East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 21, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    pahr nr. TIT
DAILY EAST ORPirsMTAV Prvnr rrrsvr
; " : iitLntauAi, MrifcaiiiaK zi, 1915. HEIGHT PAGf3
T'lk?13l??KWM,,m I - . . Li...i'.i!j;L. UU, J..XJ L."
Something' New
Can always be found at this store. Our New York buyers are always on the lookout
for the latest in Ladies' Suits, Coats, Dress Skirts, Waists, Gloves, Petticoats, Shoes,
Etc. You can find something new in our ready-to-wear department every day.
fi rfi e1
ill 11 o
823 Main St 44
We have some extra fine
Fruits in fancy baskets for our
trade this week. We want you
to inspect our windows on your
way to the big show.
We think you will agree
with us that we carry the most
complete line of fresh Fruits
and Vegetables in Pendleton.
Store closed each afternoon
of Round-Up. Open evenings.
Carload iNi Pen Arrive. thriller of the first magnitude. Allan A
A carload of Nei Perce Indians ar- Ir'heller of Walla Walla, champion 5
rived yesterday from Idaho to attend! " 19,5 riding his own string, Bob 5
the lilt Round-Up. . Leihe of Cheyenne, riding the Irwin J
'string, and P-wight Zedioar of Chey-lK
No Meeting Ijatit Night. , elTn- riding the Koise polo team, werelj
The city council did not hold their pi,te1 against each other. Though he'
weekly meeting last night on account ri,llshei the first half mile in the rear,
of the opening of Happy Canyon. , Irumheller by quick changing. d
! jumped to second place in the second J
0.-W. Ittx-oraU-K (
The O.-W. station has been gailv
decked by diaries Goodman for the
Cowboys' Relay a Thriller.
The cowboys' relay race for the
championship of the world proved a
thriller of the first magnitude. Allan
relay and pushed hi norse into a lead 5
over Leihe. a lead which he maintain- jS
Itabjr Hoy Arrives.
A 1! pound babv bov wn hum tii
morning at St. Anthony's hosoital to ea ,0 tne ona- "th Drumheller and '5
Mr. and Mrs. William Scheunimr of L('ihe made lightning changes from B
lilies' Suits $9.90, $12.50. $11.75, $17.50, $19.50
Ijldios' Coat. $H.90, $9.90, $12.50, $14.75, $16.50
IjuIIcn' Dross SklrUI $2.98, $3.98, $1.98, $5.90, $7.90
IjuIU' Now Voile Waist 98o, $1.98, $2.98
IjhIUV New Silk WatxM $2.98, $3.98, $4.98
IjmIIcn' Silk INMt looms $2.49. $2.98, $3.49
I -adieu' Raincoats $3.98, $5.90, $7.90. $9.90, $12.50
Ludlra' Sweater $1.98, $3.98, $1.98, $5.90
ladles' Kid (ilovcM 98c, $1.19, $1.98
Kidles' Outing Gowns 490, 89c, 98o, $1.49
Ijullos' MunIIii Gowns 31)0, 9H, $1.49
LariicN' (t-lll. laliv 1 toots $3.98, $1.98, $5.90
l4iUV Handkerchiefs lit, 2 l-2 So, 8 1-Ho, 10c
Birch creek.
Vernon Returns.
Buffalo Vernon arrived back in
Pendleton for the Round-Up last night
and has entered the hulldngglng and
steer roping contests.
Two Phones, 28
I'rlmt'KS Red Rird Hero.
Princess lied Bird of Flambeau. S.
j !., well known Sioux Indian bucking
! horse rider arrived yesterday to parti
1 etpate In the cowgirl's bucking con
Music furnished for all occasion? A
Address 515 Madison.
Phone. 459-Ii.
Boost the Round-Up,
Pendleton boosters who wish to let
their friends and relative know
about the Round-Up, can do so by
using Round-Up envelopes with type,
and illustration printed In beautiful
colors. These envelopes may be se
cured in any quantity at the East
Oregonian office for one cent each.
Autc Stage.
For Adams, Athena and Weston
eaves Hennlng's Cigar Store at 10 a
m. and 3:30 p. m. each day. Adv.
Nearly as famous as The Round-Up and 5
s still growing in favor
MagaxiiM Writer Here.
Or. Ian Maclaren, a free lance ma
gazine writer, arrived yesterday in his
automobile to take In the Round-Up.
