r DAILY EVENING EDITIQil DAILY EVENING EDITION FIT 11 Fit T-.nu-t.i and Tuesda pr.il.iil.lv dir. K) Al F.RTISI'.ltS The l-lusl Ih-fKiinliiii h8 I In- Inrurat hulls fidr ami guaranteed ulil i ln ulut n.ri of any paper hi I in anil, ensi "f l'lirtlaiiit and by far thr liirici-Ht diiuliitiuu Id Pendleton of lll'.IMVs WF.ITIII.lt HT 'i.niii leini'-r, it'H'.-. -'. num. rainfall. . win. I. southeast. I in u n l A any newspaper. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1916. VOL. 28 916 C0I1 WS COMPLETE FAILURE FROM Government Spends Six ion Dollars in Futile Fight Against Pest. PRICES COMMENCE TO SOAR lade Immediately Jumps from Sixty a irWhtr Polnta on New York Oot- icrtiaiuro. Following Agrti-ul- Department's; Hot- TAfiHINUTON. Oct. 1 Th bu ream of crop estimates announced that the nineteen sixteen cotton crop wmm nractlcallv a fullure on account of th boll weevil. Tho government peat six million dollars Hunting the weevil. KKW YORK. Oct.'S Cotton Jump ed sixty t eighty point In the New Turk rotten exchange following the publication of the agricultural do .ailment's reports. December cutton old ut 67 points to 18, 7G cents p, urn I. January im up eighty poln'a I,. H Kit. STOCK YARDS AT 1,1 Vi;UVM, (M. 2 Fire men th's nfioinooii iilmndoned hops- of saving the Fiim'ii 'K-k Yards. 'Die names started short ly before noon anil arc swivptng rtrtliii;. lnoriidarisin Is stis pnrtcsl Fourteen hundred hoes wru rescued anil Mitral car. i...,i. ,.r entile mined lot1. Tie' mit'e are pliiiuliis ilallv around ilu- .inN aini.iu Ihe flames i GIRL TWICE WINS STATE FAIR PRIZE I aniline .l.mrs of McKay ri-t-k far- H-s olf Second t oiisrrulhe Award . r.ir BuMo;: l'..t Tnrkos. ! Vol tin- K.-cotel Line ill IV... il": '' .nnilir Jones 1 I ear "Id " ' " ! elit-i .if Mr. and Mm. -I"""." "! ! UiiK ii cre.-k. has carried off i hi-wiiil.- prize f..r turkey ralxinu in th .:hi.i l lnituxtrinl club work. She wiw award, d firMt luinors at the state fair hurt week. A-'hur i'im" "f I'Tiii-l'i""-. atinthci ,,f tl -e four rmalllla cmnly pupils inrrn frw trips u tlio fair, won sec ond prize In 1R raisins, unw.i in-- hfinn's hv a fraction of a point. Th other two. rhlllp Faucett ..n,i Hornthv Prltftrs of nf Stanfleld Hi-rnilston. did ii"t enter their exlilliits ho thev wit- eliminated from the contest. Th. vnnnu reople with their chnpe- rnrv have returned from the fair whr. they were delightfully talned dnrltie the week. enter FAIR CONCESSIONS LOSE MUCH MONEY 1-anamn-PaHflc KMdtltm Amtise-im-ntH TTaw Uwt t,100 0no so fat One Byndleate Iwen 1100.000. SN' fit WCISCO, Oct. 2. -It Is an nounced the Panama-Pacific expositi on rrneesslons lost four million, one hundred thousand dollars. Thirty five amusements closed during the fair. A Japanese syndicate alone lost n hundred thousand dollars. I K.IIT KII.T.F.I) lU-CM SK OF fl.VTKM 'R FXil,l.F.VrK IiKTUOiT. Oct. 2. Valentine Shn wkl. Grand Trunk gateman, was ar rfstcd charged with crimlnnl negll i:ence. It is nll"gcd he failed to low er th.- street gales on cast Forest Ave., i the Grand Trunk crossing and n collision between n street enr and trelght train resulted. . Klght were killed The dead are the baby daugh ter of John Keller. Jacob Tauss. 24: l.udwlif Czhnnleski; Joseph Zalnsky. T.- Fred K. iJindry, two unidentified men and one unidentified woman, ir.ay he Mrs. John Keller. .m-nirtV MIXIMl lVrT.RKKTK IN MKXH'O K.XTKR PHOTrft 4-ri AVT1C C1TV Oct. 2 Uepre svntatlvcs of a hundred million dnl Inrs worth of Ainerlcnn Investments In Mexico visited th Mexican-American pence rommlssion to protest against r...nnilatmi treatment of American ,iino. Interests. Wilson lieb, form nrly Roosevelt's secretary, was spokes man for the Guggenheim Interests and chairman of the delegation, ine com mission resumed Its session after , a week end adjournment. American .immlssioners believed the confer- .nres would terminate successfully CLEVELAND BURN BOLL WEEVIL ALLIES TAKE TWO GERMAN 'BREMEN S OALVKMON, Oct. i. ;up- tain 