East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 21, 1916, ROUND-UP SOUVENIR EDITION, SECOND SECTION, Page Page Twenty, Image 20

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    Twenty-Four Pag
Forecasts for Stockmen Save Sheep in Time of Storm
In order to m.iMp the owner ot
imc ? K 0,0o j;hv . 'in.t Uiorr !:imNs
in Oil- iiTt);vpt 'i ;''";o' ! ,!,f' 5l"'.'
ml ..m .,i'(! sh"' fr.m the t '.frets oi
isB.f iiiis !,.nii.- the weather 1'U
jimii, dunn: the .-prm,: of ISMS :n
rtahe.l a s; iv Lnl lni-ttirivi!i: 5-er-nf
t r i t Kon. sh':ir'n. nt;d
lilnhti Mierp ranter. Thi. servAe
jirovc'l to be -f Mien vih.e '. o heei'
apn during the recent lami-iivc and
hearing s.a-nn that It wl Hie on
tinned aiwl piM;.H somewhat ev'ind-
ieii by rail and cold rums. Kill lurco,
number of lamb anil recently
!ie ireii sheep unless they cm bo pro-;
JiHtiil In time. This Is especially
true, bcoiiuse eirl- lambing to meet
liigh market prices ts extensively
practiced In this section and because
winter feeding is expensive, and sheep
are usually nhom and put on the.
Hinges as early as possible, Even be-
fore, shearing, under especially'
Utnnv. and muddy conditions, a ewe
will readily succumb to fatigue and
tarvntinn. and her lamb may perish
with her. 1
There have been instances where the
kwses reached a-n much as 50 per cent
of fine kit. in which the animals were
valued at about J8 each. As a re-
:lt of these losses the owners make
a practice where possible of shelter -mg
their shorn sheep in canyons and
keeping them near shelter during- un
Mitie.i weather in ear'y spring. Later
the sheep are allowed to graze- more
widely, and the herders mart have
w.iin.ns of storms sufficiently In ad-miti.-
to enable them to drive tii
sheep to the nearest shelter. During'
the springs of ISH and 19ir thou
sands of sheep beyond the reach of
shelter perished in severe storms that
swept over these states.
The service during the spring was
operated through 25 distributing cen
ters through which weather reporu
and special warnings covering tem-i
perature. ra4n. snow, winds, clouds,
and clear sky. all . of which have a
bearing on the safety of sheep, were
distributed to nearly inn other com
munities The word was passed along
by telephone to several hundred ad
ditional stockmen. In this way the
warnings reached the owners of most
of the sheep In the states by noon.
or earner, o: the day of issue. In sec
tions In or around the nnlii.nil forest
the forest supervisors cooperated
wun me weather bureau in di trilmt
ing those forecasts and warnings.
H. v Xieter is no cowboy but he
wants to be. His desire plus a nerve
not easily daunted may qualify him
some day to ride in the Round-t'p
finals, but just at present he is pay
ing the price of the new beginner. I
Nieter is of German extraction and
the lure of the west got him. Dur
ing the summer he hired out as a sack
sewer to John Adams, who farms
near Adams, but that was a means to
an end. He had his eye on the
Hound-l'p and wanted a chance to
ride in the bucking contest. To get
the chance ha must first have an
outfit and then he must have prac
tice. With a goodly portion of his sum
mer wages he purchased a cowboy
outfit from saddle to chaps, and he
showed up at the first tryout of
bucket. He was the first to volun
teer to ride. He was thrown three
times that afternoon, a strange horse.
Bugs and Hotfoot each getting a fall
from him.
At the very next tryout he was back
on the job. He was thrown three
times more, the last tie by Sharkey,
the bucking bull. He struck on his
head and was stunned for five or ten
- .
minutes, but he recovered with his
nerve unshaken.
At the third tryout he asked to ride
asara mjh thy was given him and
emuny mane htm bite the dust. Sev
en times up and seven times thrown
all within three days, Is an experience
catcuiaied to take the desire to be a
buckaroo out of the ordinary man
But not so with "Dutchy" as the cow.
boys call him. He had hardlv got
i ureain until he asked to ride Mc
Kay, the wicked little calico Indian
Perseverance was ronni-,i.,.i xr-
Kay had to be thrown to be saddled
and when he rot im th. v.,,,., -
orown-sweatered fellow who had be
come a joke to the spectators was as
tride him. McKay unwound himsell
and went through a varied assort men
of twists. But Nieter, ignoring the
imiier rope, seized the horn of the
saddle in both hands and hung on
with a bulldog grip. Two or three
ties he almost went but he righted
himself and stayed until picked up.
His eighth trial had not resulted in
a fall, athough he had pulled leather.
Vhen he was helped down the crow
gave him' as much of a cheer as if he
had ridden in the most approved
form. They could not help but ad
mire his herve and his detorminnti,...
to become a broncho buster at what
ever cost.
On the very next day he was thrown
by "Grandma"1 after he had made
the best ride of his short career and
he struck so hard that his shoulder
was broken.
Buy Your Hardware, Where
are always to be found
WW Jfe
, s- - - -
We are exclusive agent for:
A complete line of Builders Hardware;
Harvest Supplies; Chain, Rubber and
Leather Eelting; and Kitchen Fur
nishings. LN FACT
"If it's made in Hard
ware, we have it."
In connection we operate one of the largest and most complete TIN
SHOPS to he found in eastern Oregon, where furnace Heating and Sheet Metal
Work of all kinds is done in the guaranteed .ati.sfactory way.
See u for estimates on contracts.
The Tailor Hardware Company
The Store of Quality, Service and Price. !
