: nuu innniLi (. 1 ! HELIX MAN PURCHASES MEAT MARKET PROPERTY W. T. REEVES Democratic Candidate tor Representative. (F'uld Adv.) .; - J. J. I bMVlLA Republican Candidate for ASSESSOR (Paid Advertisement) I'liiiiiiiiitimimiiiiiiimiiimiiHiiimiif- ROY m V. I RqnMca Candidate I for I STATE I REPRESENTA IVE I (ret Kiucnox) I FiiiimimiiiiiiiMiiifiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiini; There was a libera) run of Bwine in he yards at North Portland over night, und the general trend of the trude was slightly weaker. Sales in general were made about a dime lower than the start of the week, the bulk of the early business being around $9,155. although It wot quite possible that a nniuli amount would be Hold a fraction higher. General hojr market: Choli'o IlKht weights ....89.6otfilr.C5 Good IlKht weights 9.4049.611 Medium weight 9.25ft;9.35 Rough heavy 8 503.0U Catilu Receipts (jootl. Kather Rood run of cattle was shown In the yards over night. Flf ten loudK CHme from one shipper at WelHor, Idaho. While the offerings were of good quulity. the stock was Hllifhtlv heavier weights than the trade cared for. Moat of the local killers are filled up with cattle and while they are not seeking any liberal additional supplies, mill at tha mo mn,i they are not Inclined to heit down general values. General tattle market runge: rrlme light steers $6. J6J?tt.!iu Prime heavy steers 7.00 V 7.10 (Jood light steers 6.0(1 mi G.oO Mockers and feeders B.00 'ri Prime dehorned cows and heifers S505.7& Common cows 4.nl)i.0t) Pulls .B04.W Prime light veal calves.... 7.00)7 6 Prime heavy veal calves.. 4.0" COO Iimxltng Ein Comn Forward. , Kurrle IWX'lare Jle Ila Made More Money and I,ot lns at IIclU Than Anywhere Ho Kver Lived. Two loads of breed ewes came for. i EaM Oregonlan Special) ward to the mutton and lamb dlvalon at North Portland over night. Seme HEIJX, Oct. 11. O. Kurrle has additional valley stuff was expected l'ught the property oceupl.d by him later in the day. conducting a meat market from A. P. General mutton and lamb situation Myrlrk of Pendleton. Mr. Kurrle In steady. states he ha made more money and General mutton and lamb market. Jost lens In Helix than anywhere he Select spring lambs t 8.; 5 ever lived. Ordinary lambs 8 00WS.25 A. I.. Grover bought one-half sec- Heat yearlings 7.25Q7.50 tlon of land yesterday, six miles south Good to common wethers. 6.75W6.O0 of town of Dave Nelson for (39,000. Best ewes 5.75 if? .00 J. c. Pcter.-on has sold his lease on Heavy to common ewes... 4. 00(94. SO the J. !. Kllllan place to Jens Olsen. cln-day iJvPwux'lr Shippers. Term, four years. llogH C. E. Patterson, Oreland, Kd Rlngle hai bought the Improve Cal 2 loads, Red Uiuff 1 load; Rob- ments on a section of school land ert McCrow, Goldendale, Wash.. 1 near La Crosse and leased the land load; P J. McGrall, Roosevelt, Wash., for five years. He expects to leave 1 lad; H. c. Davidson, Emmett, Ida- for his new home the 18th instant, ho, 1 loud; Grover ISros., New Ply- Ills brother and partner Laurence mouth, Idaho. 1 load; W. H. Fields will continue farming the ranch north Idaho Falls, Idaho, i load, Shelley 1 of town. load; Rush & Hlte, Rupert, Idaho, 2 ney Winn is fencing a section ol loads; A. W. Urad haw, Medford, 2 ina with hoir wire. CHICAGO VICTIM AND WOMAN WHO hllrr IIKR loads; William IilocK, Independent e, 1 load; Reese & Loop, McMinnvllle, 1 load; First Stales Pavings Hunk, Mid land, 1 load. Cattle George Kohlhagen. Ro.se burg, 1 load; M. II. Dement, Myrtle Point, 2 load.i; KJdweil & Trowbridye, Weiser, Idaho, 15 loads. Sheep W. H. Reeves, West Sclo. 1 load; R J. Carsner, 1 load. Mixed stuff Robert McCrow, Ocn tertrllle. Wash., 2 loads cattle and hogs; C. K. Lucke, Molalla. 