'Van Schoonbeek of the Belgian steamer Elizabeth Van Helgte, declared the alliea hud captured two German auhma- rlne merchantmen, both called the llremen. He declared the HrltiHh seized the firm subma- rlne and the French raptured the second. DUCK SEASON IS ON MANY BIRDS FALL Ttie open season tin ducks and Reese wan inaugurated yesterday with a slaughter of ducks In the wist end of tile county, acciirdiiu; in reports l r.iui;ht hack hy Pendleton hunters of v.hii-h llu-ie were niiiny out yesterday. Tho fhooiing wuh very K"i'd on tlie duck ponds but those haulers who kepi iiIhii the rl-er had only Indifferent luck. The din ks In at this time of the year :.p tmly local d:jcks and II is not an ticipnied that the hunllnt; will con tinue n I for more than a few duss Ijiter when the mlKiatory lards lie ein to arrie. the humiiitf will lieeoine lerer. nil" i.ill ol li.ni hunters iM.-rd;l I acifed over a hundred near Hertnistmi i nd others had alimt as u:..od pick. S-.me repoit the ducks f)ini: hmii am! l.oiiL.-lit Lack old-, ii II-.V in coii--.- 'IUi'II.V. j SEPTEMBER ARRESTS APE i FAR BELOW THE NORMAL' II. e I lie nice;. I I the bania r mli for Pro n-ht in iln- no.st -.-;tr as in p il -.cars. I i: l.l I -p. ll.ler- ! .r :!ie total ii ii m 1 r. r f,,r the month Is far below I he normal for iln month; derini; tin- wet reuiu'e. j no'tith tin re '.w-re i;;. arr.-sist m.-.i!" Ii Hi,, police, Iniring S-ptoin- ! ber mr,. there were 2.vs: September I I'.Ht. 211. September 1 a 1 3. 2fi2: S'-p. I tcmbcr l!H: 1014. Ifit '-'12; and September; WOMKV.s III GUI'S M.I.I AM K SI'Kt IAL THMX OIF Ft HI WKST NF.W VoltK. Oct. 2. -The Women's I!ui.hes Alliance special train has started west. A great crowd cheere ! Its departure. Marie Dressier, com tnedlenne. led the women's cheering fioin the train and danced a. war dance on the rear platform. 39 NEW MAINE GOVERNOR 1 Mi.tM' This la a snapshot of Carl E. Mllli ken, the new republican governor of Maine. Managors of the Hughes campaign Insist that tils eloctlon by a majority of 13,000 Indicates the coun try will go republican In November. - & , - i. v ( -a t '- s-.' :-v' 1 ' I 1 DEFACTO AMY HIS PUT IN NEW POSITIONS Carranza Reorangizes Northern Military Chiefs Following Villa's Successful Raids. SYMPATHIZERS ARE EXECUTED FugitrieK from t'usiliuuiachio Declare ItaiHlIt Ieader raptured 6 Patwen t Trains of Kansas, t'lty, Mexico and Orient lload PaMtenftrru Not Moontrd. JKARKZ. Oct 2. Vill.Ta successful ! attacks nn "hihuahua and Cuslmulr- lachk- have caused the reorganisation ! of 't 'arrunzii'H northern military com I nianders. (ieneral tizunda has been ordered to Chlhu ihua to conduct op j erationa uifalnsl Villista.s and General; Konios' army has been disciplined. ; t'usllniiriachic fugitive declared) I that Villista.s hud captured six pas- ' aeimer trains of the Kansas City, Mex-1 ! Ico and orient railway hut did not 1 molest the passengers. General Sal-i j azar dynunilted a steel hridtte neaf . Santa Isabel. ; I An American from Chihuahua Bald! ! he was positively certain Carranzistaa! ' executed ninety-five suspected ilia i . MMuapthtzei-H last week. j I Will FORCE HUGHES . . V il-on Coitiplctes Plan.- fur We - tern 'IVii Inktiiiis In nil,. ( hall.-tiw il Omaha. ASGI'P.Y l'.M'.K. cut U'if-.in bay el i ict. 2 - -Pre'- ' iplelcd plans to i u what policy) - ns ad ocate. He ' to Hushes- to dii hanms the r.-jaibiii Intends to sound a challenge a- Unia lia. u-in taunting sarcasm. He staits; west tomorrow night and makes suv enleen brief stops en route. Ford oci.r it. .1 with Wilson at luncheon, i DEC. OPTIONS VP TWO CENTS TODAY CHICAGO. Oct. tnpei-uu io r-asi oregoniani Kange oi prices to - . . .. . . day: Open. High. Iow. IH-c. l.S4Vs 1.56 tl.HKt May tl.M l.Mi 11.54 Ponland. Close, Ji r.fiM. $i.sr,. POUTI.ANI). Ore. Oct. 2 (Special i ; --Club, 1.2 bluestem. tl 33. . UvenaHd. I.IVKIU'OOL, Sept. 29. Wheat Spot No. ! Manitoba. 