Train pages DAILY EAST OREGONIAN,' rTCLHTON, OESGOH, FRIDAY, S3PTSlltS3 22, 131?. PAGE f r.VITN riJIlEWlESIIllILlMET There continues u firm tone In the ho murk!t at North I'ortland, with sales substantially at Wednesday's price For tops sales were shown ut 19.70W9.75. There was only a Hnmll run of hoiis in the yards at the opening of the day's trade, and sales were mada mora prompt than on recent du'ys. Oeneral hog market: Choice light weight $9.70 9.75 Good light weights 1 .2.r)fli9.5n Medium weights 9.00 9.1 5 Rough heavy 8.50rf8."5 Klicep Hun a Handful. Just a handful of sheep came In to North Portland over nliiht. These were from a Willamette valley point. Oeneral strength in shown in the market, with the sale of Willamette valley lambs at tS.SO. the former top. Thin would indicate a . Mill higher price for selected Muff. General mutton and lamb market: Select spring lamb t 8.60 Ordinary lambs 7.75 8.0 Rent yearlings 6. 50 i 6.75 Ciood to cpmmon wethers B.7Sd.OO Rest ewe B.Ofli5.J5 Heavy common ewes S.riOW 4.00 Cattle) Situation In Good. While there was noth'ng available ' to teet the extreme market price for cattle at North Portland during the day, sales of ordinary ruallly stuff Indicated a continuance of the former strong position for real good quality. Total reoelpts over night were small. Oeneral cattle market range: Prime light steers .60i (S.75 Prime heavy steers 6.90W7.0O Hood light steers 6.00i.25 Stockertt and feeders 5.O0W5.7B Prima dehorned cows and heifers 5.40 Common rows 4.00 11 5.00 Hulls .Tp0M 50 Prime light veal calves. 7.00i 7.!?0 Prime heavy veal cnles.. 4.00 ii 6.00 ThurMdav livestock Shlpjicm. Hog William lllock, Polk. 1 load; M. M. Hostnr. Klickitat, Wash., 1 load; U F Turman. Solusa. Cal., 1 load; H. P. Turnian. I.os Angeles, Cul.. 1 load. Cattle n. Riinscy Nez Perce, Ida ho, 1 load, H. Canfield 1 load; M. D. Wheeler. Unn, 1 load. Mixed stuff J. W. Veatch. 1-une. 1 load cattle, hoss and sheep. IVpresslon Has again general In the world' wheat trade fur the day. lie cent trading has been very erratic, be ing firm and higher one moment and weak and lower the next. This feel ing is naturally shared to some ex tent by the local trade, although it must be said to the credit of Pacific northwest, wheat buyers, they have been far less statnpeiled by the recent downward fliistilatiotis elsewhere than has been the case In other sec tions. To some extent perhaps this Is due to the fact that the moment that pri ce! go off a fraction here, selling in the country Is entirely suspended. . What has happened to the barley murket Is ut present a tmstery in the Jrade here. There ha been practi cally no trading In barley at Pacific rorthwest points of late, although stock are short. Relatively speak ing, oats are really cheaper than bar ley, and this may be one of the solu tions of the mystery. With plenty of oats offering at the lower prices, there I naturally much less indication to tnke hold of hurley at the higher figures. INFORMATION FOR ROUND-UP VISITORS The Round-Up program begins at 1 :30 p. flVintif r m. and closes $1.00 for grandstand, for OREGON TROOPS TO BE MUSTERED OUT MONDAY Thlnd Oregon inrantry Will Immedi ately Resume Exrstence as Th'rd Regiment Orestm Xat'onal Ovarii. PORTLAND, Sept. 22. Monday morning, September 25, at 9:30 o' clock the Third Oregon Infantry will be mustered out from the federal service at Camp Wlthyeombe. The regiment will Immediately resume Its existence as the Thtrd regiment Ore gon national guard, nearly all the men having taken the new oath pro vided by the federal military law. The next time It Is called out there will be no need of any new oaths ot allegiance or mustering lnto the fed eral service, as wag the cae when the last call waa made by President Wil son on June 18. The regiment will resume In existence a the Infantry organization of the O. N. G., and be under the same officers as now. Here after the president of . the Unlten States can call It out with less delay and expense than was possible under the old law. Immediately after the mustering out under command of Captain K. T. Williams, there will lc payday for every man and officer, nnd that will terminate the relations n federal sol iiis until the Thlr.l Oregon is want ed again by I'ncle Sam. Gates open at 12 noon. 11 i uieacnere. Seats on sale in mornings at ticket wagon on Alta, just off Main. There will be a special show Friday morning at park for eli mination of contestants in bucking, bulldogging and other events. Admission 25c. Begins at 9 a. m The Westward-Ho parade will be at 10 o'clock Saturday morning. Happy Canyon opens at 7 each evening. Program begins at 8. Admission 50c. Kids 25c. Mo reserved seats. Accommodation