East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 21, 1916, ROUND-UP SOUVENIR EDITION, Page Page Eleven, Image 11

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    East Oregon ian Rcwmd-Up Souvenir Edition
Pendleton, Oregon, Thursday, September 21, 1916
Page Eleven
Ijg.Pound-Up Has Had Many Imitators
Flattering Efforts Made to Duplicate Show Have Uniformly Failed of Success.
This Agency Has Sold 20 Machines Already for 1917 Delivery
Twenty-Four Page
rr Imitation Ib the sincerest form of
flattery then Is the Pendleton Uound
Up steeped In the very essence of flattery.
Since the Itound-Up was horn ancl
became auch a triumph of munlclpu
celebration there have been hundreds
of attempts to emulate It, and the
Itound-Up la only six years old.
It waa In September, 1910, that the
first Round-Up won staged. Its suc
cess was so phenomenal that echoes
of It went fur and wide. The second
exhibition a year later had hardly
ly been closed before other cities and
towns began to discuss plans for com
peting with Pendleton In her enter
talnment idea.
In 1912 more than a dozen places
over the northwest were advertising
"wild west shows," "frontier shows,"
"round-ups" and "stampedes." In
the next year this number doubled
and trebled. All over the, west,
north Into Canada, south as far um
the Mexican line and even into the
middle wast the "wild west bug" be
gun to germinate.
lnprv. Um-uI I'aiirf.
Many towns that were putting on
a district fair began to add cowboy
attractions. In some places fairs and
race moots were allowed to die In or
der that a show to rival the Uound
Vp might be built up. Some comniu
nltiea got behind the attempt, In oth
ers groups of Individuals, purely sel-'
fl"h In their motives, were responsi
ble. At any rate, within the past five
years there have been more than 100
Imitators of the Hound-Up at one time
or another.
Where are they now? Practically
ull of them have died beyond the hope
of resurrection. Others are alowly ex-.
plrlng, but will gasp along for anoth
er year or so. Others, born Just this
year, will have their hour and then
fade away. And, above them all so
high as to be the only one visible
from any distance, towers the Pendle
ton Hound-Up, growing eiuh year
greater and more renowned In spite
of what may be supposed to be a
swelling opposition.
Survival of Htu-st. 1
And why this transcendency, in the
wild wc.it show, do you ask? The an
HWer Is simple. It lies in the old, old
story of the survival of the fittest. As
undoubtedly fittest as it was first,
the Itound-Up has not even had to
Mruggle to maintain her position.
It Is flttc.it because of Its origin. It
did not "Just happen" to be born
Its birth was directed . It wus con
ceived 111 the brains of Pendleton cit
izens who felt the need for their city
of an annual festival that would be
distinctive, significant and commem
urativc. Located in the heart of a
cow country at a time when the old
order of the west was rapidly parsing
It was but natural that Pendleton
. , . . -
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should stage a Itound-Up rather than
u rose show, a cherry fair or a mardi
gras. How many of her Imitators
can claim such a natural birth
Spirit Makes it Kndure,
The Itound-Up Is fittest because of
the spirit that gives It life. It has an
entire community behind It. It la
purely a municipal affair. Its direc
tors serve without pay. Its stockhold
ers receive no dividends. Instead
they have deeded their park to the
city and turn their profits Into the
making of a better show and Into the
assisting of other civic enterprises.
It Is forever and always non-commercial
and entertainment and accom
modation of the spectators is always
put above the gate receipts. Can snyj
of its Imitator thus boast?
The Hound-Up Is the fittest because '
it has the best organization. Its di
rectors are men who know the life 1
they are trying to depict. They are!
men who understand the people with
whom they make their show. They
have perfected an orderly system of
staging the mammoth exhibition, del
egating to various heads various de
partments of the work and correla
Ing them all under capable executive
management. The result la that prop
er attention Is given to every detail of
the show ttnd there are no waits, no
delays, no hitches, no bobbles, but
every event following event In rapid
order. Can Imitators boast of Huch
an organization?