14s Td t2.1 2-f per bu.); No. hard winter, 14s. 14s 4d. No. 1 BROOKLYN CLIMBS VP ANOTHER PEG NF.W YORK. Oct. 2. Brooklyn ad vanced another notch toward the Na tional IiCague hunting today by de feating the New York Giants who have been unbeatable for three weeks. Phil adelphia contender with Brooklyn for tho pennant, could only break even with the sterling Boston club In the two games toda : The scores this afternoon were as follows. R. H. E. New York 0 f. ! Brooklyn 2 Boston 4 Philadelphia 1 Philadelphia defeated Roston morning 2 to 0. 4 1 i 1 1 i this NEW GREEK CABINET RESIGNS IN A BODY IiONIMN. Oot. a. A eentml new dtonteh from Athens) sold tho new Greek cabinet had re signed that was formed a fort nbtit ago tieraiise the) alUea re fused t retilio it. It U gener ally btillined the cabinet blocked tinyce'ii entry Into the war. tomplaliit Is Amendid. An amended complaint was filed today in the case of Joseph St. Den nls vs. K. L. Swartzlander. The com plaint sets out that defendant receiv ed from John Bell $4(100 as the first payment on land sold by plaintiff and has refused to turn over the money except 2f)2S r.O GIRL HEAD OF CORPORATION AT 22 Kf'- ' 4 ' ' - ' 1 ts" - ' V ' - - v - , i I " ', , . : , a . I I 4 ' . , ' 1 'i 1 f - J fts ; - it i , - "c-e-. 4 1 , - ! f - i - - ' i MISS MARY : Miss Mary W.dllford. 22. a !i!i.leiii a- Stanford I'nlveis.'y. Is 1.. vp.l to - ' - e the younRejt w man lvad of a coriioiatlou -in it JT e.iuntry. When ; the Kse. K'.-ctric nd: lo. LiKbt .ililornia. Ga nit was put and up lor NEW fflSK IS HI II BY MILK WON DRIVERS SHE i Ti. i ii.. ii.L...i no-1. unit. Hsxily members of the l)airmcn- !! twenty five thonsand U-atlK !.. ... .,. ..j ,i i, IMIIin.l (tl smith iuiu uuiiunu si. iiiw 1 .. . r, . ; .! onn niti-mnt to stiln milk to New j v t i,,nv faniii-rs abuiuloiH-.l thdr !0frort) and'hegnn butter and dii-ese maklrut. TEMPLE THEATRE SOLD TO L B. WELCH AND T. 0. MEAD i Tndav saw the TemDle theater gj. nn..wnn...n W A i Rhodes, who has owned the picture! playhouse since it was enlarged and remodeled, having sold out to James II. Welch of this city and T. O. Mead, of Payette, Idaho. The new owners are both expert- enced In the theatrical business. Mr.' Welch for a number of years was con nected with the business In Portland and since returning to Pendleton has been instrumental In securing some big attractions for this city. His partner, who is an old friend, is an expert operator and will have charge of the mechanical end of the business. Mr. Welch will act as manager. Tlo will retain the Triangle film service and will, in addition, present some first class vaudeville. Mr. Welch has had vaudeville booked for some time In anticipation of opening a new house for road com- PENDLETON COMMERCIAL CLUB IS ASKED TO JOIN BOOSTERS Pendleton Commercial association has been asked to Join with other com merctal and like organizations of Ore ton, Washington and British Colum bia in concerted action looking to at tracting a. big tourist traffic to the l aclflo northwest next year. A meet ing to formulate definite plans is to he held in Tacoma on October 1 1 and the local association Is asked to ap point a delegate to attend. The letter received this morning is ;tmit m) (,jrvot ,.Hmrl,utln wm b4 from the Portland Chamber of Com-! at.ked for carrying out the plan. lie- merce which, with the Portland Auto; cause of her Round-l'p U is felt that Club and the State Hotel Men's asao-j Pendleton to In a position to profit elation has already Joined In the; from tourist traffic, ! WQHLTOR.D action. Mis Wohlford buucht in the property. t-'he is taking vnsjinecrins ut a course in ek'C.rica) ttanforci and upon will assume active lur mucuauun management nf the corporation. NEW YUKK. Oct. 2. Half of the city is miikiess as a result of the wa- son drivers' strike. Thousands ab - sli.lno.l from milk to enable the dis- - - ,rl)llt(,r(, , .unDlv hosoitala and h-a- hies. StriKers raided tne dairy trains and attempted to halt all shipments. IV.alera fear an absolute