PAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY. OCTOBER 9, 1916. EIGHT PAGES it u tt tj. h I ft C C C c E Have Just Received a Shipment of Apis and Pears We H BLUE WINTER PAIRMAINS GRIMES GOLDEN WINTER BANANAS SNOWS FALL BUTTER AND IDAHO PEARS GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. it u tt ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft tl 3 tt tt tt tt tt ft tt tt tt tt tt m mmmm rresb.Mer.v to Meet. i The rrosb.uory of Pendleton will i.tXil ;i meeting tomorrow morning at HI o'clock at the Ptesbyterian church. Will Build Bungalow. J. A. Horn Saturday took out a per mit to build a bungulow on Webb street. It will cost about 11600. One Jneuriute In. J. A. McKlratgh this morning for feited ten dollars bail In police court, having been arrested during the week-end for being drunk. Two Phones, 28 "QUALITY" 823 Main St GRAIN and STOGKRANGH is:u acres on railroad.' 2 0 0 0 tillable, part ready to seed; good buildings, plenty of water, all fenced and cross fenced. Price SC5.fl"0. Will take some exchange if price is right. ! have some desirable residence property in Pendleton for sale at less than cost to build, and lots thrown in. Among which are the fine modern homes of J. S. Landers on Jackson street, and I T.. MeOearv on Monroe street. E. T. WADE, Pendleton. Ore. Maxwell Car Sold. MoCook & Bentley, agents for the Maxwell, report the sale of a new model car to Alex liamey, well known farmer. Among the delegates from this city who are In attendance at the Slate Federation at .Seaside which convenes today are Airs. 0. F. Colesworthy, repre.-enting the Current Literature Club; Mr. R. E. itingo, alternate from the Current Literature Club ami official representative of the Civic Club, and Mrs. Roy T. Bishop of the Thursday Afternoon Club. m""'Mi'li,HM,iu i .,. ..,,. ,..,..,.,,, i, ,:,,,,.,,;,,,,, ,1,1,1,.;,,,,,,,,. .;, m!,,i. 5. ,,,, i , fi , .f-, ei'M'l MiuiiiliHiillilllNilliilliiHilMUNMiillhnilMuniHIN I Did You Ever Let One of Your Dollars tj I Stop at The Golden Rule Store I and Watch It do It's Duty m Those that have, claim it sure is "some sport" with "some returns" Three Marriage license. Marriage licenses were issued Sat urday to Jens Olson and Salmina Thompson, to Aaron Minthorn and Anna Thompson and to Leslie C. Rog ers and Velna E. Marple. 1.1 (itrs of Sheep. Thirteen cars of sheep were ship ped out of Pendleton yesterday over the N. P. to Seattle. Four cars were shipped by Frank Alvarez and nine cars by Heron and Bryor. They were all purchased from Smythe & Boylen. ltuys Barber Shop. ' Bert Ball, who has been barbering in the Hotel Pendleton for some time past, has purchased the lease and fixtures of the shop from C. P. "Red" Trask. who has been managing the place since its opening. Registrations Not Totaled. The number of voters registered in I'matilla county for the November election is not yet known. County Clerk Saling will not total them until he has received the cards from all de luty registrars in the county. M 1 1 1 II 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 ! i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - More Hoicks Sold. The Oregon Motor Garage reports the following Buicka sold; D 6-45S to Otto Serell of Helix, J. N. Burgess of Pendleton, Ferry Houser of Pilut Rock; D 4-35s to Arthur Gienger of Pilot Rock and T. C. Bunnel of Enterprise. Miss Zcluiu E. Marple and Leslie C. Rogers, both prominent young people of this city and popular with a large ; 53 circle of friends, were married this ' 53 morning at 9:30 o'clock at a pretty ! 