Et Orfonin Round -Up Sotrrenir Ldition Pendlefoo, Oregon, Thursday, September 21, 1915 Twenty-Four Paf l "4 It T-o ; ! ill! 'lit I Twenty-Eight Wonderful Events at The Round-Up art m Un-1. ro. .21 1 :s n1 ' .;'!. 'Arena, i i pun--. .. i; h ! iH! I. 'j eerh . r til, 'iM IIS. third. II :.&,'' t. iii f mil v. ?.; ,y to rn r -.t . 'hn jeMm-: Rldir to r.e .ih 'h! 4 fc.rr.rrerv Winning h'ire Kmi-. nA'rd rh day. j (Th.rt r,ij-n in th -.r.' F-i ryodF " "h" 1,1 ,h t-1' drw hn lh r' fll nl V h-n lifT'lt I hf !? .r. j h-n r' .ni I'.-" r1n . h tli hk h will 5, !! r.d j ' fa T. j day. (iV. -landing liar- I day. I'jpm.. i:4 i', r, divided h An eaTn- fee of 17 f, f h r r1 in tr.- r.t t added h ,ur 'A I 31 T:mj O r. l:t:.-.r. ,14 teer to be g".ven fm i -i ft u-t r.i.i' to start ; at Flrx mu r rop nn steer hra end hold.r.f. win . iBdJfta Pooy Hare. i l!i. t t divided j each Hurvi to be f urnishd rrvaa Klrw. i:$. serond. US; third. iff r'.rf -.. 4. 115. third. Conditk lit. ('l!t!'f on-hjf mile fUrh tor. tea-ant to ruve two bre ll' '.r. lf itjrt U fr. ri htn tfi r-ur ; Js t fji t'.O ft ' timnirU- I'.u k)n I "n" for hro )?. r!ft IS', "out, li', h!rl fmtii ,f tt'irM. t t t"'jj - l:'.'i KU Ht. ' d. fUm It. rv.fidi't-ir hitf mij f' f'-f Ir,d;n . r and rddi fttiiy hi fali tl'r'!'l Ir.lurn i-rr(.!n f.n th. U'fthlnc r.'ir lim!r.M h Ik) i. pgr--1;; fir, I' 0nfittt',ri -.n h uf rr..l raj K h i,'jr!tari t', hiv to hr1-. fciiowsr.ff on miijbtArit vh to t..'rt j -.MT rd Hp :thin I yrd ;( time w n I. (owtxii I'J-Uf l!JW r I ho Otm pkmohip of WortVI. I'ufTr-- liUfi and troj.hi f'lrwf OmdlllowJ A thr d,.y r t' rnil ah dir. K ' h ridr to hri four hor in ru.r of two . itU. or, to h'ld nd on t rut h ltidr to d4l. an4Jl mount and d umo'jnt tifi d fhnrnt- hor h half mii Ktmt h'jrwi to f um4 tith dy barrlfi r'!dnt KM- t to rid with f hup and omlrTO If., -hird. i;. '."orJ ti'-r, ''ft'"!:.! 'o rM - h '! H rw-w tr, tt f ;rn h4 h ar.ij r!lr to draw lor mojnu. All rof.l:'Artii to n-J any h'iP and a ofti-n M judjf rna? dm n'jwr' to d-urTnlri th :nnr tiMInc to t done mth (.lain haitr nd llt rln. Kidr may ha. th .rlv,lic of umi h!r No jwldlt for or li 1-1 ;n' h wid to b ud. ! I liHllan ! I'.cUj luw-r. I l"ur-- I 'f)4 'irt. IliO, cont i !'. third. UO. I 'or,dit jonA thr day rat for Indian onl to he rl ldn h full : hliKidd Indiana (tnininK !he (round. One mile ea:h iy. Earn ridr to have four hor In hari(e of four a-witanL. IUdr to ride bare trn k and rhan(e horw-a earh quarter of a mile. Kame horiN-a to be ued :a'h day. bamnc scldenU. Ii-rt time for three day wins. 10. I 'rm hOfV and Covert' Graad Moantrd Marrh. 14. Sftn-utMlar Indiaa parade. 15 TrVk KidlnC. 1 Trx k anil f maty ItiifXnx. 17. lull Hht lrxlian -rrmoniajW and Mar lm It. U lUnn. Purw l:ii, to te divided IliO for firm. t:i for iwcond and :j for third. 1. i-wiT tavern it-a ror iixnpm , .jwtx.jr Itorklnc Ctte for (ham- i of tbe World. I , , . .. . . li Purw-im and trophlea. rrt I I"hrp of IH World. !J4 llii and silver mounte-J bit pre-! Purse i0 and trophies. First, ented by it. Morales, bit and trpuriif" nd 1250 saddle made and pre-,1, mk Pnrtianrf. -nnii Ha i hirri i seated by Kamley t Co.. Pendleton.! 2 J ' ... jOre.; second. Hod; third, 1 100. Coad.tiona A three-day race. One- Conditions Riders for each day to mtle each day. Each rider to have b determined by lot. Horses lo b: ; two ponies ln charge of two assist- i smithed tr the manaeTemetH and: Indian Kiuaw'ants. First pony to ro r.rst and thn-d . riders to draw for mounts. Not less ' u....i . ... .u.nnH i nan mx riders to oe cnosen on inira and fourth quarters. Riders must da' to ride Id semi-finals and not leV mount "pony epres- and horses than three to be chosen from the slstj nuit not be turned loose on tratk.;'" ride In final. Each contestant to, Saddle to weigh not les than as often as Judges may deem, pounds, name hors u be ud each ntceisrT lo determine winner. Rid-, day. barrins; accident Bt time for ln( to be done with pain halter, one three days win i1"1 "f rI' frf- w:th chaps, spun .and sombrero and no quirt, all rtd-j lUhiWt'on. 1. irwK'riv I lr lay Racr for ttoampi'm lip of ID UorM. 1 ITji) and trophies: First, I3'i' and silver mounted -id lie" pre nted by H.ippy Cam on; second. I."m and 2i koila presented b) it.