famine with- ' ,n fulir aas- i,i. panics in Pendleton. He and 1 hrnthor. IT" V Wnlfh have Keen liAC'k of a plan "to build a modern theater 1UI lliLU tPIP fttllltC U1IU lltlU V J V V v- to Live it completed by this time Th..ir nlnno lo.v.. h.n delaved how- ever, and meantime they had booked vaudeville service to begin November - ; are oi n.s . . .... . ..... i-aiiiy rej-uonsioir air mi. ni-mi iai- the Temple management. Ha states, however, that this will not affect at all his endeavors to secure I a theater to accommodate big com panies, j Mr. Welch lor the past year had been traveling representative of the Oregon Journal in eastern Oregon and will continue to superintend the: agencies though he will not be on the. road. I Mr. Rhode will retire from the! theatrical business but expects to re main in Pendleton for the time being, movement. Washington and British Columbia have already organized for the ruinpnign. It Is pointed out that California an nually attracts tourists who spend S200.0ipi.000 in that state and that Colorado sets :,. 000,000 a year from htr tourists. There is no reason why the northwest should not also capital- Ize her scenic attractions, the letter goes on to say. The letter assures the association ' NO. 8929 iNAVAL MONITORS BOMBARDING MOUNT ST. OUEIN; FRENCH il MASSING FOR RNAL ASSAULT i " Week of l air WettlrwT ITomlM-d WASHINGTON, Oct. J. Pa cific states: The week will be one of generally fair weather with temperatures near or above the seasonal average. Hocky Mountain and Plateau Regions: I'nsettled weather and rains at the beginning of the week will be followed by fair weather after Tuesday: a change to considerably cooler weather will overspread these retrions Tuesday or Wednesday and the weather will continue cool there after during the week. i Z I! WEI KEEPER AND BATTLE WITH GUNS I caller of lioMs-i-s Is haru;erousl WoimiUsI Poliif Arrtwt Another Held Waitress for Ransom. CHICAGO. Oct. 2. An auto bandit e.an:r was in a run balllc with the ! proprietor of the Waiter Itnrr Oak I Inn near Chicairo thin niorninj. IKin - Jc nartnett, the alleged bandit leader ; was danserously wounded and the po - i llee arrested Lawrence Simon, another fcunaMer. They dix lare he eonfessed. i Samuel Harris, the proprietor said the 1 liandils kidiiais'd a waitress mid held her for two hundred diillar ransom. The fldit started while the bandi.s1 and Harris wore dlscussim; terms. ) COLONEL TO MAKE ! ONLY 6 SPEECHES XKSV YuKK. Oct. :. Itepnblicnn j ht-a.iipiarters announced that Roose j velt olan.s to make possibly six care ! fully prepared speeches within the next three weeks. His tentative itin erary includes Chicago. Denver. Louis. ! I ville and New York. Republican lead. ciueu acamst an exienoea rea. iauortn Mumpinx jntay consent to make a few such ad- uressea enrouie to lwnvrr. BRITISH PAPER DISLIKES LLOYD-GEORGE SPEECH LONDON. Oct. I. The Manches ter Guardian, a strong liberal organ, criticized Ll"yd -George's statement to me cnuea jJres saying uiv wai mow continue to a "knockout." It urged a more detailed, concrete xposition of allied aims and said: "To reject ' all conversations w ith neutrals is a sign of violence and weakness. Such rhetorical ministerial excursions cost many lives. Lluyd George s language thllt tlme dos not ' W lien from two to count in this war. three thousand are killed and wounded daily." The Guardian said Lloyd-George cnoitin rifetTru'T nix ncLioif-N ill noil- af(; Wfmi ana - - - , loreign Pccreiiiiy ...muui .o..-,h. matters. SON OF GARFIELD IS VICE PRESIDENT OF WILSON LEAGUE NEW YORK. Sept. 29.- Harry A. Garfield president of Williams col lege, son of James A. Garfield, the nmTt r(M republican president, .has not only declared his intention to sup port Woodrow Wilson for re-election, but is enrolled as a vice president of the Woodrow Wilson Independent league of Massachusetts. Another distinguished vice presl - dent of this same organization Is Charles W Eliot, president emeritu- of Harvard university. I MlCHMiAV MtlJTIA OltllKRl.ll to bordkb iM.rirmxv,jj fsjews Sumrnary WASHINGTON, Sept. 30 The war department announced that the re - maining Michigan militia, comprising two thousand men. was ordered t" the border Immediately, TWO KIIJ.FI IX WRFX'K OF VKNXSY1.V XI TRAIN' i CINVINATI. Sept. Jii.