5 ceremony performed at the home ol Ej the bride's father orr-W. Railroad street. The Rev. Nathan Evans of 3 The Dalles read the service In thejiH presence of a company of friends and j relatives. A wedding breakfast was j served immediately following tho 3 ceremony. Mr. and airs. Rogers leti ; 2 .on the noon train for the bridegroom's j ranch near Mitchell where they will 55 make their home. I 5 At the high school auditorium a Parent-Teacher's association for the high school will be formed tonight. The meeting Is to begin at 8 o'clock and an Interesting program has been 'trranged. In detail it is as follows: High School Boys' Quartette. "Aim of Parent Teachers Associa tion from Superintendents' Stand Point." Supt. A. T. Park. "Help Gained by Having an Organ ization of this Kind." Prof. H T Drill. Solo Esther M. South. "The Necessity of Such an Associa tion in Pendleton High School." Judge Phelps. Piano Solo Olga Norgren. "Results Which Can Be Obtained by Cooperation Between Parents and Teachers." Mrs. Fee. j ".Need of Boys and Girls Forum."! Key. J. E. Snyder. I Violin Solo Miss Kessi. i (.il ls' Velvet or Corduroy Hats lite. !), 9Hc, $1.10 Infants' Knit Sots 8c, $1.19, $.H Infants' I'.ootoos 15e, 18c, 25c Infants' SWTOtera I1c Bc, 9He, 81.19 Infant' Cashmere Hose 12 I -2c, lUe Children's Wool Hose 25o, 49o Ijullcn' Fleered Lined Hose I5e, 2.V-. Ladies' Cashmere. Hose 2Sc, 89o 1 files' Knit Petticoats 6ttc, 9Sc, $1., $1.98 Children's Wool Presses $:l.9M, S4.9H I,adlcM' Outing Gowns I9e, 79e, 9Kc!, 1.I9 Children's Outing Gowns 19o Men' Villon Sulm 98e, .bh Men's Sweaters 8c, $2.98, $3,914 Moii'.s Jerseys 9Hc, $1.43 Hoys' Jem'jH 1.2S Hoys' Villon SnlW 49c, 09c, 9 He Hoys' SweatiTS .9c, 690, 9 Ho Men's MaeklmiHS $I.9H, $5.90, $8.90 Young Meji's MaekinuwK, nt' 3 and 38 $4.50 Hojs' Mackinaw $8.98 IUs' l laiinel lllouses 490 Men's I laniiel Shirt 9He, $1,49, $1.08 Men's Canvas (;loves ,, H l-3o VOV VAN IK) nKTTKK AT i r u hi: 1.1. ah, OTHERS I'OI l -.nil was decoyed girl. to the cell tier by the Sudden Rjcnesi. Tuesday and Wednesday. Cosy the ater. Adv. liutton to Meet Ministers. R. P. Hutton, state secretary of the Anti-Saloon League, will meet this evening with the various ministers and other leaders in the prohibition movement to discuss methods of fight ing the so-called brewers' amend' ment. CanuU Will ut Dayton. Yakima Canutt, who won second ill Mr. and Mrs. J. p. Robinson were 1 hosts at a deightful picnic dinner yes- j terduy in honor of Mrs. W. J. Furnish j of Portland. The party left In cars j early in the morning fur Bingham Springs uhere a swim in the pool was ' enjoyed and later went to the Vincent cabin for a delicious dinner. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Judd, Mr. and Mrs. W: L. Thompson, Mr. and .Mrs. W. E. McComaa. Dr. and Mrs. F. V. Vincent. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brock and Dr. and .Mrs. F. E. royden. VtYFSU5T0. GLASSES (.ROUND AND FITTED-LENStS DUPLICATED. AMErfiCAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING.- PENOLLTON.ORE. Phone 609 - L0AI8 j Expert repairing of Watche and Jewelry. mm hi Vl7 V V the Rouml-ITn buckinir contest in Montgomery, 1915, won the bucking contest at the the company wild west show held at Dayton, Wash., last week. This is the second such contest Canutt has won this year, hav ing won one in Montana. E Noonan, head of the Pacific Coast Elevator Co., arrived this morning and was taken hv J F. local representative of to Walla Walla by auto, i Sues Por Wages. Alleging the JJST.83 and interest is due him for caring for defendant's orchard during the past four years, Carl Johnson today filed suit against John D. Woods. His attorney is Fred E. Schmidt who recently located at Stanfield. Not only because it is made in Pendleton, but because it is better Sold to tie family trade in cases of one dozen bo'tles and up. quarts or pints. We also recommend our new True Fruit drinks, PORT-0 and PEND-0. Brewed and bottled by Wm. Roesch Bottling Co. S Wholesale nd City Brewery. Family Trade. Telephone S28 tiiiiiiiimiiiimmiiiiniiiiiiiiiimniiiiiHimmmmmiiininiii mmimmmmiiJ Suit to Collect. . O. U. and T. W. Sapper, in business at Hermiston, have brought suit in the circuit court against J. R. Means and v ife to collect on a note for $169 prin cipal alleged to have been executed to B. J. Ghent