Pase NirHrn SOME FACTS ABOUT THE WEST EXTENSION Twenty-Four Paft 1fjbD.ymT (9ORSBTS Front Laced The Wert Kxtensinn of the 1,'matll-. rigated Hip mining year. All the project. They are Irrlgon and Hoard- Twnty-rive homesteads have Ik - h la i-rojeet I lev nlnn the Col'imliiu ditches are being lined throughout man, Irrigon In in the eastern part, .,. ned by the ko rnment around' with concrete, and all the headgatcH and ha,becn a koo'1 town for a num- thiy new town, ni.-.i'ut' them having' are heavy concrete. It Is considered her of yearn, but with the opening Wen filed on; and about iorty more the nioxt perfect irrigation system oi the government project. It haw ta- Dft opened thin fall or early win yet built by the government. : ken on new life. Many Improved t,r. These homesteads comprise 40 thirty' Tne flriit unlt ot the West Exten-1 places surround it where alfalfa and a(T(,H This land is an good alfalfa land. county fairs. Private lands are a!o sold over the be irrigated 1 ,1I)n locating on the homestead tracts; ISeing located on the riyer, it Is entire West Extension at reasonable and at this time, about twenty-five; free from frosts and the fruit cropst prices and on easy terms. new farms have been selected, and are always certain. Four crops of The success of the new project Is work on many of them has been 'of afalfa are hurvented each season, j asmired, and two large and prosper- rivt r in Northern Morrow county, one hundred and sixty miles east of Port land. It is a strip of land two to four milt a wide und twenty-fivo miles lone, and comnrlHej soim ... ,1,1 slon was opened last June. Since that i fruit are produced in the first prize .., . . u,, tlne .tdpr'g nave ben,, buying land winning at the county fairs. eleven lliousana are to be, irrrlgated ,1I)n locating on the homestead tracts' ISeing located on under the present arrangements, but a reservoir site Is convenient to the center of the project that will sup- ply water for the entire thirty thou sand acres when completed. The main canal Is twenty-seven miles long, and Is lined with con crete the entler distance. The rec lamation service has kept a large force of men and teams Tiusy all sum mer, one hundred men and as many teams now being employed construct ing the laterals of the distributing system for the land that Is to be Ir- started. Only about three thousand The town ha good schools and ous communities will be developed in acres were opened for irrigation in ' churches, and a fine class of people. the near future. It w one of the best June, 1ut the balance of the first I The plat of Hoardman was filed , new sections In the entire west. The eleven thousand acres will be opened lust December, and it now has a post -late this fall, perhaps sometime In! office, railroad station, school, U. 8. November. When this opening Is de-! commissioner (for home-stead fillngsl clared there will foe forty new home-(boat landing, lumber yard, feed store, steads of an average area oo forty, drug store, hardware More, general acres. All of this Is good land, and! store, livery stable and blacksmith easy to reclaim. shop. A water system Is being install- Two good towns are located on this d. climate is very mild, the elevation under 400 feet; transportation i j water and rail is already available, 1 markets are near, and the soil Is of the very best kind for alfalfa and dl-j versified products. It will stand the' hiL'heHt intensified furminir unA Htin-1 port a dense population. Irrigation Projects in Umatilla County (Continued from Page IS.) thereof It makes the supply last longer. K'aturally In the first three or four years ef reclamation there were many ideas as to what were the best crops to raloe and consequently most every thing was tried out, and much time and money Wits wasted following wrong leads. I say wasted but It was hare'ly that for someone had to do the experimenting although it was a shame that the Individual farmer had te stand the brunt of the mistakes. It was about the time that the fruit In dustry was having one of Its periodic booms, Something by the way that does more Injury to the fruit Indus try than any one other thing, and thousands of acres were put to or ehards of all descriptions and all va rieties of fruit. Now, no one dlst rlot can raise a number one fruit of all kinds and varieties, for they re quire different climatological and soil conditions and so It resulted thatsthe majority of these orchards failed. Some few varieties of fruit can be rained successfully on these projects and It Is also true of garden truck and berries. Now they know Just what to raise; they are past the experimental stage, ' I might enumerate ninny more troubles