-The Penn sylv.mta train was derailed at Ktng Mills. Ohio. Engineer Berry and Flre- man Miller were killed. Four passun- gers were Injured and fifteen hundred feet of track were torn up. British Admit German Counter Attack Forced the Surrender of Regina Trench. ROUMANIANS IK BULBAESA Thirteen Corpses Found Among Rata of Z1Helin Drtrtrojred by BHtMk Airship Declared to Be of ltcl Typo Captain HorrtMy Woaaded aptured. BEKMV 0. S. H la aa nonnced the HoumanianH hare invaded llu4aria for the first time ince Hhi mania entered the war. Tbejr crnsMd the Itannbc south of liie-liarest, dexpite fire from the Unitarian fortret of Kustclmk nearby. If a largo force crocses tlie river tlie Teutoo rear in Itobrmlja may lie threat ened. LONDON. Oct. 2. Il is announced the British repulsed counter attacks and e.-tabliahed new poaitons at Eau court L'Abbaye. They drove the Germans from nearoy houses. Th KntLsh losses were unusually small. Armored automobiles participated. The French took a trench east of Bouchavesnes. capturing prisoners. Naval monitors are bombarding j Mount St guentin. arter sailing up the canals seventy miles from tha oi-ean. ; Thirteen corpses wete found among ,,e ruina of a Zeppelin destroyed bv the British Sunday. General French announced the airship &.- !he latesi type of super-Zeppelin. The wreck age and maim led bit oi voi pde wi-m scattered oVar severe! field --ofir London: The Z..'ppei:n commander was capture.! alive. He was found trawling on the ground near the wreck, terribly mangled. Haig s report admitted that a Ger man counter forced the Hr.tish to surrender a portion of Itegina trench, the scene of stubborn fittluin during the past twenty-four hours. The Zeppelin dropped thirty nina bombs before tailing and fell in tha fields. Geneial French issued a sup plementary report this afternoon an- ; nouncing the raiders killed one man. ! injure1 one Wliman and accompllshefl W!llRm,.ant material damage St. QuenUn Heap of Isrbria. (Henry Wood.) WITH THE FRENCH KEFORK PERONNE. Oct. 2. I witnessed the French attack on Mt. St. quentin Shells reduced the city to heaps of dehrif. The Germans retained strong, ly fortified posttons in cellars, but the French placed batterres on the WIU completely encircling the hill and cu'ting off communications. The hnmhs Mtfinir in t.a piilna ruuoari caused srcat cl0Ud3 or red prickduat as the French are massing for the fi nal assault. Officers said the infan try attack would be made behind cur tain fire with high explosives blasting the path only a hundred yards In front of the skirmish line Transylvania Invasion Halted. BERLIN. Oct. 2. Budapest report ed the Roumanian defeat at Herman- stndt halted the Transylvanlan tnva- sion Th t?o.i.T.. u.in The Roumanian left wing was ompletely demoralized. The Herman- Madt battle ended Teutons captured four thousand prisoners. Vsiu Minor Greek Mu.vM-reL ROME. Oct 2. Th Greek legation has learned that the Turks massacred the Greeks In Asia Minor following a report that Greece may join the allies The news agency reported (hi- Turk Ish commander In Armenia issued a proclamation declaring the centra' powers had failed to supply ammuni tion and asserting the Turks wer. wholly dependent on their own r sources. 1 uoMK Oct '. The has called sailors of tht to the colors. ernrrc'tl ,,f 1VK Has i i j. 1 Pendleton asked to te-lp nwr lour in buslneMH. i INiliiv buiiMsi showM marked fall liKC off. i lt week of rnrtstratliHi. Titnide UieaUf change hands. Many duck Uill.-d on it-iilng ! season. Gimci-nJ. . ttlt Cotton (rop Complete Failure I Naval Monitors Bombard St jum tin. Carranaa shifta military nhWa, within a fortnight.