PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. rENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER SO. 1016. EIGHT PAGES mm a v a n 1? a imp? a to wnm v .. tew . .j I" 1 s . U U Tilth nr? TnntT t ' Affi) '' Ar& W I ft 1 WMJUVJU vn It Can't Tie Done? Wrong! lsK Marie Doro. In Her Latent Film She a Dozen "Creations" From a Dollar Shape. She XV ear j Them, Too. Win i ii ill !! inmM idK'Um L -a.3 i a ; S ft LTHE HAT START tD Lift 11 WITH A DOLLAR AS If THE KID'S" PRIDE J j 7 I K, x!? V 4 x C xt s I 4 1 ' Lv. ATM. K ,.'tH . HJNNY WHAT A DIFFtRNCE I 1 "-"""i-' ww tinjLiDunnti3k MOTHER'S LACE CURTAIN MAKES I I TMt HAT BE6IMS TO EMER6E INTO Lv SWMtTMINQ BETTER A LOSS IN TRIMMING. BUT STILL A GAIN ' AMI NX Why Ten Million Women Will Be TeexJed at the Vretty Famous Vlayers-LasKy Star,, Why Ten Million Husbands Will LoJe Her. V 9 3HtR HAS D,SMptARE0, I ECCLESIASTICAL AND SEVERE '" "wowinttf tl Wl 1 fl SMALLER DKIpt AND in ai .. . 1 I TREAD THE JTOV. I rW(y TO LOOK THE WORLOl , f IIH THE fACE-THt BRIM SHOWS ij.l M? . fwmn mm w. m ...i "hiia nw . mmmi i.ii' m. Wr4 im " j ONE BK1M GONE, AHOTHER TAKES 1 S'MPLIClTy NOT GRANDEUR BECOMES 1 1 iqRE SEVERITY-WITH A 7777 .. ! F ' I ts placejhTsWof lace Jj the M ggrffi wM g& Sft f CR0WN AND .ND OF FUR Uf TRAM5FORMATI0H COMPltTE J r W 5S". KI4VK hit year for one dol lar: Ilnshands who shudder at the sleht of monthly mllli Wlls ana wives who stoop to petty sub terfuges to defenikt them will find a new Interest In this novelty which Marie Poro, Famous Players-Laskv f tar. has Introduced In "The Common around." one of her latest screen pro ductions on the Paramount Pmirram. Bven the woman who gets her bonnet How(ince out of her own lisle thread bsni- will appreciate the Insenulty of thl film favorite who cnnver n dol lar h-H 'Ttft 1 ("',?: ' . ror,. sentlnff erpfj- S)ae of ner erolntlon from a little outcast of the slums into refined young wnmanhnnd. Casually one may lmadne the hnnnv scenes In many holies If husband his eveninsr paper thrown aside and con tentment in his Tieart cnuM watch his wife redncine the hleh cost of milli nery to one dollar per annum. It Is not necessary to hint at the emotions of wires who have diflicnlHr In fl necessary cash to make them look like ine nionne modelR in a milliner's shop window even with the aid of noc turnal visits to the ready-money pock ets of their husbands after they have watched the nict"imornhn!s of a hat In "The Common Ground." Well, this Is how Miss Toro does It. Tn the slums where the heroine of "The Common Oronnd" 1s known as ' The Kid" the dollar hut starts its ca reer ns the pri7ed possession of the lit-, Vc "slinper-on" In a nnnpr flower fac tory. At the befflnniniT It was a thin? of erandenr and mnenltude. erowlncr more ornate from time to time as its owner added another flower or Wt of Hhhmi, And thereafter pverv scene In the rtrnmn of the Kid's life fmmd Its reflection in her hnt i's nntlines and frimmln""! tlss Poro's ch)iMcterlntlen of "Tho Kid" lends frem the slums to the nevt stnere of her trninlni hv a sincere and competent midille-aced woman who nlvcs the little waif her first trnininsr in refinement mid simiiliclty. Then fol low with each chance of the soul of "The Kid" the hats each a variation of the correono shnne which was the pride of the child of the slums. First the lace which dranes the hrtm is tnl-en off. then the flowers vanish "efore the end of another month the rni1 brim is twisted Into a more be COTnfno shnne nrtfl Hi. 'e-lthe no lon r iravlne trlnmnh-niflv nTn-l.rf v rmt lown nrnnns the fur. A"fitn the br'm "iidersoes a chancre, the plume roes to the back of the bat and the fur appears in a more hoonmlmr nosltion. A irrad n.ii rise In the world for the back of "ie brim next takes place, and the 'nthcr Is now the onlv trininiine. rTere the hrim suffers a chance of for 'me. Tt Is cut down until the result Is lie severest simplicity to suit the Prls-"illa-like outlines of her costume. Kls-'nt months the Kid has spent In her new surronndlmrs when the velvet im of her hat disappears completely The white la -e Is called Into use acnin fo muke a dainty inii becoming frame for the Kid's face, no longer thnt of the waif of the slums. After that the hero ine of "The Common Ground" has no use for a hat brim. She casts It aside with her new-found self-reliance and brines hack the feather to ornament the crown. For the sake of variety the Kid ob tains a correct tailored effect in her next hat. rrobnbly In a spirit of re nentanoe she tries a nun-like simplicity with the feather struck at a new aneie nnd a bit of brim neatly rolled around the crown. With the next utaee the feather vanishes entirely