PAGE THREE EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1916. Tin; Dei Tatom Co. Cascade Butter 35c Fancy Ripe Tomatoes box 65c Snow Apples, box $1.25 Pickling Onions. Pickling Cucumbers. Pickling Spices. In fact every thing found in an up-to-date store. Telephone Downey Market in Connection, Telephone 188 il l fe mm a ' 1:1 kKi.ri; ''-fjf l a"y wiuis vviui tne nousewite WTO IVY WSJ Marie's Latest Uu?. .miuillllliiililllllllllllllllliimmilltlilii vkksi u ;et winter uarb. I Cornet Teacher I Millo A. Howell. Teacher of ( ornet, of Lou Angeles. Cal., 2 Prolonged cumpalvn lx Forecast lUris Newspaper. PAIUS, Sept. 28. It does not aeejn - probable that another winter cam- Si i paign la avoidable, says La Uberte. Sj Joseph Thierry, under secretary ol 2. state for subsistence in the war de- Kor , partment, the newspaper adds, has Ejmadn all necessary arrangements for 2 supplying the troop, and garments, S: blankets and other essentials fur win SI i tei- warfare have been going to the trout at the rate, of 80 carloads a day FllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimiT-1',i'"'r September 15. pipil of Dr. K. reference call M. Himr. Ml!. II. Studio at A. MeDOXALD 203 W. Webb St. An AMothers '. Intorwtin Book, on Motherhooc Hailed Free to J . z.r w esire- Xnother.t-lS a J fealthyBaby That' a loyal and natural feeling nil mothers have. Thin make your desire tin assurance by usliijr "Moilor'x Friend." lis bciu iiclal qualities will (unserve your own health and Klreuglh nnd make hiby's coming easier ami lis future health secure, tiet it at your druggist. Send for the free bonk. to Make Your Old Age Golden One Dollar deposited now in a Savings Account with this bank will form the foun dation for a golden old age with every com fort astured. The sooner you start your account the sooner you will attain financial independ ence. Come n today and open your account we pay A'", . r J L 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii A UMM CLEAN WITH- . OIT lL'8T. It la something that can be done when the room in question is seldom uaed and is only dusty, but not real ly dirty. instead of going over the carpet or rug with u carpet sweeper, try wiping the floor with a cloth wrung out of warm water which haa ammonia in it. Wipe all the furniture and wood work with a clean cloth moistened with turpentine. This kind of clean ing ia dustlcoB, leaving everything looking bright and fresh. If white linen covers are used on bureau, washstand or tables, and a white spread on the bed, they ma; be laundered at the time the clean ing ia done and will add to the fresh appearunre of tho room. IMI'IJU lUTTONHOLES. Place an inch square or more of the material (according to the lze ol buttonhole required) on the right side over the place where buttonhole ' wanted; machlnestitch through both thicknesses for the length you desire and around the place where button hole is to be cut, allowing two stitche at each end of rectangle,, then cut with buttonhole scissors in the center the full length ' of the buttonhole; next turn the edges of the square through the slit on to the wrong side of the garment, press back until smooth, stitch around edges and trim off all extra cloth at the back: Or the edges may be turned In neatly after trimming on the wrong side (be fore stitching) which will make a much better finish but will require a little more time. TRUNK (OVERS FOR THOSE LIVING IN HOTELS. They may be made of strong cre tonne cut to fit the trijnk. A salety device in cue of fire is to turn these same covers Into bags at a moment s notice. The contents of the trunk may be emptied Into these bags in twinkling and either thrown out of a window or carried down stairs With this end in view make a 2-inch hem at the bottom of the covers and run through the hems, having It ready to draw up if the covers are ever need ed as bans In an emergency, j APPLE PlltEE. Stew apples, using 1 pound peeled and cored apples, i to 6 ounces ot sugar, according to sweetness liked, a teacup water, s cloves and peel ot 1-S lemon. I'ut through sieve. When I cold pile in a dish, decorate with j whipped cream or white of an egg i wectened or serve In custard glasses I with a Utile cream or egg whipped. ItOlI.EH CK't MIIEHK. Peel, cut In halves or quarters lengthwise, put into salted boiling wa ter; boil till tender, but not too soft. about 20 minutes. Bene with butter and Reasoning, or with a cream sauce on toast, ndding lemon Juice and a dash of paprika to the cream fcauce. ounces of butter and enough vegeta ble stock to cover the peas. i:ring to tne non oy slow degrees, cover anu