1 load calves and hogs; J. W. Vetch, Cottng. Crove. l load cattle and sheep. Mr, and Mrs. Emil Timmerman have returned from their honeymoon trip to the coast. Mr. Timmerman will farm a part of the John Timmer man estate and thej- will occupy the place east of town known as the W 13. Henderson homestead. The new machinery for the Advo cate came Saturday. Wm. Johnson of Adams, was in town Saturday looking after busines' connected with the Charles Johnson estate. The Misses Kuther entertained Mr and Mrs. J. R. King of Vansycle at . .. j J HPS aARiY 1 MRS J0SC?rj How Would You Accept the Ring? lira. Josetihlna C Leduc nf Sheii dinner Sunday and to a motor trip to dan Road Chicago,' wag wounded by i'enaieion jaier in me evening. Everybody is buying fuel and mak lug preparations for winter. Otto Serrell has bought a new Bu 1 9 YOUR BATHROOM WARM AND COMFY WITH ONE OF OUR from $3.00 up Once used you wonder how you ever got along without it. Pacific Power & Ligfit Company Phone 40 S. MAX IS CHIEF OF CI11NA R.ULWAI ST. PAUL. Oct 11. The appoint- Mrs. Harry Belzer of Brooklyn in the " ' ' i 'J; . 2 . h.0i ;..,.- w,- Northen entfneer, to be chief engi neer of the new 160,000,000 Chinese railroad, the contract for which was I ' : '2 L 1 r lclc. Hotel Walton. Philadelphia. Mra Leduc was there with Joseph C Graveur of New York. Mrs. Belzer killed Graveur, wounded Mrs. Leduo, ? SiS JWfciBJtSl1 1 T CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tclb How To Oct quick Relief from Head-Colds. It's Splendid! it i;.aXf i You can't puncture a pneumatic tire by pinning -your faith to it. ISA POISON FACTORY IKGKK KVFUYONE TO DRINK V.IAHS OF HOT WATER BE. FORE BHE-iKJAST. MAE MURRAY, FAMOUS PLAYERS STAR IN PARAMOUNT PICTURES. There are a great many ways of receiving one's engagement ring from th nan of one's choice, but this Illustration was snapped shortly after Mae Mur ray wag proposed to In one of her Paramount Picture produced by the Famous Player. Mrs. Minnie Walker attended th an(J tnfn pnot herself to death. Saturday Afternoon Club at Weston , Saturday, held at the residence- of Mr. A. J. Mclntyre. Mrs. Walker iJ a member of the club. Helix shipped out 120 carloads of wheat during September. Mrs. T. J. Matlock, who has been vMtlng with her daughter, Mrs. G. W. Piper, during the summer' left Friday for her home in Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. W. fl. Davidson were visitors Sunday. W. H. Albee and family motored to Pendleton Saturday. Frank Kllllan is home from Arlington. Joe Scott of Athena, was a Friday .juat as coal, when it bums, leaves viaitor. behind a certain amount of lncom- Thc Intermountaln show had a bustible material In the form of ash good crowd Monday nighL es, so the food and drink taken day Clifford Kendall is clerking for uftPr day Paves m the alimentary Smith Bros while E. U Norvell is in canal a certain amount of lndiges- Portland. ti,ie material, which if not complete. Ralph Clark, two year old son ol jy eliminated from the system each Mr. and Mrs. Lorain Clark, who was daJi becomes food for the millions of burned by running through embers bacteria which infest the bowels, of a bonfire two weeks ago, is much fYom tni8 ma38 of ieft-over waste, improved, toxins and ptomain-like poisons arc Joe Hodgen of Weston, was a Sat- farn,ed and sucked into the blood, urday visitor. Me and women wn0 oan't get feei Mia Vesta Morrison, who is teach- ing right must begin to ,ake inside Ing in Juniper, was here Saturday and baths. Before eating breakfast each Kunfl4y' morning drink a gias of real hot wa- Ira Scott was home a few days the ter wUn a teaspoonrul of limestone first of the week. He is farming ex- phosphate ,n lt t0 wasn out of th0 tenslvely near La Crosse, thlrt feet of bowela the prevlouJi i eierson anu lamuy are visn- (jay's accumulation of poisons and. ing wun tne.r parents, Mr. ana Mrs. toxing an(, ,Q kfep ,ne entjre aIlmen. li V ..... ... tarr canal dean, pure and fresh. JU'U U1 Those who are subject to sick head- , v..o..co u.luu u uul ache, colds, biliousness, constipation, VI , r....... other" wh0 