and the etAwn softened and trimmed with fur VAUDEVILLE BANUM and , IN A RIOT Of A ' COMEDY ACI The Battle of to Soon" ARCHER and CARR u presents a Fedora like effect. And then the transformation of the soul of this hat Is complete. AH at the trlmmlnR has disappeared. It Is shaped into a neat turban nnd 0 bit of pleot-odtfed rililion Is used for trimming. The chances In tills lilt of millinery were entirely the work of Miss Doro's own nimble fingers. "Personally," explains Miss Doro. "I do not believe In encouraging wives to remodel their own millinery too often, ns It Is liable to be too stronelv so proved by the head of the house, but In cases of necessity It goes to show what can be done." Original Comedy and Singing Guests sufficient in number to Je.s.sii;i AUEwen fur th.i- i;ust Hummer, make up three taulea of bridge weru i,.ft this morning for her home, delitjhtlul!) entertained by -Mrs. Ueorge It. Ha-slett yesterday after- Kiahop L. W. Kyle.- of St. l.ouU, noon in cuinplinieii'. to Mrs. Kimer I Iiihop of the African .Methudii-t Itrewcr of Portland, who ha Iwn a Kpiscopal Zion church, will pas visitor in Pendleton during ' he ' throunh Pendleton, spending October Hound-Vp. The dainty favor for high i the here, on that evening he core was (.aptured by -Mr. Charles' -lu preach in the .Methodist church, il. Stype. Mrs. Liiewer receiied .1 : Corner Welti. ,;iu) Johnson streets, pretty guet pit. , Plan to hear this great pulpit or.itor. Starting on October 23 a aeries of vaugelistic meetings, lasting- twverut: wet-ka, will be held at the Christian chun h with llev. Howard N. Fagan and Mrs. Fagan as the evangelists. Moth' Mr. and Mrs. Fagan are church, workers uf note and are vocalist, ; Mrs. Fagan having a beautiful con-i tralto vob e I Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Ijoberty ale re joicing over the arrival of an eight pound girl a their home in inaiilia un September 25. - - Through an error Mrs. A. . t haeier was announced a.s joint h temt Rlth -Mrs. John Vert in the. en tertainment of the Thursday Alter noon Club yesterday. Mrs. Schaetc-r will have a sejiaraie program later in the year. An. engagement of much interest to the many H o nds of the bride-elect in Pendleton that Just made known b Kcv. and Mrs. J K. .Snyder who have announceKl the engagement ot their daughter, Mayrec, to Harley "uit, i pioniliient young tanner ot Tlllninook The e.lding will not lake place tor Meral iilonlbi.. h iicleii Kaymond and Mi-s tla el Wyrlek left today to re-enter -The i mint. ' Alius .Masons Ki'hoi'l for gins si Tsilom on the Hudson. Miss U.i In ritie Keefcr of Texas who ha.- been a li"iis yui'l of .Miss The' Associatiun o' the Hawthorne school, will meet on Monday evening at ,;'4l o'clock '" elect delegates to Oregon Congress oi Mothers. An interesting program will be given, the musical number being a violin solo by Miss Helen Candlsh, while City Superintendent Young and Professor (liese will b- the speakers. Miss Krna Peuolyd of Oregon i.'ii)'. is a house guest of Miss Claire Italey for a short tune. At the banquet given lat eveicng by the ladies of 'he First Prcsoytcri a'i church to the school bom j and teaching staff of the Pe-Uiutini pub I c schools, a movement was launch ed looking to the formation of a Paienl-Tea'.liers" association fr the high school. The suggestion was marie by Kev. J. K. Snyder, who pre sided at the banuuet. IniriiiB the evening Judge Phelps, Comity Supei intendeut I. K. Vouo, and city Superintendent A. T Park, spoke, welcoming the new tea' hi rs. nnd emj husizing the need of co- jpr ation oetweeii the .'hools and the home. Practically every teacher at tended the reception. The McDon ald oi''-histr.i played during tho if ti quet - The 'let Acquainted" Meeting ot the Parent-Teacher's a soi iation ul tile J.iiH-iiln -cliiicl. viiic;i was io-ld in tiie s li.n.j i.iiiiiling i.-tci(Ja at'eino'ot proved a distinct success and was iargely attended. An interesting pro gram was presented including a talk by Superintendent Park on "How the Parent Can Help the Teacher" and a reply by Mrs. W. D. Mc.Nary, "How the Teacher Can Help the Parent. Mi-'s Hush also gave an able talk on the work of Parent-Teacher Associa tions and suggested a number of good ideas for the coming ear's work which she had gleaned from her sum mer's travel. At the business meet ing .delegates were named to attend the Congress of Mothers, which meets at The Dalles, October 11, 12 and 13. as follows: Mrs. W. D. Mc.Nary, Mrs. Kd Murphy, Mrs. Kenneth Mcliae and Mrs. 0. VV. Kugg. Mrs. C. C. White man may al.