.C3HT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON; OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2? 1919.' PAGE. FIVE PASTIME Todai ALTA T miGm in 0 UJ4 i o-A ) I Charlie Chaplin in I lie Fireman A Laugh! A Scream! A Howl! "MATCHIN' JIM" a Western drama with ANNA LITTLE and FRED BORAZGE. MUTT AND JEFF IN PREPAREDNESS ADULTS 15c CHILDREN 5c LOCALS S Advertising in Brief Per lime first Insertion 104 ivr Due, addltlooal uuertloo.... Be IVr Hne, per month fl.OU N lurait taken fur lew ttin 25c. Coint 0 nnliunrj words to line. tanila will nut be taken oror tbe teleplioite except from Kast Oregon lu Slid so subscribers. Burn for rent, suitable for two au tomoklles. Inquire 401 Aura street. I haul your garbage and trath Pnoae HSU. 1401 W. Railroad it Rresfc Olympla oysters for sale at Otto Hohbacqa. Pnone 10. Miss Mulr, dressmaking. Roomi 14 aad 16. Association Building. Freeh erawfUih and Olympla oysters at the tjuollo. Stilts pressed 60c; tnoroughly clean ed 11.11 Rudd. 310 W. Webb, phone m. Mian ComBtock, beauty specialist, Mason's Millinery. I Wanted Reliable woman cook. ! Apply 118 Jackson or Phono 452. D. B. Waffle auto for hire. Phone 2S4M. Stand, Charles Co. Phone 7. For rent 'Modern seven room hoiiHe. (Hi College street. Apply John Vert. Wanted Position by firm clans hardware man. (Jood reference. Ad ilrcw l'.ox 465, Pendleton. Iost Child's black fur coat at Itound-l'p Thursday. Finder please return to this office for reward. For sale A six-bottom John Deere engine gang plow at a bargain. Rlchreal Trading Co., Rlckreall, Ore. Lost black overcoat on road be tween Heppner and Pilot Rock. Find er notify this office or address 8. H Kdmondson, Madras, Ore. Salesman Capable specialty man for Oregon. Staple line on New and Exceptional terms, vacancy Oct. 1. Attractive commission contract. $35 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Bixler Co.. 230-39 Cnrlin. Bldg, Cleveland, O- Notice. Moure and Fuller, the farm land men from St. Anthony and Ashton, Idaho, will be at the St George hotel for several days, commencing Thurs day, September 21st Bee them for chea? wheat lands and stock ranches. Adv. liullcx, AttcuUon. We carry a full line of hair goods. Mail orders solicited. Combings Miss Erna Petzold of Oregon City, former University of Oregon student, Is the house guest of Miss Claire Ra ley. . Bishop W. N. Sumner of Portland, Is here. Thomas Samuel of Baker is In town. Chtcd Davis of the Pasco fire de partment, Is in the city. Arthur Crawford, manager of the Heppner Gazette-Times, Is In town to day, Frank W. Robinson, traffic mana ger of the O.-W., is here to attend the Round-Up. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schofner of Portland are house guests of Captain and Mrs. Charles A. Murphy of the Eastern Oregon State Hospital. H. E. Brodle, general passenger agent of the Canadian Pacific Co., !s a Vancouver, B. C, visitor at the Round-Up. made to order. Hair dyeing bleaching. Residential calls prompt attention. Pendleton I Dressing Parlors, Pendleton Building. Phone 45. and given Motion Picture News What tbe Picture Theaters Havej to Tell You. The Famous Bostonians -IN- "Ihe Golden Slipper Don't Miss the Midnight Matinee SUNDAY 99 THE ROSE Of HONOLULU" iillllilllllilllllllill Waited at once, an experienced girl Xotkv of Payment of City of pendle for general housework. Phone 352J, ton Iniprovrmciit Bond, or sail 73J Jane. j Notice ia hereby given Uut the City TkOM crlap waffles Sunday morn- "f Pendleton Improvement Bond No. mgs at the Delta made fom Hlyden-12. Sirica F. wlU be paid upon pre tela' Self Rising Flour. sentatlon thereof to the undersigned Rudd Is an expert at cleaning ATmer'n bUo,BJU,!?1 Pe"" .hit. fr. natrlrh ,lilm,.s T(ll,11 i v....., Interest on said bond ceases Octo ber 1, 1916. Dated September 13. 