He expects to place several stories on
the frontier show of Pendleton.
one mount to another, hut nmmWii.,P
er proved the favorite with the crowd. I ifiSfllWMiHfiWHkJlJJKaiJKJkJ
His lead for the first day is a little' ;
over two seconds. I
Elolso Hastings Makes Good RJle. throw him th,ee tlmeB before he
While the race was In progress would stay down. He made a fast
Klolse Hastings of Cheyenne. Nellie "e- hls lotal tlme beIn8 67 3-6 sec-
Kvans of The Uullc;. and Peggy War-ontis-
ren of Victor. Montana, walked lnto: Jim Koaoh, once winner, had trou
the arena as the fir.-t day contestants ble ln hog-tlelng hts animal uftet
In the cowgirls' tiueklmr eontoot I throwing him. His steer was a kick-
Eloise Hastings was first up on Bear-i '"S brute and bnfflet a11 ot Roach's
J. C fenney Co Inc. J
lien's SultH . .$9.90, $12.50, $11.75, $18.50, ttSM
Moil's DnH llaLM $1.49, f 1.98, $3.4$
Men's Drewt ShlrtM 980, $1,441
Men's Silk Tien 250, 49
Men's lloMton Garters lse
Mini's Paris (Jarters , is
Men's Whilo Handkcri'lUefs So, lee
Men's Max-klnawn $4.98, $5.90, $6.90, $7.99
Men's Drew) TroiiMers $1.98, $.98, $3.9$
Men's Drews Slioen $2.98, $3.50, $3.98, $4.5
Men s Caw 25o, 49o, lie
Men's Jerseys . . . '. 98ft $1.4$
Hoys' .Forneys $l (
cat, tne wicked little hay bucker put
in the women's contest for the first
time this year. Through nil the
Pitching of that little brute .he stay-
el ions to tie up his legs.
Cuba Crutchfield, champion trie!.
roner. had a little hard luck. His
llrst cast caught a foreleg. Holding
ed In the saddle and whipped hlm 'the animal, he pulled a second rope
Ituckanm on Evhiblt.
In the Peoples Warehouse window
today is being exhibited the bronze
"Buckaroo" which A. Phimister Proc.
tor, the New York sculptor, completed
In this city List year. It Is attracting
much notice.
ner quiri. me ialles girl was
second up and Watch Me whipped her
unmercifully. But for her hobbled
stirrups she would undoubtedly have
been thrown and as it was she took
cruel punishment. Peggy Warren drew
a poor mount ln Winnemucca and
had no difficulty in staying.
Hulldoggs hi 31 Seconds.
Chester Byers, famous roper of
Oklahoma, was the first to make an
attempt in the bullaogging event. He
caught his steer oil the east turn but
could not hold it. Frank Cable,
Some City, No Arrests.
No arrests were made by the police . champion of 1915 was second to nur.
department last night and no rowdy- ' sue a longhorn. His horse proved un
ism has been reported. This is so far ruly and he lost valuable time in
as Is known a record for Kound-t'p drawing alongside. He threw his
time. There was no drunkenness steer on the back stretch but his time
about the streets, the large good na-1 was alow.
tured crowd was very orderly. j Frank McCarroll, tne cowboy wjio
bulldogged the t'ightmg steer at Hap-
Oune Far to Attend Show. py Canyon last nignt, was the fir.
Mrs. Charles E. Perkins, widow o( ( man to muke a stronir bid fur the
,the late Charles Perkins, chairman of money. Catching hie ateer directly In
r I the hoard of directors of the Chicago. ! front of the Judges' stand while the
Burungton and Quincy railroad, ar-
2 rived today ln her special car from
-1 Burlington, Iowa, to attend the
Round-Up. Dr. Delog Keeney is a
member of the party,
Pendleton's Popular Drink
It surely
has got
the "pep
S Oa Dra tight and in Bottles
E at Following Resorts:
AJ Dun lap's
g Billy's Place
S Pat McDevitts
c: The Crescent
C Garrison & Quills
Round-Dp Pool Hall
Sutton Cigar Store
E W. W. Hoch
S Bungalow Pool Hall
S The Charles Co.
Grltman's Cigar Store.
O. K. Shop
Served at the FoUowiag
S Cafea.
St George Grill
S Kopper Kettle
S bold to fie family trade ln cases of one dozen bottles and up,
quarts or pinU.
s We also recommend our new True Fruit drinks,
S Brewed and bottled by E
Wm. Roesch Bottling Co. S
S City Brewery.
WBOieeate snd Family Trade. Telephone 528
SHiiifiiiimiiimiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiii iiiuiiiiiiMtiiiimiii
l-'air Woatlier Promised.
Fair weather is promised for all
three days of the Round-Up. Super
visor Cryder of the Umatilla forest
this morning received from the dist
rict forester the following forecast:
"Fair Thursday, Friday and probably
Saturday; temperature near' normal;
light northeast winds."