( sll( k. with no changing of hands fin tui!'er roj allowe.1. Xo saddld, fork over lj l- Inches wide. Draw ing for mounu Vednelay evenin. i September 20th. at 7 p. m. 2. J Tug of t ar. 1.1. 1 . , . . W . V. n 1 r. ' ' ' . ' . htT IKllnit (Hinted for tlw 1iam tfvn'l. No rhlnres barTd. !. " .. tin fir thre days wins. In i.a of 'ot horee Jumplns the feno and all other tiforn rontlncri':!. the driion .f the Judi to firem Rid ers will jrw for plare In fad'l'n " first dsv and after f!rt day take; plf In ord'-r In whl'h tby finish I. VArrt I'.uliilirtOrllic f'r t; ( IsSropkm ilp 1bf ttorld. T uts t2(i First. 1 1 H. and (n jin benier Ctetx.n hat, value !.', prerent'd by f'.orid Hri., clothier, l'end'on, re , second. 150; third. tli. Conditions Wr be (Iven 3" feet trt HulldoK(er lo furnish own horse and hawr. Contestant must throw stet with We hand arid not touch teeth to lips until steer Is down. Heer must be thrown flat on around on hi side. Any contestant lloollhsnlnr lr will be disqualified and sll dtieetlons as to cleannets of throw and fall will he Inft rntirely to the ;iidge whose decision shall he fl- pioilil of World. j Purse 1750. Firm, 1100, and 40 j per cent of )m k Pot; second, 1200 and 30 per tent of Jack Pot; third. 1100, and 20 per cent of Jack Pot; fourth. l'-l and 10 per rent of Jack Pol Oiridlttons Hope and hoic tie three ft crowd; steer to have 30 feet mart of roper. To be roped, thrown and hoc-tied within two ml nut'- or contestant to withdraw at siKnal from Juln Each roper to have steers on Thursday and Friday. !: I: 27. (Vmirlrls' I"ny Ilscc. Purse. 1150, to be divided I day. First 125, second 115, 110. Conditions Half mile rate. Purel2 4. First, 24 j Condition Four cowboy to the . team to start farlnz. enter at sound j the team h.ivtn( the center of the i rops on their side win. i Xj Purse 125 each day First, tlil'T rf-cond. 110. j Conditions Start mounted, chaps iri STound. Kun 100 yards and re-ijf move saddle;. Run 100 yards to tartlnir point and put on chaps; run J? 100 yards to saddle and put on saddle 4! run to finisli line starting point No rubber cinches allowed. Saddle must be cinched at start and finish and chiif'H properly buckled. 2. Purse. 1150 and Jackpot to be di vided 50 each day First, 125 and 50 per cent of Jackpot; second, 1 1 5 and 30 per cent of Jackpot; third, 110 and 20 per cent of jackpot Pendleton Drug Co., Pendleton, Ore ,0 eai n : third, 100 and cut gla bottle ol, Conditions The Ivund!Vp will third, j prfueme containing real rose, pre-1 ,'urnish unbroken ranxe horses and! st nted by A. C. Koeppen & Rros.i rulers will take mounts as delivered Con- drUKKbtfl. Pendleteon I in front of the mnil.Hnll Earl ' two twtant to ride with cowboy saddles 1 Conditions Samo as cowboys' re- rider to saddle and rid The! to welirh not less than 25 pounds. No ,,y rilfe except homes to be saddled once around the track eltchl ropers making the best time on contestant permitted on track wear- thw two steers will rope on Satur day one steer each. Rest total time on three steer to be winner. An entrance fee of 125. will lie charged, whkh will be added to the purse, 40. 10, 20 and 10. 