1918. LEE MOORHOOTE, Treasurer, City of Pendleton, by Wm. MlckeUen, Deputy. .110 W. Webb. Phone 685. For sale or rent Modern real deaee at 225 Jane. Inquire Buford Butler, Hohbach'f Bakery. For sale or rent 8 -room house, ho water heat Inquire Buford Butler i at Otto Hon hue hi Bakery. Horoentcd. Ml cylinder, 48 H P. 6-paaHenger Relinquishment on 320 acres fine u-coaa hand car for Mile. 1325 it grass land. 30 acres tencea, id acre taken at once. .See Cote at Oregon plowed, 15 Osnute. 112x14. Call Penland Bros, van to move your To Whom It May Concern. All persons knowrng themselves to be indebted to me will please arrange to settle their accounts by October 1. 1916, as after that date there will be a change In the business. (Adv.) H. M. SLOAN. Attention Mooho. There will be a called meeting of the Moose tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 In Moose hall, for the purpose of at tending the funeral or Arthur Elliott. The funeral services will be held at the Brown undertaking parlors at 2 o'clock sharp. (Adv.) DICTATOR JOHN LANG Information Wanted About eUster. To find a sister; has been gone for 25 years; on account of her father'B estate. To any one knowing of a lady whose name before marriage was I south seas, At the Alta. The Alta was packed to the doors lust evening for the opening perform- ,..,; anee of the Bostonians and if hearty Hotel laughter and applause is any crlteri- I on, tneyscorea a smaanmg nit wiin local playgoers as well as tne many visitors who were in attendance. The company of sixteen la compos ed almost entirely of girls, there be ing only one boy In tne cast, Charlie Bennett, who proved tp be the pos sessor of a delightful tenor voice as well as a most pleasing stage presence Doris Canfield and Patsle Henn as Mary and Mike, make a team of laugh getters that is hard to beat, their clever team work getting the most out of every line and situation in the book. Billee O'Neil and Ina Mitchell made a charming pair of lovers and scored in their duet work. The performance goes with a snap and the entire company seems to en Joy themselves a.1 much as the audi ence. "Iroma," a musical play of the will be the offering to- nn mhMt hav. HOUBe Government land joining, six mllea from town. J400. Q. A. Steach, household goods. Telephone 339. Alsoi1" Creek. Oregon.-Adv, Hotel for 8lo. Good paying hotel In live country town, 800 people. 32 rooms, kitchen, dining room, completely furnished, bath, hot and cold water. Electrlo lights. $6000, $2600 cash, balance like rent or woul dtake good Income property anywfcere for all over $2600. address XX care East Oregonlan, or see Mr. B. nt Bowman Hotel during Round-lip. Adv. Mollie or Mary Brumtiaugh; raised In Moulton, Apnoose Co., Iowa; came out to Washington 25 years ago; her ag is now 59 years old; born in the year of 1857, May 7. Anyone know ing of this lady please write W. H. Brumbaugh, 515 Morrison street, Pe oria, Illinois, and receive reward.--Adv. baggage transferring and heavy haul ing. For sale Five room house, east Court street Desirable location, close to school. A genuine bargain. For particulars address R. C. Jory. Man pin. Ore. Reominc house for sale. Mall treat, la center of business district 'For full particulars Doing good business. Inquire of Pen land Bros, Mat trees making, furniture repair ing, npholsterlng, called for and deliv ered, city or cojntry. La Dow Bros., 211 Beauregard. Pohne 227J. Board and room that Is homelike; also furnished housekeeping room leaa and close in. Brows Hall. Tel ephone S50. H. II. Copeland. Prompt automobile taxi service, day or night. Funerals to cemetery only IS 60. Phone 180. Hotel a; George. Carney Taxi Co. Salesmen wanted To sell our i-plnndid line of fruit and ornamental trees. Good terms. Good territory. Good prospects Cash advanced on ..rdew. Albany Nurseries, First Na tional Bank. Albany, Oregon. For Sale) at a Bargain. Corner lot and two houses. Fine shade trees, cement walks. Including gas range and coke burner. Alex Manning. 