.-UIll I Auto DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1916. PAGE HVl LOUIS J. HILL TO WITNESS ROUND-VP PASTIME IjmiIh ,1, Hill, prrxiiiint of the Hill H.vt-ir of railroad., will ar- Hie In IVnilli-um tomorrow in a sinful cur with his iwrtv to alt-iil Die Itmiiul-l . Tills welcome word won nvil to ft1 (lay by the lauiidrynu-ti lien- from Frank M nllouch of Sk- kane who has prevailed usin 1r. Hill to attend the oxhibl- Uon. Eltht b wat for Fri- ilay and Saturday have bon reserved for Mr. Hill for the show. We Change Every Day During Round-Up CHARLIE CHAPLIN in His Latest Comedy 4 DAYS ATI n i r rt I An Ail 4j ?! v5 ONE A. M. "THE FOOLS GAME" Jungle Picture with Margaret Gibson Adults 15c Kartoon Komics Children 5c LOCALS Advertising in Briet hates! I'fr Utir first Insertion 10c I'tr tine, additional Insertion . . . 6e I'm Mu, per munlta fl.OU Na hxila taken fur 1pm thin 20c. Caiut 6 ordinary wortia to Hue. Lek) will out be takes over tba lelepkue ncrnt from Hut Orefun laa fit ap eubecrlaen. Mlns Comstock, beauty specialist, Maooa't Millinery. Ban for rent, suitable for two au tooaaVkM. Inquire 401 Aura street. ( haul your garbage and trash Phome II3H. 1401 W. Railroad it Dl a. Waffle auto for hire. Phone 2HM. Stand, Charles Co. Phone 7. RhA Olympla oysters for sal at 0t JleabuchJi. Pnone 10. Utm Ifalr, dremmaklas. Rooma 14 mi IS, Association Building. Fah erawflsh and Olympla oyatara at aba Qaelle. Suits pressed 60c; thoroughly clean ed 11.50. Rudd. 310 W. Webb. Phone w. Wanted Children to care for dur ing afternoona of Round-Up. 321 W. High. Wanted Walter or waitress at Hong- Kong Cafe, 648 Main street. Ap ply at once. For sale or rent Modern resi dence at 225 Jane. Inquire Buford Butler, Hohbaoh's Bakery. Six cylinder, 48 H. P. -passenger second hand car for sale, 3325 If Uken at once. See Cote at Oregon Oarage. Call Penland Bros, van te more your household goods. Telephone 38. Also baggage transferring and heavy haul ing. For sale Five room bouse, east Court street Desirable location, close to achool. A genuine bargain Fot particulars address R, C. Jory, Mau pin. Ore. Roaming house for sale. liata street. In center of business lsfrtot Doing good business. Inquire of Pen land Bros. CONR.OTS The Store ot Quality, Service and Low Prices STORE CLOSED FROM, 1 TO 5 P. M. TO SEE THE BIG SHOW. Moat of the people of Pendleton have found out what a saving they can make on their Gro cery bills by trading at Conroy's Cash Grocery THE BIG CASH GROCERY. For sale or rent 8-room house, hot water heat Inquire Buford Butler at Otto Hohbueh's Bakery. The muffins male from Blyden stein's Prepared Dietary Flour and Blydensteln'a Self Rising Pastry flour at the Delta. Mattress maklig, furniture repair ing, upholstering, called for and deliv ered, city or cojiitry. La Dow Bros.. 219 Beauregard. Pohne 227J. Hoard and room that is homelike: also furnished houseiceeplng rooma Clean and close In. Brown Hall. Tel ephone 350. H. H. Copeland. Prompt automobile taxi service, day or night. Funerals to cemetery only $3 50. Phone 680. Hotel 8; George. Carney Taxi Ca. Salesmen wanted To sell our tplendid line of fruit and ornamental trees. Good terms. Good territory. Good prospects. Cash advanced on orders. Albany Nurseriea, First Na tional Bank. Albany, Oregon. To Uoand-l'p Visitant. Round-Up visitors are cordially In vited to visit the new Umatilla County Library situated on the bank of the Umatilla river and which may be seen from any place on Main street. The reading room and reading porch will furnish delightfully quiet plaeeB for visitors while resting