Bands Arrive,
All of the bands are here to fur
nish music for the Round-Up. The
I -a Grande band arrived this morning,
the Athena. Milton and Weston bands
arrived today and the Pendleton
Round-Up band Is on the job. The
bands were stationed on different cor
ners of the business section this mor-ning.
but had to throw twice to make
catch. Realizing he was near the
time limit he gave up without trying
to complete his task.
R, P. McClellond, the man who
staged the Philomath Hound-Up, lost
a rope in throwing his steer and had
to cast a second time. His throw
was good but he lost time in the ty
ing. Floyd Irwin, making a perfect cast
and a perfect throw and his horse
working beautifully, brought a cheer
from the crowd when he completed
his Job in 35 2-5 seconds.
Hugh Clark, of Cheyenne, brother
of Dan Clark, O.-W. livestock man,
had to throw his steer twice to keep
him down and was thus delayed.
Frank Rogers also arcw a brute hard
to down but finally finished ln 1.01
and compelled them to mount the
bucking burros.
A very picturesque feature was the
appearance of two old prospectors on
the mountain trail that wound down
from the forest and rocks. Leading
their pack burros and with picks over
their shoulders they came down Into
the old town and proceeded to "Ilk
ker up,"
Altogether it was a mighty enter-
tYFSTfwn r,i cuniiun
Phone 609
taining program and It was a atlfhtr
big opening night crowd that saw It
Expert repairing
of Watches
and Jewelry.
Satiifaction guaranteed
Wm. Hanscom
THE Jeweler.
animal was still fresh, he bore him
to the ground by his great strength
in 34 seconds from tne time he start
ed in pursuit.
Earl Newquist chased his steor
clear around the tracx and then after
throwing him, was in such a position
that he could not fasten his teeth in
the brute's lip. At the two minute
limit he lost his steer.
Glenn Bushee of Pendleton staged
the most spectacular fight.
(Continued from Page 1.)
varying moods of nature The
nymphs Included Misses Vera Tern
plu. Jennie Murphy, Veva Cook, Mice
Flnnell, Helen Thompson. Rena
Hales, Madeline Burgess and Mar
garet Phelps.
Wvers Please.
Another departure from past Hap-
He hit py Canyon programs was the exhlbl-
the ground ln a heap but gamely kept 1 tlon of fancy diving by Mn. Coil-
Ins hold on the steer s horns and
eventually turned the animal a com
plete somersault. It was a fight that
won the cowboy an ovation. Jon.
Kick aUo put up a fight worthy of
the name. He, too, got his steer just
in front of the grandstand but was
stance Meyers, national champion,
Helen Hicks, Thelma Payne. Billy
P.oyal and Brownie Webster of Port
land. Into a sunken tank at lie end
of the street they dove from a spring
board 30 feet ln the air their graceful
bodies sailing through the air in many
dragged 50 yards be:ore he could stop ! difficult dives. The crowd attested
I W a ndo Band Arrives.
The La Grande Elks' band arrived
early this morning and is parked in
a special car at the O.-W.
during the three days of the show.
the animal's career. .At that he made
the second best time of the day.
Cowboys' Standing Knee Closely Con
tested. The cowboys' standing race proved
the closest contested of any such
the popularity of this feature by
cheering enthusiastically.
Miss Eva De Verna and her milk
white posing horse also came In for
much applttuse. She appeared on the
elevated platform and sang a solo
race in the Round-Up history, Ben from horseback after which she put
Corbett and Sid Seale, riders of for- her horse through a number of beau-
grounds mer Kound-Ups, found a worthy rival tlful pOBes.
touay in -uwigni z,euicar ot uneyenne. """"J '"&'"6 k
The members are, Leader Haines,
Neck and neck the three two-horse propriate songs from norsehack made
Lonpy, Wilde, Tatman, Lay, Johnson team- traveled the entire half mile one of the biggest hits of the evenlnK
Snapp, Graves. Rehwlnkle, Snodgrass, "ml fished not a length apart. Seale and the crowd couldn t get enough ot
Hie Colonial Mail
is a new and very artistic pat
tern that is growing popular
very fast.
It can be matched at any
time, whether you want forks
or spoons of any of the single
We will be happy to show
you even if you're not in the
buying mood.
Since 1887
Bay. Lewis, MeKinnon, P'escott,
Heacnrk, Sherwood, Ktringham, Per-
rins.. Mays, Homme, Humphreys, Lu-
ner. 'rawfnrd.
there was plenty or excitement.
