East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 09, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Cold Mornings
CI up 188 M try aa order of
MONDAY, 0TOJ1:k 8, ion;.
Downey's Met
with Dean Tatom Co. Phone 683
NKW YnltK, Oct. O. Wall street,
whose vision never reaches west of
Vhiladelphlit, him at last heard of the
political trend In1 the Mlddl.. West
and today reduced the odds on Hushes
In the election netting to 9 to 6 and
even nt thli figure thera na very
Httla Hughe money In sight.
Mii".:irl Mi'(j'i:i(li a curl) broker,
blared I in. una to HS.OiiO on Presl-
dent Wilson and later offered $5,00"
more, but found no taker. L. J.
Stokes, another curb broker, had
$6,000 to place on HugheH at 9 to 5.
There wan much more Wilson
money In evidence In the Wall street
district than at any time since the
opening of the campaign. Hughe
cash In very scarce.
Ilavlntr fitilid to leazc ujj by threats' Mi Xum Indnoiw! Him.
and l.lulf during the frst year of our I councilman Claude Penland, who Is'
bulldozing, lloland Oliver has re-, melnber of the police committee,
ported to cunning and subtle strategy. ,,lull(n ,ne had locaud a subterran
only our unceasing vigilance prevent-. tan brewery the otner duy whl.n he
ed the culmination of a diabolical-plot Covered steam issuing from the
to undermlpe our Influence. manhole of a sewer. j
Last week Oliver concocted a ca
luminous and defamatory article
about the editor of this paper. He, Household iutk. i
then sought to bribe one of our
prlntera to Insert It In the Weakly
Bulldogger of this Issue without our
knowledge. Fortunately the article
was ao vile and odorous that our fine
ly attuned nose smelled It out before
It had polluted our pages.
The article In question presents j
that ye editor, slowed and saturated'
in the Juice of the grape, wended his
homeward way at 1 a. m. last Friday!
and look numerous precautions not
to arou.ie his wife. It went on to say
that as we clambired Into' bed, our
sleeping helpmeet half wakened and
said, "(.let down, Tasso, get down.'
thinking it was our dog climbing on
the bed. The article concluded b
crediting us with presence o minJ
enough to lick her hand so that she
doited orf without discovering her mis
take. The fraud of the whole thing is re
vealed by the fact thai our dog Tasso
died a rabid death last January. Also,
Is the author knew our wife as well
as we, he would have Known that she
couldn't be fooled In any auch man
ner. In the first place she would nev
er have been asleep if we were out
until 2 a. m. On such occasions she
always greets us at the door. Fur
ther proof of the falsity of the article
U unnecessary.
Speaking of stocks and lionds.
"That's sur some Bond fire," re
marked G. M. ltTc-e as he stood watch
ing the conflagration that destroyed
th haberdashery stock of lJond Bros.
Thursday morning.
Bill Morrison of Helix is figuring
on going to California for some rea
son or other. "Going to take your
wife along?"- asked Roland Oliver.
"Nope," said BUI. "You see, I bought
a cow the other day and somebody
has to take care of her."
I Mil Man) a (.em of run? Bay Sc.
There ure darned r w newspaper
men who make any claim to being
leal aujeetive abusers. They gener
ally try u put a story Into under
standable words in as short time and
space as possible. Threlore It not in
tiequently happens tiiat some sub
scriber, who has some happening of
particular interest to him to report
and who leal a that the prcuuic re
porter will not do it Justice, submits
the copy all written up. Sometimes
the copy is printable and sometimes it
is too classical to be profaned by pub.
llcation. In which latter event it is
tiled away In the pigeonhole labeled
From the said pigeonhole of the
K. O. we have extracted the follow
ing Item to illustrate the fact that the
newspaper profession does not get the
finest writers. It tells of a picnic held
some years ago. The name of the
organization enjoying the picnic la
withheld. The contributor has long
since left for other fields else we
would not publish nis masterpiece
yet. Cast your lamps over this, you
lovers of light literature;
"As every experience is retained in
The Prohibition Law Is One KIihI f ! nemory inversely to the extent of its
singularity, we at once assume that
Too many people In this miserable
(Id world are never happy unless!
they rue bubbling over with unban- j
Thev were discussing the dimmer "'e unusual activities of
ordinance and the effect of bright Vesterday will never be forgotten
Ugh; on the eyes. "Long before the customary time
It's rather odd," said Concilinan for arising from the somnolent pos-
No smoker likes to play
Half the joy of smoking is
in being able to put your
hand on the kind of smoke
you want, just at the minute
you want it.
Now there's the- OWL.
The Owl is a good mellow
smoke. Everybody smokes
a mild cigar now and then ;
many men smoke nothing
They never have to hunt to find
an OWL! Whether they stay at
home or travel, anywhere on the
Coast the smoker can always find
it The OWL is sold everywhere.
So when you form a friendship for
the OWL, you can feel sure that this
friendship need never be interrupted.
The Million
Dollar Cigar
M. Av GUNST ft Ca
'ure many enjoy Sunday morning
late, the entire membership of 30,
with the exceuption of three, were on
their way to the recreative station of
"No sooner had they found their
camping glade than many took to pe-
Phelps, "that the more I'm lit up the
less I call see.''
Xame Horn of HeetK
We herewith suggest "Killdeer" as
a fit and proper title for Bill Me
Kinney and nur suggestion has noth
ing whutever to do with his prowess destrial exercises and laborously as-
as n bagger of duc ks. Anyone Inter-, cended the tranquil hills only to as
es'.ed In the orieln of the title might 'sist In exciting the appetency ot
secure information from Hill. If he: those who Indulge. The sizzle of the
refuses to supply it. we refer our read-, porterhouse steaks, the odoriferous
er.- to Jim Bowler, Brooke Dickson or ! confusion of boiling coffee and the
John Vaughan. II tney are bound by I sight of the Juicy fruit salads tend to
oath to withhold the story, maybe portray a condition that all would
Weputy Warden George Tonkin i an enjoy the obliviousness of things that
l e induced to tell about It.
in the least retard their risibility."