IVndli'ton Ccnu-r of "West,"
Th l!ound-Up bt fittest because of
the natural location of Pendleton
With cow camps and range land all
about her and three tribes of Indians
but a few miles distant, her frontier
show draws performers who are real
and who enter for the love of (the
game rather than from the hope of
reward. And they are accorded treat
ment that send them away satisfied
and brings them back the following
year with their friend.
The nound-t'p is fittest because it
is fittest. Having been first into iuj
f'eld of entertainment it made the
most of its opportunity, developing
itself in every part so that there
iniirht be no room for Improvement
whereby some other city might steal
what It had discovered but could not
develop. Keeping her motives clear
of taint, taking no selfish advantage
of her growing fame hut ever striving
to make each succeeding show better,
the Hound-I'p prospered. Publicity
was given it without the asking and
without u price. The crowds came.
They paid their admission fees ami
were given a fair return. The gate re
ceipts were so large that the increas
ing cost of the show was met year by
year, there was a surplus with which
to build a park and stadium worthy
of the show.
No Profits Allowed.
N'o profits were allowed to accum
ulate. They were turned bavk Into
the show, and from the first Pendle
ton has put on an exhibition the ex
pense of which In itself formed a for.
inlilahle barrier for successful compe
tition Nothing succeeds like success
ami no It has been that, while other
and smaller frontier shows have pc
l.-hed on the desert of bankruptcy,
the liotind-l'p. the largest of all, hiu
out of the strength of its own healthy
body, provided meat for Its suste
nance. The Hound-Up fears no rivals, imi
tative or otherwise. Time was when
the springing up of small frontier
shows made Pendleton anxious lest
her jealously guarded fiesta of cow
land would lose some of Its popular
ity. Hut that time is past. The su
periority of the Pendleton show has
been demonstrated so often and so
completely that its fame has broaden
ed each year while Imitators have
gained nothing more than a local reputation.
oil's Self-Propelled Harvester a Success
Uses No
Use your horses to
haul your grain as it
u harvested or work
your summer fallow.
Work longer hours
in the field. No wait
ing on the team. A
short noon hour and
in the field again.
"V", TCT
TERRITORY NOW W.i.t-. - -. .m j-j'. ' ' ' - .
The demand for these machines is greater than the supply... Orders are being filled in their rotation. Get your
Order in NOW.
bt n eoniTM . rn 3i9East
Among the Cpwboys
' -
Uell and Bertha lilancett, popular
Hound-Up stars, cleaned up some
money on the events at the Union
Stock Show early In the year.
"tikeeter Bill" Bobbins is a versi
fier and takes much pleasure In set
ting his adventures on the back of a
bucking broncho to rhyme.
Sammy Garrett and Tex McLeod.
popular ropers and riders, were with
the liarnum Bailey circus last year.
Frank Carter won a bucking con
test at Omaha recently and also one
at Plnedale, Wyo.
Hill Switzler of I'matilla furnished
Charley Irwin with his wild horses for
eastern shows. Switzler acted as one
of the Judges of a show in Omaha,
C. B. Runyan, a familiar figure at
past Kound-Ups has had the misfor
tune to linger in the Umatilla county
Jail for the past six months. At an
Indian round-up on the reservation,
he took exception to George Spearman,
colored buckarpo, calling him a sheep
herder and showed his resentment by
putting a bullet through him. Though
the bullet passed through Spearman's
body and tore away part of his liver,
he recovered. Runyan gave himself
up and has been awaiting developments.
J. B. Strickland, who has ridden at
former Round-L'is, won the bucking
contest at Cheyenne this year. j
Leo Hartley of Santa Fe. Kansas is
the tallest cowboy on record. He is
known as "Kansas Shorty.'" He
touches the tape at seven feet, two ,
inches. j
Emory Le Grande, Canadian cham
pion for three years, lost his title dur.
ing July to Lee Caldwell of Pendleton,
who won the world's championship
at the Round-Up last year. How
ever, Le Grande took first honors af
the New York Stampede while Cald
well had to content himself with third.
j Miss Julia Allen of EI Paso, Texas,
claims to be the manager of the
smallest roper in the world. He la
known as "Texas Jack" and is only 11
years old.