wake "P wlth bad ta8t,J' ......m, Ul , foul breath, backache, rheumatic stllf- was in town bunday. neBS or hllve a gou s,ornach C. C. Connor of Pendleton, was a ft . ara " obtained by the Siems-Carey com pany of Bt. Paul, wag announced to day by Chester P. Slems, president of the company. Confirmation of Kyie's appointment was received by cable from the Chinese government BARBER LOSES 2 AND THEN KILLS gEL DENVER, Oct li. Mariano Lo cero. 13, a barber, died at the county hospital yesterday afternoon, three hour after he shot himself t the Waverly hotel, 1012 Larimer street III health and the loss of tit while riding on a train Into Denver la be lieved to have been the cause of hi" act Lucero came to Denver Friday from Canon City with another man. ' who robbed him. OUR GROWTH has been steady since our establishment twenty-seven years ago. This is due both to the unquestioned , safety we provide for funds and to the fact that we have always been able to extend to our depositors every service and accom modation in keeping with sound banking. We cordially welcome both small and large accounts. Total resources over $3,000,000. HS ATTEND BARGAIN SALE 'c AS IWMITIJ'XiGini IS CLOSING W In on minute your clogged nostrils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dryness. No Strug. sling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh will be gone. Get a small bottl of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggjst now. Apply a lltte of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream In your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and roller iomoB instantly. If Just fine. Don't stay stuffed up with a cold or nasly catarrh Re lief comes so quickly. twice pitovirs. If you suffer backache, sleepless nights, tired, dull days and distressing urinary disorders, don't experiment Read this twice-told testimony. It's Pendleton evidence doubly proven L. Oreenawald, prop, shoe repair shop, Cottonwood street. Pendleton says: "t had much backache nml soreness across my kidneys and It troubled me day and night. I was al so liothored by the kidney secretions burning in passage. They were ton frequent and scanty. One box or Dnan'a Kidney Pill cured me." (Statement given May 17, 1910.) On May 12. 19H. Mr. Oreenawald said: "I am glad to buck up every word of my former recommendation for Don' Kidney Pills. Now and them. If I notice my kidney are la any way affected, I take Doan'l Kid ney PHI and they never fall to re lieve the trouble." !0o, at all dealer. Foster-Mllburn Co , Mfgi-8, Buffalo, N. T. pENVKR, Oct. 12 V. C. Fish. Sill Race street, decided to sell out and quit the bootlegging business hurt night. His decision was wise, but the time was unpropltlous. Hi custom er assembled to uhsim 111 the dissolu tion, and among these present were Officers Cook, Klein and Schneider of the bootlegging squad, who took Fish, a case of whisky and a bottle of beer to the police station :n the patrol wa gon. Fish told the police authorities he had obtained work with a railway Friday visitor. Mrs. Eva Myrick, who has been vbdting her mother, Mrs. Caroline An derson, returned to her home in Pen dleton Sunday. E. Achilles of Ring station, was a ter pound of limestone phosphate from the drug store, and begin prac ticing Internal sanitation. This will cost very little, but is sufficient to make anyone an enthusiast on the subject. Remember inside bathing is more ompany and is expected to go to work next week, and was bootlegging to tide over his temporary financial Knturdiv visitor embarrassment Police officers say they warned him two weeks ago to Adam gund. mornIng and evening imPrf"l hn outside bathing be discontinue hi H legal operations anJ and Ht(n)ed Cer between trains Mon- fauM .the skin Dore d not , bsorj twenty-five complaint from neigh- ,,nv rnl ,., ,h( stllte convention n'Puties Into the blood, causing poor bor are on file In tho police