from the ex citement of the Round-Up and Happy Canyon. The toilets are supplied with liquid soap and paper towels and are for the accommodation of all librarv visitors. Library hours during Knund-Up will be from 9:00 a, m. to 12:00 and from 7:00 to 10:00 p. m. Thin world needs more general re spect for International law. Notice of Payment of C4ty of Pendle ton Improvement Bond. Notice is hereby given thit the City of Pendleton Improvement Bond No. 12, Series F, will be paid upon pre sentation thereof to the undersigned at the American National Bank, Pen dleton, Umatilla County, Oregon. Interest on said bond ceases Octo ber l, 11. Dated September 13, 1918. LEE MOORHOU6E, Treasurer, City of Pendleton, by Wm. MlckeLen, Deputy, Notice to the Public There will be no deliveries on aft ernoons of the Round-Up. PENLAND BROS. TRANSFER CO (Adv.) Homesteads. Relinquishment On 320 acres fine grasB land. 30 acres fenced, 16 acres plowed, 15 tons wheat hay. House 12x14. Government land Joining, six miles from town. 3400. Q. A. St each. Long Creek, Oregon Adv. Hotel for Slu. Good paying hotel In live eountry town, 800 people. 32 rooms, kitchen dining room, completely furnished, bath, hot and cold water. Electrio lights. 36000, 32500 cash, balance like rent or woul dtake good income property anywhere for all over 32600. For full particulars address "XX' care East Oregonlan. or see Mr. R at Bowman Hotel during Round-Up Adv. Notice. Moore and Fuller, the farm land men from St. Anthony and Ashton, Idaho, will be at the St. George hotel for several days, commencing Thurs day, September 21st See them for chea: wheat lands and stock ranches. rtv. For Kale at a Bargain. Corner lot and two houses. Fine shade trees, cement walks, including gas range and coke burner. Alex Manning. 800 W. Alta. Adv. Ill IPS LAST TIME TODAY jjf BIG DOUBLE BILL STRONG DIVERSIFIED PROGRAM ill! HI Three Big Stars in a Big Triangle Play. A Guaranteed Attraction. j FRANK KEENAN, CHAS. RAY and LOUIS GLAUM, in fti ..'..,Vu! . "1010 1 III II" Motion Picture News What the Picture Theaters Have to Tetl xoo. At the Alta. Girls, can you keep a secret? "Neither can I," says Manager Cooper of the Alta theater, where the Famous Bostonians open an engage ment tonight in "Tipperary Mary.'' "Mrs. E. Lang, their director, writes be that they have a surprise in store for the public. She has secured the services of a young nun, an Austral ian, with a colorful tenor voice to play the leading man In all her productions this year. He will make nis debut In "Tipperary Mary," a tuneful piece wrapped up in scenery of sixth cen tury old Ireland. "Following this comes a flood of sunshine from the South Pacific named "Iroma." It is full of adven ture, comedy, brightness, sprinkled with graceful dancing. "The olden Slipper" is a musical comedy of a mixture which will need no "shaking" before taking and will heal the blues. The beautiful story of the Paradise of the Pacific, "The Rose of Hono lulu," Is taken from an ancient tale of Hawaii. The music is charming and the dances are sensational. At the Cosy. The quaint story of the adoption, education and later-day romance ol Miss Petticoats, granddaughter of an old New Bedford whaling captain has meen immortalized on the screen through the efforts of William A. Brady, who has had the famous story of "Miss Petticoats'- adopted to mo tion pictures, and filmed under the direction of Harley Knoyes, with a strong cast, headed ty Alice Brady, supported by such star players as Ar thur Ashley, Johnny Hines, Alex B. Francis and Mildred Havens. A company consists of 28 