Tillie Paldwin. former Round-Up
heroine who won the cowgirls' buck
ing contest at the Round-Up thre
years ago, won the similar event at
the late lamented New Tork Stam
pede. She also won the trick riding
llllltlltlltlltfllMtlllllllIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMII)llllitllllllllllllMlllffIHIIMMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIItl llttMMimillllllHIIHItlllHltHMMIIII':
i'V Pii
S . I i
Hotel St. George
Thoroughly Remodeled and Up-to-date
i:vi:uy iuiom. with ok without huh.
As I was a-walking the streets of
A-walking the streets of Loredo.
one day,
I .-aw a young cowboy dressed up
In white linen.
Dressed up in white linen, but
cold as clay.
"1 see by your trappine that you are
a cowboy,"
He said unto me as I was going by,
"Come sit down beside me and list to
my story
I'm shot In the breast and 1 know
I must die.
Write the sad news to my dear aged
, mother
Gently to her and my sister so
Hut never a word of this place even
Should they gather 'round you
this story to hear.
There Is yet another more dear than
a sifter,
Who'll weep bitterly when she
hears 1 am gone:
lint someone more worthy will win
. her affection
Than I. the young cowboy, who
liaed and went wrong.
"Once in the saddle I used to look
Once In the saddle 1 used to look
Then 1 took to gambling and next
took to drinking,
Now I'm fatally shot I know 1
must die.
"Then gather around you a crowd ol
young cowtfoys;
Tell them my story and my awful
Tell them to listen and by me tuKe
And iuit their wild roamlngs be
fore 'tis too late.''
"Blow the fife slowly, beat the drum
Play the dead march and bear mej
Hear me to the graveyard, place the
sod o'er me,
O, father, forgive me, for I have
done wrong.
"Kindly hasten and bring me a cup
of cold water
To bathe my flushed temples," the,
last word he said:
I hastened awa on my errand of
mercy, j
But when I returned, the poor
A Pit of Ol cmfw vcmbfwypetao
cowboy was dead. I
An Old Hit of Verse. '
Ullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilil flllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllillllllllllliliilliiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniLj: fl
- j3a1 Whether wife, mother.
I I sister or daughter, she jw' V
I I h entitled to the same LABOR-SAVING ""V 1
Whether wife, mother,
sister or daughter, she
Is entitled to the same LABOR-SAVING
and HEALTH-PROTECTING advantages as the man
who is the breadwinner.
The farmer, storekeeper, workman, and even the
office man have all been saved useless, tedious labor by
improved methods and modern machines.
Yet many of these men are indifferent to the hard
J . j I r I T. I
wui tk uuue cvrry uay uy woman vi me ouu--e. n nus jv-' -w -not
occurred to them t.i ll-htien lar hardeus-ehief of which Is 'ij-PWt'
i lie expense ana worryormn
the work done. The last vest
of exertion has beeadonefcw
Multi-Motor Washer
(A llttl pressure of the foot starts It.)
This provides a remarkable combination of M
Wringer and the new Multi-Motor. The comple
home without electricity that the Maytag Electr
Five cents a week pays for the gas or gasoli
We also have the regular Maytag Power Wa
at hand. The Multi-Motor Is of the greaest util
machine, food chopper, and any other small ma
While the Multi-Motor works other duties c
wrung at same time with the Three-Way Swins
the clothes are usually dry by noon, ready for i
Over 50 of these machines now giving s"1
not an experiment, but a proven success. Abso
aytag Power Washer, the Three-Way Washing
te outfit does the same for the rural or town
ic Washer does for a home equipped for its use.
ne vised for the washing of an average family.
sher for use where a separate itasoline engine is
it v in that it will also operate the churn, sewing
chine several at the same time if need be.
an be looked after. Clothes can be washed and
x Wringer. So quickly is the washing over that
nine the same day.
cmrv sf-vi'-e in and near Pendleton. Thev are
lute satisfaction guaranteed.
JOHN DEERE Fffl IfflBffflS
Our VAN BRUNT GRAIN DRILL has proven a woiuler in the ik-UU of Uma
tilla county. We sell TETKU SCHUTTU- R mountain -wagons. Rarley chop
pers, hay choppers, etc. Oils and Lubricants.
Complete line of Gasoline Engines, all s.zes.
400 East Court Street
Pendleton, Oregon.
Telephone 610