cook for 3 hours, skim once or twice. shake the pan now and then, adl more stock. When sort remove herbs add more tait and rub through a fine sieve. Replace in pan, udd a gill ol cream, mix thoroughly, let get cool. form Into balls or corks egg, roll In crushed vermlcilll und fry. SPINACH AM) VAHiS. Cook 2 pounds spinach, when well drained, pass through a fine wire sieve. I'ut 2 ounces butter In sauce pan. When melted stir in spinach. Season it with full, pepper, and a pinch of powdered sugar, add 2 ta blespoons cream. Arrange us a bor der with scrambled eggs in cen'er. GRAPE HOI I'. Cook 1-2 cup tapioca in 3 cups wa ter till It i transparent. Add 1-2 cup sugar, 2 cups grape Juice; let it come to a boll, take from fire and serve cold. c CARLOAD'OF TROUT FRY FOR PLANTING t'-', T B A m . I" IJ I I i li V ;-" I 1 ... I W J I 1 u ) 1 1 ! i! ! '.-..V j .jnMHiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiinimiiinmniiniimiiininmiiiiiiiiiiMiiiMiiiHiHnain:? i I Iiemo Sell-Reducing Corsets as Marie A lull carload ot trout fry will ar rive in the county next Tuesday from the state hatchery and IX'puty War den Tonkin will plant the entire shipment In Camas valley streams it he can find enough conveyances to take the cans. out. Already subscriptions from sporty' men have been received sufficient to cover the expdnse of transporting part of the shipment and Mr. Tonkin I ia very desirous of insuring the nlanl-1 ing of the balance of the fry in theJWKVT CXAST LUMBERMEN'S Each Nemo Corset ia designed for some particular type of figure, and is good for that tui only. A Nemo that delfts Mrs. Brown might displease Mrs. Jones, even though both ladies may be classed "arnnt " Be sure to select the right Memo. TWa' a tvne of the short Btout figure, with heavy back and abdomen, that is best corseted in Nemo Self Reducing No. 402. This model ha3 the improved partly-elastic Nemo Relief Bands, which gather up, support and re duce a large abdomen most comfort ably. Elastic gores in the back in sure comfort and, with the semi detached Self-Reducing Straps, exert a sort of auto-massage that discourages excess fat. No. 402 is made of a stout coutil, in sizes 22 to S6. A most satisfac tory, stylish and economical corset for the woman of the type described -$4.00. No. 403 is designed for a similar type, but of medium height $4.00. Nemo models for all figures Si. 75 un. m I iKC i'Jl IS i. 402 Self-Reducing iiiuiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiii'- i s iiiitiiiiiimiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiuMiiiimMiniir; Dero, Lasky Star In Para mount Picturts. Marie Doro's latest opera cloak Is indc of brocaded noire, Uned with taiffon and edged with Kolinsky. This loak treated quite a sensation t s re tnt reception In Log Angeles. far south end. He believes there arc a number of sportsmen in Pendl owning cars who might find time nex: Tuesday to make cn excursion to Camas valley for a fLsh or hunt and take along a few cans of fish. Inas much as many Pendleton sportsmen fish each year in Camas creek, the warden thinks it is up to them to help restock the stream. There never has been ' but one planting of fish in Camas creek and that was several years ago. Owing to the distance from a railroad, there is considerable difficulty in getting the cans out there. Tuesday the car will be sent to Tilot Hock and there unloaded. I'KAS nUMjt'KTTI-S. Crease a stewpan all over, place in it 1 pint f split peas which have been soaked for 12 hours, pepper, snlt, a pinch of ugar, a bunch of herbs, 2 To Work With Nature is the successful mission of Hostetters Stomach Bitters It is for Indigestion, Dyspep sia, Cramps and Malaria. lis With The First Hint of Autumn On these chilly evenings what a pleasure to have a bowl of good chili or a hot tamale. Both of these are made from the original Mexican formula made in our sanitary kitchen by experts. You will surely like them. We have prepared numerous hot sptnialties. Clam, chicken, beef, tomatoe and oyster bouillons with wafers 10c. Hot chocolate and Jiot malted milks all flavors. Oysters any style at all hours. We are now prepared to serve you with anything from a "square" to the dantiest salad or pastry from 6 A. M. till 12 P. M. , Sunday Menu T3 ECHO SHEEP ARE RETURNING FROM ASSOCIATION IS MEETING TAl'OMA, Sept. 29. The West Coast Lumbermen's association met and their trustees are in session this morning. The general meeting dte' cussed market conditions. PURE BLOOD MAKES ' HEALTHY PEOPLE Hood's Saisapaiilla removes scrofula sores, lioils and oilier entp tiotis because il drives out of tl.e blood the humors i hat cause .hem. Entplions eaitnot lie successfully treated wi.h cxIitiihI applications, because these cannot purify the blood. Hood's .Sai;i: rilla niaVes ricli, red blood, per) !s the digestion, and builds up whole svstcra. la gist on Iuimli Hood's. Get it now. ! 