headquarters at 550 Main street in E. 0. building. Open 7 a. m. until midnight. Double beds $2.00, single beds $1.50, cots $1.00. Autos may be parked on four school blocks; toilet facilities; inquire at accommodation headquarters. Postoffice located on West Alta and Garden. Open from 8 a. m. until 1 p. m. and from 5:30 until 6 p. m. Banks open from 9 a. m. until 12 noon. Most business houses will be closed during show. City hall on east Alta and Cottonwood. fire department phone 171. Public library on North Majn just across river. Open from 10 a. m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p. m. O-W. R. & N. phone 42. N. P. phone 549. Western Union on East Court. Open from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. American Express office, 122 East Court. Open 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Northern Express office at N. P. depot in E. Q. Bldg. There is a free rest room in the basement of the city hall. The Odd Fellows, Elks, Eagles, Masons and Moose will maintain open house. I. O. O. F. hall. Main and Alta; Elks, East Court and Cottonwood; Masonic, Main and Webb; Moose, 515 Main; Eagles, East Court St. Free rest rooms with attendant at following churches: Bap tist, Alta and Johnson Sts. ; Catholic, Alta and Market; Christi an, Main and Jackson; Episcopal, Alta and Johnson; Metho dist. Webb and Johnson; Presbyterian, Alta and College; Christian Science, Johnson and Webb. Meals will be served noon and evenings at Christian, Baptist and Methodist -churches. The Commercial Club is open to visitors; corner Main and Court. Phone 114. Hcrmiston headauarters, hay palace, corner of Main and Rail- road (Old Happy Canyon location.) "Goodnight Corns ! We Use 'Gets-It! 3 Drops in 2 Seconds. That's All. "GETS-IT" Does the Rest Never Fails. 'itealty, I never could see how some few iwople use the must difficult and painful av they can find to get rid of corns. They'll wrap their toes up with bsndage into a package that fills their shoes fall of I 4 JH. .4. 1 Hall Film Vi-loping ta 3c li it RNf.ARtiKMKNTS Mail Your Films to us FOB FIRST CMS. Fi.V.s'tf.VO WK PAY TIIK KKTt R.N ItwrAOtV prompt Hrrylce XMf'!lit liimrHtUMtl Police phone 66; r- " '"' f . ' J ; v; ,x 4 .... . . .. ... v, - a ,7, : . t " - V" " " f. 1 ' .-1 ii'iliiw r' ..... I.U..1. ..i . 'i ii . i w. u . . ' ,; - -.-r- . . j I, i i i i i,.... - -.-' - 111, - I, - J y.. Nr.. J with yi'u f feet and make corns so painful they've got to walk sideways sod wrinkle op tbelr fares. Or tbey use salves tbat eat rlgbt into the toe and make It raw and sore, or they'll use plasters that make the corns bulge, or pick and gouge at their corns and Make the toes bleed. Funny, tan't It? "UKT8-1T" Ik the simple, modern wonder for corns. Just put .1 drops n. It dries liiHtunth. No pain, fuss or trouble. The corn, callus or wart loosens and comes off. Millions use nothing else." "liKTS IT" i sold and recommended by druggists ever where. - a hottle, or sent on receipt of price, by K. I-awrence k Co., I'hleSKO. 111. Sold In Pendleton and recommended ss the world's best corn remedy by Tallmsn 4 Co. FI LL LISl OF Beaeea A Eastman Cuhtm Films, Etc THE KODAK EXCHANGE Write for Price List 2()9 AlUky BUg. PORTISI), Oil. Fipert Camera Repairing i E J I 1 m IIIIIIHIgtlMIMIHBHIHHWIWHHHH wMiumiuuiUiliulliuiUUlliiluiliiuitiiiiuiuuiiiUiumiiiiiimiiiuiuiiuuoiuiiiaMl Drink Soda in Bottles the most sanitary way. It's pure and easy to keep cool. We bottle, sell and deliver to your home HIRE'S ROOT BEER SODAS, ALL FLAVORS GINGER ALE good as any in the state. Agency for Weinhard's Golden Nector the fine summer drink. Pioneer Bottling Works Paul Hemmelgarn, Prop. Telephone 177. Quick delivery a feature. r -m II r i II I i II 5 II 3 II s:-3 I. W. V. TO CALL STKIKI' IX AID OF TKKSCA. e : .issiiHsmti mtTnit,MnnifntititiittntuttiniiiniHtittiittuniitttintT!mitt!UHtiMiinmTiitt!!tttt!tiMetftniMttmfntm,- fegni!i:i;;i!iil!L'il!lillillliyiliM w t x . .. a ' 1 ' - 1 - v X i ft ;r- Jt liL-ni mil i f SHEEP MEN NOTICE We will have a representative at the Pendleton Hotel during the Round-Up who will quote prlcea and take or ders on Cottonseed Cake and Heal. We handle these pro ducts In very large quantities and quote prices which we know will be of Interest to you DO HOT FAIL TO GET OCR PRICES BEFORE ORDERING. UNION MEAT COMPANY Xorth Portland, Oregon. 