East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 23, 1916, ROUND-UP SOUVENIR EDITION, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    East Oregonian Round-Up Souvenir
Twewty-Fowr P gat
How the Early Day Lawyers
Once Had Fun in Pendleton
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Pf Four
The early practice of law in I'ma
t Ilia. county w;js somewhat crude and
often rather amusing. At least the
court inrkli'iits of those days, as re
peated by old timers "lingering anions
us still, are amusing to modern peo
ple. Col. William Parsons tells of a typ
ical incident that happened back In
J877. "Judge" Templeton, the jus
tic of the peace at Meadows (now
Echo) was the principal figure. Ie-
fore him had been arraigned one Tom 1
Burns, alleged horse thef and thej
evidence was so Inconclusive that thej
Justice felt obliged to turn the pris-j
oner loose. I
Now the justice of the peace in
those days as now was paid in fees.)
and Templeton fixed out a bill olj
costs and presented It to the county
court. Because of some informality,
it was rejected by the court
Thereupon "Jurtge" Templeton
came to Tendleton and retained Jim
Turner, an old-time lawyer of waggish
disposition, to make out a proper bill
and demand payment from the court
After what he considered a sufficient
lapse of time, Tempieton came to
Pendleton again ana presented him-
self before hi attorney with a polite
request for the money. He was In
formed that the county court had not
yet met again.
Now the good judge was of a so
ciable turn of mind and dropped into
a convenient saloon to quench his
thirst He asked a few friends up
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to the bar and they nad a f,ew rounds.
Growing loquacious as the "red eye"
circulated more freely, Templeton
confided his troubles ;n collecting his
bill ot costs. Seeing a chance for
sport, one of his companions suggest
ed that Turner may have collected
Ihe money and failed to turn it over.
The suspicion planted it soon bore
fruit Templeton became convinced
that Turner was not shooting square
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with him and in hsj Indignation de
cided he would arrest the guilty at
torney for embezzlement.
He was no visionary dreamer. He
was a man of action. The old court
then stood where now stands tho
Feoples Warehouse and Templeton at
once made his way to the court room.
Seating himself in the judge's chair
he made out a warrant charging his
attorney with embezzlement, appoint
ed Ken Beagle special constable and
ordered him to bring the accused be
fore him. in a few moments Beagle
returned with the alleged culprit who
was accompanied by Judge B. B.
rishop as his counsel. No time was
wasted in clearing the deck for ac
tion. Turner was arraigned and plead
ed not guilty. A jury of bystanders
was chosen and the trial was on.
Templeton, presiding, made a state
ment of alleged facts upon which the
case was brought He swore no wit
nesses for the state. Then Turner
was placed on the w:tness box and
duly sworn. He testified to the real
facts and was then subjected to a
sharp cross-questioning by Temple-
The replies not proving satisfac
to "hizzoner," the latter inti-
MuNiiNal f
.'..Y ?
mated in rather plain terms that the
witness was not confining himself to
the truth.
At this juncture Turner fired ud
and called the court a "dam liar.-1
Judge Templeton was equal to thoi
emergency and promptly fined the!
defendant twenty Collars for con-j
tempt of court. Turner produced a '
twenty and slammed it down on th?j
The Union Suits in Which
Everyone Can Be Suited
Those who are hard to fit
Those who are hard to please
Those who like fine quality
Those who seek real economy
lWTANY folks seem to have the idea that Munsing
AV1 Wear is high priced.
The fine quality and careful workmanship in Munsingwear un
doubtedly give that impression.
When they find out the price of the particular Munsingwear style
and fabric that they like best, they are usually surprised and de
lighted. They are delighted again when they put on their Munsingwear
it fits so perfectly, feels so comfortable.
Again they are surprised when the Munsingwear comes back from
the wash as perfect-fitting as ever.
The climax to their Munsingwear experience comes when they dis
cover how long it wears.
For everybody tall, thin, short or stout there's a perfect-fitting
Munsingwear garment in any style, fabric or weight desired.
These Munsingwear features explain why there are now 9,000,000
Munsingwear garments sold annually.
hi i'
j 1
The store that soils
standard lines of Mer
chandise of proven
- i i
Reclusive acenu for
Attire' and Chlldrrn's
Miinsingwiur in Pendleton.
court. Templeton threatened to1 ap
recommended to the mercy of the
peal but "Judge" Morris refused to
entertain a motion for an appeal, but
In view of the jury's recommenda
tion, imposed the nne for petit lar
ceny, five dollars, and ordered that
Our Dog and
gives the best service and
best price in Pendleton on
Plumbing, Sheet Metal
VV ork and Heating Plant
Get our prices before you give
the work.
A large line of bath room sup
plies and plumbing accessories
always carried in stock.
The biggest and best plant of
its kind in eastern Oregon.
Tiptoe 443 317 L Court St, Pendleton
table. Judge Bishop his attorney,
without hesitation ptcxed up the coin
and pocketed it. to the amazement of
the court.
Before Templeton could express
himself, however, counsel for the de
fense" moved for a fiisniissal of the
case Mr the season that Templeton,
as justice of the peace at Meadows,
had no jurisdiction In Pendleton, and
thus could not try B case, much less
assess a fine for contempt
The grounds were so palpable that
it be expended for a further supply
of spiritual sustenance ror the court
officers. The prisoner paid the fine
by giving an order upon the county
court for his original bill of costs. In
due time this was paid.
You Don't Need
to take. Chances
In plain or fancy boxes, small boxes or large boxes. Our own
makes, the very best brand of candies on the market.
Bulk candies, chocolates and other confections at various prices.
In this case, we charge you for the candy and not for the box.
Cleanly handled, all safe and fit to eat
We do not make anything that is not absolutely safe ; free from
artificial flavor or colors. Send the children here and they will
get the best candies made. ,
.... c.!-
620 MAIN
even Templeton was forced to admit HJ
them. "Constable Beagle," he shout- I
ted in his wrath, "adjourn this court:
sine d'e, release the prisoner and ;
when once we get out of this blasted j
mourtroom 1 11 lick ino liver an'i
lights ut of him.'" fJO
The court was ut once adjourned I Jrn
amid a roar of laughter from the
large audience and the lawyers, jury,
judge' and constable crossed the
street to Jacob's satoon where now
stands the Judd building. Arriving
there it was decldeu that, instead ot
i fltrhf Tumor NhtililH tie nunished O
by spending the twenty dollars in 0j
Bishop's hands for drrnks and other OU
refreshments. This was finally agreed
to. and the money was Judiciously, it
not Judlcally, expended.
But the trouble did not end there.
After several rounds had been served,
the "barkeep," inspired for the pur
pose, complained that he had been
robbed, ordered the Uoor closed and
his patrons searched. Diligent search
was made and, as wag t be expected,
a miscellaneous assortment of tum-j
biers, silver spoons and other bar fur-1
nlshings, was found In Judge Tem-i
nleton's Dockets. i
A kanzar-oo court was at oijre or-2g
ganizerj in me saioon won n. ijM
Morse for judge, .1 rn Turner, the late Oil
aoaoc ipsao
the nriEiicAU immm mm
Capital, Surplus and Profits $450,000.00
THIS institution is authorized to act in any
trust capacity and our service guarantees
economy and efficiency in all matters en
trusted to our care. Consultations invited.
Total Resources $2,500,000.00
defendant, for pro.-K-utiiig attorney JO
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