and afterwards assigned to plaintiffs. W. J. Warner is attor ney for plaintiffs. Van Find No Powder Men. The levee committee of the coun cil which has been given the authority to make necessary repairs to the levee at once, has been unable to make a start on the work owing to the In ability to find men experienced in the use of blasting powder. To repair the washed out stretch of the levee a considerable amount of rock is neces sary and the committee will be delay. ed until it can find men who can get out this rock. A. Oftedal. special federal agent, Is' back in Pendleton after spending a couple of weeks on the Yakima reser vatlon. Satisfaction guaranteed Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler. No Delay Ho Red Tape Low low Rate Liberal Repayment Privileges Mm AW Co. Corner Main and Court Sts. Pendleton, Ore. i! p " " J ii Mr. and Mrs Mel Shutrum have re-1 lumen rrom an extendd trip to Cal ifornia and were accompanied up irom Portland by Meitrum Shutrum. spent ; We Bring New York to You Because we are members of the United i: Jewelers' co-operative buying organization E we have the services of expert buyers in New York and we c&n procure anything to 1 "".und in any jewelry store in America. E This provides our customers with the 5 fame merchandise, the same prices, the same quality of general service available in the largest stores in the largest cities. Only one jeweler in any one city can gain Ji membership in this corporation; therefore, 25 we consider our selection in Pendleton for this honor a great tribute to us. So, when ever you need dependable jew- 55 1ry store items give our tore your careful EE examination, because it is really a waste of E time for you to shop around. Prices of EE course, are m usual, notably moderate. Since 1887 I Ml H. SAWTELLE S f Jeweler. lift fur IIIHIIIV. Hen Corbett, well Known Round-Up rider, and wife arrived home from Dayton yesterday after taking pan in the hhow there They left last nijrht fnr Albany where a wild west show is to be staged this week. Am ong other Kound-Up performers who will be there are Dell and Bertha Blancett, the Wier brothers, George Fletcher, Broncho Bob Hall and Buf falo Vernon. Pet Spaniel Dies. The water spaniel that has been the shadow of Rev. J. M. Cornelison for the past 15 years was the victim Hatnrdav of his own old age. For the past four years he has been deaf and j Saturday was run down in the roadi h eam. Several bones were brok en and his Injuries were such that his master chloroformed him yesterday to end his misery. Kev. Cornelison brought the animal rrom Kentucky in 1901 and valued him highly. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Timmennan j were outgoing passengers on yester- I aays .V P. train to Helix. A. Rood of Heppner is registered ! at the Bowman. P. B. Clark of Waitshurg spent last night in the city. Hazel Clark of Albee spent tho weekend in the city. Alfred E. Franz of Athena, spent Sunday in Pendleton. R. E. Blackman of Milton, the weekend In the city. M. B. Hockenberry of Portland was at the Pendleton yesterday. M. A. Modie of Burns was a Sun day guest of the Golden Rule. Will Ferguson, prominent Athena resident, is down today in his car. Miss Munn and Miss Young left yesterday for Seattle. Ed Martin of Stanfield was among the visitors here yesterday. D. I). Cannon and son of Pilot Rock spent yesterday in Pendleton. Mrs. C. M. Stype is entertaining the Duplicate Whist Club this afternooa Mrs. Spence Bentley has returned from a visit of several months in Cal ifornia. Miss Muriel Saling has been spend-! ing the past two days with friends in Heppner. j James hicks, traveling passenger g; agent for the O.