PA OF FIGHT PAILY EA5T, QREGOXIAX. PENDLETON, PRECOX. SATURDAY. SEPTEMRER .".(l. 19! ( EIGHT PAGES ,5 f ""MmiiMtimtiMmmiMimnue.wipiflmt.wm.nMimtiMtmmmiir'ttMMii IMinMIIHUItimmMIHUfiHIiinMiimmtiiiiiiiiitiiHi m iHiitimf , IS S I We I lave a Nice As sortment of Fancy BASKETS direct importation ranging in price from 20c to 32.50 Call and look them over CO. S23 Main St IMvonv Suit Villi!. Maud ltupuy today liruimht suit iii the circuit court against her husband Cornelius lupuy, asking for a divorce, ' follows: at at 5:C5. sots at October 1. sun ri: .V:tt; Oct. 2. sun rises 54. spis at 5:S4; lot ;S3 , Addition to Dwelling. Rose M. Hamilton has taken out a permit to build a thousand dollar ad dition to her dwelling on Lilteth street. GRAY BROS GROCERY Two Phones, 28 "QUALITY" 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 if 99 99 99 99 99 22 99 99 99 99 m Deal is completed. The deal for the transfer of Hie ti tle to Lehman Springs from V. 11. MoConnmaoh to It. K. Manning has t'l'i'ii completed and tile latter is now in possession of the popular resort. STWK HAXCII VOIl SALE. ' of the best propositions ever offered in the west for two or i hree young men who want to engage in the stock business. S.n.iO acres well fenced and cross fenced; fine range, good build ing, big barns, orchards and abundance of water; 601 tons of hay, U farm machinery goes with it free of cost the price has be. i reduced from 110 to JS.aO per acre on easy terms. Tou ear; buy with it. 850 well-bred oattle at range prices, calves thr-.wn in. Owner has made all the money he wants and wishes to rtire. E. T. WADE, Pendleton, Ore. To obsone ISally Day. , The Itaptist Sunday school will ob-; serve Hnlly Hay tomorrow and it is expected that all who have been away , for the summer will he back and help . make the attendance a large oio. ' ' iHllilillHIMIIlllHIII HMHMMIMtiHiHHiHMHMiliMIIMM Every Day Offerings j Merchandise of merit can alway. be had at this store at surprisingly low price. j OneCprice toAll yU Py 8amC a your nei8hbor M Strong lloso for Itoys, 2 paii-H. . l'.ierj Day Socks, lor bovn . . Hoys' Shoe I Joys' Khaki rant s Overalls Hoys' Shins ItojV mouses Men's Work shirts Men's Dress shore , Men's Work Shoes . 5c $1.8. SLID, $I.9H 25i 1SV, 6B- 2.V. 48c 3th-. 45c S2.HK. SX50, $:i.9H, $ 2.i. $a.8, $:uo, $i.r,n c "''''"'if'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiuiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiuiiiiiiit Sold Thrtv Cttis. The McLean Auto company has made tht' following sales of cars: Tu Dure H. Dale of Helix, a Hupniuhlle. to Kd Hupuis of N'olin. a Podge, to U U. Fruzier. city, a Saxon. Woodcraft lDlicy Paid. J Local officers of the Daphne circle. ; Xmiilwr Are Itcglstcriiig. Women of Woodcraft, have received! With but a few more days left for a $2000 payment for the heirs ot j registering tor the November elec Kliza Houmasoux. the check bavin! ''on. unite a number of voters are res arrived Monday. , Istering each day. This morning , j about twenty appeared to register. TrutM'h With lioml House. j Lee Teutsch, former Pendleton nier-j Will Visit hi East, chant, is now located at Cleveland. J- ". Woodworth or the Van petten Ohio, where he Is selling bonds and Lumber Co, left this afternoon via securities for Sergeant & IV. Reports'"16 P.. on a combined business and received bv friends indicates he has l'leasure visit to the middle west. He' been very successful in his new ven-!wi" vis' bis mother in Oklahoma and' ture. i S,0P ' Omaha, Kansas points land ro as tar south as Port Worth, To Open Headquarters, j Texas. The republicans are planning toi open campaign headquarters in the j Manning Sell Keskloni o. room In the Judd huildlng formerly Aiex .Manning, lormer chief of po occupled by the IVessel store The today closed a deal for the sale plan Is to consolidate all of the re- of his residence property at 800 W est publican organizations in order thatlAita to Miss Time Mae Poulson, lo they may work to better advantage. ! ca' piano instructor. The considera. , , turn was Ji400. Mr. Manning will A Vurlong Article. I llve in the future on his 14 acre ranch Carl Power has received a copy of'; !,t Riverside. the Detroit Free Press of September! 