actors and actresses invaded the quiet city of New Bedford, on the rocky coast of the state of Massachusetts, and there proceeded to fllm the story of Miss Petticoats, who, in the story In Dwight Tllton's book, is a New Bed ford girl, the granddaughter of a fishing schooner captain. The life of the girl while on the old fining ves sel, in the cotton mills, and while se cretary and companion In a fashion able home has been pnotographed in its entirety in the atmosphere and locale used by the author of the book. An old schooner was prepared, where the .scenes were filmed, and Miss Brady, the star in this feature photoplay, spent several days in one of the big mills watching the girls work, later doing work herself. Is not exaggerating matters in the least In saying that no motion picture has yet been produced in which the producing company was so successful in procuring exactly the required lo cale for ail Its scenes as this feature version of "Miss Petticoats," which is the attraction coming at the Cosy theater on Tuesday and Wednesday CHA1U.KY HAY AFTKll 1AR1SE liLAUM'S KQ. ALSO KEYSTONE COMEDY. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT FOR THE WEEK BURNS BROS . & Till S COLORED TROUBADORS 10 People; Funny Comedians; Good Singers; Clever Dancers; Old Time Melodies. Come You're Going to Laugh. Biggest and Best Show in the City ADULTS 25c CHILDREN 15c iiiiimmmi.il Triangle's Hoau Brummel Wears Kleven Suits tf clothes in "Honor Thy Name." Charles Uay, the gifted young Trl-anle-Ince juvenile, is given a fine op portunity to display himself as a "fa-shlon plate'' in "Honor Thy Name!'' the Triangle drama by J. (! Hawks in which Thomas H. Ince presents Frank Keenan and Ray as custars, and he makes the most of it. Ituy plays the role ot Rodney Cas tieton, a young southerner, who leaves his home in Dixie to attend col lege in New Tork. There he meets and associates with the Bohemian element at the institution und gpeuJi most of his time in the cafes. Thus he is enabled to "make a big splurge." from a sartorial standpoint. It chanced that a few days prior toj the time Kay was cast In "Honor Thy j Name!" ho had Invested several hun dred dollars in the replenishment ot his already extensive wardrobe. Hence his appearance in this production will, give his admirers a chance to learn with what exacting taste this youni? actor selects his wearing apparel. j In all, Kay wears eleven different suits of clothes during the production. Temple today. To serve Meal. The ladies of the Methodist church will serve meals in the basement of the church Thursday, Friday and Sat urday. The church will be open to visitors during the day. Adv. A TODAY B. F. Lang Presents THE FAMOUS N AHS THE SWEET SIXTEEN GIRLS IN THE LATEST MUSICAL HITS and the regular Paramount Picture Program eaoi IOE30 pper 7 n Thursday ffi Friday Saturday ary KJary Sunday The lose of Honolulu IIIIHSID ft' ml , i WILUAM A. BRADY Presents the world favorite ALICE BRADY in the famous New Eng land story I lion Petticoats "i j. X fflPP'IPI'lll'IIPIIIP'IIIIIPIIPIIII'Nl'llllllillPII!'!!!!!!!! iHlliliilliiililiillilllliiullIiilllililiilalilllu Rased on Dwight Tilton's book of the same nume, samarioized and directed by Harley Knoles at the Peerless Studio. A pretty young eirl stoDS a ruiuwiv adopted by a wealthy wo man, shunned by the town's society, but ally wins ihe nnn r. hpart. "Mk I. f i .. ! - nil! be the feattin- at t:" 'oxy. mill 'IS Tin- i!'iimmiHii'ii'niiii!i!i!iiim:it!iiiini'ii iiiiuiiiiiMMiiilirfUiiliii!iniiiiiiiiiiiiik IIIMIIillllK, I'll 1 1 1 i i ! I 1 1 i I ' i , , ; llillUM.t!UUlimJ