5 Be L Drassiers Known the world over and al ways sold at catalogue price. We have them in the fancy lace, the All-Over embroidery and plainer materials, priced 35t to $3.00. THE DAYLIGHT STORE; BETTER .GOODS, LATEST STYLES, PROMPT AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION. WE PAY POSTAGE ON ALL MAIL ORDERS. 5 ml "4 mm jily ELECTRIC PLANT WAS AFFECT. EI) BY KltKAK IN POWER DAM AT HKRMISTON. g NOON LUNCH H Creamed Chicken on Toast Roast Veal with Dressing H Creamed Potatoes Combination Salad If Apple Pie m Tea Coffee Milk f OUR POPULAR DELTA BREAKFAST 3 Country fresh eggs served. EVENING DINNER Fried Spring Chicken French Fried Potatoes Fruit Salad Ice Cream Sherbet Tea Coffee Milk H COME IN AND HEAR OUR NEW EDISON DIAMOND DISC WITH ALL THE M H NEW RECORDS. H (East Oregonian Special.) ECHO, Ore., Sept. 30. Tom Hoy len and son well known sheepmen are bringing in their sheep from the sum mer ranges. Sixteen carloads came in Wednesday from Mcacham. Part of the sheep are being pastured on the Schmidt farm on the Meadows and Fart at Mr. Poylen's place on IHitter Creek. Echo wns in darkness at niRht from Saturday to Tuesday of this week on account of the Electric Light and Power Co. having a dam at Hermis ton give way thereby affecting the water supply for the plant. Mr. and Mis'. (!eo. Houck and little daughter of Portland arrived here to day on a visit to their cousins Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Spinning. Mr. and Mrs. Houck have been visiting in Walla Walla and are on their return home Mack Foster. C. P. Strain. Will Moore and J. W. Maloney were Pen dleton visitors In Echo on Tuesday. Mrs. Oscar Mitchell of Center Point. Mont., who has been visiting here with her daughter Mrs. John Oliver since the Kound-t'p. went to Hepp ner yesterday for .1 few days visit with relatives. Mrs. Will Neal left the first of this week for Seattle where her husbantl is employed as u grain inspector. Mr and Mrs. Neal made their home here for several years. ' Mr. and Mrs. James Knlton of Ten Mile. Ore., left yesterday, morning for their home after a shori visit with Louis Seholl. Jr.. and family. Thomas llenson of Portland, who i had been attending the Rnund-I'p and j visiting with relatives in Pendleton, ' came down to Echo on Tuesday and spent til" day with friends. On Wed nesday Mr. and Mrs. Penson returned i to Portland. i Mrs J. W. lteese arrived here yes-! tcnlny from Enterprise where she has been visiting with her daughter Mrs ! ,1. H. Stine. Mrs. C. W. I'regnilz and Mrs. Pan-, line Oravelle of Htanfield were here j yesterday. ! J.Frank Spinning returned home to day from a short business trip to Portland Mrs. T. (i. Smith was in yesterday from her Meadow home visiting her rlster Mrs. W. A. Jones. The reception given here Wednes-' day evening tn Hev. John P. Coolt and family and T. M. Johnson and famih was well attended and enjoyed by nil Itev. Cook Is the new Methodist min ister here and T. M. Johnson and fam ily are well known people who have returned to Kcho nfter a few months absence, to v'o In business and rosidt here. James Sailing who has been with the Oregon volunteers at the Mexitjnn border is home rtguln. State (Inme Wnrden Schumaker was t - - "rT '1 ))o ' m A -7 tjjp" 1 Here You'll Find The Newest Styles in Coats Coats of distinctive style with an individuality you will admire. Coats that reflect elegance and good taste in every line. Coats that combine comfort and beauty in a flawless way. Coats you will be proud to own and proud to wear. . : , . . Classic Goats "Stylishly Distinctive" From the many lines of women's coats submitted to us we selected Classic gar ments as being nearest your own ideal of Style. Beauty, Durability and Economy. They are really exceptional in design and workmanship bringing out the beau tiful line's of the Fall styles in a quiet elegante which is the height of good taste. They will meet your expectations in price, too giving you a wide selection at .t cost lower than you might expect. Prices Range from $9.95 to $38.50 We have Classic Coats for Misses and Children, too. Come and see the new models and b -ing the children. Popular Cash Store 'A H3 here Wednesday ou his way home to 3G MIll!llimilMll!ll!l'MIMIMIIIl:il!!!lllll!l!!l!M!lll!IM Portland from a trip to Wallowa lllll!l!Ui!? county. gglllilllllllllllllllllH