24, containing a fullpage, illustrated ,-sl,'l KMate Appraised. article on the Pendleton Hound-Up J",ln Dorn, Frank Spike and J. T. and entitled. "At the Cowboy Carni-1 "iwkina. appraisers of the estate of val." It was written by Charles Web j ,ne A. Ksteb, today filed their lington Furlong, famous liostoii inventory, fixing the value of the es bouster of the local show. ' tate at "0T5. Of that sum $2000 is i represented by a contract deceased Payno Hack to V. or o. 1 had wi,h Mark Stiirtevant of Pilot Floyd Payne of Athena, known in ! Kwl " hereby the latter agreed to pay the northwest track world as the! h,,m that sllm "s fee when the-litlga- "Athena Jackrabbit." left today on t,(,n "v,'r the sturteratM estate is f j No. 17 for Eugene where he plans to re-enter the University of Oregon l adies' I. Ingham IVtllnxil.s Ijulies' llreakfa-t Suits IjuII.V silk Gloves ilk-, Itoudolr 4'um 2.V Calicos, nil colors, juixl INTfalos, ul colors, yurd 7 Apron lilnglianis u l.ndies' lliiieil Villous .!, Ilnlli Towols, per pair lile, 2.o, :i9o, liHi 8c Bill', BRc Mr. Uu So l-2c 1-lc 9 He ! iiuiiH tended returning to Pendleton this fall until a good opening appeared in the Wyoming town. J ished. Mill S Payne's return will brighten the track S prospects at the university as he is sjone of the best long distance runner local plumbers, toda; i in ine uurinwesi. mm MM Two CStlwns Made. Circuit Judge Phelps today made two more citistens of the United States out of foreign born residents. One was Father Michael Casimer Butler of Hermiston, who came to this coun try from Ireland in 1910 and the oth er vat Christopher Moehenke of No lin, who came to this country from Germany in 1875. PlumlH'i's liring suit. J. J. Woodaego and W. H. Ardrev. brought , suit against De Loss Butt.and wife and H. H. Nolen and wife to foreclose a lien on Lot 9, block 2, Swltzler's addi tion to Pendleton. They allege they did work at the property a year ago upon the order of Nolen who was act ing us agent lor tne Butts, owners of the property. The lien amounts to i.lj. Fee & Fee are attorneys for plaintiffs. LOCALS ' Mi itmnt For ale :i good milch cows. K. F. Straughan, Pendleton, Ore. For rent 3 double rooms with or without board. Inquire 227 Water. For rent New modern 6-room house with basement. Inquire Walt er's Mill. W. B. Ross of Meacham Is down from the mountain today. V. A. Hawks of Nolin Is making u isn in i endleton today. B. I. Davis, well known civil engi neer of Hermiston, la making a bus iness visit In Pendleton today. Fat Mclntyre 0f Stanfield, is a Pen dleton visitor. Arthur O. Means of Umatilla is In the city today. Miss Malen Burnett, pianist, of Walla Walla, mut her classes at the Association building 'today. (lu-lond of IMxIgcs Coming. The McLean Auto Co. will receive a carload of the new 1917 Dodge cars Monday. Don't rail to see these new model beauties. Adv. Ante Stage. For Adams. Athena and Weston leaves Hennlng's Cigar Store at 10 a m. and 3:30 p m. each day Adv. j Not only because it is made in Pendleton, but because it is better Sold to tV family trade in cases of one dozen bottles and up. quart or pints. We also recommend our new True Fruit drinks, PORT-0 and PEND-O. Brewed and bottled by Wm. Roesch Bottling Co. Wbolemte nd City Brewery. Family Trade. Telephone SS8 E "timillimilHIIimiMIIMIIlllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiHHtllllllHIIIIIIIHIIlf Dr. THiiiiesio to Make Trip. Dr. A. E. Tamlesie of the Eastern Oregon State Hospital, expects to leave next week for the east where he will spend three or four months in medical research. He will spend con siderable time at Johns Hopkins uni versity and later will study in New York. While gone he will visit many of the state hospitals. Mrs. Tamiesle. !lfjJJ wno na.s oeen visiting in I'oruanu an : summer, will join him on his trip Locate In Wyoming. Osmer E. Smith, prominent young attorney who was one of the candi dates for the republican nomination for district attorney last spring, is now Practicing at Oillette, Wyoming, nc cording to word received today by Judge Phelps. He and his wife spent the summer in Colorado and had in- Schumann Helnk, the great con tralto of operatic as well as concert fame, will be heard In song recital In Walla Walla November 20th. A guarantee of fifteen hundred is being raised. Such an event in this part o the country will be a rare treat and It is expected that the music loving Pendleton will be there In large num bers. Lloyd ltiches, editor id' the Stan-' field Standard, is in the city today. ! F. A. Potter of Nolin was registered :it the Bowman hotel last evening. Henry R. Lorenzen, prominent far mer of Stage Ouleh, is in the city to day. Albert Haraja, whose home is near Touchet, is among the visitors here today. Don't Take Our Word For It! ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR Who won't use any other kind but "Peacock" Goal THERE'S A REASON Sf Mnep Co. QUALITY QUANTITY SERVICE Phone 178 mm Suing ?.ty of I.a Grande. L. D. Howland, former watermast-1 1 er of Umatilla and now county sur- j I veyor of Union county, will go to but j with the city of La Grande in the j Union circuit court next week. He! : was formerly ci:y engineer there andj Is suing for $12.r,0 as fees for super vising engineer on the Beaver dam built a year ago. The city contends j that his salary of $100 a month cov- j ered his work at the dam. A special ! tender was made him but he refused i to settle for less than Jie amount a-ktd. I Mokel Chatham A new pattern in sterling sil ver that I am offering to my customers. Made in the popular plati num finish and I predict that this pattern will be the most