800 W. Alta. Adv. Piiblto Dance Tonight, Moow Hall. The public la cordially invited to attend the regular Saturday night dance tonight In Moose hall. Music by Sawyer's orchestra. Admission. 60 cents Adv. Ante Stage. For Adama Athena and Weston leaves Hennlng's Cigar Store at 10 a I m. and S;30 p m. each day Adv. I hiircli of Uio Itcdix-nicr. There will be a celebration of the holy communion at 7:30 a, m.; Bun day school at 10 a. m.; divine service at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. AH are cordially Invited. Charles Qulnney, rector. Helix Itapti Church. a. m., bible school, Mrs. Myrtle night to be followed by "The Golden .Slipper," and "The Rose of Honolu lu" on Saturday and Sunday. NORMA TALMADGE AGAJLV SEES IS ROLE OF YOCXG GIRLHOOD Triangle Star Has Pan of Youthful Artist's Model in Sew Play, "The Devil Needle," Norma Talmadge hasn't a family of Triangle kiddies In her new play, "The Devil's Needle," in which she and Tully Marshall are co-stars. Children have seemed to attach! themselves lnseparaDly to the young IIIllIlli B4 66 jj TODAY oisoned Life I "THE BROKEN PLAIT I H3 p ; takes it proves a welcome variation dally from chivalrous male admirers, to show her at intervals as an un'she would not have to look far f co- claimed treasure. We call her that advisedly, for, judging by the vast number of letters that come to her some one to chase off Jealous rivals. Of course she is in love in "The an artist's mode. Tully Marschall being the artist But he j so short sighted as to turn her down for an other. In the end, however, her love Devil's Needle." She has the role of' proves grfeater than that ef hlo wife. Giest, supt.; 11 a. m., sermon, The star of late. In "Marthaa vlndlca- Perils and Strength of the Church." tion'' she became involved in a heap: 8 p. m., sermon, "The Teacher of the of troube through taking the care of Weary." Special music by the choir a baby which didn't elong to her, In; "The Children In the House" she had a little fToek of her own, and. again' in "Going Straight" ehe was the at both services. Miss Virginia Sow ers will sing a solo at the evening service. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Choir practice Wednes day at 8:15 p. m. A cordial Invita tion emended to all to worship with us. Dan W. Thurston, pastor. mother of a promising family. While she unquestionably makes a charming mother as, indeed, she is appealing in whatever role she under- inn! 'em Cow! Put don't get hooked cn your Groceries. Come to the tore where cash is a winner and prices are down within the range of common sense. The Round-Up is a great success so is our system. Get the habit. Trade at CONHOTS yJMW it . V" - -': J , f H J pan hi- , f ' .''"3 'T-' - X : " ' --mJ ' ' ' - 4 ii.ii i -!' r" ji fw! lit iih fmaS,m krtnit,m m DAY Norma Tailmadge with Tully Marshall in 'The Devil's Needle" Also Keystone Comedy Burns Bros. & Turnh&m's Troubadors in Entire Change of Program LAST TIME TODAY 1 Fatty Arbuckle in 'W h HWv K WW" MU I1UI1LL mill U 1 ILL BURNS' BROS. & TURlilS' COLORED TROUBADORS Funny Comedians, Good Singers, Clever Dancers. Old Time Melodies i3 S3 3 ! Children 15c Adults 25c Ina Mitchell and Charlie Bennett with the Famous Bostonians at the Alta Tonight and Sunday. it l!llll!l!!lli!lll!l!!l!!!!llllilli!l e 'ti