Car Attrai-ts Attention. Kopers nave Hard L,ucK.
The beautiful Marmon and Dort De" Blanchett, first roper ln the
automobiles driven here from Port- cnampionsnip steer roping contest,
land for the Round-Up by F. W. Vo-1 made a perfect first cast and threw
gler, president of the Northwest Auto1 his steer beautifully. Apparently,
Company and C. M. Menzies, sales , though, he had trouble in getting his
manage-, are attracting much atten-, tie-rope loose and realizing the time
tion. The Marmon, noted as a fine he was losing, gave up the effort,
road car, is a duplicate of the machine j George Wler, one of the champion
which made a record transcontinen-j Wler brothers of 1915, caught his
tal trip in the remarkable tim of i steer with the first throw but had to
five days, five hours and 18 minutes.
won with zedicar second i mem.
The Indian bareback relay was a' Tkere was plenty of cowboy comedy
strung-out affair. Horses ran loose! Injected into the program, some ol
and riders rolled in the dirt but; 11 planned and some of it being ex
temporaneous. With six shooters
they compelled a "shrne" to clog
dance, blew up the box upon which
he wa9 dancing and then amputated
his legs. They seized five red-shirted
amateur cowboys in the grandstand
I 'Lt
O.-W. FXtahll.shew Bureau.
The O-W has established ar. infor
mation bureau at the station for the
three days of the show. The booth
will be in charge of Harold H. West,
O-W traveling freight and passenger
agent, and information will be cheer
fully given not only concerning the
railroad but also about the P.ound
Up and Pendleton in genertl. A spe
cial accommodation phone haa been
Cbamlilon Buckaroo Injured.
Lee Caldwell, champion buckaroo
of the world and winner of the 1915
Round-Up title, was slightly injured
yesterday at Round-Up Park during
the tryouts. He wm riding a new
horse and had finished the ride when
the animal bolted through the fence
catching Caldwel's boot and dragging
him on the ground for some distance.
The Pendleton lad was unconscious
for a short time after being kicked in
the head. HLs Injuries were not se
rious and he will be able to compete
Put on yer Stetson pard aad chaps.
End up yer work at ranch or town.
Nab hold of a hoss, never mind yer taps '
Down Pendleton way come ridlnS down;
Let 'ew Buck!
Fast, west, north, south at th' Round-Up meet
To live again the life of the range,
Old Oregon your sons we honor and greet,
Nor forget their courage which won the grange,
Chae Furlong.
ig"' ''''
(Continued from Page 1.)
heels of the two leaders and with a
grand finish she nosed out a second
to Irene Oliver.
Cowgirls' Btandmg Race,
In the very next event, the cow
girls' standing race, she entered
against Hertha Hlancett, champion
cowgirl, but had harder luck. Her
horses split and she was forced to
quit. When Mrs. Blanchett rode past
a winner, she was given a salvo of ai-plaui
120 acres, close to Milton, good stone buildings, water right,
and dlt?h in; land nil tillable, $100 per acre. This land Is adapt
ed to alfalfa and fruit, free from rock.
600 acres, close to town, produced 56 bushels of barley this
year; has produced 60 bushels of wheat per acre. 60 acres set
to aifalta. Good buildings, orchard, and all kinds of small fruit.
8 horses, and harness, header, seeder, all machinery, chop mill
with motor power, 2 cows, chickens and everything goes with
the place at 145 per acre.
I have some good bargains ln residence property ln Pendle
ton. Come In and look them over before they are picked up.
One of the best propositions ever offered In the west for two
or three young men who want to engage In th stock business.
8,000 acres well fenced and cross fenced; fine range, good build
ings, big barns, orchards and abundance of water; 600 tons of
hay, all farm machinery goes with It free of cost the price has
been reduced from f 10 to 18.60 per acre on easy terms. Tou
can buy with It, 860 well-bred cattle at range prices, calves
thrown in. Owner has made all the money he wants and wishes
to retire. '
. iSs3ii
All Flavor of Soda Water
Tell your Ice Man what you want or phone
Smythe - Lonergan Co.
Phone 178
n r motow c ' y
Pendleton, Ore.
crS i
H ''
111 SiHHiifNiimiHimini
The car that Is sold by what Is In it, what Is behind it and
what it has done.
Bulck enjoys a reputation that cannot be bought. Buick
has earned It by making good.
Its wonderful success In eastern Oregon over hills and
rough roads accounts for Its wonderful salea
Pulck's price, though reasonable, Is too much for you to
experiment with. That's why we say buy a Bulck and get
guaranteed performance and satisfaction.
117, 119. Ul, 123 Wert Court St.
Telephone 468
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