station. at Tacoma He was released on bond. Mr and Mrs John Moislrom 0f Adams were Monday visitors. Robert Purdy, who has been as And a man's past may be a wretched sisting George McGranahan during prophet of his future. the harvest months, ieft for Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Preston ol head Huntington Beach, Cal., were in tow health, while the bowel pores do. Just as soap and hot water cleanses, sweet ens and freshens the skin, so hot wa ter and limestone phosphate act on the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. jl jj BETTER AND SOFT ICR LIGHT la assured by the om of some of these beautiful fixture of oar. They give m light that Illuminate the room perfectly, but that doe not Ura or strata the eyes. They are not ex pen sive considering their extra ef ficiency and extra beauty. Why not at least see them? J. L. VAUGHAN When pride turns a man's he's sure tt,look the wrong way. .M onduy. KING GEORGE ON THE FIRING LINE INSPECTS BIG GUNS lAw,'ViiMauW. ",v -X&-?-&S4&ti y ...... ? 1 it, ! ; !. s 'i QHICHESTER S PILLS rtM lite " uni W ,11.1 M La .k SOLD BV DULOQISTS EVERYWHERE f H7rIfruflMfarA IB k.d and U-IJ .irt,"Cl KiCl witk Ulan RMm.y mm fresh Every Day CRAWFISH OYSTERS CLAMS SEA CRABS Fine, Clean Furnished Room to Connection. steam Heated. The Quelle Restaurant Exclusive distributing depot In Pendleton for FALrS Sea Food. CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y IXKIKANCE AND LAND BUSINESS V . V, f l s '5 , I i, J JBENTLET ft MONTciOMERT, REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agante. 816 Main street Phone 404. AVCTIONF.KHS. COL. W. F. YOHNKA. Al'CTION eer, makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales. "The man that sets you the money." Leave orders at Kast Oiegon'an office. " SECOND HAND DEALERS. vr'TtUKLE.'lLERN i nnd second hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest place In Pendleton to biM' household goods. Come and Ret our prtrea 2l E. Court street Phone 17 1W. GEORGE W COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estimates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Collection made. Room 17. Schmidt block. FEE & FEE. ATTORNEYS) AT LAW. Office In Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of Ameri can Xaional Bank building. ARCHITECT. KINC CE0J2.m&PXCTIJG MflP.TAR ON FJKJWG LIKE This interesting picture shows Kin ; pit on the western front, during a re oor;j' ' 'lit v.Hil to the mil in i SoTinio' Tt ill:; imo ,i r fitimng line tho SWf- FLM SEttvrcS. .iaof I'ntish li" itxi'i x ii RAYMOND W. HATCH, ARCHI test. Despain Building. phone 78. Pendleton, Oregon. I ATTOUXETS. i RALEY & RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT law. office In American National Bank Building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware company. PETERSON & BISHOP. ATTOR- neys at law; rooms 1 and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILT, ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 7, 8 and 9. Despaln building. FCNEKAL DIRECTORS. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STOR. Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral cars. Call, responded to day or msM Corner Main and Water streets T'lpnuav 43. JOHN 8. PAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and tceiid embalinur. Op. posite potof!. i r. hiiri.-r.il parlor, two funeral car.. I'aiin ri'S"uded to day or night rtwne 75 MONTANA FARM LAXDH. FREDERICK ney at law. ford building. PTEIWER. ATTOR Offic In Smith-Craw- NORTHERN PA'-ine RAILWAY Lands In eastern Montana at 13 It to (U per acre. .Suttal.'le tor farming or grazing E.isy terms. For Infor mation write or see W. E Holt. Mile City, Montana. IHH TORS a A LOWELL. ATTOrtNBT AND counsellor at law. Offico In De spaln building. DR. S. A. I'.ni: - l it (.TIi K MM ltid to the ee. nr. ii'-si; an tltroat. Houis 1 to 12 ii n I J tu 1. !y p. t-ointnient y.iite n. J'it.1 I'lilg