741 Main Street
Pendleton, Oregon
Here is what a recent numoer of
Sunnet-The Pacific Monthly has tj
say about the Pendleton Round-Up
The real, wooly, hell-to-skelter rid
Ing of the Wild West is not done for
the movies, nor do the itinerant shows
of Buffalo Bill and his imitators give
even a faint idea or the real article.
To see riding that ui riding one must
take a week off and visit the frontier
shows at Cheyenne, Wyoming, or Pen-
Idleton, Oregon provided one has a
heart strong enough to tand three
1 daya of excitement pitched in high C
I Pendleton Is a town of 6000 In cen
tral Oregon, In the country where rea
cowboys still survive. During the
September festivities the 5000 Pendle
ton iana entertain between 30,000 and
40,000 visitors. Even the churches
during the Round-Up week are trans
formed into dormitories and the hoa
1 pital U always filled to capacity with
't grinning victims of hoof, horn or
stage coach wheel. Every event is
j guaranteed to bring the grandstand
; capacity 25,000 to its feet, howling
and gawping. Genuine wild horses,
: animals that have never felt the touch
i of saddle or spur, are brought to the
Kound-Cp In droves directly from the
' ranges. Several hundred L'matilla
; Indians from the nearby reaervation
i compete for the sutjBtantlal prizes and
the best riders of the Northwestern
! ranchers, male and female, white,
red and Mack, wave their hats, rkk
life and limb to make three Roman
hfilirtavja frtr tha rr,n.fi'0ri nrnivila
Since Its beginning the Pendleton
I Round-Up has been a community en
; terprlse, it profits being used for the
acquisition and development of a it
park. This laudable purpose, though
jdiejs not detract from the quality ot
the entertainment Next to the Eu
I ropean trenches, Pendleton will be
the most exciting spot on the map In
'cause it's got the "pep"
THE DRINK that's
1 the talk of the town
in Pendleton.
Brewed, bottled and sold by N
Ifm. ta
Camas Prairie Fight 1878
Slogans may come and slogans may
go, but this slogan goes on forever. It
has been the official slogan of the
Round-Up since the first year.
"Let 'er Buck!" There's something
about It that compels utterance. Once
heard, never forgotten and frequent
ly repeated. That's It You can't get
away from It, no matter how utaid,
how sedate, or how taciturn you are
Fathers may reprimand their buys
for mouthing It, but they might an
well try to dam the waters of Niagara
Mothers may admonish their daugh
ters In tones of holy horror u;anvi
unlng the unrefined cry of the Kound
L'p, but they cannot suppress It. They
themselves cannot refrain at time?
from making It the expression of
their exuberance.
Since the origin of the Round-Up
this unparalleled slogan has spread,
until It no lunger has a mere local ut
terance. Its popularity has led the
management of other frontier shows
to adopt it, or weakly to Imitate It;
but never can they steal It away.
It poewsses all of the qualifications
neceo-ary for a really good slogan
namely, brevity, originality and nap
Furthermore, It is typical of the fron
tier and charged with the very spirit
of the Jlound-Up,
Who originated the slogan, do you
ask? There are several who claim
the credit, but the community has
never cared sufficiently to try out the
claims. They have the slogan; It has
become fumous, and they Intend to
hold on to It until It dies of senile de
cay. Until then, "Let 'er Duck!"
(Prom the Weekly East Oregonlan,
July , U78.)
Report of fight between Captain
Wilson's company of volunteers and
Snakes. We camped at Captain Mar
tin's ranch on Camas Prairie. There
were 25 men In the company. Six or
feven more were with us who did not
belong to the company. At half past
six we started from camp for Alble
ranch on the other side of Camas
Prairie. After going about three
miles we saw one hostile Indian spy.
We run him down and killed him.
Took a good American, four year
old horse from him and his outfit and
scalped him. We then rode down
to the Alble ranch five miles from
our camp last night Halted an hour
and concluded to scout Camas Prair
ie. We then started and went around
to where we had killed the Indian.
Made a slight halt and while we were
there we heard them firing on two
herders we left at AlWe ranch, which
we suppose are killed. We started for
that point to see what was done and
found the Snakes leaving the Alble
ranch and coming In the direction of
Pendleton. At the sight of the In-
dians all the men except Dud Ptrsglt
and Henry Willis started for the cam
of the night ibefore where we Intend
ed to fort. Beagle and Willis started
In the direction of the Indiana and as
soon asthey struck open prairie firing
commenced between them and the
Indians. After firing five or six
rounds apiece Willis, while aiming to
shoot, was shot In the hand, the ball
passing so close to his head that he
was stunned, so that he fell from bis
horse and could not get up for about
two minutes. After rising and falling
the second time Beagle seeing that
he was able to ride, rode back to the
company which was halted about it
yards dLstant but he could not get
them to go to th assistance of Willis.
After this he tried to catch Willis'
horse, but was unable to do so. All
this time he was exchanging occasion
al shots with the Indians. Finding be
could not catch the horse he rode
back to where Willis was, got him up
behind him and brought him to the
company, which was retreating.
When you want the highest quality butter the same uniform qual
ity, always and want your dollars to remain at home to develop
home Institutions who will spent the money here that It may eventu
ally come back to you.
always ak your grocer for Ill'TTER with this labJ
w '' -'mil m -mtemmmwm.
1 -r'
Made as good as the best biitterinakers can make. Nothing goes Into It but what Is necessary
to mako It bent. Nothing Is left out of It hut what, should1 lie left out.
Made from rich pasteurized cream, always kept up to the same high standard test and watched
carefully through its entire process of making.
FA KM EltS No matter where you live, bring or ship us your cream.
We pay the market price In cash and guarantee you correct test and
Office Main Strcrt.
Telephone 4 11