East Orcgonian Round-Up Souvenir Edition. Pendleton, Oregon, Saturday, September 23, 181S A Tale of Old Weston, Given in Verse Twwty-Four Pages jgimriil i!i III I; iite n'lii i TTTTTrTTTTTrjTrTTrTTrTTTTTTTTTT TH1?I Town." (Under the name of David pupu nioxmox, a Seattle resident, evidently a pioneer of Umatilla county, has sub-: Hay-lnktum-da; Old Davy yelled mltted to the Kant Oregonlan the fol lowing verses which, thinly disguised, tell of the historic gun fight whlcii Hank Vaughun had with a man nam ed Long.) . AT OIJ HESTOX TOWN. Three old fellers wan a gallopln' down The dusty trail to old Weston town, One rode a 'pinto,' eye and all; One rode a Spanish 'hosB," rawboned and tall; The other rode un Arabian steed, Known in Siwash as "Appaloosu'' breed: And the three of 'em gallopped along the road Unconscious of how their riders "blowed." It was three miles from the "Wild horse brink'' j To where these fellers could get a drink, For Weston town was known near and far As the home of Harney lTones "pio neer liar." And "Barney" kept "Poison," both cool and hot, And was always ready for a hand at "Jack-pot." So the trio rode like "Broncho Kids" Over the hills on their foaming steeds. Along the trail the sunflowers grew; Along the trail the curlews flew; And the sun was hot that August morn In the land where the first coyote was born. The mouths of the riders cotton spit Until they was choKing chock full of It; Ftom the top of the hill the three looked down On the shady streets of "Old Weston As the fumes from Harney's his smell er smelted; I golly-livin: And old Dock Scott Found a "Koyal Flush" in a big Jack pot"; For afar in advance the game he play ed, i Where the stakes were high and the boys all "stayed." But old Louie was mum, and, with a frown He ventured again Into Weston town. They rode to the creek where their steeds could drink, Then looked about, heard the glasses clink; It was "Barney's Bar' and soon was tied Three sweat covered '"kuitans," side by side, And the riders strode Into the room With Jangling spurs . and roseate bloom. The smell of the liquor was something fine, And old Davy "hollered" "Git up in In line." They looked about to see who was there;' Old Tom and old Ben, and a quartet fair Who sat at a table rattling chips And never a smile played about their lips; They were shuffling the cards In .professional style. And time was so precious they cared not to "smile." "Excuse me," says Barney, ':'but Isn't it tough To have you old fellers destroyln' my roof" Then the feller who wore the gray coat buttoned tight 1 1 -- - - ; i - v - ' J ! if 1 : - ' , - . :, ...... , . .,..- - - t J ' "' ' '"' "It Isn't The little duce of diamonds. J I'll Just be dod'ghast Well, Allowed to his "partners' quite right Tu sit idly by and see. "beer" go to And that was the card he had draw wa-ste," ed. Jiminy! We'd better Join in, and take a small ' A straight diamond fluth: Delightful tame.' to see. Allow me, Hank, this is Uncle Dave: There was "fiz" in the air, for John Strong: Long was hard hit Dave, litis is Hank King; and this id: And he sat at the table for quite a John Long. long bit; These other two fellows Is strungers.i Then suddenly rising he flashed a I see; Whut'll you have, boys? This one's on me. big bun And the "popping" commenced; we other guys run. I'd heard of Hank King, but never: They had the house clear, and divined counted the shots That he waj a gentleman, smooth and, They had emptied their guns exact- refined: I 'y ten snots But somehow I fell to the cut of his' A minute of silence, and then once Jib The style of his hat and the dash of bib; again The pop of the pistols made every thing plain. But John Long was a stranger, having They had each reloaded their guns no "reo " and once mpre And the other tw0 fellers hadn't1 Were shooting away as they were be- COLESWORTHY'S learned to "set up"; So we all took the drinks about sev en times round To celebrate rightly the new frlenU-i we'd found, Ha-inktum-da: 1 was spoiling for fun, And soon we got busy and lung stor ies spun; but it wasn't lor stories or things ot thai sort We a.- out looking alter; we wanted twill jport; And there's nothing so enticing as hold.ng the mane ' Of a "Bucking Pinto- in a big poker game. So chips, cards and table were quickly shook down In Harne.v's Lack room, in "Old Wes ton Town.' Say, fellers, 1 never played poker before? Why Hank King would raise u clean out oi uie uooi ; And the way that we "tinhorns'' would bet ami "lay down," Will be long remembered in Old Wes ton Town fore. Ten more shots we counted, and then all was still, But none of us cared to go into that "mill." Ten minutes passed by before we went in To see what was done and gin up up again. Hank and John were stretched full length on the floor John at the back Hank near the front door; They were covered with blood, and. each of them grim With reckless 'don't care,' knew their chances were slim; For their bodies were riddled with bullets. And then We learned w hat it cost to be desper ate men. But Hank King got well, and so did John Long; You see Hank said right, "My time hasn't come." And many the daredevil