11. MaverW-k lUre. Puree 110 each day and 40-foot one-half In' h lariat presented by as deAlred. Portland Cordage Company of Port- day. Ing a Jockey cap. Winning horse eliminated each day. 20. Wage Coach Race. Piiree, 175 each day. Firm, 50: second, I2S. Conditions Coaches will bo fur nished by the management Each contestant allowed as many assistants Rest time winner each his with mount hait-r. when brought on the track. 24. only. Each rider allowed one asslst- Indlan Race (Thoroughbreds.) rse 1150 to be divided 150 e First. $25; erond, 116; third. day. 110. Condition One-half mile race for Indian thoroughbreds and ridden by full blooded Indian camping on the grounds. Winning horse eliminated each day. ant to help saddle but he must not! lend any other assistance whatever or rider will be disqualified. Each rider 1 to return his horse to th the race. Riders will be scored In or der of (inlshlng. Entrance fee of 12 f C to be added to the purse, SO. 30 nd 20. On Saturday the wild horse race will be run between the semi-finals and finals in the cow boys' bucking contest. AiTeStyiUi :nel"c"." YOU will do well by figuring with us. Our Specialties Wholesale and Retail COAL and WOOD Including Celebrated "Peacock" Rock Springs Coal, Bridal Veil Slabwood and Willamette Valley Oak Wood. loU Beverages ' Including Famous "Bran-New," Porto, Pendo and the other products of William Roesch Brewing Co. Also Jones Brothers Logan Juice. Fjs and Potatoes WHOLESALE HAY AND GRAIN Let us quote you prices and terms. msimm co. Quality Quantity Service ""T Phone 178 1 1 n u r- Everybody Preaches Economy W M mm 1 EH i' v-'P 'f r ta.ej -Hk 1 .. mi . J 11 l V ' A n 1 MaSsof 1 SMI itl( j J j SAJHIItJI y SOLD DON'T take our word for it ask your neighbor if her Majestic doesn't bake bet ter, heat quicker, retain the heat longer, use less fuel, heat more water, quicker and hotter, lasts longer and gives better general satisfaction than any other, Over a half a million in use millions of meals a day cooked on Great MAJESTIC Ranges is proof enough for most people. A PERFECT BAKER absolutely dependable, every day, year in, year out. Built on hon or, of the brat materials. , . OUTWEARS THREE ORDINARY RANGES The only range made entirely of charcoal nnd malleable iron. Malleable iron can't break charcoal iron won't rust like steel. ECONOMICAL IN FUEL Air tight joints and pure asbestos linings assure an even bak ing heat, saving one-half the fuel. It Should be in Your Kitchen. PHONE 21 PENDLETON, OREGON The World's Verdict ON'CB more the Majestic Range has been awarded a world-verdict over all competitor. This time it comes in the shape of the gold medal given by the I'anama-I'aclflo exhibition. This Is the very highest award the exposition can give. It comes to the Majestic Itaiik'e with a peculiar value, for this decision keeps the proud record of Ma jestic Ranges unbroken. Kor nearly a iunrtcr of a century ever since Majestic Ranges have been on the market It has swept from all competitors the hlKhest prizes offered at World's Fairs nnd similar expositions. There has not been one single break or exception. It is evident to the most prejudiced mind that this betokens an article of extraordinary and unquestion able merit. It is admitted to mean much when such a prize is won even once; but when the winning Is re peated year after year, and when the Judge are chosen from the most proficient men In their line from all the four quarters of the globe, we are justified In our contention thiit we make the very best range on earth. jl 211213 EAST COURT STREET m rl I I TBh. 11 ill! PP 1"'T -TVi in fr"T TrTTiT' BMW . 4 1 iHl n 5 TV Li MIIIIMIIMMIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIimmilllMMIMIIIIIII'lllllllMIIIIIIIIIII' 1 1 f I IHIIIIIII lllllllllllllllllllllllllll ii i iiiiiiiii i n '