1'""""' Known For It's Strength iimiiimimiiiiimrrj AELO TJ2ESCA N"EW YORK, Sept. 22. Officials of the Industrial Workers of the World announce their decision to call uoon labor organizations to declare a gen eral protest strike during the week of the trial of Carlo Tresea. and nth.,. strike leaders of the .Minnesota I. W. w. iron miners, to enforce a demand for a fair trial. National official.. f the I. W. W. claim to have the pledge 01 me support and oo-operation of Italian Socialists. Anarchist and la bor organizations and a large num ber or Italian publications. Rulmondo Fazio, of the general strike committee, and editor of one or the official organs of the I. W. W. j said that the general strike will tw called as soon as the trial of the Min nesota iron miners, which Is expected soon begins. : Washington, D. C.'Oct 6, 1915. irsi national Banh FEMDLETQN. GRECO is hereby granted the right to act as Trustee, Ex ecutor, Administrator and Registrar of Stocks and Bonds. Federal Reserve Board. By C. S. Hamlin, Governor. Another thing the women of the -training camps should learn is first r,tlllllllllllllllllllllllllll ma 10 ine mined. ! SECURITY iiiiiiiJiiuimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiilii State of Ohio, City of Toledo, i.nras ( ounfy, ss, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he la aenior partner of tli firm of K. J Cheney k C, doing business iu tbe City of Toledo. Cminty and State aforesaid, nnd that said firm will pay the mm of ONE Ht-XDHK1 iHii.i.AKH Tor each and every case of Ca tarrh that ennnor be cured br the nse of HAI.I.S CATAKRH Cl'UE. FliA.VK 1. CHKNF.y. Sworn to before me and snMcrlhed In my presence, tliia (3th day of Pecember, A 1. 18M1. A. W. (JI.RASON. I Seal I Notary I'nbllr. nnH'B Catarrh Cure is tnkn internally and acts through the Itlood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testl Qutitiils, free K J CFIEVKY CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all drugcists, 7Sc. Hell's Family Pills for contliiatloo. COC30I IOEIOI :OE30J on o nox FOR SALE Small duiry f.irm. close to t'enuleton. If you are interested come in and we will tell you all about it. llust be sod by Oc tober 1. In Riverside addition, ten acres of alfalfa and garden land, good house and barn, cows, hogs, horses, wagons and all ma chinery, hay and furniture. Price $10,000. Must be sold at once. $6"00 cash and balance terms. In Riversiue addition, elegant 7 room house, hard finished, barn and thicken houses. Five acres of alfalfa and garden and. Price $4,000. Easy Terms. MATLOCK-LAATZ INVESTMENT GO. , Farm and City Loan I0E30C iococ: Insurance-. 20EZOE O a o ono" CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS BBNTLEY & MONTGOMERT. REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agsnts. 815 Main street Phone 404. AUCTIONEERS. COU W. F. TOHNKA. AUCTION eer, makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales. "The man that gets you the money."' Leave orders at East Oregonian office. SECOND HAND DEAIJCRS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NEW and second hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought Cheapest place In Pendleton to buy household goods. Come and get our prices. 219 E Court street Phone 17IW. ARCHITECT. RAYMOND W. HATCH. ARCHI test. Despain Building. Phone 768. Pendleton. Oregon, ATTORNEYS. RALEY & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American National Bank BulKttaf. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estimates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Collections made. Room 17. Schmidt block. FEB A FEE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In Deepaln building. CARTER ft SMYTH E. ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of Ameri can Naional Bank building. FUNERAL DIRF.CTOHS. JAMES a PERRY. ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware company, PETERSON ft BISHOP. ATTOK neys at law; rooms J and 4, Smith Crawford building. J. T. BROWN'S Kf R-VITL RK STORH Funeral director and licensed in balmer. Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral tars. Calls responded to day or night. Corns Main and Water streets TelepUon 13. JOHN a BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed emlmliuur. Op posite postoffice. Funeral park, two funeral cars. Call responded to day or night Phone 71. MONTANA FARM LANDS. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY. ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 7. 8 and 9, Despaln building. J NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY i Lands in eastern Montana at D in to $1$ per acre. Suitable for farming or grazing Easy term. For Infor mation write or e W. E Holt. Miles City, Montana. FREDERICK ney at law. ford building STKIWER. ATTOR-; Office lu Smith-Craw . MISCI I I AM ! & A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY AN I' counsellor at law. Office in De spaln building. LEGAL BLANKS ( K F.VKItV DW cription for count, courti circuit court. Justice court, real estate, etc-, ror sale at Eayrt Oregonian olfWe '3