-o at'end by virtue of her position as a ptust president of the ur banization. The Current Literature Club held its first meeting of the season yes terday afternoon when on President's Day the members met with the new president, Mrs. K. H. Alilricli. at her home on Madison street. A business session was held and delegates were chosen to attend the stale convention of women's clubs to be held at Sea side from Oi tober 'i to Mrs. J. A. Fee is the delegate appointed by the former president. Mrs. C. F. Cole worthy was chosen yesterday as the other delegate while Mrs. J. K. Rob inson and Mrs. K. K. Itlngo were named as alternates. .Mrs. Hinge who was the representative from the club at the national federation meet ing in New York, gave an Interesting report upon that gathering. Some beautiful vocal numbers were given during the afternoon by Miss Enthor South, accompanied by Miss Olga Norgren They are recent arrivals In Pendleton and both are graduates of the American Conservatory of Music at Chicago, Miss South having been a pupil of Carlton Hackett. Miss Sotitn has a beautiful mezzosoprano voice. She sang "The Last Song," by Tosti, and as an encore gave one from a group of bird pongs by I.izu Lehman. Mr and Mrs. Wade Piivett will leave tomorrow evening for Seattle, from where they will sail on Tuesday for a month's trip through Alaska. They plan to make extended stops at Juneau and Hkagway where Ml. Priv et t will attend to business interests. Mrs Margaret lleere. formerly of this city and now of Los Angeles, Is isiting friends (or a few days before going- on to Sea' tie where she will take part in a concert to be given by f the Harmony club of Los Angeles. Mrs. lleere has been acting in the movies and has also been a soloist with the Cienory Itand. 1 The Christian Woman's Missionary I Socit'iy will meet on Thursday after- noon at the home of Mrs. McPhcrson I on High street for the October pro- grain. i i 1 W. V. Wilder of Krcewaler, has ' been a visitor here today. James Muntha of Condon is regis . tered at the St. Ceorge. George W. ftoiin of Nye was a i'en jbielnn visitor yest"niay. j Bert t.'oi'k of Lexinrton visited in i IV.ndleton last evening. A. D. lingers of Walia Walla was 'at the Pendleton last evening. .1 idge T. P. (iillilattd of Pilot Ituck !was in the city last evening. ! Rudolph Kiinger of Nolin. stoppeii at the (iolden Rule last night, j Mr. and Mrs. William Kvans are in I from their home near Pilot Rock. Lee Johnson, well known Athena citizen, is visiting in Pendleton today i James Johns of the Hartmatl Ab stract Co., was in La ilrande vester ; day. (lien Sturdivant will leave In the morning for a day's hunt In the west : end of the county. i Don Pruitt of Stanfield, secretary 1 for Stanfield Pros., came up last even ing from his home. Mrs. J. S. Norvell and daughter, Ix-ila, are passengers on the morning Northern Pacific train today. H. W. Allen, superintendent of the experiment station at Hermiston. was a visitor In the city last evening. Manager crommelln of the pentlli ton Roller Mills, left yesterday for Spokane upon a visit to his children, i Mrs. Hortenese Allen left today for hr home In San Francisco after visit ing with her mother. Mrs. Al Richard son. Gerald K. Stanfield. well known young sheepman of this county, spent last night in the city en route hack from La Grande, Al Balcom, who formerly lived here and has of late been located at St , Anthony, Idaho, has written that he Is moving to Pilot itm-k. Als. Ilattie Hewitt lift yesterday morning over the "Itlue Trail" for Moiilesano Wash. Sin- acconi . anied l.y Mis. Fd 1.insberry. -.i aiMiuma.n .m MniffTO,M..M mfmnrm , i.i,. -Vfli'l 7 - ... mwm " f '5vJ i''l f'. ' ' ' ' 8 1 1 .v,r :ii ,,s W 1 Our Gift to Housewives To the housewife or any other person purchasing a Uni versal Stove or Kange of us on the dates specified below, we will give ' AHandsome Rockeror a Fine Set of Aluminum Ware The rocker as shown above is of massive design and very artistic and comfortable. Oak finish, durable upholstered seat, (juarantced construction. Regular retail value $6.50. Aluminum ware-a durable, practical 10-piece set comprised of just the pieces women use most frequently. Regular $6.50 value. Sanitary, beautiful quick heating, practically everlasting just like " otaullIU,i UNIVERSAL Stoves and Range f :: ? ,, $ x 1 -'mm, i ran'mi,. awhilhjriliiiiMlli I The one make of stoves and ranges that has NEVER been sacri ficed for PROFIT tho same yester day, today, forever. The matchless quality and uni formity of Universal make them the afttt "buy" on the market. Purchase a Universal Kance or Heater for an invest, mcnt and satisfaction. Grand Annual Demonstration Ceo. C. Baer & Co. HARDWARE Pendleton, Oregon .ttt-MT irrrr nnwiiimmii . un,., v!."!! .. . mii 111