Daily Chats With
the Housewife
5 gg)
iiorsKHOMt in i.rs
Muffins left from breakfast can be
split and toasted for luncheon.
Shirts should be suspended from
the bottom on the clothes line.
Cabbage boiled and covered with
cream sauce makes a good winter
Oysters steamed in butter and put
on toast make a delicious and hands
dish for Sunday evening supper.
If eugs are plenty, make them into
a dinner dish and save the meat bill
Be'iurognrd of esirs. for instance is
delicious and filling.
itvrvro sinritisK.
Mince the meat and bacon very
small and chop P the ecs. Have
ready six potatoes baked In their
skins, cut in half and remove the In
side. Mix this up with the meat, two
ounces butter, seasoning and a little
mushroom ketchup, refill the potato
skins, reheat in the oven and serve
with a good curry sauce.
Melt 2 tablespoons of butter, add I
tablespoons of flnur and H teaspoon
of sugar. When blended, add 1
tablespoon of cream and 3-4 of a cup
of cooked spinach, chopped fine. Bent
well, remove from the fire, add 2
eggs. 1 at n time. Season with salt
and pepper to taste, nnd about J-4
teaspoon of ground mace. Fill a
tablespoon with the mixture, making
It level with the edge of the spoon,
slln it off Into a pan of boiling water,
and ponch 4 or R minutes, or until
firm. Six or more balls mav be cook
ed at the same time. Drain In a col
ander, while making the cream sattce
In which they nre to be served. Can
ned spinach mnv be used when the
fresh Is not In the market.
Kxercislng should be avoided Im
mediately after eating, and eating
should be avoided immediately after
exercising. Nature should be given a
chance to rest nnd recuperate In eith
er ense before fresh work Is hennd
upon her. Early morning, Immedl
ntelv after rlstnir. nnd late In the even
ing before retiring nre the best times
for calisthenics.
For the dressing of the pickles, mix
together 4 tablespoons of mustard. 1
te ispoon of turmeric nnd 1 cups of
sninr. Tnto 3 pints of boiling vinegar
stir a cup of flour, made smooth In
cold water. Add the spices. Slice in
to this two dozen larce cucumbers
which have been soaked In salt water
over nlcht. Poll all for two minutes
and can. These nre excellent for
Four eggs; two yolks; six table-.
spoonfuls water; one-half teaspoon
salt; tablespoon butter; pinch of
Beat the whites of eggs till they are
dry nnd the yolks till they are of a
lemon color. Add water, salt and pep
per to the yolks. Mix thoroughly and
fold In the whites. When the butter
is heated in the frying pan turn in
the mixture and let It stand In a mod
erate heat for two minutes. Then
place in a hot oven and cook till set.
Catfi-.li Swallows 10-l b. FUli.
KVANSV1LLE, Ind.. Oct. 7.
Charles W. Weir caught a big catfish
in the Ohio river. He took it home
end placed it in a glass aquarium in
the rear of his store. He had a ten
pound buffalo fish In the tank. When
he took some of his friends back to
show them his new "catch." he dis
covered that the catfish had made a
dinner of the buffalo, swallowing it
Ruddy Cheeks Sparking Eyes
Most Women Can Have
Says Dr. Edwards, a Weil-Known
Ohio physician
Dr. F. M. EdwarJi for 17 years
treated scores of women for liver and
bowel ailments. During these years he
gave to his patients a prescription made
of a few well-known vcrct.vblc inyedi
ents tr.i.ed with olive oil, n.imi.irf them
Dr. Kdwards' Olive Tablet;, you will
know them I y their oliw cel. .".
These u!cts ;.re wondcr-wo-Wcr o
the liver and hiu-i!s, whic'i ivr n -tnal
action, carrying oil the waste ;ir.:l
poison m matter in one's ssh".i.
If you have a pale face, sallow look,
dull eyes, pimples, coated tongue, head
aches, a listless. no-good freiine;. all o-jt
of sorts, inactive liowels, vott t..ke one
of Dr. I-Mwards' Oliw Tablets ni.ht!y
for a time and note the pleasing" resr.hs.
Thousands of women es well as men
take Dr. i'i'w.ird ;' I Vive Ta'.ilcts :!ic
successful substitute for cal. i-" ' :-"w
aH then jyt to k.-o-i tn the p:-'c 1 -dition.
10c 'vw-lv. A!!'-it '-
hil.N M Y Mr
I live ws a a viivi
I Urn
IaH llAiiir
1'lione 2-.I for appointments.
omen s
in Favored Autumn
Modish up-to-the-minute
apparel portray
ing every edict of fash
ion and are splendidly
failored. These garments
shbw every mark of dis
tinction and smartness.
Colors navy, java,
plum, rose taupe green,
brown, Burgundy, and
Gall and see these
while the stock is com
plete We also received by
this mornings express
party dresses and beau
tiful waists in Georgettes
crepe, washable satin
and crepe de chene.
fn..uili.uni iiiu.i HMilla .j. w' ail
Have You That Word?
If you have it is worth $3,000 in cash.
Come in and let us tell you about it
It's a real offer of real money. A great national
institution is back of it.
This offer is open to everybody and It costs
you nothing to try.
Here's a solid golden opportunity come in
J. L. Vaughan's Electrical Store
831 Main Street Telephone 139