-W. it. & N., is spend, i Ej Ing the day In the city. 1 1 Darr Phelps and J. J. Hamley ' were down in the west end of the S county yesterday with their guns. Irwin G. Brooks of Athena, accom-1 gf panled by Harold Cochran of Med- j S ford, came down for the day yester- day. I e Miss Laura Siebert, who has been 1 visiting at the home of A. D. Siebert since the Round-Up, has returned to her home at McMinnvllle. W. M. Blakely, C. K. Cranston and M. R. Chessman returned yesterday from a three day fishing trip up the Umatilla and on Meacham creek. I : r-IMIIMHrUfMllMIMMM!IMMMMMHIM(MM11IM(t'UIinMMMHlMnNHMHfiMf MHM'IMIfMIMHIIIUIMtUIMIflMIIilM'llitlM it I iMIlf IIHII 1 1 f M I MMf 1 II (M I II I II M II III) N ? M MIlHi M IMIMKI t M I U M Ml MIKi ml " ! ' "" ! ! -ill - . If i ' ' ' - J ill I ...... " I - if jl yK kpk -r-- m WL j : t..r.' "' " tmmmmi g i ! . - - i I i IT!' ' ,Z-J : . f ' 1 ' 5 ; i Wcy : : t xir"- i I l?6 Can Save a Fev; Ken S 1 70 1 I on the I1UBS0EJ SUPER-SHI 1 Hutton Raps Brewers' Bill. lAt evening in the Christian church R. P. Hutton. state secretary of the Anti-Saloon League, addressed a large audience on the so-called j remain, has returned to Pendleton, brewers' amendment upon which the people of the state will be called to vote next month. He condemned it in unqualified terms, declaring If pass ed it would be the entering wedge for the defeat of prohibition In the state. His remarks were received with en thusiasm by the audience. Mr. Hutton is scheduled to speak on the street this afternoon. Adolph Frazler, who was formerly In the auto repair business here and who left for Wisconsin last month to GIRL LURES JAILER INTO CELL AT NIGHT, PRISONERS ESCAPE The HALLMARK St ore Sudden Hlche. Tuesday and Wednesday, ater. Adv. Cosy the- One of the unsolved mysteries is how two men can exchange umbrella" In the dark and each Invariably get the worst of It. PCNSCTAWNEY, Pa.. Oct. 9. A dozen posses are scouring the coun try today for George Graham, 35, Prisoner in the city Jail, who late lost night pounded Juil Warden An drew Nell, 84, Into unconsciousness and escaped with Route Styers, 15, his alleged accomplice In a long series of robberies that have terrorized the neighborhood. Grahuin used a shoe as his weapon and the Jail corrlderlgEi (L'hera the hnttlo wnu fdllt'lit ' drenched with blood. The warden , Note These Important Fads Prices Will Advance Soon We have just been notified as follows about coming Super-Sixes: There will be no change in models. This year's production is nearly sold out both of open models and closed. The new production starting December 1 will be built from materials contracted this year, at enormous advance in cost. And, to maintain present standards, those cars must cost $175 more. We Have Cars Here We have ft carload of cars now on hand at the present price. They will be sold at present prices while they last. After that, every cor shipped to us will cost the higher price. You can save that difference $175 by buy ing your Super-Six now. And you'll get the same model as buyers get who buy after De cember 1. Consider that fact well. Next Year Will Be a Super-Six Year The Super-Six this year came In as a stran ger. It was like all strangers, received with some question. The next season will start December 1 with 25.000 Super-Sixes running. And with 25,000 enthusiastic owners. It will start with performance records, which prove that this invention has doubled a motor's endurance. It holds all stock-car records up to 100 miles. It holds the 24 hour record of 1819 miles. It won tho Pike's Teuk hill-climb against 20 famous rivals.. It holds the ocean to ocean r'ord San Francisco to New York, made In 14 hours, 59 minutes less time than the next best record. Next year the Super-Six, with till these rec ords behind It, will hold the peak place by Itself. ' Save by Deciding Now If you want such a car even next year you will save $175 by deciding now. Never again In all probability, can you buy a Super-Six at these prices. Come nnd select the car you want before we sell all our allotment. $1650 in Pendleton NOW Oregon Motor Garage 117, 119, 121, 123 West Court St. (Incorporated) Phone 468 In l!!i;;!!!!i!l!l!!i!;!!!!iui S3 i 5