that were experienced in the first rush of reclamation but the abore gives you some Idea of what the people were up ngnlnsf. It is simply history repealing iif IT and l t'P' oal ef all Innd reclamation In the new world. Few of the pioneers make a suecewt and many of the original set tlers have been forced out on these ir. rtgated projects, but now conditions are changing and a settler now has the advantage of the accumulated ex periences of others. If a man has suf ficient capital to pay for his land there Is no reason why he cannot make a success providing he will take the ndvice offered him by those in charge of such work, and provided farther that he Is not afraid of work. He must not expect to reap returns the first year and even the second may show no balance but what good solid business does pay right from the word go? If he Is developing his land properly he need have no fear but that he will come out on top and Jola the ever Increasing band of those who are becoming Independent and happy In the great work of reclaiming arid lands of the Northwest. And compared with the majority of other unctions of the V. S, he hns an ideal climate In which to live and raise his family. In the following I am briefly giving a few facts about each project. A glance will show that alfalfa is fast becoming the principal crop and corn ll fast taking Its place as the rotation crop with It. This means stock rais ing snd dairying is developing Into quite an Industry, and silos are being erected more each year. Hons are al so rxtenslvely raised and some have small bunches of sheep. Alfalfa en riches the soil, nltrnfles it and breaks up the soil particles so that it holds moistnre better. This year much of the oldor land on the best soils re qulrnd no Irrigation until after the first cutting of alfalfa, Some of the land Is now more or less sub-Irrigated and requires little or no water and in some cases drainage systems hnve been Installed leading the water back to the river again making It available for more irrigation further down. The West Kxtennlon of the Hermlston pro 6,000 acres actually Irrigated and Improved. The water right is very good as the project has a right to water direct from the river during all the summer months and for Jhls season Cold Springs reservoir with Its 50,000 acre feet storage was constructed. The water rights sell at $70 per acre, 20 years graduated payments and no In terest charges. The land Is going faster and faster now and most of the contracts make It compulsory for the buyer to' get I uuh) ana improve ms iuiiu. uuuu land on Kast Project can now be ob tained for tZS to $45 per acre which a few years ago was held for H75 to 1200. On this project N. P. land In , 1908 sold for Sf5 to 190 per acre , while now on the West Extension , smoother and more attractive land held by the same enmpanv Is valued at $10 to $20 per acre. This reduc tion Is fairly typical of the entire pro ject and shows that land owners are doing away with flim-flamming and Development is now going ahead quite rapidly and It is expected that the year 1917 w ill see more than 1000 acres of raw land put into cultiva tion, all Into alfalfa. This land was bought this season by a colony of Swiss from western Washington who Intend transferlng their dairy busi ness over to the project. Under this project which lies along the west bank of the I'matllla river are endeavoring to give straight facts I ,h'r' are about 15.000 acres, of which and figures. Although the character and qual ity of the soil is not so good on this project as on most of the other two surprising results have been obtain ed, for the soil Improves rapidly with the production of alfalfa. The sys tem of water distribution Is very good and the management Is excellent. The acre foot plan of water disposal and measurement Is used and this is the-best of systems as It gives the rancher the .benefit of any saving of water by reducing his maintenance charge, and this, naturally. Is an In centive to the farmers to use the best methods of irrigation which in turn means better crops. At least 80 per cent of the land is In alfalfa, the balance In orchards, corn and small fruits and melons Watermelons do fine here and com mand top prices on the market as they are both early and of good slie no. I I'ltallty. Considerable of the hay is baled or chopped and shipped, but a ilniriiii; keeps Increasing more of It will lie used at home. The Furnish project, located at Ptanfleld, consists of about 10.000 acres of which probably 5,500 are un der application nnd S.500 actually under Irrigation and Improved. This about 4.000 acres are developed. The soil is good on this project, the best being