prank he yet played; But between him and Long enough had been said. we haunt tne nerve 10 ui.i " Thev ttV0i,led each other, and after I r',lse' , , . a time jAnd was learning to smile at Hanks Ilank figure(, that John & , eiegani pia, tleman nrime - 1 Ur"i" 4 It . ' ' i ' and you'll Rndra Firestone Distributor Wherever you are you can turn to a J-'irestone man and get the tires cf Most Miles per Dollar. The news of Firestone quality has traveled everywhere. Demand is universal. The most business-like dealers have established themselves as Firestone men. And backing up these dealers is the vast army cf Firestone Branch Managers and Special Distributors. You benefit from the right kind of service always ready. You also bene fit through the low prices made possible in part by this efficiency in Firestone distribution. FercUkr Ftllci Siflb W. N. Matlock, Pres. Wm. Dunn, 305 E. Court St. Phone 133 i i - Mva POLK hi , Cc. 1 RED -IIACKXirfQ Side Wafl U Tread JL KM. VO Mskers ot First Track Tires - Leaders Then and Lead era Now.loOoalityand Volam i m m H! in tu in mm m m m ;it in i:n;n;i m u ;:i ui u r. ui urnri;. iiiium While he ruled at Weston with gran deur and spleen. While old Davy still wobbles around And stood up like men who never bent and old. knew "cants"; His memory lives through those For many have gone and many have "mills' hot and cold; come And whenever he thinks of long hills Since old Davy Strong made Weston slopping down, h's home; He goes back to the days of Old But of all the great places where sor- Weston Town. i rows ne er frown. I5ut time has wagged along in her. flight, And Old Barney Prone has fought his . .... i lesion lown. i last tlgnt; j The (alrest oli pace )s "old Weston Hank King met his fate from the fall, Hay-inktum-da! But I'd like to see- Town." of a horse; Such times again as there used to be. DAVID POPUMOXMOX. .... ,-iiiuiit hanuened that' cum umra usum as mere usea to oe. ua xu -,.4iu.,ua. vtnen un ,Ilt ' v j Whrf could reign down at Prineville And John Long died nione at the end. When we put on our guns along with Seattle, April 13, 1911, 1430 26th The Feed Store of Pendleton "tore off the roof MJohn Long had Oalled Hank and found it a bluff " Avenue. Carrying a full Stock of HAY, GRAIN, STOCK and POULTRY SUPPLIES Rolled Barley, Shell Bone, Grit, Laying d Remedies l-T-l . Ionics art Don't think of send ing elsewhere for your stock and poultry sup plies when wou can save time and freight by buying in Pendle ton, the central dis tributing point east ot the Cascades. C. F. COLE 129 E. Alta Street, Opposite City Hall Telephone- 131. Pondleton, Oregon n gioiy .-eienr; i 01 mes course: our pants found it a bluff " i lyou ouslu to have, seen Hank's ! Ef But nea word, 'as he lit hi, olu g '0 He sat there and looked at his cards, g ; fa H and kept mum, p 3 g jl Till he picked up four diamonds. r ! E E Then some ' pa E Hetting commenced, and it went all; g ft around, C P cj!fc For each "Unkum-poop" had got in &s S j p. on the ground. g M g When it come to "discarding" Hank p U j Z only took one, ? g Dj r"l"',l'M"MiM ih And that was the s.snal that a blult K S H l " I W'S:d had begun. a II ' m mm m . I B p tP2 I El nAiim w 14c C4wAni4h I hFj bmn t 1 Fmrs m est ill First Lafronal Bank m j PENDLETON, OREGON 3 onoi iopo g i Oldest and Largest National Bank I 111 kIIm in the Sfnte Outside of Portland h fl'Ll mmm M.ti umM w ssiha mm 0001 lo zmt 1 1 Resources over $3,000,000.00 m r i sia III Security g h 1 A m - - - - ----- j m. h I had two old queens; and the card that 1 dr.iwed Made my heart feel like quitting It! froze and it thawed; For as shore as shootin' two more queens and a king Looked up blandly at me. I had quit? i a sure thing. Well, four of us stayed in that pot till; me snow. I ..ii . u i i .... t,.,.l r..i...... I u siaiveu U 1 liuu turn bu n-m j,vvv- , And John Long and Hank King was betting like well Old Barney said things was "hotter'n hell." Such games are worth seeing; but I felt I was out, , For surely them two knew what they were about; But not till John's money was all In the pot Did any one lisp, whether playing or not. Old Barney and all of the ftst of the gang Stood up on their toes and watched the "Shebang." "I guess you three fellers can show for the "side," And I showed my four queens with a good bit of pride. When I showed down four queens Dock tore up his "papes," And cussed at himself for a damned jackanapes; Then John Long calmly turned his five little cards Four aces, a duce. Guess I've won It "pards;" He waited for Hank. He turned over a "tray" The three spot of diamonds. A bluff.l p did you fay? Then slowly he turned the four, five o! All diamond!- (My little old queen M'S'Pt 'IIMJUJ t . . :t MiiiiMi,.iiit,,t!ii i i i m i i o" " , v-i- , i i" n;, M !' li i i : i I" II 1 'I'; M . II M M . i!! : ":T I .ii.lilli.iiii'iMlllMliil.lllilllililllllilniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiii.iiiii.iiiinriiiii.iiiiiH.'ii nuiiil liar .r;e!s lnoailt1" v In n 'l.inlv turned the last, ii;,',fli l,;.' , i!ii!..! Hi!';; ,. "T TtTTnriwFT'TI n TT T"TTT1"T"'"t ' rt ' v l'y 1 ( ' T !"t 1 s ' 1 ' "' "I'T"' r v -i ' i - - r