popular one brought out for years. See it in my window. You are always welcome to come in and inspect our new wares. Since 1887 ROYAL N. SAWTFJJf Jeweler. ItJe Wilts lhiinage Suit. Ir. W. H. Lvtle. state veterinarian i Si and formerlv of Pendleton, was will-1 ner in the (SO.oOo libel suit brought I against him by George It. Mokel furjs an alleged defamatory letter written , S by Dr. Lytic. The jury in Portland yesterday found for the state veteri-; narian after being out an hour ten minutes. A charge in the letter; to which Mokel objected was that the : mritcr had knowledge of Mokel' I dealing in tubercular cattle was nominated for postma-ster ot North Portland and he alleges Lytlo's letter was a part of the campaign ; 5 against him. The case was decided ; 5E by stipulation by 11 Uurors, one of the E jurors having been excused because j he was a seven day Adventist and ! S did not wish to act on Saturday. , 2 Time On Sunup and Down. p The duck and season opens, tomorrow mormng and. Inasmuch aj the federal law prohibits hunting be j fore sunrise and after sundown, many i g hunters have been inquiring for the jig official time for the rising and set- i ting of the sun. Through Deputy; 5 Warden Tonkin, K. S. Cattron, feder- j al inHpector, has itrnished the Ka-H ; Ulll 'i!lWH!(l!'-f 8)W ill irfmTio) UVJ AND THE HUDSON SUPER-SIX Let us put the matter this way: A man with brains does better work than the man without them. No matter what the work is. Even for drudgery you prefer a man with brains. So with the motor in your car. No matter what the task it. No matter if the speed and power are utilized or not. The motor which excels all others will always serve you best. I (regonian with a schedule of of sunrise and sunset in Umatilla! county for the month of October, (jw-i lug to space demands it cannot be SB published today but, will be Monday. IE However, for the benefit of huntoin, j Hr the schedule for the first three days j EE IHtY WAN'TKD. We want a gd, steady boy. 17 your or over, who wants to liwn tlie priming- trade. Permanent position for the HE 4 right Mori of boy, wtth good o- 4 , S 4 fxirtunlty for advaiiO'ment. Apply at our irrni Monday S iiHNiiiliig 1st w ecu H:H uml U:W -(1N;k. KAST (i:l-X4.l. ! 80'; MORE EFFICIENT The Super-Six invention has added 80 per cent to this motor'3 efficiency. We prove that by official tests for speed, for en durance, for hill-climbing and for quick accelera tion. In all these respects the Super-Six outper forms any other stock car built. NO ADDED COST Mark first that the Super-Six means no added cost. No car of the Hudson grade sells anv lower, rew sell as low as this. The extra power is attained without adding cylinders or by adding size. Dozens rrf cars have like-size motors in them. The Super-Six. on the contrary, yields economics, n apparently doubles a motor's endur ance. Its over-capacity avoids countless strains. And all this extra power comes through lessening vibration. It results from reducing friction pretty near to nil. IT MEANS TO YOU THIS It means a car which can pass any other pn hills or on levels whenever you wish. It means a car to out-distance others without going faster. That be cause of quick get-away whenever you slow down. With its 76-horsepoweF you rarely need to change gears, either for hills or for traffic. WITHIN 10 OF PERFECT The Super-Six has removed four-fifths of the fric tion in former motors. It comes within 10 per cent of an utterly frictionless motor. So a better motor is improbable. The Super-Six will retain its supremacy. in important So the Super-Six motor, despite all its suprema cies costs you less than to go without it. XO MCATS LIKE TIIKKK KVEIt BKI'XIHE PEKFOKMEI) lAiHtfNt time In the world's greatest hill climb up world's highest highway to summit of Pike's Peak against 20 contestants made with a Hudson Super Six Special. Al. these records all made tinder American Automobile Association supervision by a certified Block car or stock chassis, and excelling all former stock cars In these tests. 1 00 mile In m niln.. 21.1 ., averaging 74.67 miles per hour for a seven-passenger touring car with driver and passenger. 7!. mllcK'lii one hour with driver and passenger In a sftven-passenger touring car. Standing start to r0 miles an hour in 16.2 sec. One mile at the rate of 102. 03 miles per hour. . 1HI tnlltw In 21 hours at average speed of 7G.8 miles per hour. 17,000 of these cars are now running. In beauty, quality and luxury, this car attains what seems to be the lim it. Styles may change in a minor way. Rut we see no way to ever build a finer car. A lesser car will mean years of regret. The Super-Six will mean, we think, supremacy so long aa the car exists. Hudson Super-Six 31650 in Pendleton Carload now on road, and demonstrator now in our show room for your inspection. OREGON MOTOR GARAGE .2 J The HALLMARK Store 117, 119, 121, 123 West Court St. ( Incorporated ) Phone 468 VM t ! V