on their High Une ditch, and the land lies well for Irrigation. Due is some corn and early garden stuff and family orchards. The water right to this project is good for the spring flow but not for the summer months but the soil holds sufficient moisture to raise a good second crop of alfalfa and sometimes a third cutting. They lack a storage unit and steps are now being taken to build two reservoirs which will hold ample water for summer use and when these are completed settlement will take place rapidly for land prices are reasonable, the soil Is good, the land lies well and the irrigation sys tem is well constructed. Consider- to scarcity of water in the dry years able water has been lost through of '14 and '15 what orchards were planted failed and so alfalfa is prac tically the only crop grown. There A Poetic Tribute Will 1 take In the Round-l'p? Tou can bet I will. There's- the one show in the coun try that's worth while. All the time I'm there I'm laugbin' fit to kill, Though I've been to shows an nev er cracked a smile. At Pendleton It's difrent. There you get a run " For ev'ry piece of money that you spend; Something' loin' all the time bar !" an' bar'ls o' fun, An' ev'ry fellow that you meet's your friend. Jfjolly cowboys, pretty cowgirls, liv en up the game; Then-'? Injur.--OU- '.: ar.' f ; ':iv seepage In the main canals but this Is becoming less as the ditches silt up more each year. In the delivery of water, the rota tion system Is largely used and al though some ranchers are supplied with a steady flow while the season lasts It Is becoming less popular each year as they become educated up to the advantages of the rotation sys tem. It Is to be hoped that within a few ears that both this project nd the Furnish will adopt the acre foot plan of water delivery as then a man pays for what water he gets and he can use much or little as he prefers. Considerable stock Is fed on this project during the winter months, large stock men buying up the hay and having it fed right from the stack on the ranches. There are some very fine appearing alfalfa ranches on the W. L. A I. Co. project and good crops are being obtained. . CI ' M W0w' xt . If . ' SOLID COMFORT Standing Sitting or Lying Down When you stop to think that you spend between five and six thousand hours every year in your corset, you must realise how Important it is that you have a perfectly comfortable corset A poorly fitting corset fre quently leads to severe nervous and organic troubles which cause years of suffering. In the MODART Corset we have a garment that always gives genuine comfort, sitting, standing or lying down. A perfect found ation for fitting and wearing dresses! and gown - MODART Corsets form the proper foundation upon which to build, the clothes and give them that peculiar elegance and attractiveness which is so much sought after. The smooth perfect fitting back, the graceful body lines and the pliable resilient boning contribute to displaying the tai lored suit and delicate evening gown In all their beauty. "A fine form U better than a fine face" Ralph Waldo Emerson. After all, the acme of ieanty is the expression; the life, the , freedom, of a beautiful figure. Ease and comfort of motion unconsciousness of any re straint permit this freedom, this joy and zest which gtves true expression to beauty. It is along these linestak ing health and Joy in life as a basis that MODART Corsets are designed and every wear er stands as fine proof of its success. 419 White Coutile $3.50 K-700 Pink, $5.00 E-821 White Broche $8.00 I - Vo 'l. J- -a- Why, it's I nn'all pappoosc. project h:is the best soil of the three! ;(1yut Wft, nnd Is probably ""e to produce n; greater diversity of crops than either j uieton turns loose. n KVry U of the other two, The water rleht to the project Is j fairly good, the supply for the sum mer months coming from a storage ! reservoir on the Viiuitilla river which has a capacity of about 5.S00 acre feet. The water right for the reser Ev' race Is loose. the square. i . i Anilfdv from return waters and It probably has the best voir and also for spring flow Ir i the water supply on the Umatilla river. Development Is now showing a lit tle speed on the three projects nnd they are on the verge of rapid settle ment. The days of doubt nnd trouble are about over and the projects nre showing up fine. A trip over them should convince the most skeptical that wonderful results are being ob tained down that way and that good canal are very good, the only place vhere some doubt might exist as to good water service being In the small size of the reservoir and in the small size of the main canal. However, with proper methods of distribution, enlargement of the canals, and co operation on the part of the farmers there Is no reason why there should I rot he sufficient water for the en veloped ..-. in .fnr. for the nroiect tire project wnen u is iun ue firmer I hnve visited several fine Steps nre already being taken to ac fields of alfalfa this season which eompllsh these ends, wnre seeded late In the spring. They were cut about the end of July and showed up poorly, but by the middle of Aogust they certainly made fine appearance, good heavy stand and al most knee deep In growth. Those newlv seeded fields have yielded this Raw land Is held at around $150 per acre which Includes a water right which Is paid on long time graduated payments. About 75 per cent of the land Is In alfalfa, the balance beln In fruit nnd some vegetables and ber ries. Small fruits thrive well here vear from one to one and a half tons and bring good market prices ne- of alfalfa to the ncre and next yenr cause of the enrllhess of the senson will yield a splendid profit. Dairying is well advanced on this It. H. R. S. Hermlston rrojot. rroject and now herds are being nst project contains about 25,000 brought In. A combined creamery g, and cheese factory has recently been West Extension contains about SO,- built lit Stanfleld and It has been a 0t acres Just thrown open this year, success from the start. A Mr. Ad- Bsst project contains about 14,000 olph Sahll, a Swiss cheese expert Is acres under application. 1. e. Includes operating this enterprise and it Is reclaimed nnd developed land, Partly proving profitifole to the owner as developed land and balance ready for well ns a good market for the farmers development milk and cream. There are a number 1M00 cres of holdings, part of each of silos on the project nnd the num- ranc.h developed or all developed. Ing raised each year. home must buck. That is if he'.-! a nnd one; don't count. If yo lose you can't feci bad Jest played out o' luck An' you've no kick a-comln' the amount. Seeln' the big doin's at the track i , 0 only part ; o Of the good time at the Round-Up, for at night Happy Canyon's 'cross the street, and there you get a start At doln' things out west, an you start right There's gamblln' games of every kind; the limit ts the sky. There's dancin' like we had in '(4; Drlnkln' too, but it don't count, now that the state's gone dry, Still what you drink is wet and tastes like more. I'm lined up for the Round-Up. "Let 'er Buck!" Is the college yell of all the chaps I know. Uiiln' to it once Just gets a fellow stuck So that ev'ry year he wants to see ' the show. It's better ev'ry time an' draws a big ger crowd; It builds up a big city over night Every one that takee It In has reason to be proud, For the Round-l'p's a big slice of what's all right John Elcott Mills, in Pacific Semaphore. 1 iocaoE3oaor- iopocs I i ) ! I t'i-i , "ALWAYS BEST some fl j I I , i - III Ih f S BY ACTUAL TEST" '""lie Ef 3 fed 2 UQ 331 s3 ill w IS I 1 nil wwi II II I I s nil if r if 1 i y Wo II roraocs: ipaoi 1 iono , La or loaoc: i Alexander Dcpt Store j THE DAYLIGHT STORE I liiiiliiiii is Where You Aim o NE thing more than steady nerves, clear eyes and a good rifle, is necessary to do good shooting, that ia reliable ammunition. A good marksman is always sure of him self, sure of his rifle and sure of his ammunition. U S" BLACK SHELLS Smokeless and Black Powders. "U S" SCOUT 22 Cartridges. JUST A WORD REGARDING CARTRIDGES If you use a rifle or revolver, you should read the booklet "Tests that Tell." For over fifty years U. S. Cartridges have been the standard of am munition manufacture. Uniform accurate powerful "they hit where you aim." Try Tho lUack Shells Kntiroly at Our Expon. Prove for your-M-ir what make of shell i Ihnu Don't take our word regarding the superiority of The Pluck Shells. Prove for yourself what shell will give you best results. We'll furnish three "l. S." llluck Shells without cost to you. And we'll show you how ;"i"m quickly, easily, convincingly. It s an interesting test for any shooter to make Come In and get the "three free." We'll jrive you an illustrated booklet, also, tolling How to Tent Shell and the VlukliiK of a Marksman. Even if you don't try the testa, you should have these booklets. They give the simplest, most stralKht-forward. most complete description 4-ver written regarding the essential features of a good shot shell and how to recognise them. Thine booklets are fully Illustrated, concise, easy to read and small enough to fit your PcM- SOLD IX PKNnUBTOX BY FREE P fl 6 IP 4 8 d m J it- .' A 211-213 EAST COURT ST. PHONE 21. PENDLETON, OREGON. ODOl oacirr- lonoi 10O0I IOOOE 101 IOE30I IOE30I 1 no oi OS no no no no o! no of 30C